I have multiple copies of leeroy I'm saving just in case he's nerfed
Sargeras should just be
10 cost
99 health 99 dmg
Can not be targeted at all
Battlecry: destroys everything. You win.
I now have 4k gold gents. Bring on Naxx which will cost 5000!
Druid card, 14 mana cost, you automatically win if you play this card.
No fucking chance it'll cost 5k
How would you play it, can't get more than 10 mana
How would you play it, can't get more than 10 mana
Innervate doesn't let you get past 10?
Innervate doesn't let you get past 10?
Innervate doesn't let you get past 10?
How would you play it, can't get more than 10 mana
How would you play it, can't get more than 10 mana
I understand your point, and I like the idea, but why have a legendary that has a good chance of just getting itself killed? Outside of Millhouse Manastorm, I can't really think of any other legendary that has a chance to blow up in your face right after using it.I think there should be a chance that a Leeroy play just straight up blows up in your face every once in awhile.
I think there should be a unit that makes spells cost (1) more like mana wraith. I would so use them on rogue then stealth them forever muahhahaaahahahahahahaha
I wonder why every second or so opponent I play against has a golden hero ability
If they make it so you can't use spells on him, than he basically is just a fireball you can't play in many circumstances. That would just straight up kill him as a card.
I still think the best route to go is to make it so that the whelps randomly attack two targets the moment they go down. Currently the whelps are a complete non-factor 95% of the time Leeroy is played, all they do is force Leeroy to be used as a finisher. I think there should be a chance that a Leeroy play just straight up blows up in your face every once in awhile. It fits the card thematically and it would encourage players to have other minions on their side of the board before playing him, so that he can't swing a game so hard.
I like this game but what the hell man. I play in the casual unranked mode and it keeps placing me against people with these legendaries in their decks with stupid health/damage values and incredible special effects, sometimes these cards have BOTH IIRC. Ridiculous. I cannot beat those decks with just the starter cards, and I don't really see how I can earn enough coins to buy decks to earn new cards either, unless I spend money. I suppose thats the point...
Turn 1 Mana Wyrm, Turn 2 Knife Juggler, Coin, Mirror Images.
played against a freeze mage, exhausted all the fireballs and frost bolts, healed up after Alex - then fucking Antonidas, two more fireballs and a pyroblast. Goddamnit
Freeze mage is adorable!
Played a shaman who played Ilidan, good thing my hand lock deck has sacrificial pack
..for.. the mirror jarax...?
And he stalled you through all that? Props to him.
well ... it was a freeze mage![]()
I just came off of fighting 3 freeze mages. Just not sure how he got rid of all his burn AND stalled you but still managed to drop Antonidas and then get another turn to fireball and then another to pyro. Your draws had to have been terrible.
Do you run voids in your handlock or is the card dead 99% of the time?
The whelps attacking randomly I think isn't very good anyway. Sometimes Leeroy is played and it doesn't end the game. I'd rather have the whelps then and decide what to do with them. Not have them by chance have attacked some random target on my opponents board for 1 damage, killing themselves.
I would just increase Leeroy cost by 1. Slows it down a little and delays the burst turn. Maybe increase his damage by 1 to offset a bit.
I'd prefer they make Leeroy take one damage for each spell cast on him. The card itself is fine. It's when he gets stacked with multiple buffs he gets ridiculous. With one damage per spell he could only be buffed once with his two health. That seems reasonable.