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Hearthstone |OT| Why tap cards when you can roll need [Naxx final wing out now]

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And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Pre-launch? Yowch.

While we're on this subject... I suggest you look to Trump for guidance. I'm watching a video where he just got druid combo'd in Arena and all he says is "oh... WHAT ... whatever, these things happen sometimes, it's pretty unlikely" *next game*

I really like his attitude.
Trump is like a God. He's basically what I imagined a God would be like if he lost a game. Extremely professional and a role-model to todays ragers.


Secrets are stupid. Playing around them is stupid. Only one class having secret removal is stupid. It was Blizzards lame way of trying to implement instants into the game without making it complicated but instead just making it un-fun.
Never really thought about it, but those ghouls are pretty much hard counters to using UTH for anything other than card draw... interesting.

I really like Unstable Ghoul. It has really good synergy with Warrior decks. Triggers Armorsmith, Frothing Berserker, Execute and gets rid of stuff like the aforementioned UTH.

My only problem is figuring out when to play him. I don't like the idea of just playing him as my only creature on the board, unless I need to Execute or Cleave, or something similar. Still trying to figure out how to play my type of deck properly.
I really like Unstable Ghoul. It has really good synergy with Warrior decks. Triggers Armorsmith, Frothing Berserker, Execute and gets rid of stuff like the aforementioned UTH.

My only problem is figuring out when to play him. I don't like the idea of just playing him as my only creature on the board, unless I need to Execute or Cleave, or something similar. Still trying to figure out how to play my type of deck properly.

yeah you have to be careful because the hunter will just bow it if you play it on an early turn. all of the control warrior minions are highly situational and you need to think a bit before you just play them. you need to be constantly fighting for every inch of advantage you can get. especially in the hunter matchup.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Secrets are stupid. Playing around them is stupid. Only one class having secret removal is stupid. It was Blizzards lame way of trying to implement instants into the game without making it complicated but instead just making it un-fun.
I agree. There should be a neutral secret removal card at least.


Control Warrior vs Hunter matchup is fucking terrible, every single time I get close to Legend several of these fucks come around to ruin the party. Freezing trap wrecks me at any point in the game. This guy just now simply coined two Scientists on 3 and two turns later I was still busy dealing with their bullshit while he was freely building his board, and that's even before Highmanes start coming out.

Knowing my luck the second I replace Sylv/Cairne with Sunwalkers like someone suggested I won't be seeing a single Hunter ever again, just Priests and Warriors who now have the edge over me. I was going to go through with the grind this time but I am this close to becoming Yoshi already


needs to show more effort.
Never really thought about it, but those ghouls are pretty much hard counters to using UTH for anything other than card draw... interesting.
Definitely. If the hunter ever has an empty board using the ghoul I try to fill up the board more than I otherwise wound. When you have a ghoul is a great time to drop your armorsmiths/acolytes. Unleash really isn't that threatening vs warrior when it's only used for card draw.

Unstable ghoul has been invaluable in warrior once I learned to hold it for prime opportunities (just like taskmaster) rather than just playing it as a 2-drop. You don't just play taskmaster as a 2 drop (well 99% of the time). The ghoul needs the same treatment.

Although I do still play it on turn 2 against a webspinner and I can't help but wonder if that's wrong. I feel it's right because webspinner needs to die before it can be houndmastered but maybe not.


I had good success against the new hunter with warrior after I added a bunch of taunts. Now running 2 ghouls, 2 belchers, and 2 sunwalkers (repacing sylvanas/cairne which are terrible against hunter anyway)

Now that hunters are often cutting all their mid game (snapjaws, rhinos, kodos) it is much easier to hold removal for the highmanes. The other problem was the freezing traps which fuck warrior over hard and the mad scientist gets them into play more reliably. But belchers/sunwalkers give you good creates to play that you can afford to never attack with.

I also play barongeddon which serves well as unleash/highmane cleanup

edit: I hadn't considered tinkmaster... that could be fun to try again in warrioru. I think I dusted him though D:
I find this interesting because I run zero taunts and have a perfect winrate (so far) against hunters. Will share my mass whirl version when I'm at home.


