Oh and Snowchugger. A single turn 2 chugga chugga you can't remove will absolutely destroy you and with it being a Mage common you'll often see it multiple times per run.
very true.
Oh and Snowchugger. A single turn 2 chugga chugga you can't remove will absolutely destroy you and with it being a Mage common you'll often see it multiple times per run.
This shit is as fair and balanced as Fox News. Where's the fucking nerf, Blizzard?
You can deal with it next turn and still play Dark Cultist. Then follow it off with soulpriest into Dr Boom and meanwhile the hunter has no cards left.
If a hunter couldn't do well against a Priest in the early game we'd have a bit of a problem.
I killed it the next turn with a Shadow Word: Death, but he still hit me for 8 damage on the turn shown in that screenshot. I was down to 16 health, and he still had board presence. He wound up hitting me with double Kill Command shortly after for the finish. That Undertaker put me in such a ridiculous hole that there was no recovering.
Oh and Snowchugger. A single turn 2 chugga chugga you can't remove will absolutely destroy you and with it being a Mage common you'll often see it multiple times per run.
Except when I use it it's always 3 damage. #fuckthatcardCrackle needs to have its cost changed to 4 because it does 6 damage every fucking time.
You can deal with it next turn and still play Dark Cultist. Then follow it off with soulpriest into Dr Boom and meanwhile the hunter has no cards left.
If a hunter couldn't do well against a Priest in the early game we'd have a bit of a problem.
You're suggesting throwing a blademaster and NSC AND holy smite into a 1 mana card is somehow dealing with it?
Follow up with dr. boom? You realize its turn 3 and the hunter has a freaking 1 mana boulderfist ogre right?
Funny, all the 1 mana Undertakers I play are 1/2. If you are going to count cards, do it both ways.
Board clear on turn 4, powerword shield still available for turn 5 and you have the option of soulpriest or whatever after that. If it wasn't for kill command, what exactly is the hunter going to do beyond Highmane on turn 6?
Buffing undertaker by playing deathrattles doesn't count as cards... don't know what game you are playing but when you "deal" with an undertaker, all the deathrattle minions don't suddenly die for no reason.
To get that Undertaker, the Hunter needs to play 6 cards and probably 8 mana. They then get a spare part and a 2 mana secret.
The priest can clear all that for 2 cards and 8 mana. They also get a 2 mana heal.
The reason that favors the Hunter is the 10 damage on top of it that can't be blocked or played around in any meaningful way. Take the undertaker out of that equation and it starts to get crazy one sided.
That is the game we play. Looking at it isolation as a 6/7 OP card is a really simplistic view. You might as well ask why every deck doesn't just run undertakers and death rattles, because every deck can. The reason is it only really works in specific cases and in other cases (like Priest vs Hunter) you should be fine given a reasonable draw.
To get that Undertaker, the Hunter needs to play 6 cards and probably 8 mana. They then get a spare part and a 2 mana secret.
The priest can clear all that for 2 cards and 8 mana. They also get a 2 mana heal.
The reason that favors the Hunter is the 10 damage on top of it that can't be blocked or played around in any meaningful way. Take the undertaker out of that equation and it starts to get crazy one sided.
That is the game we play. Looking at it isolation as a 6/7 OP card is a really simplistic view. You might as well ask why every deck doesn't just run undertakers and death rattles, because every deck can. The reason is it only really works in specific cases (where you can blow 6 cards and still do damage) and in other cases (like Priest vs Hunter) you should be fine given a reasonable draw.
As a priest, or heck any class, against a turn 3 undertaker on steroids, you can't just play to remove the UT and hope to stabilize because the hunter isn't gonna run out of steam just because he is down to 2 cards. That is wishful thinking. Without that top deck shadow word death, he had absolutely no hope.
Should've just said that at the beginning instead of that explanation on the mechanics of Undertaker and Hunters.That is the game we play.
To get that Undertaker, the Hunter needs to play 6 cards and probably 8 mana. They then get a spare part and a 2 mana secret.
The priest can clear all that for 2 cards and 8 mana. They also get a 2 mana heal.
The reason that favors the Hunter is the 10 damage on top of it that can't be blocked or played around in any meaningful way. Take the undertaker out of that equation and it starts to get crazy one sided.
That is the game we play. Looking at it isolation as a 6/7 OP card is a really simplistic view. You might as well ask why every deck doesn't just run undertakers and death rattles, because every deck can. The reason is it only really works in specific cases (where you can blow 6 cards and still do damage) and in other cases (like Priest vs Hunter) you should be fine given a reasonable draw.
And even if he did kill the UT, he is still facing at least 7 damage next turn from 16 hp.
You trade, you stabilize, the hunter runs out of steam and you win. Sometimes you don't quite get there and kill command finishes you off.
How exactly do you stablize from that position? He can't clear the board. All he can do is kill the undertaker. What is that Turn 4 board clear you're talking about? He doesn't have it.
See above. He drew death.
Death undertaker, trade and smite. 4 mana and he still has a presence on the board including a draw engine. His minions also threaten anything the hunter can possible play.
My original argument from there is that the Priest is in a great position. The problem was then double kill command, which has lead me to repeat that this is the problem with hunters, not the undertaker.
Okay, even with that clear, there's a trap in play, the hunter has 4 cards in hand (Not 2) plus a spare part on his next turn. The priest lost half of his health. Even without Kill Command, the Hunter can still make the difference with hero power, animal companion, charge minions, eaglehorn bow, etc. The hunter can still put forth a lot of pressure, and there are no more board clears or strong catchup plays from the priest until Turn 7.
See above. He drew death.
Death undertaker, trade and smite. 4 mana and he still has a presence on the board including a draw engine. His minions also threaten anything the hunter can possible play.
My original argument from there is that the Priest is in a great position. The problem was then double kill command, which has lead me to repeat that this is the problem with hunters, not the undertaker.
Not sure if this is a troll or not.True, but isn't that kind of the point of the deck?
There is RNG from the spider, trap and spare part and draws like getting a Huffer, but that is all fair enough. The priest could draw circle of healing too or holy nova, sludge etc or more importantly the Hunter could not have drawn Undertaker at all.
It seems like a fairly balanced game to me.
Not sure if this is a troll or not.
Circle of Healing plus Priest does not clear all of that (not the UT that's for sure). Holy Nova doesn't clear that either and Sludge doesn't protect you against that. Even if that guy had Shadow Word, the other minions would've cleaned.
And for the record Hunters do have Belchers in their deck to buff UT so even at turn 5 they had a potential play. Or they could've buffed up the Spider with Houndmaster for even more damage.
But I would like to say that clearing the board in this situation isn't ideal. Two of the minions might as well be tokens (Mad Scientist and Web Spinner) that summon better cards.
Ever notice that
The scientist could go either way, but I'd always remove the beast.
Meanwhile the dream:
That's an awful comparison. If you bother to buff up the lightwell you can concievably lose 3 cards to an owl, and getting lightwell/divine spirit/northshire without inner fire is awful. Meanwhile undertaker combos with atleast a dozen different cards, guaranteeing "the dream" pretty much 80+% of the time if you manage to draw it, and removing undertaker doesn't leave you with zero board presence.
I wasn't talking about the lightwell, simply dealing with the god like menace of an undertaker with two options.
i run two owls in everything but priest
guess its just shitty luck