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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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So I lost to my first bot I guess. I mean, pretty damn lucky to top deck savage roar in pure topdecking mode the moment it counts. The chance of that happening was quite rare I suppose. Drawing into 2 violet teachers and both swipes and then savage roar...
Took me about 1.5 hours to complete this heroic wing without netdecking. Definitely the hardest wing so far. I went through lots of decks and tried a few different classes. I like that. I wish the other two were more like this and hope the next are even more difficult!
I think I am playing another bot lol... 2 in a row after not seeing any at all. I am sitting with him at 2 hp and I have a 3 damage weapon equipped... a normal player would have conceded by now.

He prob came back to the pc to start threatening after rope burner started. The whole match not a single target reticule tho. Maybe he wasn't a bot. Maybe reticule thingie or whatever you wanna call the giant red arrows are not working properly in this patch.
I think I am playing another bot lol... 2 in a row after not seeing any at all. I am sitting with him at 2 hp and I have a 3 damage weapon equipped... a normal player would have conceded by now.

He prob came back to the pc to start threatening after rope burner started. The whole match not a single target reticule tho. Maybe he wasn't a bot. Maybe reticule thingie or whatever you wanna call the giant red arrows are not working properly in this patch.



And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I'm glad I jumped of the HS-serious-business ship just before the bot wagon. That would've been even more frustrating to play against.

I dunno tbh. I think there are red arrow things even for ipad, but maybe...

I'm glad I jumped of the HS-serious-business ship just before the bot wagon. That would've been even more frustrating to play against.

Well it isn't like he was playing any better than a non-bot would have. Just going all in quite early and happening to top deck a win is not how normal people play, but sometimes people actually do play that way. And by all in I mean turn 3 cat druid. I happened to clear his board... but couldn't regain enough initiative to put pressure on him while dealing with his board.


They're gonna need to put some sort of Punkbuster-esque code into HS to look for Hearthbuddy and Hearthcrawler. This sucks.
Channel is flagged for questionable material.
Blizz is really trying to cover this up.

They should. The more advertising the bot program gets the more people will use it. But being flagged doesn't mean you can't watch it either way I guess.

Wow the bot just lost to some shitty ass weird warlock deck that runs alexstrasza and wolfrider and giants. It got wrecked once alex hit the field... lmao. It is stuck in high ranks. It looks so trashy.
I'm gonna share my new rogue deck. I'm not 100% what sure what to classify it as. I know what to not classify it as. It isn't control, aggro, or miracle rogue. It is a tempo/midrange deck. I've had a more tempo version of it that included mukla and van cleef but I didn't like how it was operating against last weeks meta. Then this week spectral knight came out so I was like, damn I want to try those and so far they are great.

The main strategy to the deck is to gain board control and put out sizeable threats that cannot be removed easily. Then drop loatheb and hit face as hard as I can over the next two turns. If I drop loatheb and a coldblood or 2 on other minions that turn, it is like GG. They drop a taunt, I black knight it or assassinate, and then I proceed to get so far ahead that they lose.

I call it Drama Rogue cause I am bad at memorable names but sometimes the drama of this deck is like a roller coaster.


Anubar ambusher is a hidden star of the show. The card is great on its own and healing it up with si7 agent is actually quite awesome because if it dies I get to use the earthen ring farseer again so it isn't completely terrible that that happens. Every once in a while I make a dumb play and ambusher actually bounces hurt me. But the thing is generally speaking ambusher is enough threat on its own that I can put out lots of pressure without having to keep dropping threats alongside it. I've learned to mitigate its downside pretty well so I haven't had much trouble and I personally think the card is worth it. And there are scenarios where I can get a lot of value out of the bounce, like getting a second use out of loatheb for example. And a lot of scenarios where it bounces a low cost card like faerie dragon that I just replay.

Ironbeak owl is another amazing card in the deck. You can imagine why, but I keep him in my mulligan vs warlock now cause he is great vs both zoolock and handlock. And being a 2cc I can use him to combo out si7 agent on turn 5 which is very important for my deck if it starts off slow. And easily gets rid of a taunt when going for lethal.

