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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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Maybe instead of nerfing Warsong and Frothing, they should just change Grim Patron to where the Patron summons a Patron with the same amount of health as the original. For example: Grim Patron #1 hits an Annoy-o-Tron and summons Grim Patron #2 with only 2 health. Then you could Whirlwind and get Grim Patron #3 and Grim Patron #4, but with only 1 health each. But I'm not entirely convinced that the deck needs to be nerfed just yet.


Math warrior was totally a thing before BRM.

Exactly. And it was decent enough even then. Grim Patron just added another potential win condition and board clear which really solidified the deck.

Seriously guys, not every new deck that rises to the top of the meta needs to be nerfed. First it was zoo, then it was mech mage, now it is Grim Patron warrior. Sometimes new decks work really, really well... and that's OK! If we nerfed every powerful new deck archetype that emerged we'd be left with a meta that consisted of nothing but the classics like control warrior, handlock, face hunter and combo druid.
With all this talk about Warsong Commander, reminds me of all the dumb stuff I tried with it way back when. The first was a Divine Shield deck that ran Blood Knight. Wouldn't work out to well since there aren't enough Divine Shield minions for Warrior and for the best combo, Commander would have to lI've through a turn late game, which never happens. The other was using Violent Teacher with Warsong Commander. It worked but the problem was that you'd need Commanding Shout or you'd just kill all your 1/1s and even then, Warriors have no real way to capitalize off of a ton of minions on the board outside of Frothing Berserker.

Kind of a bummer that it seems like the card is either completely broken or completely useless.


Fuck the HS community. Bunch of crybabies that get upset whenever a controlly deck manages to become viable. Sure just nerf all decks that require thought beyond "on which side of this minion should I drop the next minion" and enjoy the endless waves of zoo, facehunter and aggro mages.

Kind of a bummer that it seems like the card is either completely broken or completely useless.

Any minion that doesn't immediately give you value or doesn't have great stats is useless. That's just how this game is.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Fuck the HS community. Bunch of crybabies that get upset whenever a controlly deck manages to become viable. Sure just nerf all decks that require thought beyond "on which side of this minion should I drop the next minion" and enjoy the endless waves of zoo, facehunter and aggro mages.

The problem is everyone net decks, and over the past 6 months or so we've always had a strong flavor of the month that's been better than others.

Not that you can't win with any class, but for the average player you are basically actively gimping yourself if you are not playing said deck type.

It's why IMO they need to release a free regardless version of Arena as it gets around this issue.


The problem is everyone net decks, and over the past 6 months or so we've always had a strong flavor of the month that's been better than others.

Not that you can't win with any class, but for the average player you are basically actively gimping yourself if you are not playing said deck type.

Wut? No deck emerged in the past year even comes close to the absurd consistency Zoo had in its prime.
If you want to stay competitive without netdecking then build better decks. It really is that simple.

The game certainly lacks modes and tons of qol features but that's a whole nother issue.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Wut? No deck emerged in the past year even comes close to the absurd consistency Zoo had in its prime.
If you want to stay competitive without netdecking then build better decks. It really is that simple.

The game certainly lacks modes and tons of qol features but that's a whole nother issue.

It's not about having consistency at the same level.

Even if we say Zoo was the most consistent and gave you a 70% win rate vs say Mech Mage or Face Hunter only being 60% that really doesn't matter.

The point is at the time your basically garaunteed more wins than losses either way.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Damn just now fucking Forsen missed lethal because he didn't bounce Taskmaster from freezing trap, the hunter then top deck unleash the hounds for the win. I dunno why but i fucking lost it and laughed like crazy. Also he keeps getting matched with hunter, 6 in a row now, fucking forsen.
Patron Warrior isn't even a dominating deck...

/s ?

It's definitely Tier 1. Does it need nerfed? No. But it's probably the strongest deck in the meta. Hardly unbeatable.

The issue is that a lot of streamers play the deck. They don't need to make new decks to beat it, and 99% of the Hearthstone community just net decks.


Found on Reddit, the ultimate Unstable Portal pull:



Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Fuck the HS community. Bunch of crybabies that get upset whenever a controlly deck manages to become viable. Sure just nerf all decks that require thought beyond "on which side of this minion should I drop the next minion" and enjoy the endless waves of zoo, facehunter and aggro mages.

Any minion that doesn't immediately give you value or doesn't have great stats is useless. That's just how this game is.

People always cry about whatever the current FOTM is. Not just limited to Hearthstone.

I think Mad Scientist and Dr. Boom are the only cards truly deserving of nerfs right now.


