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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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How Good Is Dragon Hunter?
It's not that much better than Midrange Hunter IMO. Like the deck is basically replacing Savanna Highmanes with Volcanic Drakes. The combo with UTH is good and definitely favors the more aggressive/tempo approach of Hunter more than Paladins.

Most of the wins that Kripp got were due to standard combos you can do with Midrange Hunter... the real difference was the Darkwing Corruptor.

Same could be said for loatheb. Even ragnaros. That deosn't mean a card is OP. I don't think dr. boom is optimal for every deck as people sometimes seem to claim.
I see Dr Balanced way more than any of those cards.

I don't know what "OP" means if it doesn't apply to Dr Balanced. Like if the card is auto include in many aggro decks (Mech Mage, Zoolock), midrange decks (Hunter, Paladin) and late/control game decks (Control Warrior, Priest, Ramp) then how is it NOT OP?

People say Emperor Balanced is OP but that is used in far less decks than Dr Balanced.

There are 3 things a card can be... under powered, just balanced or over powered. There's no way that Dr Balanced belongs in any category but over powered.

For the record I find quite a few other cards to be OP as well. I think Shredder is disgustingly OP and shouldn't belong in the game. I think Mad Scientist is ridiculous as well (despite not being used in every deck unlike Dr Balanced). These cards are brainless because they are OP. You just put down the cards and deal with the fallout later or let the opponent deal with them. I think Unstable Portal is bull shit as well.

Don't know if you have seen some recent big tournaments but too many games were decided by 1) Who got Dr "GG" out first and 2) what the Boombots RNG ended up being. Severe swings in the Boombot RNG has resulted in near unwinnable games being won when they deal like 8 damage to the face and some how pull a lethal out of the ether.

Once Dr Balanced receives the nerf he has coming... that is the day I will refer him by him real name. Until then he is Dr FAIR AND BALANCED!


I don't know what it is with this meta but I'm not having any fun at all.

It just seems like I'm playing against even more annoying fucking decks.


Minus the high number of Zoolocks I actually think this meta right now is pretty cool.

Quite a few people online using Dragon decks, multiple Mage decks, multiple Warlock decks, two Hunter and Warrior decks, double Lightbomb Priest etc.

Of course this will all settle down to the best of the best but right now there is more variety than there was a month ago.

I'm fucking garbage at arena. Just went 0-3 with Warrior. AND i'm using HearthArena to build it.
That's the problem.



Didn't even know this was possible, usually I get golden commons/regular rares at 10+


Make that 3 Legendaries now.

From Arena pack: Bolvar Fordragon.

*Edit. I'm fucking garbage at arena. Just went 0-3 with Warrior. AND i'm using HearthArena to build it.
Arena can be harder than constructed. You have to draft well and know what kind of deck you're building and you have to play well. There aren't any guides for the deck you will build either, so you're on your own for the most part.

I think there are a few key concepts that really help in Arena.

  1. Draft 6 to 8 early game minions. This includes good 1 cost minions and almost all 2 cost minions. I do mean minions, not spells. Certain decks can get around this rule, like a Warrior with Fiery Axes, but most of the time you must have something on the board by turn 2.
  2. Don't hold minions waiting for their text or abilities to be valuable. An example: If you have Acidic Ooze and the opponent did not play a weapon by turn 4, play the ooze if you have no other minions; If you hold it for the dream you will lose anyway. If the minion has enough stats for his cost don't be afraid to drop it on the board.
  3. Rate cards that remove minions or clear the board highly when drafting. Be aware that your opponent also rates these things highly and every opponent will have multiple board clears in their deck. Firestorm turn 7 vs mage. Holy Nova turn 5 vs Priest. Concecration turn 4 vs Pally. Swipe turn 4 vs Druid. Hellfire turn 4 vs Warlock. Don't setup your board to get wiped out by those.
  4. Rate cards that offer card draw highly when drafting. Arena matches often come down to value trading, where the slightest advantage when making a trade snow balls into a victory. One way to cheat this scenario is to play out more cards than your opponent. If you have card draw you can overwhelm your opponent and sometimes 1 more card than they have is enough.


While card draw is good in Arena, you don't want too many cards in your deck clogged up by card draw stuff.

Like you don't want to draft 3 Cult Masters and 3 Arcane Intellects.

