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Hearthstone |OT2| Created by Unstable Portal

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Lorewalker Cho is actually kinda fun to mess around with. In one game I played him into a mage's Mirror Entity and insanity ensued. I think at one point I had 5 Fans of Knives in my hand.

In another game I got a golden Hunter to concede on turn 4 after Cho, Backstab, Deadly Poison and Conceal filled his hand and cleared his board. Good times!

Why did he concede? A hunter could definitely benefit from Backstab and Conceal, and if he was running a bow and traps that Deadly Poison would be op as fuck.


Why did he concede? A hunter could definitely benefit from Backstab and Conceal, and if he was running a bow and traps that Deadly Poison would be op as fuck.

I have no idea. I assume he just didn't want to deal with an annoying mill deck? It was only in Casual.

The other theory I had was it may have been a bot and it didn't know what to do with the cards in its hand. It kind of paused for 10-15 seconds not doing anything before conceding.


'Holy shit I may have discovered an amazing new deck'. Proceed to lose the next 5 games and rage delete the deck.
:lol every damn time


Most beautiful thing I've seen today. Lovely.

Several thousand accounts. Damn.

edit: picture of justice in action:



I play on my other accounts occasionally when the quests add up but I don't really have all the cards. Made a deathrattle priest deck but since I don't have any soul priests put in fuegan and stallag (spelling sry) with one deathlord. In 4 games I've summoned Thaddeus twice, pretty fun.


remember me
Why is nobody good streaming? I saw on somebody's friendlist that Reckful and Reynad are both playing. Are they tryharding for a high end of season rank offstream?
People should really pay more careful attention to the text on the cards. I've already had several oponnents who silenced my first Feugen\Stalagg, probably thinking that would prevent Thaddius from poping up...


Why is nobody good streaming? I saw on somebody's friendlist that Reckful and Reynad are both playing. Are they tryharding for a high end of season rank offstream?

Probably, the sniping is real. I don't get why they don't just stream with a delay though, especially Saltnad. I mean sure, people might queue up counter decks, but that verges on ultra-paranoid.


Wow. Coined out a Mana Wraith in Arena and opponent ended up conceding. Must've really messed with his game plan.

Also got a Malygos off a Deathlord deathrattle. He didn't stay long either.


Had a Priest Shadow Madness TBK on turn 4 and then play a thoughtstolen one to take out my Sludge Belcher. I didn't even draw mine.

Wow, how the hell did that happen? Not only one was TBK, a 6 cost minion with 4 attack, played on turn 3. Shadow Madness can only gain control of minions with 3 attack or lower! I'm confused how this played out. :)
Wow, how the hell did that happen? Not only one was TBK, a 6 cost minion with 4 attack, played on turn 3. Shadow Madness can only gain control of minions with 3 attack or lower! I'm confused how this played out. :)

I think he means that Mind Games card that summons a random minion from your opponent's deck.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
The biggest bot-community for Blizzard game just went down (not only Hearthstone but WoW as well)



Some guy named Carnage247ms seemed like he intentionally lagged out the match to cause a tie. The game started for 3 or so minutes without even the mulligans showing up, then he never chose his cards, and after another minute we both blew up. Or maybe it was a bug. But the the former is more entertaining.
How can they identify bots? What if they decide someone is using a bot even though he isn't? It will be impossible to prove they are wrong.

Some guy named Carnage247ms seemed like he intentionally lagged out the match to cause a tie. The game started for 3 or so minutes without even the mulligans showing up, then he never chose his cards, and after another minute we both blew up. Or maybe it was a bug. But the the former is more entertaining.

What does he have to gain by that? Does a tie count as a win in arena\ranked\quests?


hmm. I wonder if you could run mana wraith in a control deck as some anti-zoo/undertaker tech. or ramp druid.

Classic Zoo won't care, they'll either have a 1-drop out or play one for 2 mana, trade and continue vomiting their hand onto the board. Against a turn 1 solo Undertaker it's not too bad but if they coin UT+1 mana deathrattle it doesn't do anything.


Just played a Warlock with a pretty good opening - Turn 1 Pass - Turn 2 Nerubian Egg - Turn 3 Nerubian Egg - Turn 4 Power Overwhelming on one egg to kill my turn 3 Acolyte of Pain into Void Terror between the egg.

So his board on turn four is 4/4 7/9 /4/4 and I only have my 2 drop.

Delicious tears.


