From the Fireside Chat blog update:
What good is adding this compatibility if I can't download and access the game on Windows 8 on a Surface 2? Sometimes, all I have is my BF's Surface around and I'd love to play it on that. No dice.
Am I missing something? It's not on the Windows Store for that device, and I don't think there's any other way to get apps on a Surface.
Aw Yiss modafucking legendary.
Aw Yiss modafucking legendary.
Something that I wanted to have since the first season but never had the patience.
Surprisingly it didn't take as long as I expected after rank 5, but boy did I have to use my head a bit more than usual.
For anyone wondering : rank 5-4 Malygod miracle / 3 shaman / 2 deathrattle priest and finally rank 1 I took no pity of the fools who faced my zoo gul'dan, I crushed them all.
Now I can go back to fun mode instead of tryhard.Rank 1 was honestly the easiest, a lot of control decks and low rank legend players with crap decks, like a deathrattle priest running leper gnome.
Am I finally part of elite hearthstone gaf?
So I was just playing Arena, got disconnected despite my internet connection being okay, reconnected with it saying it was the opponent's turn. His time ran out and then it was his turn again! Really Hearthstone? Really?
Arena-style open tournament for NA. Can't join because my NA-account doesn't really have enough cards for it, but the set-up sounds awesome. I did a draft on the site and it's really cool.
Quick thought: Silence bodies should be stronger. No non-Warlock class can really afford to run 1 HP Owls that die to anything from hero powers to Voidwalkers and Spellbreaker's 4/3 is absurdly bad stat distribution for a 4-drop. I think 2/2 and 3/4 or maybe even 4/4 respectively would be completely fine while weakening the stupid Naxx value cards by making silences more viable to run across decks.
Quick thought: Silence bodies should be stronger. No non-Warlock class can really afford to run 1 HP Owls that die to anything from hero powers to Voidwalkers and Spellbreaker's 4/3 is absurdly bad stat distribution for a 4-drop. I think 2/2 and 3/4 or maybe even 4/4 respectively would be completely fine while weakening the stupid Naxx value cards by making silences more viable to run across decks.
So lucky, I just play 90% hunters. >.>Just hit legend, did miracle rogue all the way until rank 3, and then basically switched between control warrior and miracle rogue, until rank 2, where I just control warriored my way to victory.
It also helped I only faced one hunter from rank 1 to legend, warrior crushes druid and rogue. It's ridiculous how strong hunter is, I can get a great opening against hunter like fiery war axe + double armor smith + into belcher and still lose the game, but I suspect that's on the strength of undertaker + low drops means you always have a good curve. Every hunter game I lost was because they either got double undertaker opening or double leper gnome opening, like how do you beat that shit? And then either animal companion or bow on turn 3. It's like clockwerk every game.
So lucky, I just play 90% hunters. >.>
You know exactly what they're gonna do but sometimes you just can't do shit about it.
I play exclusively against hunter and zoo until I add cards to make the matchup better and then I face control warrior.
thats a lot of hounds
20M players,but only 500k unique players? That's an average of 40 accounts per player...
Blizz is unknowingly acknowledging the shaman bot problem.
20M players,but only 500k unique players? That's an average of 40 accounts per player...
Quick thought: Silence bodies should be stronger. No non-Warlock class can really afford to run 1 HP Owls that die to anything from hero powers to Voidwalkers and Spellbreaker's 4/3 is absurdly bad stat distribution for a 4-drop. I think 2/2 and 3/4 or maybe even 4/4 respectively would be completely fine while weakening the stupid Naxx value cards by making silences more viable to run across decks.
Lol, nice catch. But shouldn't Warlock bots outnumber Shaman ones for hero power usage? Looks like more evidence for those who say there are no bots, just people who think they are playing bots.
There are much less zoo bots and zoo players nowadays, and zoo uses their hero power less compared to shamans because they tend to have more low drops to play.
yeah. plus it's just really good in general because it lets you make favorable trades.Mage hero power has to come from her being a windmill slam choice in Arena, right?
hunter was more or less unplayed until they made unleash cost 2 mana. so it had a lot of ground to make up. warlock wasn't played much until zoo became popular. shaman has always been consistent.
UTH and Hunter was played a lot way before that. They've nerfed the card twice already, although it had a different effect back then. It was something like Charge and +1 to all that was used in extremely powerful combos.
So less than 15% of players have ever lived the dream of 12 arena wins? A lot less than 15%, since most good arena players have gotten it multiple times.
There is no way Maexxna is the hardest Naxx boss. People probably stopped trying Heroic after the first wing. :lol
Oops I think you're right.The way it is worded I believe it means achieved it at least once.
There is no way Maexxna is the hardest Naxx boss. People probably stopped trying Heroic after the first wing. :lol
There is no way Maexxna is the hardest Naxx boss. People probably stopped trying Heroic after the first wing. :lol
I've gotten 11 twice, never 12. Really surprised at the number of players who managed to do it.So less than 15% of players have ever lived the dream of 12 arena wins? A lot less than 15%, since most good arena players have gotten it multiple times.
Both of the bosses mentioned are from the first wing - the number of people who only have the first wing (since it was free for a while) probably explains that.There is no way Maexxna is the hardest Naxx boss. People probably stopped trying Heroic after the first wing. :lol
So less than 15% of players have ever lived the dream of 12 arena wins? A lot less than 15%, since most good arena players have gotten it multiple times.
Blizz is unknowingly acknowledging the shaman bot problem.
I find it amusing players insist on emoting "Well Played" before they land the killing blow.
Why? Its Heathstone's equivalent of "GG"
Why? Its Heathstone's equivalent of "GG"
Yep it's why I squelch at the start of every match now.I find it amusing players insist on emoting "Well Played" before they land the killing blow.
It really isn't.