Twice in a row Bomberino hits three times my face when there are three other minions on board... I can't

The rng can be a cruel mistress. Once I placed him on a board with 6 minions excluding the bomber. I needed him to hit my own spiteful smith once for the enrage bonus and the opponent in the face once (or opponent in the face three times) as my only possible ways to victory. It happened.

Other times I have been wrecked by him so hard it's not even funny.


needs to show more effort.
I find this interesting because I run zero taunts and have a perfect winrate (so far) against hunters. Will share my mass whirl version when I'm at home.
Are you sure you're getting matched against the new reynad hunter?
Without taunts, this deck can just kill warrior on about turn 7. Played well, the instant they houndmaster anything they just play freezing trap and go all in face and do ~25 damage in 2 turns.

If its more aggro hunter than yeah any warrior will destroy them.
Secrets are such an afterthought in general. How were they smart enough to put in three neutral tech options against weapons but only one against secrets, and on top of that make it exclusive to the class who's got the best secret kit in the first place? Boggles the mind. Any new secret synergy card they print will make things even worse, might as well go ahead and make Echoing Ooze a beast.

Secrets are spells and we don't have any real counters to spells either. I think they did it this way to limit the amount of disruptive actions you can do that affect your opponent's turn. So like cards such as loatheb are limited and only impact a single turn, for example.


Are you sure you're getting matched against the new reynad hunter?
Without taunts, this deck can just kill warrior on about turn 7. Played well, the instant they houndmaster anything they just play freezing trap and go all in face and do ~25 damage in 2 turns.

If its more aggro hunter than yeah any warrior will destroy them.
Yeah I'm pretty sure, that's like the most common Hunter deck out there. But if there's nothing to Houndmaster it's pretty pathetic though. There are only 3 threats: Loatheb and 2x Savannah Since none of my early damage actually comes from minions, I guess the traps lose their value. Spectral Knight clears the road for Legendaries. The deck is like over 60% removal xD

Hearthstone |OT2| Ignoring the meta

By the way, I don't think I'll be playing control Shaman much more. Warrior is stronger in every department. Amazing armoring, crazy AoE, better card draw, IMO better single target removal, stronger burst and more room for legendaries.

And funny enough, because of how the meta is right now, I'm actually doing extremely well with a deck version that has no brawl, shield slam and gorehowl.

I've been having some luck running early game Deathrattle Rush transitioning into standard Midrange Shaman around Turn 3-5 with 1 Earth Ele. You start throwing out Undertakers with Leper(s) / Creeper(s) / Loot(s) / Egg(s) and I've had good luck with opponents going all out removal before I start settling into the usual Mid Shaman shenanigans.


Neo Member
Okay guys, I've been playing a sort of mid range Priest and pretty often I win within the first seven rounds, if the game goes any longer than that I'm usually just surviving for awhile until I inevitably lose. I'm really not sure why this is. I've tried to swap out spells for minions and I've tried rebuilding it all together to give it more of a control feel. Nothing has worked. I don't do particularly poorly, I'm a little above 50% win rate. Any advice would be great.


I have all the Warlock cards, hate zoo and handlock and find Jaraxxus hilarious... what else are you going to do?

Just dont run sacrificial pact in your own deck and you won't risk a priest stealing it from you. It's not like there are many warlocks running sacrificial pact anyway.


Gold Member
Okay guys, I've been playing a sort of mid range Priest and pretty often I win within the first seven rounds, if the game goes any longer than that I'm usually just surviving for awhile until I inevitably lose. I'm really not sure why this is. I've tried to swap out spells for minions and I've tried rebuilding it all together to give it more of a control feel. Nothing has worked. I don't do particularly poorly, I'm a little above 50% win rate. Any advice would be great.

