I've found that stuff works one out of ten times max.
Can you imagine this being pulled off in a tourney though. Someone is bound to be crazy enough to try.
I've found that stuff works one out of ten times max.
The new rogue legendary is garbage anyway.
I have a Rogue quest and, even after 70 TGT packs, I don't have the new Rogue legendary or any of the new epics.
I don't want to play old cards, and I don't to play that dumb brawl. Guess I'm rerolling tomorrow!
Yeah Rogues got the shaft this expansion. They can play pirates now, I guess...
Amaz keeps losing to Mysterious Challenger Paladin because he has no idea what to do against all of the secrets at the same time.
Let us know if you figure it out!
SeriouslyYou say that like it's a bad thing...
It's a good card, i ran it in my pally during the climb and it murdered face hunters and eboladins alike, usually trading for 2 or sometimes even 3 minions, while not being as dead as zombie chow is against slower decks.
Could you share your CW deck please?
Even if they'd gotten some good cards (which I agree they mostly didn't), the entire structure of the expansion is bad for them. Any expansion which slows the game down even modestly is bad for rogues. They are not a class which benefits from slow, grindy games.
225 packs and 0 Twilight Guardian or Chillmaw. The game doesn't want me playing the dragon decks I see. =/
Anyway, I've been playing with this decklist for Paladin, sort of mid-range-y control? Not sure what to categorize it as.
Thinking of swapping out BGH for another Aldor, not too sure if I need another 4-drop like Shredders since I won't ever drop Murloc Knights without inspiring with them on the same turn. Board presence is really crazy though, managed to out-control CWs (with justicar'ed armoring) and several other control decks like Priests/Handlock/Shamans etc. I'm surprised I didn't meet anyone trying out Malyshamans though, thought people would at least give it a try.
RNGeeze that poor guyNice card
days and you think that's bad luck? LOL.Man my luck with rerolling quests has been pretty bad. Havent gotten a 50/60 quest in days.
Made it to rank 5 guys for the first time (playing since 3 months and only starting to do ranked this month, because of those rewards)!
And my quest is win 5 brawls.
Are any of the classes broken this week or is it just random luck?
Just vsed a paladin who had two tirions in his deck
I completed a writeup of my paladin deck on hearthpwn
8 minutes till Archon Team League.
Do we have a chat? I've been using the Kripp Civil Chat for ATL and that's been alright.
Whats your twitch?
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My GAF Chat Experience:
Twitchy pls
Can I also get an invite? "Greentellon"
I have 4.5k dust saved up right now and I plan to save 1600 for 1 legendary. Is it better to use the remaining dust to craft epics, or is it more efficient if I focus on getting all the rares/commons in order to further complete the set?
The new Shaman aoe is incredibly bad. It's really amazing how it loses you the game instead of bringing you back.
The new Shaman aoe is incredibly bad. It's really amazing how it loses you the game instead of bringing you back.
Man Paladins are so annoying to play against.
Play against a Paladin which played coin Minibot, Juggler, Muster into a bunch of Secrets. I think it's that MC Secrets deck so I try to control the board as much as I can and use up Execute on an Avenged Knife Juggler.
Then he starts putting down Quartermaster, Loatheb, Tirion and Dr Balanced finishing off the game because I had used my spells to control the board earlier to save myself.