In around 15 minutes, the bronze match and then the finals in the Hearthstone EU tournament will be streamed at www.twitch.tv/rapstah. A sound check stream will go up in around 5 minutes.


It'd be cool if some people from this subcommunity would check in and at least watch part of it. We don't have the production budget of... we actually don't have a production budget, so expect things to break. Sorry if they do. Matches will be played. No fancy graphics.
I'm so glad I got based Tirion Fordring from a pack. That fucker stops so many decks in their tracks, and I run stuff like Shredders and Belchers to make them waste silences.

Solemn Vigil is also a super good card.


In around 15 minutes, the bronze match and then the finals in the Hearthstone EU tournament will be streamed at www.twitch.tv/rapstah. A sound check stream will go up in around 5 minutes.


It'd be cool if some people from this subcommunity would check in and at least watch part of it. We don't have the production budget of... we actually don't have a production budget, so expect things to break. Sorry if they do. Matches will be played. No fancy graphics.

Is the double-sided spectating implemented? I think the other person has to invite you to watch them while you're watching the first person.


slowrollers make me angrier than anything in this entire fucking game.

turn 1, dude ropes trying to decide whether or not to play a fucking webspinner, come the fuck on you asshole.


Is the double-sided spectating implemented? I think the other person has to invite you to watch them while you're watching the first person.

Yes. Turns out this is how it worked. It'd be great if I had known that for the first two thirds of the stream, but eh.

Congratulations to ViviOggi for winning.


Organising this was pretty cool. We have to do more EU tournaments. I'd be okay with organising more of them. Let's wait a couple of weeks/months though.
That feeling when you test for all Mage secrets (except Spellbender because lol Spellbender) and it doesn't pop so you assume Ice Block, then you hit for lethal and win because it WAS Spellbender.

Welp. That was one of my worst Arena performances :( 2-3 and I didn't even get any gold:

A rare is pretty decent for that run. Gotta look on the bright side. That is like 100 dust if you didn't have that card. Or 20 dust if you did, and I think of dust about a 1-1 ratio with gold anyway. Close enough at least.


I got my first 100% dust card pack. Well, not really because two of them were commons with a golden in my possession, but they were more or less useless either way.
I'm playing my oil rogue deck and my opponent puts down hungry dragon. It's spawns a mana wyrm for me and he finishes the turn.

My hand
deadly poison
blade flurry

...Hungry dragon bit off more than he could chew
I'm playing my oil rogue deck and my opponent puts down hungry dragon. It's spawns a mana wyrm for me and he finishes the turn.

My hand
deadly poison
blade flurry

...Hungry dragon bit off more than he could chew

Sometimes you get screwed but, it usually is a net positive though, at least for me.

Sometimes a paladin has double aldor in their opening hand... sigh.
Sometimes you get screwed but, it usually is a net positive though, at least for me.

Sometimes a paladin has double aldor in their opening hand... sigh.

I mean I run hungry dragon in my dragon pally deck so I know 99% of the time it's inconsequetial but I totally forgot that mana wyrm is a possible drop. I wish I captured it on vid. I mean he had board control and everything (including a huge lead in HP). All I had was a 3/3 on the board.
somehow posted this in the wrong thread lol

My greatest RNG moment of all time

Thoughtstole Nefarian
He plays Jaraxxus
Nefarian gives me sacrificial pact
Free win lol
(For anybody that doesn't understand, sacrificial pact destroys any demon. Jaraxxus is a demon.)


somehow posted this in the wrong thread lol

My greatest RNG moment of all time

Thoughtstole Nefarian
He plays Jaraxxus
Nefarian gives me sacrificial pact
Free win lol
(For anybody that doesn't understand, sacrificial pact destroys any demon. Jaraxxus is a demon.)

I'm sure he regretted that "WELL PLAYED"


Has anyone else been getting constant disconnects from battle.net/HS? I'm fairly confident it's just me, but I've never had any issues before and now I haven't been able to complete a game on my mac all week. Kinda sucks cause I don't like playing ranked or arena on my phone...

Cat Party

Man, flamewaker is legit. The tempo swing you can get is incredible when paired with a bunch of low cost spells. Especially satisfying against aggro. And the best part is you don't need any legendaries or epics to make it viable (Thalnos would be helpful though). I've reached a personal high of rank 7 with it.
Draft a Priest deck.

0-0 vs Mage.

He plays nothing until he drops a Mountain Giant. Then he plays Flamestrike. Then he plays Antonidas. Then he plays Flame Leviathan.

I think I'm done with arena.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Today, I discovered that Betrayal is not affected by Spellpower.

That's worth putting away for future reference.
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