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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Shaman player here. Win streaked from 13 to 10 in 20 minutes with this fucking awesome totem deck.


Totemcarver is a piece of trash. I removed it after one game because it's nothing but a dead card
Healing Wave is awesome. Got 14 hp every time I used it and it won me 2 games straight up. Going from 10HP to 24HP in one turn makes most players lose their mind and start going face for no reason
Tuskarr totemic summoned me golems or mana tide almost every time. Auto include in every deck for me
Master Jouster is very strong as well. I think it's even better than Belcher in midrange and control decks

Also, I thought Elemental Destruction would be total trash. But it's insane overload 5 is worth it for full board clear. It won me a game by wiping 6 enemy minions in one go. I replaced one lightning storm for one ED and it's worked out really well


I've been winning some with Token Druid (Amaz's decklist with the Dragon Eggs switched for the new one-mana thing) on ladder but because I changed the pre-TGT decklist so little, I guess it was always pretty strong. It wrecks homebrew Totem Shamans though, and those seem to be half of the ladder right now.
I'm sick of constantly playing against the same hunter deck over and over again. Why even play the game if you're going to copy someone else's deck?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Pretty confident in Pirate rogue as well. Im not as confident that pirate rogue will work -- it may still be 1-2 cards off from being "really good" -- but it's much, much better than it was with the inclusion of the 1 mana cost pirate and sky capn.
I've only got 2500 dust. Don't push me further on Skycap'n...


Just reached RANK 5 for the first time! I'm really happy :D

I used a Tempo Mage with two Polymorph Boars in for ranks 7 and 6, the card is so so good.


For those that have played with Chillmaw, does it seem like it might be worth crafting? There's some dragon decks I want to draw and it seems like a great addition but would like to hear some impressions first.
Played about ten games with him. Dragon Priest. He's been activated every time and gotten me board clears. You can play around him with your minions well--in a dragon deck most minions shrug off the three health hit.


It's almost like Dr Balanced has actually gotten better in this expansion with all the random minions around that the Bots can kill.


Murloc Knight is nuts haha... there's a good chance you'll get something that buffs himself as well, making him harder to remove.

And they can summon other Murloc Knights. OMG


Murloc Knight is legit good. Just had a guy use it two turns in a row and he got Bluegill and Old-Murk Eye. Surprise Charge murlocs are scary lol


Seen very few Frost Giants around. With the amount of classes out there abusing their hero powers I wonder why.


It's almost like Dr Balanced has actually gotten better in this expansion with all the random minions around that the Bots can kill.
Definitely going to save my two Dr Booms until a fee weeks in, hell not using my dust for awhile just to see what doesn't work.
Edit: Love a good gimmick deck might try Mill Druid again now that people are playing slower type decks, also might craft Murdock Knight for Paladin deck.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I wish it weren't true, but Fist of Jaraxxsus really does suck. =/

At least, you don't run it in modern zoo with the larger minions like Dr. Boom and Mal'ganis. It's gotta be like, face zoo.


Got a golden saraad! I have around 1600 it's hard to hang on to it. I want to craft Justicar so bad : /. Been playing totem shaman in casual. Still fine tuning the list but it's pretty fun
Bash is very nice in control Warrior, as if the deck needed even more options lol.

Taunt Warrior feels like it's (At least) an expansion away. Groundwork laid in this expansion is good, but not sufficient.

Yeah that's really how it feels. It's a shame too because I was really looking forward to it.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
Making a vanilla Druid have to turn seven innervate savage roar combo to clear you rshaman board you can instantly refill



Raynad is playing a pretty sweet looking Dragon Priest deck right now. I think I'll be trying that one out.

He beat quite a few other decks in Legend with it, I'm trying it right now and it's pretty sweet

Edit: and now he's bringing the potato misplays, throwing down Rend with no Dragon in hand and not realizing it lol


Nexus Champion

One is versatile and fits my style of decks, and the other is for my favorite class.

The twins seem ace too. I like them. I got one of them so that was nice.
Depends on what you play, but I feel that Varian, Justicar and the 3/4 sisters are safe bets. Gormok, Dreadscale, Rhonin and some other could be great or could not.

Nexus Champion

One is versatile and fits my style of decks, and the other is for my favorite class.

The twins seem ace too. I like them. I got one of them so that was nice.

Thanks guys. I think I will go with Varian and Aviana just because I have most of the big dudes from the previous releases, and I love just playing big shit.
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