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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Special C

Really lousy 42 pack opening. 10 epics (2 were poisoned blade). Only legendary was the 3 mana Hunter leg. Had 5200 gold saved up. Leaving 1000 for arena. Feels bad man.
I dunno why people ever doubted the potential of Trueheart in Control Warrior. 2 mana gain 4 armor every turn is ridiculous, she generates value until the game is over.



In terms of good-great legendaries to craft for GT (IMO):
Varian Wrynn
Eydis Darkbane/Fjola Lightbane
Chillmaw (dragons)

Maybe good/situational:
Justicar Trueheart
Confessor Paletress
Wilfred Fizzlebang
Eadric the Pure


Going through my Epic pulls I got a lot of dead weight. 2x Spelleater, 2x that Rogue Weapon, 2x Shadowform, 2x Wee Spellsomething or other. No taunt dragons makes me sad. Gonna have to craft those.

Enough for a legendary easily if I disenchant them all. Still, 16 cards for 1... =S Meh, I'll probably never play them anyways.


Justicar with warrior is completely broken.

Hell even patron warrior will play this to buy themselves more time. It's hilarious they thought this is ok to put in. Play justicar, just tank up from there, shieldmaiden even, here is Varian. well played. You can armor so much, most decks can't ever kill you, not even patron otk will be enough.

Of course, I don't expect this to be ever fixed. It should be just 3 armor like hunter gains 3 damage. x2 everything isn't going to work here. So I'm not sure is there any way to counter it, unlike healing that has counters like alex, armor is just completely without drawback. The game is going to need something that damages through armor if Justicar is going to remain like it is. It is a problem now with Druid too, it's not just warrior. It makes sense to methat there has to be a drawback to armor vs health.
Justicar with warrior is completely broken.
lol I remember everyone shitting on this card

I don't think it's broken though. I've been playing it in Control Warrior and it's good, but there are many situations where you can't afford to spend a turn casting it because you need to do more urgent things. Shieldmaiden is still better in a lot of situations. I've been running 1/1 of Shieldmaiden/Justicar.


I played a bunch of Arena today. TGT seems to have shaken things up a lot. Whether the cards are great or not, you at least have to pick them pretty often.

- I've seen very little Joust, and Jousts rarely pay off. A lot of this is that almost all Arena decks have a bunch of cheap creatures. You're extremely likely to tie.

- Inspire is everywhere and it's game-winning. Inspire effects that improve your board position can get out of control pretty quickly. Silver Hand Regent is strong. Murloc Knight can be incredible. Lots of people are running the Windfury Inspire creature but it's not very impressive.

- Dilution of the card pool means less reliable removal, aoe, and healing. I think this hits Mages particularly hard. Paladins seem to have gotten some really nice new toys, especially Seal of Champions. Another weapon is always nice too. Warhorse Trainer can be strong if you've got some means of making lots of recruits (like Silver Hand Regent).


Misterious Challenger is crazy good, to the point that you have to mulligan hard to get it, every time I got 3-5 secrets out of it, he won the match single handedly


Come on at the guys saying Justicar is broken.

The card is fine as a side grade to Shieldmaiden. In certain match ups Justicar is better in others Shieldmaiden is better. Also is meta dependent.

Right now everyone is playing weird decks and games are running longer runner than before which means Justicar will accrue more value over time but once people go back to running their aggressive decks then people will see that Justicar is just fine, not broken.

Remember that after you play Justicar you have to use the hero power more than 3 times for it to be better than Shield Maiden. If a game runs to ten turns max then Justicar really didn't do much over Shield Maiden.


I've only played vs a couple of Warriors who had Justicar. One of them got 40 Shield on top of his 30 HP and I still beat them once they ran out of steam.
post 9461 :p

That was control vs control tho, and that shit always works out like that. I haven't encountered them on other situations, but I don't think it's gonna be broken. Warriors used to get insane amounts of armor before and it didn't matter. Most of the time you shouldn't care unless you lose your win conditions before they do.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
I want saraad so bad but I just imagine its terrible to actually use


Just had a hunter pull acidmaw from webspinner and then use unleash the hounds to kill my two big minions that would have lethal next turn. Absolutely disgusting.


Oh man, the sheer satisfaction of Eydis.

I just made a fucking deck of like 25 priest cards and a few neutrals like Eydis. Turn 3 she comes out. Turn 4 she gets a PWS, Divine Spirit, and Inner Fire. I send her in to face. "CHAOS!!!" GREAT battle cry. I laughed so hard. Fucked the warrior up good.


Currently playing against an Inspire Shaman with Mukla's Champion and Thunder Bluff Valiant. It's actually quite good, the +2 attack buff from TBV stacks and Mukla turns your totems into an army.
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