How frequently will Blizz be revealing new cards? I keep checking this thread for new class cards while I'm at work. When do I get to see my Huntard card, guys?!
If it's like Naxx, probably every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday until release.
How frequently will Blizz be revealing new cards? I keep checking this thread for new class cards while I'm at work. When do I get to see my Huntard card, guys?!
You won with Shaman again? Someone ban Soka from HS tournaments pls. In tourney 2 I would've made the finals if it wasn't for him =(
You meet the most wonderful folks in a 0-2 arena run, folks who coin out stormforged axe on turn one, go face with it and then lightning bolt face turn 2.
ZZMitch won it all, but my Shaman was something like 6-1 throughout the tournament only losing finally to Mitch at the end.
Anyway, of the four Hearthstone tournaments we've had here on NeoGAF, I've participated in 3. I was 7th out of 44 for tournament #1, 1st out of 32 for tournament #2, and 2nd out of 33 for tournament #4. ZZMitch was first for the last two tournaments. Not sure about others. All I want to do is run three of my different Shaman decks, stop making us play more than one hero guys![]()
He is a perfectly balanced card and blizzard has no reason to change him.
He doesn't seem like a card that will be changed. Probably a safe disenchant.
Used my tournament winnings to buy some packs and got enough dust to finally craft Dr. Boom (as well as Tirion). Now I can really start winning mwhahahahaha.
Thanks again Fixed!
The last 2 could just be boss monsters,but I would really like Victor Nefarian in his human form has a card.
Looks like double Nefarian to me. Nefarian the Dragon and Lord Victor Nefarious the Human. Get one for finishing Blackwing Lair and the other for Blackwing Descent?
The cards without card text they flashed by in the Blackrock Mountain trailer included Nefarian as both a dragon and his human form, and I'd assume they didn't just find all that TCG art just to fake cards for a trailer.
Decent deal on packs if anyone was considering buying some anytime soon. Comes to something like %30 off.
Sounds like there's a limit of 10 packs, which is kinda lame, but still a decent deal. PC only, FYI
Decent deal on packs if anyone was considering buying some anytime soon. Comes to something like %30 off.
Sounds like there's a limit of 10 packs, which is kinda lame, but still a decent deal. PC only, FYI
It looks like it.He could work like a much stronger cairne, a Druid of the Fang ("If you hold a dragon do something amazing") or Druid of the Claws (choose human form or dragon from)Looks like double Nefarian to me. Nefarian the Dragon and Lord Victor Nefarious the Human. Get one for finishing Blackwing Lair and the other for Blackwing Descent?
You meet the most wonderful folks in a 0-2 arena run, folks who coin out stormforged axe on turn one, go face with it and then lightning bolt face turn 2.
Undead Onyxia has to be a card. She'll be one of the Hunter class cards, and in a spin on standard Onyxia's card text, she will fill your hand with Kill Commands instead of filling the board with whelps.
It looks like it.He could work like a much stronger cairne, a Druid of the Fang ("If you hold a dragon do something amazing") or Druid of the Claws (choose human form or dragon from)
Thinking about it, I feel like Undead Onixya would work like Baron Geddon in a way since her main ability is shooting lightning out of her sides at players, so I could see something that effects the board. They could make it interesting where she's a low cost / high stat creature that damages your own board. Something like Necronight.
Is the Undead Onyxia raid encounter well-known enough among players to actually have an ability based on what happens in the encounter?
I feel like this is a pretty good approximation of the Hunter Rare class card:
It's balanced because at three mana, a dragon in your hand is basically a wasted card anyway (no one runs the cheap dragons and the theoretical designer of this card didn't check to see if Blackrock Mountain is adding any cheap dragons).
Site seems to be legit. That being said, I didn't use it myself because I play Hearthstone on iOS and this offer isn't valid on that platform (Pc only).Is this a legit site?
edit: apologies if the tone sounds a bit harsh. I've just never heard of gamesdeal
Is the Undead Onyxia raid encounter well-known enough among players to actually have an ability based on what happens in the encounter?
I feel like this is a pretty good approximation of the Hunter Rare class card:
It's balanced because at three mana, a dragon in your hand is basically a wasted card anyway (no one runs the cheap dragons and the theoretical designer of this card didn't check to see if Blackrock Mountain is adding any cheap dragons).
who came up with this? who is the man who said to himself "skill command just isn't good enough, hunters need something that does even more damage that works without actually playing any cards so they have their mana free to deal even more damage"
It could conceivably be balanced, if you considered it solely in a vaccuum.
I don't know, man, ask Blizzard and whoever at Blizzard designed that card.
Should be "If you're holding a Dragon, destroy your target instead."Is the Undead Onyxia raid encounter well-known enough among players to actually have an ability based on what happens in the encounter?
I feel like this is a pretty good approximation of the Hunter Rare class card:
It's balanced because at three mana, a dragon in your hand is basically a wasted card anyway (no one runs the cheap dragons and the theoretical designer of this card didn't check to see if Blackrock Mountain is adding any cheap dragons).
Site seems to be legit. That being said, I didn't use it myself because I play Hearthstone on iOS and this offer isn't valid on that platform (Pc only).
No shit, right? Random minion pulls can screw you over big-time, though, as wellThat guy will never let an Alarm-o-Bot live again.
No shit, right? Random minion pulls can screw you over big-time, though, as well
Can't wait to take 21 damage in one turn with double Dragon Command and a Skill Command.Is the Undead Onyxia raid encounter well-known enough among players to actually have an ability based on what happens in the encounter?
I feel like this is a pretty good approximation of the Hunter Rare class card:
It's balanced because at three mana, a dragon in your hand is basically a wasted card anyway (no one runs the cheap dragons and the theoretical designer of this card didn't check to see if Blackrock Mountain is adding any cheap dragons).
Can't wait to take 21 damage in one turn with double Dragon Command and a Skill Command.
Can't wait to take 21 damage in one turn with double Dragon Command and a Skill Command.
One mana for Arcane Shot breh.Math.
One mana for Arcane Shot breh.
No,coin bloodmage.derp, 9 mana.
Coin hero power brah.