Do you run a Mind Control and Ysera? That should cover your end game (that's all I run @ 7-10 mana iirc and it's enough for me), plus 2 thought steals. It sucks when the thought steal whiffs on all four pulls, but some games you just can't win. The 7/4 and 4/7 guy work decent with priest too... if nothing else they can eat away a bit of removal (just be careful vs shaman), and they beef up undertaker if you run some deathrattle, that 2/3 zombie and the 3/8 deathlord work well, and you can drop a soulpriest for right before you trade the zombie away then CoH for a 6-4 AoE with another 2 damage to dish out if you had 6 mana.

I feel priest is one of the most flexible decks, given all the different combos you can mix in it.


needs to show more effort.
Mages should just concede before turn 1.
Last week I ran into a guy playing freeze mage and just destroyed him. I immediately re-queued and it matched us against each other again and he conceded turn 1. I re-queued immediately and it matched us against each other again.

He conceded, friend requested, and had... not very nice things to say about me and my mother.


Neo Member
Just dont run sacrificial pact in your own deck and you won't risk a priest stealing it from you. It's not like there are many warlocks running sacrificial pact anyway.

That's exactly what happened too. Since Jaraxxus is central to the deck, I throw in a Sense Demons to help make sure I pull him out. Then I feed the extra worthless imp(s) to sacrificial pact to keep my health up since it's capped so low. (Or kill one of their demons which is even better.) It's definitely a liability if priests get lucky though. That 15 health cap is hard to work around with so much burst damage available so late in the game. I don't know that I'm ever going to find anything that really works unless new cards come out that auto-buffs the next minion played or something. It's probably a fool's errand but he's too much fun to never use.


Neo Member
Do you run a Mind Control and Ysera? That should cover your end game (that's all I run @ 7-10 mana iirc and it's enough for me), plus 2 thought steals. It sucks when the thought steal whiffs on all four pulls, but some games you just can't win. The 7/4 and 4/7 guy work decent with priest too... if nothing else they can eat away a bit of removal (just be careful vs shaman), and they beef up undertaker if you run some deathrattle, that 2/3 zombie and the 3/8 deathlord work well, and you can drop a soulpriest for right before you trade the zombie away then CoH for a 6-4 AoE with another 2 damage to dish out if you had 6 mana.

I feel priest is one of the most flexible decks, given all the different combos you can mix in it.

I don't have a Ysera and I agree about flexibility. It has really seemed like my late game is pretty contingent on pulling certain cards at just the right time which I would like to try and avoid. I think later when I'm not supposed to be working I'll try and beef it up with a deathlord and a couple other deathrattles.


Last week I ran into a guy playing freeze mage and just destroyed him. I immediately re-queued and it matched us against each other again and he conceded turn 1. I re-queued immediately and it matched us against each other again.

He conceded, friend requested, and had... not very nice things to say about me and my mother.

Boo fucking hoo. Can't hide behind Alex and 2 10 damage spells anymore. I am glad frost mage (and mages in general) are going the way of the dodo in the new meta. It's only going to get worse too.


Mages are going somewhere? Seems fine on mine. I don't play freeze though.

I am so fucking sick of constructed. I don't know why I keep playing it.

Im the opposite. I hate arena. Ive only done it like... 5 times? Way to much RNG for my blood pressure. Get 3 terrible class cards and awful draws and get faced with opponents who drew legends and giants and shit. I cant take that deck RNG stacked on top of the games normal RNG. At least I get to build my own deck in constructed.


Secrets are stupid. Playing around them is stupid. Only one class having secret removal is stupid. It was Blizzards lame way of trying to implement instants into the game without making it complicated but instead just making it un-fun.

This is very true. Other classes should have ways to counter secrets. Especially when Hunters have a bow that feeds off of secrets activating. Not to mention another bow that grants immunity on attack.


It's not like they can't add secrets to the other classes. None of the secrets in the game right now are part of the 100% free Basic set.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Friend asks: how does a priest deal with Ysera if no mind control is in hand?


needs to show more effort.
Friend asks: how does a priest deal with Ysera if no mind control is in hand?
Hopefully you thouthstole an answer? Otherwise I guess you're throwing damage into it until its dead.

If Ysera is a big problem across lots of games you could consider crazed alchemist.
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