I created a combo shaman deck that I have been toying with. Not the best yet considering I've been sitting at rank 5 with a 50% win rate but is a lot of fun to play:
Current thoughts on some of the more atypical cards compared to standard shaman.
Everyone seems to think that 2 earthshock is mandatory in shaman and I heavily disagree. I find that earthshock is often a low impact card doing ~2 damage for 1 mana and I don't like having 6 1 cost spells as it tends to lead to me running out of cards very quickly. Even against naxxramas cards I haven't missed the second earthshock.
2x Reincarnate: in 30 games this has never been a dead card in my hand for more than a few turns. Either I can use it on an egg, silence a twilight drake, unsilence + heal sylvanas, or use it for some other interesting purpose. Even when I have both in hand I don't feel like my hand is weak.
Lava Burst: This deck has both a slower early game compared to more standard shaman as well has having way more burst damage than standard shaman. So I think a lava burst makes sense both for removal and killing.
2x mana tide totem: As this is more of a combo deck the card draw is really important. In addition, I've found mana tide to stick for more than 1 turn really often because I have a lot of high priority silence targets. Say on turn 7 I drop the baron and mana tide. Which does my opponent silence? Not to mention sylvanas and the eggs are also silence targets. This tends to mean that my opponent can not afford to silence the totem and has to kill it with damage.
Unbound Elementals vs Harvest Golem: I tried harvest golem for a while. Even with Baron Rivendare and 2x Reincarnate they were not better. Especially since I've added more overload to my deck than is typical (lava burst). Across 20 games with these guys I never once got extra value out of them from their deathrattles. Whereas with the 10 games with Elementals I was able to power them up with overload about 50% of the time.
Baron Rivendare: This guy has been amazing. Have I ever gotten 2x Sylvanas steals? No. Did I ever get 2x Baines (when I was trying out Cairne)? No. So why is this guy amazing? Because he sticks around for
ever. It's not uncommon for me to just play this guy on turn 4 and have him still be there 5 turns later. And within those 5 turns he can either deal good damage with a flametongue or I can pull off a nerubian egg combo. I've even started keeping this guy in my starting hand against some classes so I can just play him out on turn 4. He also combos well with flametongue totem because he can get with the +2 attack and live to do it again. I think the most important to thing to learn about this guy is to not try and set up some dream combo. Just play him.
Leeroy: I had him in, took him out, put him back in again. He's won me enough games that I think I'm going to keep him in for now. The thing to learn with him is that in this deck he isn't the win condition. For every game he wins, there are two games where I just use him as removal. And that's OK, because his combo cards (rockbiter, flametongue, reincarnate) aren't dead cards without him. Aside from hex it's pretty hard for shaman to just kill a yeti or a druid of the claw and this guy gets that done.
Sylvanas: She's really not the end all omg combo card. She's just a pretty good creature like always that is slightly boosted by potential reincarnate combo. Worth noting though that I compared her performance to Cairne and Sylvanas was waaaaay better. Cairne is just too slow and for a late game reincarnation combo you don't get much more than you would from just egg + reincarnation.
In total I have 5 cards that 'activate' reincarnate: 2x egg, leeroy, sylvanas, al'akir. That seems pretty slim but in combination with the utility plays of silence/unsilence I have generally found that to be ok. I have for example played it to silence twilight drakes, silence taunted giants, unsilence sylvanas, and unsilence mana tide/flametongue totems. Definitely looking forward to trying out the later naxxramas cards though to fill that list up a bit more.