If I were to run something like reynad's old burn warrior deck it would be something like this:
I cut nightblade out for loatheb and since I think captain greenskin is gonna contribute much more than a single nightblade would.
I don't see why you would run leeroy jenkins over mortal strike btw. Mortal strike is pretty key to aggro warrior and leeroy will often just become worthless as a finisher due to taunts. The deck has a pretty hard time dealing with them.
I also went with execute over shield slam, cut out bloodsail raider cause I feel he barely ever gets value except in the rarest circumstances, and I put coldlight oracle in which my opinion is a severely underrated card for most aggro decks. Instead of bloodsail raider I put in haunted creeper. One choice I made is to not run faerie dragon and instead run the coldlight oracle for aforementioned reasons (biggest problem imo with the old old list is running out of steam). Undertaker instead of argent squire due to synergy with most of the low drops.
Deathbiter is just too good to pass up and the synergy it creates makes execute and grommash work very well. And since it is a 4 drop I don't feel like arathi weaponsmith is necessary and arcanite reaper, while great for hitting face, is just not good enough compared to deathbiter.
For my mulligan I would go for undertaker, leper gnome, fiery war axe, haunted creeper, maybe harvest golem if my other cards fill the curve already.
There were a couple of choices I made that could be easily changed. I chose black knight over gorehowl since gorehowl is slower and I already have 4 weapons, I chose not to take argent squire because undertaker has 6 minion cards to proc off of.
I think I might eventually give it a shot.