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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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3-3-4, Mage Class Minion
Battlecry: Add a random spell to each player's hand.

Pretty interesting card. It helps a lot with tempo mage versus control match ups. It might add that little bit of extra reach that you need. In any mage deck that can combo spells it will probably be tried out and possibly a great addition. The randomness sucks, but apparently that's how Blizz is going to keep spell mage in check.

I also find it really funny that this card is pretty good and no one is talking about it.


remember me
3-3-4, Mage Class Minion
Battlecry: Add a random spell to each player's hand.

Pretty interesting card. It helps a lot with tempo mage versus control match ups. It might add that little bit of extra reach that you need. In any mage deck that can combo spells it will probably be tried out and possibly a great addition. The randomness sucks, but apparently that's how Blizz is going to keep spell mage in check.

I also find it really funny that this card is pretty good and no one is talking about it.

We were talking about it a page back. It's unplayable garbage. There is no situation where I would rather have this card in my deck than a spider tank or the 2 new Valkyr legendaries.
3-3-4, Mage Class Minion
Battlecry: Add a random spell to each player's hand.

Pretty interesting card. It helps a lot with tempo mage versus control match ups. It might add that little bit of extra reach that you need. In any mage deck that can combo spells it will probably be tried out and possibly a great addition. The randomness sucks, but apparently that's how Blizz is going to keep spell mage in check.

I also find it really funny that this card is pretty good and no one is talking about it.

It's not that good for the same reason that Blingtron isn't that good. If you give the other player a spell that can swing the game completely around and you get stuck with the shitty spell, it can put you in a bad spot. The RNG will keep it out of tempo mage decks, which relys on spells that they can count on. As soon as this card gives the other player a spell that breaks the tempo mage's momentum, it's close to game over.


remember me
It's not that good for the same reason that Blingtron isn't that good. If you give the other player a spell that can swing the game completely around and you get stuck with the shitty spell, it can put you in a bad spot. The RNG will keep it out of tempo mage decks, which relys on spells that they can count on. As soon as this card gives the other player a spell that breaks the tempo mage's momentum, it's close to game over.

Blingtron is better than this because at least mages can keep the opponent locked down with freeze effects and combo it with Harrison. And that never got played seriously except by Reynad once. This is much worse.
Blingtron is better than this because at least mages can keep the opponent locked down with freeze effects and combo it with Harrison. And that never got played seriously except by Reynad once. This is much worse.

Agreed. Just highlighting why Blingtron doesn't get played often and you're right that this is even worse than that.


We were talking about it a page back. It's unplayable garbage. There is no situation where I would rather have this card in my deck than a spider tank or the 2 new Valkyr legendaries.

Don't be silly, spellflinger is way better than spider tank if you have free mana to cast the spell you get.


What's important with these "both players get something" cards is who gets to use the something first. Since this new dude is only worthwhile when played on curve it'll always be your opponent having the option to use the spell (unless you pull a 0 mana spell which except for Innervate/Prep into 2-drop/removal will be ass anyway). In that sense it's the opposite of Blingtron and more akin to Grove Tender, which sucks mainly for this very reason.

That said I think the new card is potentially playable due to its stats, but you gotta be feeling lucky.


Blingtron is better than this because at least mages can keep the opponent locked down with freeze effects and combo it with Harrison. And that never got played seriously except by Reynad once. This is much worse.

Also in Blingtron's case you can attack with your weapon on the same turn you play him, whereas with this new card you can't play the spell he gives you if you're playing him on turn 3. (unless you get Innervate or something)


This card is not for Arena at all. It has to be used in a deck that gains massive synergy with spells to counter act the spell you gave your opponent. It also has to be a fast deck.

Blingtron is a really good comparison. It has to be used in a deck where you have counters setup to give you the advantage. In Blingtron mech mage they freeze minions and sometimes Harrison. Blingtron is used for a chance at massive reach or to get rid of your opponents better weapon.

Spellslinger should be used in deck where you are setup to combo spells with Flamewaker, Apprentice, or Mana Worm. You might run secrets or anti spell minions to counter the opponent spells. More importantly you will be running a faster deck than them, which allows you to gain tempo from the extra card sooner.

The card is built for the situation where you are almost out of gas, but your opponent still has 6 cards in hand.


So we should get at least two more cards revealed today. The voting one and then PC Gamer is supposed to have some stuff to reveal.


Got to exactly 100 arcane dust (if I mass disenchanted) yesterday, and since I wanted an Azure Drake, decided to do so. Immediately realized I hadn't ever disenchanted anything before, and got 95 arcane dust for the first disenchantment quest as a result.

Yaaaay. Now trying to decide between a second Azure Drake, a Knife Juggler, or a SI:7 Agent. I'm very tempted about the latter, but I'm not sure if I want to spend my dust on a card not everyone can use...


Guys I am telling you, Spellslinger is a card that is built for Fatigue/Mill Mage.

It's like a different form of Coldlight Oracle only instead of drawing from the opponent's deck, you give them a random spell which in some cases is better because you don't want to give them a crucial combo piece from their deck.

You want to use this card first, then you want to use Coldlight Oracle to mill them.

