I am mulliganing for it pretty aggressively against mage and hunter. It is also like BGH and aldor are dodging my draw every time someone plays dr. boom today as well.
Ugh. Not being able to contest a turn 7 boom is a nightmare.
I am mulliganing for it pretty aggressively against mage and hunter. It is also like BGH and aldor are dodging my draw every time someone plays dr. boom today as well.
Ugh. Not being able to contest a turn 7 boom is a nightmare.
What are the class cards/challenges we will be getting this week?
Two Dragon themed cards including Dragon Consorts in this wing means that we will be seeing the first actual Dragon Paladin deck this week.
What are the class cards/challenges we will be getting this week?
Two Dragon themed cards including Dragon Consorts in this wing means that we will be seeing the first actual Dragon Paladin deck this week.
What are the class cards/challenges we will be getting this week?
Two Dragon themed cards including Dragon Consorts in this wing means that we will be seeing the first actual Dragon Paladin deck this week.
Damn those class cards are fucking awful. Only two interesting cards are Rend Blackhand and Consort.
Dragon Priest is something I'm interested in trying but even in a deck like that I think you might opt for Chow over Whelp. Maybe we'll see Faerie Dragon find a way in there. Twilight Whelp into Faerie seems like it would be an okay play. Not sure there are any other scenarios where Whelp is the better choice though.
Yeah they are mostly worried about Druids abusing it.Yeah, I'm mostly just spitballing ideas. Not being able to buff Faerie Dragon is unfortunate and using it for the sake of Twilight Whelp probably isn't worth it. especially when Priest generally doesn't care if their opponent is healed by 5.
Also it's a real shame that Consort is a class card. I think it's going to be tough for anything other than dragon Paladin to take off because of that. I guess Blizzard was just afraid of the potential repercussions.
Playing against face hunter... is so fucking boring. I am actually finding myself BMing to be more enjoyable than playing against them.
Kezan Mystic is such a fucking bitch.
When you play her in your deck you always get her too late or not at all when you need her. Or she comes in your hand against a class that has no secrets.
But when you play a secret, that shit is getting stolen on turn 4 EMPHATICALLY!
The worst is when you finally hit off a Kezan Mystic and they counter with their own Kezan Mystic! The ironic thing is that Mages have started to run Kezan Mystic just to protect their own secrets from being stolen.
The announcer guy said that I got an Epic and a Legendary card, which I'm assuming are good.
Also it's a real shame that Consort is a class card. I think it's going to be tough for anything other than dragon Paladin to take off because of that. I guess Blizzard was just afraid of the potential repercussions.
I just started playing this game a few hours ago, and am really enjoying it so far. I just finished beating every practice hero on the hard difficulty, and opened my first pack.
The announcer guy said that I got an Epic and a Legendary card, which I'm assuming are good.
Now I'm going to read some of the guides in the OP and see what to do next. I guess the next step is to play against real people.
Wild Pyro is great in a bunch of decks, Shield Slam won't do much for you for now but you'll need it for Warrior later down the line. Lightspawn is playable but will quickly be replaced by better minions once your collection grows. Unfortunately The Beast is ass but that's still 400 dust in your pocket.I just started playing this game a few hours ago, and am really enjoying it so far. I just finished beating every practice hero on the hard difficulty, and opened my first pack.
The announcer guy said that I got an Epic and a Legendary card, which I'm assuming are good.
Now I'm going to read some of the guides in the OP and see what to do next. I guess the next step is to play against real people.
I just started playing this game a few hours ago, and am really enjoying it so far. I just finished beating every practice hero on the hard difficulty, and opened my first pack.
The announcer guy said that I got an Epic and a Legendary card, which I'm assuming are good.
Now I'm going to read some of the guides in the OP and see what to do next. I guess the next step is to play against real people.
Control Warrior doing a lot of work in the current meta. Freeze mages get stomped and it is really great against most aggro.
Looking good. Hand position is weird though.
Edit: on second thought...it looks like that is spectator mode.
More fake cards!
So basically, if used and attacked with, the 2nd turn with this card on the board it's frozen. If it survives to a 3rd turn, it can attack like a normal minion.
That's OP as hell. Basically any deck could do the turn 9 Alex turn 10 Grom Combo with that card, and for only 4 mana. Hell, I'd do Shaman turn 9 Alex, turn 10 Overzealous Adventurer with Windfury and Rockbiter. Even if you played him on turn 4, you can just taunt him after he freezes with DoA or Sunfury. And, he's got 1 more attack than Leeroy for 1 less mana, so Miracle would come back and be even worse than before since you can have 2 of them in your deck. Druids can Innervate + Coin or Innervate X2 and get him out on turn 1 followed by a turn 2 Sunfury to taunt it, or a turn 2 Owl to unfreeze it and do another 7 face damage.
I'm posting this again: we're trying to organise an EU tournament. As of right now, 8 players have signed up, counting me. The closer we get to a power of 2 the better, so 16 would be great. If we end up with an odd number of players we'll randomly give some players byes in the first round.
Right now I'm thinking Conquest, best of35, single elimination. You pick three classes at the start of the tournament and have to keep those three classes for all of the tournament, but you may change your decks between rounds (although not between matches while you are playing against someone). One week per round? If anyone minds this format, tell me! I'm open to ideas. If discussion about this tournament overtakes this thread we'll create a new thread exclusively for the tournament. Whenenever the tournament actually starts, there will definitely be a thread.
Sign up using this Google form.
I'll re-post this later today so everyone has a shot at signing up without having to read every post in the thread.
If you silence him he wouldn't have Charge. The combo you should be looking out for enabling is playing him, hitting face, and then Shadowflaming for 7 damage to everything for 8 mana.You wouldn't be able to Windfury him. Since he freezes directly after the first attack.
EDIT: Well, unless you silence first then windfury him. But that's a lot of external stuff.
More fake cards!
So basically, if used and attacked with, the 2nd turn with this card on the board it's frozen. If it survives to a 3rd turn, it can attack like a normal minion.
You wouldn't be able to Windfury him. Since he freezes directly after the first attack.
EDIT: Well, unless you silence first then windfury him. But that's a lot of external stuff.
More fake cards!
So basically, if used and attacked with, the 2nd turn with this card on the board it's frozen. If it survives to a 3rd turn, it can attack like a normal minion.
More fake cards!
So basically, if used and attacked with, the 2nd turn with this card on the board it's frozen. If it survives to a 3rd turn, it can attack like a normal minion.
Thats extremely OP. Thats like a neutral Fireball that does 1 more damage.
I'm probably super wrong about the stats-to-cost ratio on that thing, but I really like the drawback. It has a lot strategy and foresight involved.
I like the freeze idea but for 4 mana he would have to be like, at most, a 4/3.
Then it's just a worse Korkron Elite.