Russian flavour text is way wackier than English flavour text:
Druid of the Fang:
(The Druids of the Fang live in the Wailing Caverns. They wear cool snake shirts and tell snake jokes and say "bro" a lot.)
Лохматый, бородатый и пишет на Питоне.
Messy, bearded and writes in Python.
Enhance-o Mechano:
(His enhancements are gluten free!)
Его усиления совершенно безопасны для здоровья и одобрены антидопинговой комиссией!
His enhancements are completely healthy and endorsed by the anti-doping committee!
Druid of the Fang:
(The Druids of the Fang live in the Wailing Caverns. They wear cool snake shirts and tell snake jokes and say "bro" a lot.)
Лохматый, бородатый и пишет на Питоне.
Messy, bearded and writes in Python.
Enhance-o Mechano:
(His enhancements are gluten free!)
Его усиления совершенно безопасны для здоровья и одобрены антидопинговой комиссией!
His enhancements are completely healthy and endorsed by the anti-doping committee!