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Hearthstone |OT3| Preparing for the Ball of Spiders Meta

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Two orc warlocks would be boring.

They should think outside the box with the Alt heroes.


OK what the hell is going on with the EU servers. Second DC today and when I try to reconnect it just kicks me out with "oops".

Fucking hell it taunts me with showing the friends and options buttons and then goes "bye bye"


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
A unique DK only effect I thought of Was multi turn effects.

Death and Decay - deal one damage to all minions for the next 3 turns.

Death and decay should be something like "deal 1 damage too all enemy minions, twice." Can damage deathrattle spawns and double stack with spell power.


RIP deck

How high are the chances they are feeding new content into the server client at the moment?

Nill. Maintenance was last night and they would've done it then.


Could I get some thoughts on my Warlock deck? I'm not really the type that likes to look up other decks and such, especially early on, I like to pave my own path for better or worse and just get advice. Keep in mind I've only been playing about a week and just started playing Nax today, so there's a gajillion cards I don't have.


Mortal Coil ×2
Soulfire ×2
Voidwalker ×2
Acidic Swamp Ooze ×2
Haunted Creeper ×2
Kobold Geomancer ×2
Drain Life ×2
Shadow Bolt ×2
Harvest Golem
Ogre Magi ×2
Sludge Belcher ×2
Chillwind Yeti ×2
Dread Infernal ×2
Stormwind Champion

Pretty much my strategy is to get as many spell buffs as I can out there to make stuff like my Mortal Coils and Drain Lifes far more deadly, and stuff like Soulfire and Shadow Bolt an instant kill on nearly anything. All while pumping up the board with little minions. It seems to overall work pretty well, but I still get conflicted about certain cards like the Swamp Ooze, and if I actually have too many Spell +1 cards. The Kobolds are kind of annoying sometimes and I'm tempted to switch them out with Dalaran Mages, but getting them out there early is really nice especially for Mortal Coils.

Also I haven't tested the deck with the Nex cards added in play mode yet, only in solo. But so far I really like them. The Sludge Belcher seems like a big step up from the Senjin.


I don't hate a single deck with such venom as some posters do here. Of course my temper flares at points when druid does some absurd ramping or combos, or when a priest steals all my best cards either from my deck or from my board.

Yeah, that's totally fine.

This discussion reminds me very much of my WoW days (been a long time for me), but I was a top tier arena player and PvPer generally.

I specifically loved surviving and supporting, so I played a holy paladin with as much survivability as I could muster. I particularly enjoyed situations where some enemy was sure they had my ally dead to rights, only to have me ride in and save them. I also love when they focus me instead, only to have it take forever to kill me, while my allies relentlessly mopped them up.

I'm aware that other people felt the opposite; they didn't care about surviving and just liked blowing stuff up.

I make this comparison not just because WoW and Hearthstone are in the same "universe," but to highlight that the way I have fun and the way some others have fun are directly odds. Some other guys just wanted to kill stuff, while I just loved surviving forever. If he was killing me, I was having less fun; if I was surviving, they were having less fun. Similarly, rush decks and control decks are sort of polar opposite paradigms of fun. Rush decks are fast and explosive, mostly about killing people and moving on. Control decks are slow and deliberate, more about control and survivability. If the game is slow and controlled, the person who just wants to rush through games is having less fun; if a game is fast and over quickly, the person who likes slow control has less fun instead. It isn't just that these two people/groups have different ideas of how to have fun, it's that those ideas directly conflict with one another. My desire to go slow, be in control, and not die (both in Hearthstone and in WoW) directly conflicts with other people's desire to have the games go fast and be explosive and deadly.


Pretty much my strategy is to get as many spell buffs as I can out there to make stuff like my Mortal Coils and Drain Lifes far more deadly, and stuff like Soulfire and Shadow Bolt an instant kill on nearly anything.

I tried a similar idea back in beta. I suspect it'll fare even worse now. You should check hearthpwn for cheap dust cost decks, like zoo warlock.


Zoo lock can be very aggressive with very strong board presence early. The deck labeled "machine gun mage" which has become very popular recently (with flamewakers, mana wyrms and tons of low cost spells to beat you down very early) has tremendous early pressure, as well.

Face hunter is not the only agro deck. It's the fastest agro deck, but there always has to be a fastest. If we got rid of facehunter, then something else would become the fastest instead.

Please note that unlike Cagey, I have no conflict of interest or personal bias here (that's not intended as a slight, Cagey; I'm glad you admit to your preferences / playstyle openly). The only two classes I have level 60 of are Priest and Warrior (and I do NOT play Patron decks). I can say this as a Priest player: if Warlock and Hunter agro decks went away, Priest would be much too powerful, and Priests would become the new boogeyman instead. You need these fast decks to keep the ultra control styles -- like mine -- in check.
I am playing a really fast mage deck like this but as I mentioned before, if a mage doesn't draw the right cards early on we can't a) keep removing and adding pressure and b) will run into too many taunters without being able to keep pressure on the opponent directly. On top of having the fastest deck with best synergy overall they also have two direct damage to the face. And let's not forget the 2 damage to the face secret. It's the whole package. At least they gave all classes a secret steal now..