It's like how Grove Tender was/is used in Fatigue/Mill Druid decks.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I can only presume that people who think Spellslinger is garbage in arena are just trying to stop mages from picking up another Spider Tank because God knows they don't need any help in arena.


Well none of that matters in topdick mode for example. A spider tank won't change a tide but a good spell might.

I fail to see how this wouldn't blow up in the mages face. There so many spells in the game that odds are it will be blingtron all over again. Not worth the risk since it will likely just backfire in one way or another. Nice stats though.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Guys I am telling you, Spellslinger is a card that is built for Fatigue/Mill Mage.

It's like a different form of Coldlight Oracle only instead of drawing from the opponent's deck, you give them a random spell which in some cases is better because you don't want to give them a crucial combo piece from their deck.

You want to use this card first, then you want to use Coldlight Oracle to mill them.

It's like how Grove Tender was/is used in Fatigue/Mill Druid decks.

This card serves far less purpose in Mill decks than you believe. The difference between Grove Tender and Spellslinger is pretty significant. Grove Tender brings the fatigue win condition a turn closer while Spellslinger doesn't. Fatigue decks generally see burning cards as a bonus rather than the objective.
Arena is such a BS sometimes. Turn 1 worgen, turn 2 mechwarper, turn 3 mech yeti, turn 4 perfect shadow madness, turn 5 shredder, turn 6 upgraded repair bot, turn 7 upgraded repair bot. And of course opponent was BMing asshole priest.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I fail to see how this wouldn't blow up in the mages face. There so many spells in the game that odds are it will be blingtron all over again. Not worth the risk since it will likely just backfire in one way or another. Nice stats though.

Sometimes it will blow up in their faces, sometimes it won't. Sometimes the Mage will get Flamratrike and sometimws the opponent will get totemic might. It is a 50/50. Blingtron costs a whole two mana extra so it has awful stats for the cost. If Blingtron was a 5/6 we would be having a much different conversation.


I can only presume that people who think Spellslinger is garbage in arena are just trying to stop mages from picking up another Spider Tank because God knows they don't need any help in arena.
I think it's pretty weak in arena because games are usually slower and the randomness of the spells can affect the game much more heavily. It's also hard to draft a deck that would offer you synergy with spells also.

The 3/4 body on 3 is great, and if you look the text as equal for both players it's a wash. It would really come down to what it's offered with, I would pick it over Razorfen Hunter. I would not pick it over Spider tank.

To exploit the cards value you have to be low on cards, heavy on tempo, and loaded with spell synergy. If you draft the right deck this card could be killer.

I fail to see how this wouldn't blow up in the mages face. There so many spells in the game that odds are it will be blingtron all over again. Not worth the risk since it will likely just backfire in one way or another. Nice stats though.
You build the deck to counter the risk. Your spell costs 1 less(apprentice), your spell does 2 extra random damage(flamewaker), your spell grants +1 attack(mana worm), on top of whatever other spell synergy cards mage gets.
In an even more perfect world, you would have a tempo lead. You could play your spell and kill your opponent before he ever gets to cast his spell.

This card has a lot more RNG, but another good example is Mechanical Yeti. Where it's played in decks that take advantage of the spare part with Antonidas.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Comparing this to Spider Tank is like comparing regular Yeti with Mech Yeti. I have yet to be presented with that quandry myself. It is roughly equal to Spider Tank in arena and Spider Tank is the best 3 drop neutral for arena.


This card serves far less purpose in Mill decks than you believe. The difference between Grove Tender and Spellslinger is pretty significant. Grove Tender brings the fatigue win condition a turn closer while Spellslinger doesn't. Fatigue decks generally see burning cards as a bonus rather than the objective.
It's similar to Mukla where it just fills the opponent's hand with card(s) so that the Coldlight Oracle can combo for mill.

Also a pretty solid body you can drop on turn 3 to contest extreme aggro before your AOE clears/defensive cards are drawn.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It's similar to Mukla where it just fills the opponent's hand with card(s) so that the Coldlight Oracle can combo for mill.

Also a pretty solid body you can drop on turn 3 to contest extreme aggro before your AOE clears/defensive cards are drawn.

Mukla gets played in decks that try to burn cards. Gimmicky Mill decks. The fatigue decks that actually work don't run him.

Fatigue Mage doesn't run Mukla, and Mill Mage that burns cards doesn't exist.


Mukla gets played in decks that try to burn cards. Gimmicky Mill decks. The fatigue decks that actually work don't run him.
That's what I am talking about man!

Though people use Mill/Fatigue as the same thing because Hearthstone players don't want to use the term Mill and would rather use the term Fatigue when they are usually describing the same thing.

IMO if you have cards like Coldlight Oracles in your deck then you definitely have a component of Mill in your deck. A deck that uses Coldlight Oracles as a way to Mill has this card as an option to be included in it.

Granted this is still a GIMMICK card in a GIMMICK deck... but that's the point of this card to begin with.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
No, this gets played in tempo Mage where playing spells activates Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker, and Antonidas. In this case, you get more benefit from the average spell than your opponent does. Even if you get something worthless like deadly poision that can still be used.