The main thing that wins Arena games are bodies. Bodies at 2 drop, bodies at 3 drop, amazing bodies at 4 drop, big body at 5 drop and even bigger body at 6 drop. That and a few removals plus AOE clears.
Arena can be harder than constructed. You have to draft well and know what kind of deck you're building and you have to play well. There aren't any guides for the deck you will build either, so you're on your own for the most part.

I think there are a few key concepts that really help in Arena.

  1. Draft 6 to 8 early game minions. This includes good 1 cost minions and almost all 2 cost minions. I do mean minions, not spells. Certain decks can get around this rule, like a Warrior with Fiery Axes, but most of the time you must have something on the board by turn 2.
  2. Don't hold minions waiting for their text or abilities to be valuable. An example: If you have Acidic Ooze and the opponent did not play a weapon by turn 4, play the ooze if you have no other minions; If you hold it for the dream you will lose anyway. If the minion has enough stats for his cost don't be afraid to drop it on the board.
  3. Rate cards that remove minions or clear the board highly when drafting. Be aware that your opponent also rates these things highly and every opponent will have multiple board clears in their deck. Firestorm turn 7 vs mage. Holy Nova turn 5 vs Priest. Concecration turn 4 vs Pally. Swipe turn 4 vs Druid. Hellfire turn 4 vs Warlock. Don't setup your board to get wiped out by those.
  4. Rate cards that offer card draw highly when drafting. Arena matches often come down to value trading, where the slightest advantage when making a trade snow balls into a victory. One way to cheat this scenario is to play out more cards than your opponent. If you have card draw you can overwhelm your opponent and sometimes 1 more card than they have is enough.

Having my KT survive a brawl vs a control warrior is probably the most disgusting I've ever felt in my life.

He did waste both shield slams and ended up not having a non-RNG answer even with 12 armor. Still, he did the right play and the game kicked him in the balls for it.
Having my KT survive a brawl vs a control warrior is probably the most disgusting I've ever felt in my life.

He did waste both shield slams and ended up not having a non-RNG answer even with 12 armor. Still, he did the right play and the game kicked him in the balls for it.

I feel the opposite when that happens. Control warrior deserves to lose the brawl vs KT some of the time.
Opened a classic pack last night and got my first Preparation and second Force of Nature. Now I can finally play double combo like all the cool combo druids and go from playing crippled rogue to only half crippled rogue!


PSA: Falling asleep with a Brian Kibler stream in the background is a terrible thing to do, I've had nightmares of my Dragon Paladin deck getting countered perfectly on every turn.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Shielded Minibot is such an annoying bastard when you're zoo and have an opening like Flame Imp into Knife Juggler.


But no truesilvers, no follow de rulez and a bunch of shitty cards

Most arena games are about overwhelming your opponent in the first few turns and keeping a board. You have cards that will allow you to do it. You'll lose to 10 win mage decks though.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
The diversity in arena has been so godawful lately. I know stuff like mage has always been strong, but I feel like post-GvG everything got way worse. I've done 7 matches and only one has been a non mage/paladin. It usually gets worse as you get higher, but even the start is the same shit.

I like the mode a lot but man is that getting aggravating lately.
The diversity in arena has been so godawful lately. I know stuff like mage has always been strong, but I feel like post-GvG everything got way worse. I've done 7 matches and only one has been a non mage/paladin. It usually gets worse as you get higher, but even the start is the same shit.

I like the mode a lot but man is that getting aggravating lately.

It would be nice if they let us draft 35 and then cut 5 from the deck. This way you can cut some cards that are good vs flamestrike, making flamestrike less desirable overall - just as an example.

Anyway, just drafting that way in the first place can give you a significant edge, although you do have to get a bit lucky with your choices.
Oh man, revenge of the paladin against tempo mage.

Turn 3 he plays a kirin tor + mirror. I had kezan in hand already. Later he plays a counterspell, while I have saved coin. Next to pour salt in the wounds, I have a loatheb (while I still have mirror) into an uncontested emperor thaurisan, 2 turns later a KT after he brings ET's hp down to 1, a black knight for his sludge belcher costing only 3, a consecration buffed by shredder's dropped geomancer's spellpower to clear his weak board even though I had KT... not to mention I had dr. b000m in hand for 4 mana.

It could not have gone worse for him.

