= Naxxramas VOD muteYeah, Naxxramas tournament = Naxxramas music.
= Naxxramas VOD muteYeah, Naxxramas tournament = Naxxramas music.
I have nothing but tremendous respect for the poor souls organizing and producing these tournaments without spectator functionality.I kinda like it, its obviously not the huge budget MLG, GOMtv, Blizzcon thing with the big purses and live video and whatnot, but its still neat that these little tourneys pop up, I like watching them a little more than watching just the normal game streams.
I kinda like it, its obviously not the huge budget MLG, GOMtv, Blizzcon thing with the big purses and live video and whatnot, but its still neat that these little tourneys pop up, I like watching them a little more than watching just the normal game streams.
= Naxxramas VOD mute
I don't know about Blizzard in particular but Twitch has been muting basically anything including ingame music without action from the copyright holder.assuming it's in whatever content database they're using. is blizzard aggressive about taking down their music?
I don't know about Blizzard in particular but Twitch has been muting basically anything including ingame music without action from the copyright holder.
pfffft. fucking twitch.
I don't know about Blizzard in particular but Twitch has been muting basically anything including ingame music without action from the copyright holder.
Googles influence I guess. =/
Ah, that's nice.Blizz has been very helpful in the past. When youtube had a shitfit with copyright strikes recently-ish (this year or the last), Blizz vowed they had nothing to do with strikes on their games and had a helpline or something for the affected.
Reynad playing so damn fast, learned from his previous games or full tilt?
yeah. but it's the price we have to pay for twitch surviving. they don't have a sustainable business model. they were only trying to grow a huge audience so they would become enough of a threat to get bought out.
it's funny seeing people trying to move over to hitbox. what do they think hitbox's long term plans are?
yeah. but it's the price we have to pay for twitch surviving. they don't have a sustainable business model. they were only trying to grow a huge audience so they would become enough of a threat to get bought out.
it's funny seeing people trying to move over to hitbox. what do they think hitbox's long term plans are?
This. Fucking. Card. as a druid... I fucking HATEEEEEEEEEEE this thing...
I got tired of trying to tweak my Control Warrior and still get raped by zoo, so I netdecked something because I wanted to level my Warrior anyway. Went with this and I'm 5/5 so far at rank 10ish EU:
2 were zoo, 2 druids, and a weird demon-lock. It seems people don't really know how to play against it at this level.
Had a guy kill my Alexstraza, but then I got 2 more because DUPLICATE
He got me down to 3 health but I said NOPE, got 15 health back with DUPLICATED Alexstraza
Killed that and got me low again but NOPE SORRY ALEXSTRAZA AGAIN
Then I won the game
Trump is Legend 11. He may have finally found a deck for his play style with Priest.
It's funny because he was ragging on Priest back when he was laddering with Miracle. Bet he's looking forward to next week's wing.Trump is Legend 11. He may have finally found a deck for his play style with Priest.
These are the first streams I've ever tried watching and it's a little depressing just how much of an influence luck is having on these matches.
Facing a Twilight Drake and don't have an Earth Shock handy? That's fine, just use Reincarnate to bring it to 1 hp and kill it with your Searing Totem! huehuehuehuehuehuehue
Trump is Legend 11. He may have finally found a deck for his play style with Priest.
This. Fucking. Card. as a druid... I fucking HATEEEEEEEEEEE this thing...
It's not necessarily Mufasa that's the issue, it's his fucking son and daughter that come afterwards that's the problem! FUCK Simba and Nala!How could you hate Scar? He's just so cute and cuddly and wants to give you a big hug.
Facing a Twilight Drake and don't have an Earth Shock handy? That's fine, just use Reincarnate to bring it to 1 hp and kill it with your Searing Totem! huehuehuehuehuehuehue
Facing a Twilight Drake and don't have an Earth Shock handy? That's fine, just use Reincarnate to bring it to 1 hp and kill it with your Searing Totem! huehuehuehuehuehuehue
Rank 3 Trump Hype!
His way of playing is insufferable to watch for me. I also feel bad for the person fighting him, with how long he takes to make a simple play.
Trump Legend 2 now!
Crazy. I'm sad I missed his Priest climb. I was wrong to have written him off like that. I thought it would be a repeat of the last 2 seasons.
He just beat Rdu (who playing Miracle) too.
I guess it really was Trump just had to find a deck to stick to. Priest seems way more fitting for him than Miracle did.
Came here to post this, holy shit that was awesome!Shadowstep AND Leeroy HOLY SHIT HAHAHA