The last card I want to talk about is assassinate. This card is definitely underrated imho. So far it has been amazing vs zoolock for taking out undamaged doomguards and great vs handlock for taking out giants. And vs taunt heavy decks, since I have black knight as well, I don't mind using it even on something like druid of the claw. One match I had a terribly slow start vs zoolock who dropped a turn 3 deathlord. Turn 4 I coined assassinate and got a spectral knight. That was a huge swing.


They're gonna need to put some sort of Punkbuster-esque code into HS to look for Hearthbuddy and Hearthcrawler. This sucks.

There already is - Blizzard has their own solution to stop botters that is used in WoW and Hearthstone, it's just that it's a never-ending battle to ensure that you detect the bots -> the bots find a new way in -> blizzard detects those new ways -> the bots find a new way in -> infinite loop.

They've never been able to eradicate bots in WoW, and they never will in Hearthstone. It's just impossible to do.

One of the reasons bots are running rampant is that Hearthstone doesn't run Warden. Once they start doing that then it would cut them down a lot because most of the bots rely on injecting into the Hearthstone process in order to read the board state and hands and data. Without those they'd have to rely on image recognition which is very flaky.

I thought HS *did* run Warden? And even Warden isn't perfect - there are still bots that bypass Warden in WoW, for example.


Just lost to my first bot.

I wonder how Blizzard is going to identify these people that are using them.

One of the reasons bots are running rampant is that Hearthstone doesn't run Warden. Once they start doing that then it would cut them down a lot because most of the bots rely on injecting into the Hearthstone process in order to read the board state and hands and data. Without those they'd have to rely on image recognition which is very flaky.


oh neat so everyone just plays the exact same warlock deck now that my mage control deck dominates.



With Gothic they have really outdone themselves....this is by far the most stupid boss design in a game in a looooong time.
An stupidly overpowered heropower mixed with a silly amount of rng bs. Basically the designers saying: Listen guys we simply dont have the brains to make a proper ai so this is what you get instead.
Please blizzard hire the bot developer instead....


Second rage friend request today, calling CW dead maybe was a bit premature. On the other hand I haven't encountered any more Reincarnate Shamans.
I just played a very interesting deck. A demon deck. It wasn't like omg this is a brand new deck. Just enjoying the different meta though.

It was very weird seeing felguard being used. I ended up using an assassinate hoping to leverage the lost crystal and keep my minion alive longer. But then a turn later I DC'D and reconnected to seeing a 5/4 flame imp. I think he used his flame imp that was on board to remove my faerie dragon then played a flame imp and used demonfire on it. I removed it was eviscerate.

A turn or two later I had the interesting choice of either silencing the voidcaller or a nerubian egg. I played loatheb preventing him from doing all sorts of things I suppose and he ended up just removing the owl instead of sacrificing his voidcaller which I presume would have summoned something big like a 6/6 or a doomguard.

I ended up winning that next turn using assassin's blade, blood poison, cold blood, plus the 5 damage from loatheb, and ending with another 5 damage from blade flurry. 19 damage burst combo with only 5 on board. I love it. I almost didn't see it too.


Just played my first bot as well, Token Druid with ridiculous draws (turn one double Squire, back to back Teachers I couldn't remove immediately followed by PotW, double DotC and double Drake when we were top decking). Based Sludge Belcher ended up saving my ass. Match would have had the same outcome against a human player so whatever.

When I let him rot at 1 HP for the rest of the game he religiously kept hero powering and playing the drops he drew for like ten minutes, always with the exact same delay, not caring whatsoever about the fact that he'd need five combos to break through all the armor I had stacked up by now:

Time to wake the fuck up, Blizzard.

I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
No mouseovers, exact same delay between every move and continuing a 100% lost match for fifteen minutes straight like it's nothing.

No mouseovers doesn't say much. Lots of us play touch. I actually think it's a disadvantage having mouseovers since I can always see what a pc person is thinking and predict their next turn.


