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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Died to some kind of Rogue with Vancleef, Gallywix, Dr. Boom.

Not even mad. Mad props for playing Gally and Cleef.


Made a few cards while listening to Kripp review cards. The hype is real.


I might be terrible at this, but at least I'm not getting paid! Wait...


Did Blizzard balance/change existing cards right before the release of GvG (or any of the adventures)? I've only been playing seriously since May this year, so new content being introduced is 100% new to me.

I think that's the only way the aggressive meta might change.
Most Underrated:
The Skeleton Knight

It's absolute garbage. 7/4 for six is bad, and the upside is being able to play it again (possibly over and over) where it gets killed yet again by a 4 drop (Yeti's, Shredder, Death's Bite, Truesilver, etc.) When the upside is unlimited worse Salty Dog's the card is crap
Did Blizzard balance/change existing cards right before the release of GvG (or any of the adventures)? I've only been playing seriously since May this year, so new content being introduced is 100% new to me.

I think that's the only way the aggressive meta might change.

Yep. Before GvG, Gadgetzan was nerfed. Before Naxx, Leeroy and Unleash the Hounds got a nerf. Can't remember if anything got nerfed before Blackrock though.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I can't wait for the new expansion, simply for the fact that the current meta is in such a shitty state, I would rather take a dump and shove it inside my mouth while singing 'everyone get in here'.
Kripp reviewing Beneath the Grounds as if it shuffles 3 Anubar Ambushers into opponent's deck, he's REALLY excited about this card.

Twitch chat going crazy lol
I did not notice the sparring partner can actually taunt an enemy minion. That's really, really useful. Warriors running sparring partner should absolutely run Black Knight even when the meta doesn't clearly favor it.

You can also taunt an annoying enemy minion who is hiding behind another taunt.

"Come forth, coward."
Do weapons count?

Oh you said Minions. I can't think of any.
Yeah, meant minions, late edit.

Just wondering about it since there isn't a trade off or benefit. Same amount of stats as Wargolem too, just with Demon tribe.

I suppose it's strong in that it can't be BGH'd and there isn't a negative effect. I guess if you pull it out with Void Caller it's not half bad since it'll be a pain to remove.

Guess Blizzard wants more Demons for Warlocks to work with without being to crazy about it.
My list

Varian Wrynn
Eydis Darkbane
Justicar Trueheart

Fjola Lightbane
The Mistcaller(I am still undecided if its great tier or just good)
Bolf Ramshield(Could have been much better but its a nice lightning rod against fireball)
Eadric The Pure

Nexus Champion Saraad
Wilfred Fizzlebang
Confessor Paletress

Sky Cap'n Kragg
Acid Maw
Ice Howl
Anub Arak
The Skeleton Knight
Gormok The Impaler


I think Sparring Partner and Polymorph: Boar are my two favorite cards from the new set, because of how versatile they are for wildly different situations.

Sparring Partner: Taunt a big creature so you don't die. Taunt another creature and give both +2/+2 with bolster for a strong board. Taunt an enemy creature and black knight it. Taunt a dangerous enemy creature behind a taunt and just kill it.

Polymorph Boar: 3 mana polymorph, except you need 2 damage to finish it off instead of 1. Morph a mirror image for huffer value. Morph anything when you're at the SMOrc stage. It's also a spell, so trigger all the mage spell effects or cost reduction.

Dual (or more) use cards are so valuable, so these will definitely see play.
I wonder how popular Lowly Squire will be in Rogue/Mage/Druid decks. With a one damage hero power, he'll take out the majority of any 2 drops. Allows the delay for things like Frostbolt, Backstab, and Wrath. Seems like a somewhat decent replacement for Zombie Chow if you're not making a Joust Deck.


Mulch will go into my deck, I just don't think it's ridiculously good. It's decent removal and tempo swing we didn't have, that's for sure. The fact that it triggers deathrattles keeps it in check, and every now and then it's going to work against you.


Really surprised people think Varian is that great. I think he's good, but I think people are going to be very surprised how awkward he is with actually viable warrior decks, in the same way that some other legendaries are good in a vacuum but less powerful than you'd expect in practice.

I could be wrong, of course.
Really surprised people think Varian is that great. I think he's good, but I think people are going to be very surprised how awkward he is with actually viable warrior decks, in the same way that some other legendaries are good in a vacuum but less powerful than you'd expect in practice.

I could be wrong, of course.

I am excited about his potential, I have little doubt he will be one of the first cards people experiment with and a great deck will emerge.
Bolf is basically spell taunt. As an anti agro minion card, all it is is basically +9 health for 6 mana

Yeah, I don't think many people mentioned this but I thought this too. It blocks spell burst. Against minions, it's actually worse than a 3/9 taunt because they can kill trade with it for free by hitting your face, and of course they can silence/sap/execute it too.
Really surprised people think Varian is that great. I think he's good, but I think people are going to be very surprised how awkward he is with actually viable warrior decks, in the same way that some other legendaries are good in a vacuum but less powerful than you'd expect in practice.

I could be wrong, of course.

