So apparently this guy I'm facing has managed to glitch the turn timer to where he has an infinite amount of time. Been sitting here for about 5 minutes now, nothing happening except his card hovering above the board and Gul'dan spouting "so many possibilities" every 10 seconds . Not sure if it was intentional or not since he was going to lose next turn but it's pretty damn annoying either way.
Edit: Relaunching the game just put me back to the main menu. Strange stuff. Never had that happen to me.
This is actually a known bug that occurs from time to time. It actually happened recently to me just like a day ago but quite different than normal. After I attacked into a minion, his life total went negative and my minion went to 0 but neither cleared from the board. I knew something weird happened so I restarted. I think I might have lost out on an attack with my other minion. I don't recall. I ended up reconnecting and winning though.
If you do reconnect within a minute, you should be fine though. It is like a server desync with client or something. Either way you need to try reconnecting as soon as you notice.
I'm interested in seeing just how much Priest there'll be after Dark Cultist is released.
Webspinner is insane in arena by the way.
I think webspinner is insane even in constructed. I might have even underestimated it. Even when I got a silverback patriarch it still put in work. An additional 4 hp taunt at the right moment can in fact be very helpful, even when it costs 3 mana.
I also got another webspinner several times, that was quite hilarious actually. And I also got king krush at least twice, maybe 3 times last night.
I wish rogues got a 1 drop as good as webspinner. That would be heaven. I hate running argent squire. I'm not sure what would be nice for rogue to have as a 1 drop though. Maybe... 1/3 stealth minion, combo + 2 attack. I would love that lol
I see more ramp druids on EU ladder than I see zoo >_>
Same. I've been seeing more priest, warrior, hunter, and paladin than zoo as well. A couple shaman here and there. Zoo is still there, but not in numbers. I'm talking NA ranks 5-8.