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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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I swear this game wants to me to play zoo every day, 3 out of the past 4 days have been warlock quests or play 2 mana minions or less quests lol. Ran into a hunter who had maexnna, pretty much gg'd the zoo hardcore. No power overwhelmings or soulfires around, so he only like 4 for 1'd me. Still seeing a lot of hunters, probably more so than zoo.


I swear this game wants to me to play zoo every day, 3 out of the past 4 days have been warlock quests or play 2 mana minions or less quests lol. Ran into a hunter who had maexnna, pretty much gg'd the zoo hardcore. No power overwhelmings or soulfires around, so he only like 4 for 1'd me. Still seeing a lot of hunters, probably more so than zoo.

Hunter and Zoo are definitely the two most popular on EU at the moment from my experience.


Reynad lost the final match against Forsen in that VGVN tournament because of 1 damage - damage he lost out on earlier in the game when he didn't manage to finish his turn in time (had 2 mana for hero power).

Happened twice to him in that series. Really no excuse with how long the turns last as is.

Those mechanical shortcomings reminded me of another player...

Trump has been a good watch the last two days due to playing priest. Rank 2 legend NA as priest, I like to see. People kept complaining that priest sucked for a while and they still do somewhat (complain that is, not suck).


Wow, mill druid works amazing. With card like Deathlord and Dancing Swords (I love this card!) to make sure the opponent has less cards in his deck than you, while Brewmaster Coldlight Oracle is a continuous timer.

And Druid has all the tools to make it work: strong taunts, strong heals and the value of Neutralize is multiplied by a thousand fold with this tactic.

My losses were usually against decks full with 1-2 drops with a lot of tenancy and buffs (getting through my taunts for cheap, or being out of Swipe range) or just never drawing Coldlight Oracle or Neutralize.

Any deck that doesn't have perfect first 3 turn plays died hard against the card burn. I'm talking 7+ damage burns because of Neutralize and Coldlight Oracle.

And I managed to pull out a Leeroy with Deathlord :D sooooo weak when not in a combo. Also a Gadgetzan in the same match and I swiped it away xD The rogue was spamming threats really hard at the end.

A warrior suddenly panicked once I started going full card draw mode and starting to give him 3 cards per Acolyte. He was also not amused.

Deathlord and Dancing Swords really make this so much better. The earliest draw combo I can do is when I have 5 mana with Coldlight Oracle and Brewmaster (cannot let my first Coldlight Oracle die) and those minions really mask my strategy well.

Also won against a mage who fired a total of 5 fireballs and 2 Ice Lances at me while I was Frost Bolted. But 2x Healing Touch and 2x Farseer + 2x bounced back Farseers is... a lot of health gain :p It sure helps a lot that Druid's ability gives armor and Claw also essentially gives 2 heal.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Mill is cute, but I don't think it's competitively viable. It really only has favorable matchups against decks that generally run large hands, like handlock, freeze mage, and control warrior. But with decks that can dump their hand really quickly like zoo, shockadin, or backspace rogue, you're just dooming yourself.


You got a decklist for that?
Tweak however you want to. I made this really quick to get my daily.

Mill is cute, but I don't think it's competitively viable. It really only has favorable matchups against decks that generally run large hands, like handlock, freeze mage, and control warrior. But with decks that can dump their hand really quickly like zoo, shockadin, or backspace rogue, you're just dooming yourself.
I also had success against Miracle Rogue and a tempo Priest. I'm not sure if you can't make this competitively, it has a good shot against any deck that plays with 'options' instead of 'dump it all'.
Mill is cute, but I don't think it's competitively viable. It really only has favorable matchups against decks that generally run large hands, like handlock, freeze mage, and control warrior. But with decks that can dump their hand really quickly like zoo, shockadin, or backspace rogue, you're just dooming yourself.

At the same time, competitively only zoo is played and even that isn't played that much. It's a lot of miracle(when not banned), ramp druid, token druid, handlock, midrange hunter, shaman(as a counter to other stuff mostly) and control paladin(generally with hefty dose of heals).

If you mean on ranked though, lots more zoo yeah. And mill does pretty bad against zoo. Can still win every once in a while but bad matchup usually.

I played druid and rogue mill a decent bit and druid mill is more consistent and safer, you can use healing touch to heal up, the hero power+claw+bite let you remove stuff while armoring up and naturalize is just fucking awesome since it's like the best removal in the game if you're trying to mill. However, it's also the least agressive milling deck out of the 2 and you self mill almost as much other than naturalize and the mobs so it's a fine line.