I actually think the only real downside of Varian (apart from being a 10 mana minion of course) is that he can overextend you against other control decks in a way that might lose a fatigue war. Say against Lightbomb, or Brawl.

But I don't think losing the battlecries is such a big deal since most of them you would have already used if you had drawn them, and if you didn't then they might as well have been on the bottom of your deck.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's kind of insulting that Varian costs more than Ysera and Alex.

Muh lore!


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Really surprised people think Varian is that great. I think he's good, but I think people are going to be very surprised how awkward he is with actually viable warrior decks, in the same way that some other legendaries are good in a vacuum but less powerful than you'd expect in practice.

I could be wrong, of course.
Control Warrior's late game lacks card draw. It's part of what can stall out games late where the Warrior runs out of steam. Varian does work around that.
Aggro deck and didn't pull a single 1mana or 2 mana card for the first 9 cards.



Edit: Damn win streak stopped at rank 4 / 4 stars.... FK YOU RNG GODS.


Something insane like that, yeah. I wonder how many years before it happens. If it EVER happens.
Prep+ambush combo: 2 preps and 2 ambush in first hand then the enemy draws your ambushes.

To trigger this you need first to have the combo -> 4 out of 4 with 2 cards which are the same so 2/30*2/29*1/28*1/27
Let's say you will Mulligan if the cards are not prep or ambush. Here the math is confusing so let's assume you don't get any of the 3 cards in the first hand.
=0.000015785982 (0.0016%)
THEN the enemy has to draw twice a card in turns 1 and 2 (he has now 32 cards in deck, 4 already were drawn since it is turn coin. For our purposes any of the 6 ambushes is good.
6/32*5/31=0.0302419354 (3%)
So both events...
5*10^(-7)= 0.00005%
And this is assuming rogue gets first turn so you can halve that chance...
With so many people streaming twitch I think this is feasible. If it's not perfect it's much more likely.
It feels like Blizzard puts zero thought about card rarity between common and epic.

Epic definitely has a distinct feel to it. A lot of really goofy and experimental cards go into epic, particularly spells, which is one reason why getting an epic pick in arena leads to some really awkward picks.


Arena Warlock is actually getting nerfed significantly right when it finally became good, how sad. Meanwhile Mage stays more or less the same and Paladin gets even more cancerous...

Dahbomb, Squidyj, and myself are about to talk about all the TGT cards in the set! We'll be starting in just a few minutes!

Timezones FailFish
They're going to release an API for Hearthstone Soon^TM!

I've wanted a fun side project with Hearthstone and a web app with integrated API tools will be great.

Yean this is massive, and about fucking time


Tempostrom is doing great things for this meta, popularizing face hunter without owls can only mean good things for everyone else.


Really surprised people think Varian is that great. I think he's good, but I think people are going to be very surprised how awkward he is with actually viable warrior decks, in the same way that some other legendaries are good in a vacuum but less powerful than you'd expect in practice.

I could be wrong, of course.

In the end he's 10 mana so his power is almost completely measured in control mirrors, you won't see his ass against aggro decks where even alex often is too expensive.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Arena Warlock is actually getting nerfed significantly right when it finally became good, how sad. Meanwhile Mage stays more or less the same and Paladin gets even more cancerous...

Timezones FailFish

Yean this is massive, and about fucking time

I could see paladin actually being top dog in arena after this. They're getting a lot of good shit in that format.


I've liked Strifecro's card reviews so far. He apparently reviewed all the remaining cards on stream so that should be in the archives somewhere, probably going up on Youtube within 24 hours.

Does anyone have links to popular streamers reviewing the latest cards on Youtube or Twitch? I only follow Trump, Strifecro and Kripparrian (lol) on Youtube and I don't think anyone has uploaded the last batch yet.


Warlock really got hosed in TGT. I'm not sure if even a single one of their new cards will see consistent play. Maybe Wrathguard? Possibly?

I don't think so. Not just because of the drawback, but from my experience of playing Succubus in arena...a 4/3 just isn't much of an upgrade over a 3/2. They die the same to all of the 3 damage removal that every class has.

I'd go with Fizzlebang for seeing the most constructed play, it seems decent in control decks.


oh shit oh no

I'm proudly maintaining my Hearthstone collection excel sheet, but with all the new cards I'll have to wait until the new version is out before opening packs. ;_;


I've liked Strifecro's card reviews so far. He apparently reviewed all the remaining cards on stream so that should be in the archives somewhere, probably going up on Youtube within 24 hours.

Does anyone have links to popular streamers reviewing the latest cards on Youtube or Twitch? I only follow Trump, Strifecro and Kripparrian (lol) on Youtube and I don't think anyone has uploaded the last batch yet.


This is the Twitch VOD for Kripparian, you'll have to skip a bit in the beginning to get to the card review since I don't have a timestamp for you.


Garbage drop into garbage drop into Muster into Gormok would be game-winning amounts of tempo, I don't think he's bad at all with all this curve-cheating and token generation. Technically he's a win more-card but he fits right into aggro's game plan so he could be fairly consistent, needs some testing. Garbage into garbage into coin Implosion too.

Overall though the legendaries seem rather disappointing, so many clunky swing texts on trash bodies.
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