What's the point of getting to legendary tho? I just made it to rank 5 today and I play ladder only for dailies. Bragging rights? The card back?
The card back. Then again I'm afraid that I'll never play ranked once I hit legend :/
What's the point of getting to legendary tho? I just made it to rank 5 today and I play ladder only for dailies. Bragging rights? The card back?
I recently found Antonidas in a pack.
Would anyone kindly suggest a good deck with him? I remember reading here about a freeze mage variant with Antonidas (possibly instead of Alex? I don't have it).
Hearthpwn is blocked at work (-__- ) , so pls don't link there...
In which case they always have to save evis and a combo card or pray there's something to suicide it into. Either way it limits their mana which is hopefully a good fix.
The card back. Then again I'm afraid that I'll never play ranked once I hit legend :/
Yeah just those two. It's like getting a kinda difficult achievement in a game except people can see you have it. I also like to think it intimidates your opponent in arena.What's the point of getting to legendary tho? I just made it to rank 5 today and I play ladder only for dailies. Bragging rights? The card back?
Dat double Ancestral Spirit Earth Elemental (Ancestral Spirit was Farsighted so it was put down in 1 turn with faceless)
I can tell you right now it is going to be a pain in the ass in druid decks cause turn 8 they will loatheb + healing touch. Turn 9 FON + SR along with loatheb being 5/5 it brings their combo up to 21 damage.
And it will be next to impossible to kill the druid or loatheb on turn 8 due to loatheb's effect + the heal or taunt they drop alongside it.
The best way to counter that is to play Loatheb on your Turn 8, cancelling out their Turn 9 FON + SR combo.
The token aggro mage I've been playing, from DuckWingFace, is pretty fun. This is the latest version:
Won't this get stomped by zoo?
But it's ugly >_>
The token aggro mage I've been playing, from DuckWingFace, is pretty fun. This is the latest version:
Probably that 2/2 spellpower rat.What would you replace Thalnos with on a budget? Packs haven't been so kind to me.
Probably that 2/2 spellpower rat.
Yet it's the only thing you'll ever get for being good at ranked....
In any scenario, Arena is better value for your time.
WEC Hearthstone World Cup EU qualifiers didn't have that awesome games last weekend but I'm still looking forward for the NA qualifiers. Here is the player list:
NA Invited Players:
The token aggro mage I've been playing, from DuckWingFace, is pretty fun. This is the latest version:
Speaking of top 16, did Trump just totally give up on that? Last time I went into his stream he was doing some free rogue deck or something.
Tokens seem pointless without savage roar, power of the wild, or bloodlust.
Yeah he gave up, he also failed to qualify for some other tournament a few days ago.
I think the thing that's hurting him is that he often plays not to lose instead of playing to win. which is great for arena and okay for laddering but not very good in a tourney setting. I think once all of the naxx cards are out and the games become more focused on board control rather than stalling the game out so you can burst your opponent down in a single turn he'll do a lot better.
Has the thread discussed Deathlord and how it will literally turn Miracle Rogue into dust yet?
Or no?
I doubt Deathlord specifically would kill Miracle Rogue, in fact it might lead to hilarious stuff like getting a free Leeroy on the board without whelps.
Uh what?
Probably means rank 20? You get a card back for reaching it each season.
Or hilarious stuff like Van Cleef as a 2/2I doubt Deathlord specifically would kill Miracle Rogue, in fact it might lead to hilarious stuff like getting a free Leeroy on the board without whelps.
I don't know if Loatheb will really change the meta, it's a guaranteed one-turn delay against Miracle Rogue, kinda like Ice Block is for Mage - but is that really all that's needed to secure a win against Miracle Rogue? I know sometimes it's "who gets his combo first?" with Druid burst etc, but still.
Goddamn Amaz getting Rag in every arena run
I finally got around to beating the heroic bosses last night and I used handlock against anub. His first deathlord pulled out a faceless manipulator. It was pretty funny.
So I got bored, made my own card.
Didn't turn out as well as I wanted but I still think it's funny.
3am EST release? Wtf is that?
So a week is eight days now?