So I was 2-2 in Arena, turn 9 with 2 Pyroblasts in my hand. Opponent was a druid who had slight board advantage, 21 hp and cast Malygos. I thought I'd play it safe and kill the Malygos with pyro to gain board control. So I gain board control and later on kill his Illidan with flamestrike. Druid says "sorry" with empty board when I have couple of dudes on board, pyroblast and another flamestrike in my hand. He topdecked a fucking Deathwing. Who the hell has Malygos, Illidan and Deathwing on the first half of deck in 2-2 Arena?


Hey, I'm running the usual ramp druid deck (innervates and wild growths, Ancients of Lore & War, Cairne, Rag) and I've been thinking about changing one of my Force of Natures into a late game legendary. Would you recommend Cenarius or Ysera?


Stupidly overpowered Hero power.

People are just dying left and right just because I play some 1-2 minions and press that Hero power button a few times.

Just 2 traps when you already have 2 mad scientists? You could try misdirection to give more bulk to em
2 traps is fine since mad scientists also have synergy with undertaker. explosive is only really going to be good in the aggro mirror. and then not even that good if your opponent has eggs or creepers down.

the argent commanders seem weak because they can't kill a sludge belcher.
Awesome... priest got doomhammer... alakir... and a rockbiter from thoughtsteals... wtf blizzard. The match up is fucked up enough for the shaman. Actually almost won vs a control priest. ffs...


2 traps is fine since mad scientists also have synergy with undertaker. explosive is only really going to be good in the aggro mirror. and then not even that good if your opponent has eggs or creepers down.

the argent commanders seem weak because they can't kill a sludge belcher.
The Argent Commanders seem to really work for me. Helps with pushing for final damage and it helps with up-trading against 5 health minions, including Sludge Belchers but also Loatheb if I have any minion on the board. It synergizes quite well with Nightblade to keep that continuous pressure on.

Easiest 3 wins Daily just now.
I obviously dc'd, instantly restarted HS and.... not even a mention of being DC'd even though it was like 20 seconds.



I incorporated 2x acidic swamp ooze into a shaman deck and just broke both hunter weapons. I even put hogger into it instead of black knight. Pretty hilarious results followed.
This new hogger meta is getting out of control. Blizz plz nerf.

It isn't even really worth it tbh. Tech to beat aggro and you'll just face several midrange or control decks instead, even though all you faced all night was aggro. The moment I changed, I've played 1 aggro and several unfavored match ups even if I was using the regular deck, let alone a deck tech'd to beat aggro.


im trying to get into hearthstone but i keep getting random disconnects. anyone have an idea why? my internet connection is rock solid none of my other games have this problem
im trying to get into hearthstone but i keep getting random disconnects. anyone have an idea why? my internet connection is rock solid none of my other games have this problem

I did have one disconnect last night, but other than that I was issue free. Maybe post on their technical issues forum and they can narrow the potential issues.


Having some fun with Shadowform.

Auchenai Circle is so cheesy and delicious. I was worried the deck wouldn't work without card draw but since every card has such high value everyone seems to just run out of cards against it.

Going Shadowform seems to trigger people to go into offensive mode but since you have such a strong hero power, it becomes quite easy to clear. It seems to work best during early late-game (around 9 mana phase). Then while they try to rush you, there's still Farseers, Holy Fire, Holy Nova and Alexstrasza to heal you up, while you keep blasting everything away with 2 damage. And if you can get to the second form in a stable situation then it's as good as game over :>
Those cards look real fake. I mean, the one guy gives the opponent a coin every time a spell is cast but takes a copy of that spell used.

So you play one spell, get a coin... play that coin, get another coin, basically infiinite mana for the turn, meanwhile the player who played the minion hits 10 cards with ease, and you can play your entire hand if you so desire because you have effectively infinite mana.


If the cards are fake they are darn well made fakes!

Those cards look real fake. I mean, the one guy gives the opponent a coin every time a spell is cast but takes a copy of that spell used.

So you play one spell, get a coin... play that coin, get another coin, basically infiinite mana for the turn, meanwhile the player who played the minion hits 10 cards with ease, and you can play your entire hand if you so desire because you have effectively infinite mana.

Ah yeah the coin being a spell ruins it. I call fakes too.


If the cards are fake they are darn well made fakes!

Ah yeah the coin being a spell ruins it. I call fakes too.

Maybe Blizzard will be changing the coin so it is no longer a spell? If not, yeah, no way those are real. Otherwise, the card text may as well read "Discard your deck and give your opponent infinite mana."


The card about damaging your opponent when he draws a specific card is interesting though. Kinda like a anti-miracle thing
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