Of course, tempo Mage is too crowded for a card like this because Mad Scientist is hogging deck slots.


That's the obvious application yes, I never contested that. I was giving an alternative method of use for the card.

Also I don't think Deadly Poison can be used without an equipped weapon. Tinker's Oil can but not Deadly Poison.
I can only presume that people who think Spellslinger is garbage in arena are just trying to stop mages from picking up another Spider Tank because God knows they don't need any help in arena.

There is no way this card is garbage in Arena with those stats.

In constructed, it's pretty much unplayable because there is no room for it in tempo mage like you said and the risk that comes from playing it in Tempo Mage.


I just personally despite that this card might get use in Tempo Mage and that it may increase the RNG range of that deck.

Can't wait for the Tempo Mage to get Dr Balanced off of Unstable Portal then get like a Pyroblast for Lethal from this new card while the Flamewaker clears your board.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Which would you despise more, this or Mad Scientist?

Because as long as Mad Scientist hogs 4 or more deck slots, Tempo Mage will not run this.


Imagine if Mad Scientist had +1 health and put a random secret in play for both you and your opponent.

Science Slinger


Which would you despise more, this or Mad Scientist?

Because as long as Mad Scientist hogs 4 or more deck slots, Tempo Mage will not run this.
Obviously Mad Scientist and even Effigy which might be run in Tempo Mage but my hatred of Mad Scientist is different from my hatred of cards that have an insanely wide range of RNG.

Mages have a way to get any possible minion in the game, now they have the possibility to get any spell in the game. It's getting kinda ridiculous at this point even if this card isn't good.


Corporate Apologist
I think there is a decent chance Mad Scientist gets nerfed. Like change him to a 1/1, or put the card into your hand rather then instantly into play.


This is a bad time to nerf scientist, I plan to have fun with Effigy. The first few weeks that people still don't really know the new cards, secrets will be fun.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Unstable Portal is still overrated. Tempo Mage runs it because it counts as a spell and it is a cheap one too. If it didn't than it wouldn't really see much play. People just salty when they lose to RNG. Nobody remembers when it pulls abusive sergent or ships cannon. Just play the latest Brawl to see how many times you just pull some lame card.


I pulled Cenarius, Jaraxxus, Death Wing and Leeroy in just one Brawl.

The other game now, opponent play Sunwalker, I use portal and get Black Knight. This is so rigged.


Unstable Portal basically just needs to pull a 4 drop or higher decent minion for it to be really damn good.

As the average quality of minions of improves over time you are less likely to get those far out shitty minions like Magma Rager. I know a lot of people are down on some of the cards introduced in TGT... but many of them have very solid bodies and would be very good coming out of Unbalanced Portal.

The card is basically a win/win more card in Tempo Mage. If you get to use it off of Sorcerer's Apprentice or Flamewaker... it's basically free value. If on top of that you get a very good card you can often win the game off of it and it becomes a win condition by itself.

Tempo Mage IMO is just one card away from being Grim Patron tier. Enrage deck was already a thing before Grim Patron and that could one shot you very similarly to how it can nowadays only Grim Patron was the final piece of the puzzle that allowed it to gain consistency. Tempo Mage is at that level where another card like Flamewaker could push it over the top. Basically a card like Lock n Load for Tempo Mage would be absurd.


I added a few people to help them with arena now nobody wants to arena :(

Unstable Portal basically just needs to pull a 4 drop or higher decent minion for it to be really damn good.

It seems every time a set will be introduced Unstable portal will only get worse and worse. I guess it is the one bright side of all these garbage minions we have seen so far.


I think there is a decent chance Mad Scientist gets nerfed. Like change him to a 1/1, or put the card into your hand rather then instantly into play.
Not happening unless TGT has a Mad Scientist 2.0. They want their crappily designed secrets to be played and if that requires a completely busted activator then so be it.
I pulled Cenarius, Jaraxxus, Death Wing and Leeroy in just one Brawl.

The other game now, opponent play Sunwalker, I use portal and get Black Knight. This is so rigged.

I had a really bad brawl yesterday. I didn't get anything good for the first few portals, but I finally started pulling some really strong cards, I just had to wait a few turns to play them. I wound up with a Tirion and Mechgineer Thermaplugg and was just trying to hold out until turn 5 where I could take over with my big drops. Meanwhile, my board is getting crushed by a fucking Salty Dog that I just can't get rid of with my crap drops like Fen Creeper and Target Dummy. I'm one turn away from dropping Tirion when the other guy plays Archmage Antonidas. God dammit. I drop Tirion knowing that it's dead to his board and that he's going to finish his turn with a handful of Fireballs courtesy of Big Tony, but it was so much worse. Dude had Arcane Missiles to pop the divine shield and get a Fireball, killed Tirion with his 1 health Salty Dog, plays an Unstable Portal to get a Fireball and a minion, and then breaks Ashbringer with Harrison Fucking Jones that he just now pulled out of his ass.


I knew when I saw it was a Warlock spell with probable demon synergy that it was going to suck. No idea why people voted for it over the Priest card.
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