I don't see anyone asking to remove that deck but it needs some kind of balancing.


Control Warrior and Handlock are still strong late game control heavy decks. As is Freeze Mage. Hence why you will see Aggro on Ladder.

Problem is that these are expensive decks and thus most people don't have access to them. I am a couple of cards away from having a Handlock deck and about 3 Legendaries away from having a Control Warrior deck. So I am forced to play the more Midrange decks.
Pretty much my strategy is to get as many spell buffs as I can out there to make stuff like my Mortal Coils and Drain Lifes far more deadly, and stuff like Soulfire and Shadow Bolt an instant kill on nearly anything. All while pumping up the board with little minions. It seems to overall work pretty well, but I still get conflicted about certain cards like the Swamp Ooze, and if I actually have too many Spell +1 cards. The Kobolds are kind of annoying sometimes and I'm tempted to switch them out with Dalaran Mages, but getting them out there early is really nice especially for Mortal Coils.

Also I haven't tested the deck with the Nex cards added in play mode yet, only in solo. But so far I really like them. The Sludge Belcher seems like a big step up from the Senjin.

Spell damage +1 isn't all that useful, it's certainly not good enough to build a deck around outside of Prophet Velen or Malygos gimmick decks. The only spell damage boost cards that see regular play are Thalnos and Azure Drake, and that's just as much for the card draw as anything else. Out of all the spell damage boost cards, Dalaran Mage is probably the worst. Don't use it in any deck ever. The problem with decks that rely on spell damage is that burn spells don't have a lasting effect on the board. You remove one minion (possibly multiple minions with AOE effects), and that's it. That's all it can ever do. Minion based decks tend to leave things on the board that the other player has to deal with. That's why Zoo has pretty much always been good.


Fairly standard demon zoo, but I do like the tech in of the Ooze. Would certainly help wreck warriors because their damn weapons are a PITA for zoo.

Demon zoo actually looks like a lot of fun to play. The problem is that Warlock was one of the classes whose cards I consumed to create legendaries/epics for my Druid/Paladin decks long ago and I don't have most of the warlock specific cards.


Spell damage +1 isn't all that useful, it's certainly not good enough to build a deck around outside of Prophet Velen or Malygos gimmick decks. The only spell damage boost cards that see regular play are Thalnos and Azure Drake, and that's just as much for the card draw as anything else. Out of all the spell damage boost cards, Dalaran Mage is probably the worst. Don't use it in any deck ever. The problem with decks that rely on spell damage is that burn spells don't have a lasting effect on the board. You remove one minion (possibly multiple minions with AOE effects), and that's it. That's all it can ever do. Minion based decks tend to leave things on the board that the other player has to deal with. That's why Zoo has pretty much always been good.

I tried a similar idea back in beta. I suspect it'll fare even worse now. You should check hearthpwn for cheap dust cost decks, like zoo warlock.

Hmmm ok. Interesting stuff. I may have to rethink my deck a bit. I really do like buffing those mortal coils though. Getting a three shot on an enemy and drawing a card for 1 mana is so sweet.

Maybe I'll cut down on the spell +1s and switch the Kobolds to I dunno, River Crocs? That's about all I've got in the 2 range. I was running those and Voodoo Doctors before and that was nice. I think I'm still gonna keep a few Spell +1s though. The Ogre Magi and Archmage have been really useful.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
FON would be lethal even if you did trade.

It really depends on how many cards are left, how much hp he has left, how many swipes have been played, is swipe the only card... etc..

If you had enough to kill him the next turn without going face with cenarius, then it is clearly a mistake. If you didn't, or even if you did, it is a judgment call based on how many cards he has left to draw from, the amount that make you lose by trading etc.. The answer isn't always clear tbh. There are often valid reasons to go face and valid reasons to trade. If you forced him to trade the bot into the cenarius, for example by bringing his hp low enough, then you made the right choice.

There is also the chance you would have lose to swipe regardless of whether you traded or not, granted you'd have another turn to either prepare or recuperate from it. At the very least, losing to like a 1/10 chance of happening is not worth over thinking. Because in the same scenario, 9/10 other times you'd have won. Granted, if you chance of winning by trading was higher than 9/10, you did make a mistake by choosing the lower chance.

When you are ahead, always play safe. You should have traded if you didn't have lethal that turn.

Thanks for the input guys! i guess there many considerations to think about when making that trade but at the end it was clearly a misplay since i was so low in HP, besides a swipe a savage roar would have killed me too specially since he hadn't used one at all in the whole match.
Also i opened some packs with gold and got The Beast in one of them, part of me really wants to dust it to craft either Thalnos for Oil rogue or Grommash for grim Warrior but i'm not sure which one yet, i think i enjoy playing oil rogue more so i'm inclined to craft thalnos. Oh and The beast surely must be one of the worst legendaries, at least in this meta where everyone runs BGH.