Rogue on the other hand with sap and vanish can keep destroying key cards while milling, and the burst mill to fill the opponent's hand is a lot higher with shadowsteps than with brewmasters and lets you oracle much earlier. On the other hand no way to recover from a bad start with rogue so it's less consistent since if you lose early due to bad draws or whatever that's generally it.

Neither deal particularily well against aggro. I guess you could build druid to maybe be better against aggro though. In mine I had a few of the tech cards I usually use in my normal deck like a pyromancer and stuff but it wasn't enough.

In the end the main issue is still that even with the new cards, it takes a long time to mill a deck and you have to not die during that time considering the opponent's hand is always full. The fact you have to bounce your oracles back and forth to actually be able to mill at a decent speed is a big weakness of the deck. If there were more milling cards it'd help, especially faster ones(deathknight and dancing sword are alright but they're kinda slow to mill). Asymetrical mill cards would be the best, for example something where you gain life and they draw, so you don't mill yourself in the process.


remember me
Ugh, zoo is impossible to beat as midrange hunter post now. Like literally impossible. uth combo comes way too late. Explosive trap is useless because they'll just drop an egg. Not sure how I can make this matchup any better.


remember me
Can someone explain what "milling" is. I know most of the popular hearthstone terms, but that one is new to me.

Making your opponent draw too many cards so he loses due to taking too much damage from overdrawing or forcing him to discard important cards by making him go over the 10 card hand limit.
Can someone explain what "milling" is. I know most of the popular hearthstone terms, but that one is new to me.

Using cards that make your opponent draw cards until their hand is full and then forcing them to draw excess cards and lose them. People usually mill with King Mukla (giving the opponent two bannanas) and Coaldlight oracle (each player draws two cards). Oracle is usually shadowstepped or brewmastered back to the hand and used again. Dancing Swords is a new Naxx card that is also being used in mill decks (Deathrattle: opponent draws a card). Druids can also use Naturalize (Destroy a minion, opponent draws two cards) For a ramp/control type deck that usually only throws down one minion per turn, milling can screw you. Milling is more fun than useful though


Ugh, zoo is impossible to beat as midrange hunter post now. Like literally impossible. uth combo comes way too late. Explosive trap is useless because they'll just drop an egg. Not sure how I can make this matchup any better.

Sometimes you need to just unleash on turn 3, and use hunters mark to try and take out at least 2 (if your hand isn't all that great), then use buzzard later for minor miracle of webspinner, boar, haunted creeper to get the draw. An unleash with a timber wolf can really cripple a zoo, its happened against my zoo plenty.

And I also finally got back to 7 wins in arena. It took a ridiculous pally deck, 2 truesilvers, 2 consecrates, 2 hammers, and a bunch of fatties. But my last 5 ridiculous arena decks have average like 3 wins lol. Finally got my money back at least.


I spent most of the night playing the new variation on Tempo Rogue. I just put in my golden Yetis instead of the Sen'jin Shieldmastas, because against zoo, I'd rather have board presence than taunters that they will get through quickly.. and I put in Assassinate since I don't have Black Knight. Seems to work pretty well.. I haven't played too many decks that can beat zoo, control warrior, and druid, but this one can handle all of them. Actually I'm hard pressed to say what this deck's weakness is, I seem to have good odds in any matchup.



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Starting to see some off-the-wall warlock decks this week. It's like they're actually trying to use some of their other class cards. Somebody was running two twisting nethers in their deck. I don't think I had even seen that card played once before, nevermind twice in the same game.


Starting to see some off-the-wall warlock decks this week. It's like they're actually trying to use some of their other class cards. Somebody was running two twisting nethers in their deck. I don't think I had even seen that card played once before, nevermind twice in the same game.

I run two in my handlock deck. Mostly used against shamans the most


Starting to see some off-the-wall warlock decks this week. It's like they're actually trying to use some of their other class cards. Somebody was running two twisting nethers in their deck. I don't think I had even seen that card played once before, nevermind twice in the same game.

My significant other was trying to sell me on Bane of Doom. I just think it's too expensive.. Twisting Nether for the same reason. Freeze Mage can board clear pretty much whenever it wants to for 5 mana (Doomsayer + Frost Nova).


My significant other was trying to sell me on Bane of Doom. I just think it's too expensive.. Twisting Nether for the same reason. Freeze Mage can board clear pretty much whenever it wants to for 5 mana (Doomsayer + Frost Nova).

