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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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11-2 in Arena, final boss is against an actual Face Hunter deck. Leper Gnome opener, Glaivezooka, Animal Companion Huffer, Eaglehorn +.Freeze Trap, next turn Unleash to take care of my measly board, finish game with Skill Command + Hero power.

That was my first time playing against an 11 win Hunter in Arena. I expected a disgusting deck and I was not disappointed.

My deck with SoJ, Coghammer, Aldor and BGH carried me. Every game that SoJ came out I won the game.


12-1 guys. Early Coghammer going second is brutal.

Was 11-0 but that Paladin final boss was too good. Beat Hafu on the way =D




OK I guess.


Yea, a golden rare is pretty lame. One time I got a non-foil legendary which made up for it, but more and more cards (even normals) showing up as rewards for high wins sucks.


Hunter really is the best class.

You can have hunter aggro, hunter midrange, hunter control, themed hunter (beast), all viable.

You can go small creatures, big creatures, spells; 90% of the hunter cards you open on any given pack is useful on some hunter deck.

All the other classes should strive to be more like hunter.




This deck would perform worse than your standard Midrange Hunter mostly because you would get rushed down without having any Belchers. It only has one healing as well.

And Beast Hunter isn't that good either. It's really Face Hunter, Midrange Hunter and the hybrid Face + Midrange Hunter (basically Face Hunter with some Highmanes thrown in and some other changes).

There's something with Hunter where the line for where decks start "working" is way lower than for other classes. Maybe this is just something I've experienced. I think the Hunter class cards people run in every Hunter deck, specifically their Secrets, are just really good.

I made some more fake cards. The first two are completely broken and I can't tell if the last one is completely broken.

The idea with the last one was for Core Rager to activate without you actually having an empty hand, but the card text is unclear enough that I guess it would also have to stop Thaurissan from making your cards cheaper, make Twilight Drakes always come out as 4/1s, make Mountain Giants unplayable, make a whole bunch of Warlock cards suddenly no longer discard cards (can't discard what isn't there), etc. Stats are 4/5 because I couldn't value the effect at less than the extra budget legendary cards get.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
is it insane of me to take flame imps out of my zoo deck? I put in two Squires instead.

I like the bubble to trade up with stuff like abusive/dire doggy and I've found that the 3/2 flame imp haven't as good lately, especially against matchups like pally when they seem to always have shielded minibot at the start. Drawing the imps in the mid-late game also can suck if health becomes more relevant.


is it insane of me to take flame imps out of my zoo deck? I put in two Squires instead.

I like the bubble to trade up with stuff like abusive/dire doggy and I've found that the 3/2 flame imp haven't as good lately, especially against matchups like pally when they seem to always have shielded minibot at the start. Drawing the imps in the mid-late game also can suck if health becomes more relevant.

What do people normally take out for squires? They're really common.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
What do people normally take out for squires? They're really common.

Not sure actually. I haven't played zoo since the soulfire nerf and the one I was trying to use before had voidcallers but I found it way too 4 drop heavy with the argus and implosions on top of it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I don't think I've complained about my rewards in arena, like, ever. Especially at the high wins. It's like complaining that you've opened a bad legendary. Who cares if the reward is sub-optimal at a particular win rate? You're still getting a fat stack of gold and some nice dust. Should be thankful that you got 11-12 wins and be happy with that.


is it insane of me to take flame imps out of my zoo deck? I put in two Squires instead.

I like the bubble to trade up with stuff like abusive/dire doggy and I've found that the 3/2 flame imp haven't as good lately, especially against matchups like pally when they seem to always have shielded minibot at the start. Drawing the imps in the mid-late game also can suck if health becomes more relevant.
Im feeling this way as well I have 2 Flame Imps in my Zoo deck but they always feel like a liability especially if I draw them late game when health is so important. Hell had a game yesterday turn 1 Warlock drops flame imp and coins flame imp thinking he has the drop on me, assumed it was zoo so I kept a explosive Trap in my hand as a hunter..He quit right after.


I don't think I've complained about my rewards in arena, like, ever. Especially at the high wins. It's like complaining that you've opened a bad legendary. Who cares if the reward is sub-optimal at a particular win rate? You're still getting a fat stack of gold and some nice dust. Should be thankful that you got 11-12 wins and be happy with that.
First world problems man.

Real talk though I actually want the option of Classic vs GvG packs in Arena. I don't care for any of the GvG cards I am missing but I am still missing a bunch of classic cards.

The idea with the last one was for Core Rager to activate without you actually having an empty hand, but the card text is unclear enough that I guess it would also have to stop Thaurissan from making your cards cheaper, make Twilight Drakes always come out as 4/1s, make Mountain Giants unplayable, make a whole bunch of Warlock cards suddenly no longer discard cards (can't discard what isn't there), etc. Stats are 4/5 because I couldn't value the effect at less than the extra budget legendary cards get.
That 4/5 card is very interesting.

Does this include Bomb Lobber too?

What about Boom Bots? I want it to include both of these cards just for the salt.

I mean this is an OP card and it comboing with another OP card (Dr Balanced) just makes too much sense. If we are going to go stupid then might as well go full stupid!


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I'm not saying you can't just get shafted in Arena no matter what, but I swear more often than not using Hearth Arena will give most people on average an extra 2 wins per run.