No mouseovers doesn't say much. Lots of us play touch. I actually think it's a disadvantage having mouseovers since I can always see what a pc person is thinking and predict their next turn.

Well you do get the red arrow with touch controls. Bots seem to flash ot for a few frames or not at all. The identical delay between moves is the best giveaway.

I wonder why no botters have implemented emotes to them yet :)


I'm pretty sure all I'm playing are bots now. They take forever to play, evaluate all the options, hover over them, click, etc.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I'm pretty sure all I'm playing are bots now. They take forever to play, evaluate all the options, hover over them, click, etc.

Are we entering into early counter-strike land where "everyone" was running wallhacks and aimbots?!

The bots don't cheat, right? Like, they don't get certain cards or anything?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
People taking fucking 5 minutes per turn at 2 mana.

Fuck this piece of shit, I'm glad I quickly realized how much I hate this game. Back to being uninstalled for yet another week.


Are we entering into early counter-strike land where "everyone" was running wallhacks and aimbots?!

The bots don't cheat, right? Like, they don't get certain cards or anything?

Nope, but they make asinine plays and generally act very stupid. Had a shaman bot attacking face for no reason with Doomhammer.


Nope, but they make asinine plays and generally act very stupid. Had a shaman bot attacking face for no reason with Doomhammer.

It depends on the board state and your hand but generally you'll want to get a few hits in while saving enough for Rockbiter combos.

As far as I could tell without seeing his hand I actually didn't spot a single clear mistake by the Druid bot I played until very late game when we were both topdecking. I assume bot software varies in quality, too.
Tempo Rogue sucks ass.

I'm always so relieved when an assumed Miracle Rogue drops a Squire.
The bots don't cheat, right? Like, they don't get certain cards or anything?
It was uncanny how my bot had pairs of all his key drops but I trust even Blizzard to keep draws and stuff server-side.


It depends on the board state and your hand but generally you'll want to get a few hits in while saving enough for Rockbiter combos.

Nah this bot was intentionally hitting face instead of clearing my board, allowing me to win because of an ever increasing board presence.


Nah this bot was intentionally hitting face instead of clearing my board, allowing me to win because of an ever increasing board presence.
I see. Guy should either invest in a better bot or switch to Zoo/Token Druid then :p

Were you playing arena? Botting with Shaman seems dicey in constructed.


Are there Priest bots? Now that I've been aware that there's bots for a few days, I feel like I faced one. Golden class at rank 17, playing at an extremely deliberate pace. Dropped a Cleric into the board by itself against a Farseer. Was smart enough to try to fatigue me by forcing me to draw with my own Cleric, though? Just really bizarre play.
They should. The more advertising the bot program gets the more people will use it. But being flagged doesn't mean you can't watch it either way I guess.

Wow the bot just lost to some shitty ass weird warlock deck that runs alexstrasza and wolfrider and giants. It got wrecked once alex hit the field... lmao. It is stuck in high ranks. It looks so trashy.

I watched some of that stream earlier and some of the bots opponents would give a "well played" emote when the bot would make a good move. I got a good chuckle out of it.


Are there Priest bots? Now that I've been aware that there's bots for a few days, I feel like I faced one. Golden class at rank 17, playing at an extremely deliberate pace. Dropped a Cleric into the board by itself against a Farseer. Was smart enough to try to fatigue me by forcing me to draw with my own Cleric, though? Just really bizarre play.
That Cleric drop sounds like a move a bot wouldn't make and aiming for fatigue seems too advanced as well. Probably just a slow player or a bad connection but who knows at this point really


I'm pretty sure I just played a Druid bot at rank 11.. if that is the case, and they all suck as much as that one, I can't wait to play more of them.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?



I'm an expert

Formerly worldrevolution. The only reason I am nice to anyone else is to avoid being banned.
Gratz but I suggest you tell people in this thread you got it with handlock and not zoo..

..see, couldn't even get in before


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
What's everyones favorite golden portrait?
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