Still not playing dragon paladin cause my paladin from GVG is still too good and too much fun with much more slots for tech cards like kezan mystic, harrison, etc.. It also doesn't hurt that I am 6-1 with it tonight with a 5 win streak.

edit: 7-1 for the night feels so much better than 6-6 with rogue ><


Anyone playing tonight don't mind me spectating to clear my quest? My friends haven't been on lately. Celegus#1599 if you're able to help!
While card draw is good in Arena, you don't want too many cards in your deck clogged up by card draw stuff.

Like you don't want to draft 3 Cult Masters and 3 Arcane Intellects.

The main thing that wins Arena games are bodies. Bodies at 2 drop, bodies at 3 drop, amazing bodies at 4 drop, big body at 5 drop and even bigger body at 6 drop. That and a few removals plus AOE clears.

I had a recent arena run with three Cult Masters, Loot Hoarder, Solemn Vigil, and Azure Drake. Went 10-3!
Last loss came to a Paladin that played Divine Favor on my big hand and drew into lethal. :(
I've finally got enough dust to craft another legendary, but I don't know which one of these three to pick:

-Sylvanas: One of the last few staple legendaries from the original game I still need. A great card for almost any deck, and has good synergy with my Deathrattle/Divine Shield/Redemption Pally deck that I main.

-Tirion: While it's not efficient to craft a class legendary, nearly half of my playtime/wins goes to Paladin. It also would work extremely well in the previously mentioned deck, and is just a powerhouse on its own.

-Dr. Boom: Obviously the #1 card in the current meta, and would fit into a lot of decks. There's also a decent chance it gets nerfed and I can pick another one after.

What are your thoughts?


I've finally got enough dust to craft another legendary, but I don't know which one of these three to pick:

-Sylvanas: One of the last few staple legendaries from the original game I still need. A great card for almost any deck, and has good synergy with my Deathrattle/Divine Shield/Redemption Pally deck that I main.

-Tirion: While it's not efficient to craft a class legendary, nearly half of my playtime/wins goes to Paladin. It also would work extremely well in the previously mentioned deck, and is just a powerhouse on its own.

-Dr. Boom: Obviously the #1 card in the current meta, and would fit into a lot of decks. There's also a decent chance it gets nerfed and I can pick another one after.

What are your thoughts?

If you're playing Paladin, then Tirion is probably better than Boom, which is probably better than Sylvanas. Seems like a pretty simple pick.
I've finally got enough dust to craft another legendary, but I don't know which one of these three to pick:

-Sylvanas: One of the last few staple legendaries from the original game I still need. A great card for almost any deck, and has good synergy with my Deathrattle/Divine Shield/Redemption Pally deck that I main.

-Tirion: While it's not efficient to craft a class legendary, nearly half of my playtime/wins goes to Paladin. It also would work extremely well in the previously mentioned deck, and is just a powerhouse on its own.

-Dr. Boom: Obviously the #1 card in the current meta, and would fit into a lot of decks. There's also a decent chance it gets nerfed and I can pick another one after.

What are your thoughts?

As someone who has played a ton of paladin in the past 5 months, Tirion.

Dr. Boom is good, but not necessary (hit legend before I got dr. boom with paladin).

Sylvanas is also good of course, I don't always run sylvanas in paladin though and currently am running emperor thaurissan in its place.

But I've never wanted to run paladin without tirion (I have ran basic only paladin decks and that is the only deck I would not include tirion).

If you want to play paladin on ladder as a competitive deck, I would argue tirion is 100% necessary except for aggro paladin in which case he still isn't terrible.

I would go Boom 100% since he just turns into any of the other two when he gets nerfed.

I wouldn't get your hopes up. They've said they won't nerf unless it is absolutely necessary.


If half of your playstime goes to Paladin then that means half of the time you are playing other classes. That means that 50% of the time Tirion won't get used.

But Dr Balanced will still get used 100% of the time. The answer is obvious.
Dr. Boom isn't as great in this Patron warrior infested meta. The boom bots tend to contribute to the horde and Boom gets executed more often than not.
Oh no, you guys are split! Boom or Tirion, who will survive? XD

Also, I kinda want Sylvanas because I just really like her story and design. But practicality > personal affection. :p


Can't seem to get past Rank 14. Everyone I play has Dr. Boom and Emperor Balanced and Ragnaros and that 8/8 card that costs less the more damage you've had or whatever.
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