I'm gonna share my new rogue deck. I'm not 100% what sure what to classify it as. I know what to not classify it as. It isn't control, aggro, or miracle rogue. It is a tempo/midrange deck. I've had a more tempo version of it that included mukla and van cleef but I didn't like how it was operating against last weeks meta. Then this week spectral knight came out so I was like, damn I want to try those and so far they are great.
The main strategy to the deck is to gain board control and put out sizeable threats that cannot be removed easily. Then drop loatheb and hit face as hard as I can over the next two turns. If I drop loatheb and a coldblood or 2 on other minions that turn, it is like GG. They drop a taunt, I black knight it or assassinate, and then I proceed to get so far ahead that they lose.
I call it Drama Rogue cause I am bad at memorable names but sometimes the drama of this deck is like a roller coaster.
Anubar ambusher is a hidden star of the show. The card is great on its own and healing it up with si7 agent is actually quite awesome because if it dies I get to use the earthen ring farseer again so it isn't completely terrible that that happens. Every once in a while I make a dumb play and ambusher actually bounces hurt me. But the thing is generally speaking ambusher is enough threat on its own that I can put out lots of pressure without having to keep dropping threats alongside it. I've learned to mitigate its downside pretty well so I haven't had much trouble and I personally think the card is worth it. And there are scenarios where I can get a lot of value out of the bounce, like getting a second use out of loatheb for example. And a lot of scenarios where it bounces a low cost card like faerie dragon that I just replay.
Ironbeak owl is another amazing card in the deck. You can imagine why, but I keep him in my mulligan vs warlock now cause he is great vs both zoolock and handlock. And being a 2cc I can use him to combo out si7 agent on turn 5 which is very important for my deck if it starts off slow. And easily gets rid of a taunt when going for lethal.
The last card I want to talk about is assassinate. This card is definitely underrated imho. So far it has been amazing vs zoolock for taking out undamaged doomguards and great vs handlock for taking out giants. And vs taunt heavy decks, since I have black knight as well, I don't mind using it even on something like druid of the claw. One match I had a terribly slow start vs zoolock who dropped a turn 3 deathlord. Turn 4 I coined assassinate and got a spectral knight. That was a huge swing.