Paladin at 30 health me at 8. I come back and have lethal. Sitting at 2 health my lowest attack creature on board is 2 damage. Of course the secret he played was eye for an eye. First time I've lost to it.


I love how you can still lose against Face Hunter even if you control the board from turn 0.

Face hunter defense force can go fuck itself.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
I love how you can still lose against Face Hunter even if you control the board from turn 0.

Face hunter defense force can go fuck itself.

Biggest help for me against Face has been Kezan even more than taunts.

They can't play mad scientist into that cheap 2 dmg aoe secret if I can gank back.


Maybe I'll cut down on the spell +1s and switch the Kobolds to I dunno, River Crocs? That's about all I've got in the 2 range. I was running those and Voodoo Doctors before and that was nice. I think I'm still gonna keep a few Spell +1s though. The Ogre Magi and Archmage have been really useful.

Those cards are still kinda bad. If you want lategame punch, put in boulderfist ogres instead. For 2 mana, you should be running knife jugglers instead of crocs (if you don't have two, try to get them asap). Slot in dark iron dwarves for the ogre magi and you're halfway to a good zoo deck.


Alt skins sound nice, but I'm happier that they're working on something that's not an adventure or expansion or porting to another platform. I started shortly after it came out of beta, and I don't think a single thing has changed other than adventures/expansions/ports.
So I've been running 1x Snake Trap along with my usual 2x Explosive Trap in my Face Hunter deck. It is really, really awesome. People make non-optimal plays expecting an Explosive Trap and then get owned. Knife Juggler with Snake Trap is gross. And, the Snakes five me an extra Beast to use for Kill Command.

I'm not sure I'd it is actually better, but it sure as hell is fun and funny.


So I've been running 1x Snake Trap along with my usual 2x Explosive Trap in my Face Hunter deck. It is really, really awesome. People make non-optimal plays expecting an Explosive Trap and then get owned. Knife Juggler with Snake Trap is gross. And, the Snakes five me an extra Beast to use for Kill Command.

I'm not sure I'd it is actually better, but it sure as hell is fun and funny.

I often throw in an extra trap for the surprise element. Playing a trap with a Knife Juggler out is pretty obvious though. Most won't fall for it.

On occasion I throw in a Misdirection. Nobody ever expects it.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member

Yes that's an emperor in turn two and yes i did win. Also i just fought a warrior and i missed my BGH...turns out i forgot to put it in my druid deck, yes i'm a dumbass but i still managed to win most of my games today.
Just got to 11 wins with this deck:

Missing from the screencap are Hogger, Volcanic Lumberer, and 2x Ironbark Protector

I was worried about the quality of the deck, as I started the day at 3-0 and lost my first two games. But then I went on an 8-game win streak.

It was looking good to go to 12, but the Mage that beat me (I think it was literally the sixth Mage in a row ><) had two Pyroblasts, 3 Frostbolts, a Water Ele, at least 4 secrets with 2 Mad Scientists, two of which were Mirror Entitity, a Sunwalker etc. etc.. It was insane.

Also along the way was a mage with 3x Sunwalkers, two Fireballs and two Polymorphs. I was pretty proud to win that game, especially as a Druid.

My rewards were less than stellar though =/

Oh well.


Holy shit Mech Shaman is the most entertaining deck I've ever played.

Seeing people go full retard every time I drop Fel Reaver never get old.

Whirlwinds going off for no reason, Rogues casting double preps and sapping random minions. Hilarious.


It's good simply because such a hugely disproportionate number of current heroes are humans and orcs.

Of the 9 heroes in the game, 7 of them are human or orc. They threw a couple of elves in leather for seasoning and called it a day.

Heck yeah!

I would be completely OK with just cosmetic changes. I hate playing as Gul'dan or Garrosh. I'd like to see more Tauren, Trolls, Forsaken, Worgen, and Draenei appearing as heroes.

Gnomes, goblins, and dwarves can stay at home....

There are still some viable hero choices, though I think new heroes should be of opposing factions.

I could see

Hunter - Tyrande
Shaman - Nobundo
Priest - Lazarus (male forsaken) or Arena (female belf)
Druid - Tauren
Warrior - Dwarf
Mage - Belf / Troll
Rogue - Gnome (yuck) / Worgen
Warlock - Gnome / Worgen / Human

Get some more females in there and some of the less represented races.

You can then base the new expansion around the new heroes. Even though the hero abilities are the same, you could start adding dwarven-themed cards to warrior or elf-themed cards to hunter. New hero abilities would be cool and all, but it'd be impossible to balance. The only time I think we could expect to see a new ability is if they introduce a new class like Death Knight or Monk.

I get the impression that they're really trying to stick to the Humans vs. Orcs theme they established in the first Warcraft.
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