It'd be nice if packs rewards in arena would either be regular or GvG, even if it's random. I really enjoy arena a lot more than anything else but I'm missing a ton of regular cards.


I'm not saying you can't just get shafted in Arena no matter what, but I swear more often than not using Hearth Arena will give most people on average an extra 2 wins per run.
It's probably a lot more if you have no idea to draft to begin with. Drafting well takes a lot of experience and knowledge... it's like 33% of what makes you win in Arena (the other 33%'s being skill and luck).

It's been so long since I have seen a Goldshire Footman in Arena even in the low wins bracket. Every deck I generally face off against is competent... but the plays are bad even at as high as at 10 wins sometimes.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I love Kezan Mystic. It hits so damn often now, it's an autokeep vs. Hunter as midrange and face all run it, and it seems like damn near ever mage has some bundle of secrets and mad scientist bullshit.

I do see some people run 2 though, which seems greedy as fuck.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I think a big problem with the current dragon decks is that there are too many weak dragons to make the deck fully fleshed out. And most of the good ones that do exist are at the high end. So the game needs some cheap dragons, especially ones that could serve the purpose of countering fast decks. It's a little too easy to punish dragon decks with super-fast decks right now. So I came up with a couple ideas on some cheaper dragons the game could use.



Crimson Whelping - This is a very basic card but fits the need for a cheap dragon to counter aggro decks very well. It has the bonus feature of just being a really strong 2-drop in general. Even non-Dragon decks might run something like this instead of Zombie Chow.

Broodmother - I wanted a 3-slot dragon since we didn't really have those and came up with this. I really like the idea and theme behind this one. I made it a 3/3 instead of a 2/4 because I didn't want to make it TOO hard to kill. If it doesn't die right away the eggs could get out of hand fast, and even getting just one Dragon Egg is pretty good. It's really strong I think, even with just one egg it's like a super Harvest Golem but the deathrattle is delayed. It would also be generally amazing in a Dragon Warrior deck.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I got owned by majordomo just now, FUCKING MAJORDOMO Executus! This dude had the craziest deck ever it was full of ice armor secrets and stuff and he fucking majordomo for the win. Damn i don't think you can even be mad at losing to a guy who runs majordomo, props to him whoever he was.


Disagree about druids. Druid got shit from BRM and it shows. It's definitely worse than it used to be.
Emperor Thaurissan is big for Druid in Constructed and Druid of the Flame/Volcanic Lumberer are great for Druid in Arena.

The real problem is that one of their bad match ups got a lot better in BRM (Zoolock). It's still really fucking cheesy losing to turn 7 Combo against Druid on Ladder.


Crimson Whelping would make Farseer obsolete. It's basically a better Farseer that comes out earlier, heals for the same amount, has good stats for its mana cost AND is attached to a race.

I know Crimson only heals the hero but lets be real... the Farseer just like Healbot is used to heal face like 90% of the time these days.

I think Battlecry should be "If you are holding a Dragon, heal for 3 damage". That way it's not a just a "replace your Farseers in Handlock with Whelpings" card.
I got owned by majordomo just now, FUCKING MAJORDOMO Executus! This dude had the craziest deck ever it was full of ice armor secrets and stuff and he fucking majordomo for the win. Damn i don't think you can even be mad at losing to a guy who runs majordomo, props to him whoever he was.

Ha, I remember putting him in my decks until the deathrattle finally procced and I realized why no one else used it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Crimson Whelping would make Farseer obsolete. It's basically a better Farseer that comes out earlier, heals for the same amount, has good stats for its mana cost AND is attached to a race.

I know Crimson only heals the hero but lets be real... the Farseer just like Healbot is used to heal face like 90% of the time these days.

I think Battlecry should be "If you are holding a Dragon, heal for 3 damage". That way it's not a just a "replace your Farseers in Handlock with Whelpings" card.

Healbot has pretty much made Farseer obsolete in Handlock anyway. The only deck running Far Seer right now is Oil Rogue. Plus Far Seer is better on curve. On Turn 2, it's not necessarily true that your face has been pinged yet, so it could easily just be a river croc. On Turn 3, you're more likely to have had your face pinged and Far Seer is a stronger Turn 3 play.

And while it's true that Far Seer is almost always used to heal face in Constructed, in Arena it's a bit of a different story.


Since Dr Balanced is so fair and balanced I figured the game could use another Dr Balanced card:


Not sure if better than Dr Balanced or not...


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
That's the joke...

But if it didn't have the Deathrattle, Dr Balanced would be better.

The Deathrattle is pretty key. Boom Bots would be like a 1 mana card if they were actually collectible. Which means the main body of Dr. Boom is like a 5 mana 7/7. With the Deathrattle, your main body is like a 2 mana 7/6.


The Deathrattle is pretty key. Boom Bots would be like a 1 mana card if they were actually collectible. Which means the main body of Dr. Boom is like a 5 mana 7/7. With the Deathrattle, your main body is like a 2 mana 7/6.
Yeah I know all of that. The Deathrattle was me being over the top but at 7/6 summoning two 2/1 it's in fact a more balanced Dr Balanced (as in it's more fair, not "one of my creatures can take out a Senjin" broken).

Here's a random Rogue card:


Not sure if it's overpowered or underpowered. I kinda like the idea of your weapon getting strong with each minion that dies on the field. Might give incentive to control oriented Rogue to set up big damage with the weapon.
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