I love to use bane of doom even though it's never really been in a viable deck. That feeling when you kill a juggler, and get a 6/6 infernal is just nuts. Then other times you get blood imp lol


My significant other was trying to sell me on Bane of Doom. I just think it's too expensive.. Twisting Nether for the same reason. Freeze Mage can board clear pretty much whenever it wants to for 5 mana (Doomsayer + Frost Nova).

As shamen and Druid I love it when freeze mages do this, you just silence the doomsayer and then watch them panic.

That being said I don't think those warlock cards are super good :(
I guess stubbornly playing a pre-naxx deck after the meta's changed so much isn't a good idea. Dropped all the way down to 18 on a huge tilt streak, but I guess I really am at the bottom of the barrel now.

Mage plays knife juggler-coin-mirror image on turn 2, and both knives hit me instead of my spellpower totem. I earth shock his knife juggler next turn and summon another totem. Then he plays a secret, which I assume is mirror entity, so I play flametongue intending to lightning bolt his copy, but nothing triggers. Confused, I attack the mirror and Duplicate triggers. He concedes immediately.

Seriously, what did he expect to happen?


Man I just beat a Druid not to shortly ago in a game that was pretty wild. I was playing mage and he just had a really rough start, then swung into the most insane topdecks I have ever seen. I ran his hand dry early and he was just able to topdeck and stay in the game insanely well. Towards the end I had 5 HP and board control and he had no minions and no cards, topdecked card draw and played it of course to draw a few cards and one was a innervate that allowed him to place almost equal board presence.

In the end when the game was finally mine for the third time or so, he top decks the starfire 5 damage spell, but instead of doing 5 HP to my face bypassing my taunt wall that was barely alive he 'lost track' and used it on a minion and let out a "oops". But after him basically topdecking an answer to clear the board or somehow weasel out of death I felt no remorse. One thing is for sure, I'm going back to playing 1 pyroblast again. Without it dealing with his Ragnaros and whatnot proved a little difficult. I hate it that I didn't really even WIN that game after playing so well.


Making your opponent draw too many cards so he loses due to taking too much damage from overdrawing or forcing him to discard important cards by making him go over the 10 card hand limit.
No no no. People are misunderstanding something. The goal of a mill deck is to make them run out of cards and lose because of having no deck. It doesn't necessarily have to destroy their hand. If you go by the term originated from MTG.

I've noticed that if you want to do both, you just want too much.

My Rogue mill deck focuses on giving your opponent an unplayable full hand , by using card givers & saps & vanish, while you hit their face in the mean time. I don't remember ever winning with this deck by actual draw, only card burn & direct damage.

My Druid mill deck focuses on lethal by draw. Every game won with this deck so far was by draw.

Really really different and there's obviously no way to do both if your opponent has the same amount of mana to spend but isn't doing all this.

Oh, so that's Trump's list? That's the exact deck I milled to death haha. I was wondering why a Priest had a Deathlord face off with my Deathlord, this explains it.
Can replace her fine, she just gives you an edge in control matchups. Another legendary like Cairne, Alex or Ysera would be fine. As for a non legendary, I'd say something like a Spectral Knight or a Sunwalker would work out decently there.

Actually surprised he runs 2 cabal instead of a cabal and something else. Especially spectral knights in control matchups are pretty strong, can't heal them directly but circle can do it and that's quite a big play when they try to kill your spectral in 2 turns and you heal it inbetween turns.


Since I don't really care much for bling, there is no real reason NOT to disenchant golden rares I don't need is there?

Absolutely none. They are just fancier versions of normal cards. I wouldn't dust commons and rares that are highly usable in many decks though. The extra dust isn't that big of a deal and every collector at some point starts to crave golden versions of their fave cards.


What the hell did I just see. A warlock that started with flame imps and voidwalkers, had a voidcaller, a void terror, sludge belchers, raging worgens, siphon souls, shadowflames and demonfires and acolytes of pain.



Paladin: Turn 2 Pyromancer
Me: Turn 3 Deathlord
Paladin: Turn 4 Coin + Blessings of Kings, kill Deathlord.

It summons a Doomsayer.


The same match my second Deathlord summons a Tirion.


Which in turn I topdecked a Neutralize.


Can't stop laughing. This deck is hilarious to play whatever the outcome, hahaha.
Absolutely none. They are just fancier versions of normal cards. I wouldn't dust commons and rares that are highly usable in many decks though. The extra dust isn't that big of a deal and every collector at some point starts to crave golden versions of their fave cards.

Sweet. Going to nuke my rares.

I am trying to follow other successful deck plans, but I am lacking too many key cards, while I have dozens of golden rares that I never use.
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