Two DQ's resulting in a loss and followed by playful sprites. Right after I play risk free and have made the most awesome deck in arena ever. 3 Unbounds and 4 lightning bolts. Fuck you blizzard and fuck your cheap ass servers.
Good habit is to count dmg on board and in hand every turn.I miss lethal a lot...
I sometimes get so focused on trading minions (which is what I enjoy the most -- I should really try to play more Arena) that I just don't pay attention to my opponents health and my on board damage.
always ask yourself "Do we win?"
I was disenchanting some extra common/rares mindlessly yesterday and accidently disenchanted my extra legendary Harrison. Luckily I still have one and was thinking of doing it anyway...
What were you gonna do with the extra Harrison anyway? He's not going to get nerfed.
Nothing, but I wasn't really in need for dust and I just got the extra a couple of days ago. I'm just glad I didn't dust a different legendary that I have a single copy of.
Nerubian Egg will allow Rogues to get a pretty decent board presence on turn 5 with an SI:7 Agent. Can see an outside chance of being played with a Fire Elemental as well. But those are both already mandatory cards for their classes.
I'm thinking Nerubian Egg plus Hellfire. Warlock can clear the board and play two 4/4s for 7 mana.
Can't you just get the card back if you notice it immediately anyway?
You need to force the enemy to kill Nerubian Egg or to buff it and trade for it to have any good value. Abusive sergeant is the best synergy with dem eggs.
Flametongue Totem is another option. Or you could go for taunts with Sunfury Protector or Defender of Argus.
Zoo could also use them for AOE insurance.
Oh you can? I didn't know that.
Yeah zoo is the deck I see them as viable cards. Not elsewhere straight away, but it's impossible to see the coming meta yet.
Paladin can do it as well to accompany pyromancer -> equality. No one likes 3 card combos though.
Flametongue Totem is another option. Or you could go for taunts with Sunfury Protector or Defender of Argus.
Zoo could also use them for AOE insurance.
I just imagined a Young Priestess buffing an egg out of AOE range. Got to be careful with that combo.
I just imagined a Young Priestess buffing an egg out of AOE range. Got to be careful with that combo.
Could always remove the Young Priestress from your deck, it's not the most vital card in a Zoo deck anyway.
Would be sweet to have Naxx tomorrow. Having a friendly tournament this weekend and it would make it a bit more exciting.
Taking bets on how long that iPad will last.
Bro, my black iPad Mini survived 6 months.
No...But did you play Hearthstone on it?
I'd tell you to insure it against accidental damage... but that would be insurance fraud.
Let's go
Both iPads are connected to the same Wifi... Why can't they find each other in "players near me"?
Let's go
Both iPads are connected to the same Wifi... Why can't they find each other in "players near me"?
Let's go
Both iPads are connected to the same Wifi... Why can't they find each other in "players near me"?
How long would that take me? And would I only be required to download it on my PC?...
You can get the fireside backside in 5 mins with a program that emulates the network.
One thing my friends and I ran into while unlocking the Fireside Gathering card back was if the accounts are already on each other's friends list the players near me function won't work and as such you couldn't unlock the card back. If that's what you're running into just delete them all off each other's friends list and log off / log on and it should work.
I've always wondered what the most fatigue damage you could take is. Need to build a healadin deck of some sort that could test the theory.
Your best bet would be Warrior since Paladin would be capped at 30 max health plus a few heals. I figure with a Warrior deck containing nothing but heals and armor cards, you could build up your armor very very high, especially if you're playing against a friend and you have Armorsmiths... maybe some Faceless Manipulators to clone your Armorsmiths. Face a Priest and play with Lorewalker Cho to make copies of Whirlwind and Circle of Heal and spam both to keep adding armor and then healing up your minions. Could get tons of armor that way and probably generate some massive fatigue situations.
Actually it would have to be a mirror match where both players are playing the same thing. Otherwise the other person dies first. So while using Cho and a priest might be good for breaking armor records, not a good option for fatigue. But I think you are right. Armor every turn and the put down 4 armorsmiths for each side, then 3 other 4hp+ minions per side and spam whirlwind? Maybe have Lorewalker Cho to have shield block passed back and forth? The main concern is the rest of your deck that can't fit. Gotta find a way to burn cards.
You getYou can get higher Fatigue damage using 2 priests with Northshire Clerics and Faceless Manipulators and Circle of Healing (and getting lucky with Thoughtsteals) than you can by surviving 49 turns.
Yoshi are u on eu or na server ?
What I wouldn't give for a "no rules" mode where I could mix and match cards from different classes, have more than 2 copies of cards, have more than 30 cards, etc. I remember making stupid house rules all the time when I played Magic and Pokemon. Never turned out as well as I had dreamed, bu tit was fun to try.
I'm sure I'm being far too hopeful for something like that to happen with HS.