The Blizzcon cardback looks so nice.![]()
Yeah I know. Its a shame because I really do love the games mechanics. But I don't really enjoy any of its endgame at all. None of it. I've coasted this far putting up with it, but I don't think Ill really enjoy the game until they get some new modes in that I enjoy playing.
Arena/Constructed-Casual got old super fast and I don't care for ranked at all. I grinded through them to collect the cards I wanted, and now that I have, I just don't have the desire to play at all anymore.
Ridiculous pricing for what it is. Can buy a new PC game for the same price. :Iyeah. not $40 nice, though.
if the virtual ticket was like $19.99 i'd probably impulse buy it and then immediately regret it. as it is i'm definitely not buying it.
Secrets mage is a seriously legit deck. Doing well on ladder with it. What's the best version?
Dunno but hunter wrecks it so I don't play it on ladder.
Naw, it's not that bad. You're as likely to get a sick undertaker start as they are. 1 flare isn't that bad when you're running 6 secrets. Zoo is probably a worse match up.
ladder is all undertaker bullshit i'm just playing joke decks until they nerf it
undertaker has unfortunately ruined the game for me
Yeah, if you just put the bare minimum of time into the game and have patience, you really can unlock everything relevant.Was up too late and had a lot of gold doing nothing so I just bought a pack before bed:
But wow, I've been super lucky with legendaries. Not necessarily in drop rate, but getting usable ones. I've unpacked:
Tirion Fordring
Edwin VanCleef
Golden Lorewalker Cho (made Ragnaros from it)
King Mukla
Captain Greenskin
Illidan Stormrage
The Black Knight
Not too bad for 9 months of casual play.
7th straight win vs hunters.... this is insane.
edit: winstreak over... also over 50% of my matches have been against hunters
Alex and Rag both open a lot of doors I think.
What's Alex used for other than control warrior and freeze mage? I'm currently leaning on probably Rag since he can fit into lots of decks.
Substitute Jaraxxus in Handlock.
God willing it and sludge belcher will be nerfed immediately after blizzcon. Also loatheb. And mad scientist.
I forgot they were on lock down on nerfs. It is clear those will need to be tuned. It really is almost every deck around rank 6-5 right now.
And of course he had double savage roar in his hand
Ramp Druid is not cutting it v Zoo, I seem to be at 9 HP before I manage to get taunts out, it must require the perfect opening hand.
7th straight win vs hunters.... this is insane.
edit: winstreak over... also over 50% of my matches have been against hunters
And of course he had double savage roar in his hand
Yeah I think I will take a break for today. I don't think I will ever be able to achieve legendary at this rate, too much salt.
Playing shaman for a while and it's quite funny with all the people spamming emotes to see if I answer them :3botsbotsbotsbotsbotsbotsbots
The Blizzcon cardback looks so nice.![]()
a lot of the lists are only running 1 hunter's mark. sometimes 0. that combined with way worse draw potential and the fact that most handlocks are running jaraxxus the matchup has swung into handlock's favor. to lose they basically need a really good undertaker opening that just sits unanswered for several turns so they can kill command over your taunts before you have the mana to jaraxxus.
Shaman beating priests, handlocks beating hunters. We must be in opposite world and this is the
The Blizzcon cardback looks so nice.![]()
The Blizzcon cardback looks so nice.![]()
Greetings to all card-slingers around the world!
Some time has passed since we last sat down and pow-wowed, and in that time a lot has happened. Since launching Hearthstone®: Heroes of Warcraft back in March, weve:
Let players fingers do the dueling with the arrival of Hearthstone on iPad
Survived the creepy-crawly wings of the floating necropolis of Naxxramas
Added Windows 8 Touch compatibility
Raised a mug in celebration of our 20 million players across the world
I'm sure you can figure them out.
Curve refers to that cards fit the mana costs of one or several upcoming turns, for example, to have Cost 4,5,6 cards in hand after your third turn, so ideally, you can play a card efficiently each turn, thus fitting the curve (the term comes from how the costs look on a 2D graph).
"Pushing for lethal" usually means ignoring board control and instead going for the kill. Like when between the cards you have on hand and/or the ones you have on the board can get your opponent low enough that he can't possibly deal with all the damage you have and you can kill him next turn.
Top-deck means exactly that. The card that comes from the top of your deck during your turn. To top deck someone means to draw the best possible answer at that moment.
Bots play at regular intervals (they wait a few, exact amount of seconds between each action) and you don't see them hovering over cards or hero power. That's how you can easily tell.
yes. it's important for a couple of reasons. higher cost usually means a better card and you almost always want to play your most valuable card. another reason is that if you're playing multiple cheap cards per turn you're going to run out of cards fast. it's the reason zoo really only works for warlock because they have on demand card draw.
yes. getting lethal simply means killing your opponent. the alternative is to fight for the board, which means you're killing their minions.
yep! it refers to the card you just drew being the one your really needed.
yeah. this is my first CCG so I was confused a lot for the first several months. things like tempo and card advantage are trickier to explain. literal volumes have been written on them.
bots play at a very steady pace and you never see the cursor moving around. and they're almost always playing shaman or zoo.
You know what would be awesome?
If during their Blizzcon panel, they dropped the banhammer with realtime cumulative animations for all of the bots dying.
There would be a cheer heard across the lands.