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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Well if the meta becomes token decks and patron, it's echo molten's time to shine!
That's not going to happen because the Paladin decks still run an Equality or two.

Freeze Mage on the other hand is a better option against these Paladins. If you keep Freezing their board then they will eventually fill up their board with 1/1 crap and not be able to dish out more damage. Only problem with Freeze Mage is that Grim Patron exists AND Control Warrior is still a force to be reckoned with (especially the newer lists running Justicar which if that gets played against Freeze Mage it's an auto loss).

In the end though it will always come back to Patron.


Mukla's Champion seems like the most underrated card from pre-release impressions so far. If you can get the effect off on a board full of garbage once it's worth it.


Murloc Knight, mukla's champion, kvaldir seem to be the most common huge impact inspire cards.
Silverhand Regent and Thunderbuff Valiant too.

Kvaldir isn't really seen anywhere in constructed to be honest. The Inspire cards that get played right now are ones that either spawn stuff or ones that buff other stuff.


Thought I was going to get raged at after I got friend requested when I topdicked a double Bloodlust lethal... instead we had a friendly chat about the game and what each of us would have done in that situation.


Faith in humanity restored.


This whole meta feels like virus protection.

Reactive response is too slow (i.e. detect and react). The game is either already over by the time you can do something or too late.

All about preventative, which to most people is always on the offensive, so the situation of having to defend never occurs.

Maybe it's time for Blizzard to bring Wailing Soul card that silences everything on the board that all classes can use.


Sorry I meant for arena, in conjunction with my previous post about arena.
Yeah those cards are good. Really most Inspire goods are at least decent in Arena especially if you are slightly ahead.

Hence why we had out previous thread title be "good enough for Arena".

Anyway today I had the reverse of a rage message happen to me today. My Control Warrior against a Midrange Hunter. He has a board full of crap and then he plays Dr Balanced. I brawl it but Dr Balanced survives and he makes some emotes to lay on the salt. I keep my composure. He plays more crap, on the board I play my 2nd Brawl.. Dr Balanced lives AGAIN! Next turn he plays Web Spinner + Ram Wrangler which summons King Crush, then he emotes and kills me.

After the match he friend requests me and then gloats about RNGsus. I just state "this is the game we play". Stuff like this doesn't even phase me anymore. To be honest I had gotten a few lucky Brawls earlier today so this particular match was an equalizer.


Nexus-Champion Saraad is an allright card sometimes, i mean how can you not love getting lethal from nexus RNG combined with the RNG of unstable portal.

I love the card, but I'm not sure I would craft it if I didn't get it out of a pack. Would definitely not dust it tho.


So I am trying a Lightbane/Darkbane deck, my first instinct was making it a priest, but I lack most of the good cards, so what do you think about this, what should I change or add to make it better?



Wow 2 Murloc Knights so far in this Arena draft...

Edit: make that 3 lol

Edit 2: meh the rest of the draft was terrible, I'll be lucky to get 3 wins. Not a single Truesilver Champion or Muster :(
God can all the Eboladins just go fucking die already. The meta has become even worse since TGT, goodjob Blizzard you created an even bigger cancer then face Huntard. How about you give control classes decent early aoe so we can deal with all these brainless vomit morons.



I'm not sure how to fit Rhonin in this tempo mage deck. I like having Shredders+Belchers since that ensures that I have enough stand-alone drops that don't require some sort of combo to work. Also seen some tempo mage run the 2/1 mech for spare parts, not sure if that's really worth it. Drop one Shredder? or even Emperor?


God can all the Eboladins just go fucking die already. The meta has become even worse since TGT, goodjob Blizzard you created an even bigger cancer then face Huntard. How about you give control classes decent early aoe so we can deal with all these brainless vomit morons.




Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
So I'm playing Beast Druid. Up against some kind of Token Paladin thing. I'm about dead at Turn 6. Like I'm staring down the barrel of overkill lethal with no way to clear it all. The Paladin has 27 health to his name.

I do however, have two jungle panthers and a stranglethorn tiger in stealth.

I have one Savage Roar in my hand.... and then I topdick the second one... for lethal. LOL I would have been mad as shit if I were him.


I'm crushing with this priest buff deck. Just melted a face Hunter with it too. There's more than just dragon priest out there, guys! Lol


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I expect the "spam the board with a bunch of crap" decks to be at the top of the meta for the foreseeable future. Blizzard's apprehensiveness toward printing board clears will make sure those decks thrive.

We got three new board clears this expansion.

Enter the Coliseum
Elemental Destruction


remember me
Rogue is the cure, at least I am wrecking these paladins I am facing.

Tempo Mage is doing pretty well against them too, but I'm teched heavily against it. Double Arcane missles, explosive sheep and even an arcane explosion. Fortunately almost nobody is playing slower decks, though even then you can pull of a win pretty often with antonidas. Does surprisingly well against dragon priest too.
I usually just lurk the thread, but yesterday....might have been the worst Hearthstone day ever for me. Need to vent.

I have been playing HS very casually, only used money for the latter half of Naxx, and seven TGT packs. Don't even own all of MC and so on, you'll get the idea. Getting somewhere between ranks 10 and 17 each season, depending on the meta (can't always adjust because I don't have all the cards I might need). Usually just play what I like (midrangy, combo stuff and so on, wish I could play more control decks but don't have the cards).

So, yesterday I noticed I could make a pretty sweet token paladin deck. Cool! Went around and zoomed from 17 to one win from getting rank 10, and decided to take a break. Then came back later and managed to go on a losing streak big enough to put me back to where I started. Did not manage to win a single game for the rest of the evening. I don't even know anymore. I'm just bad at this game.
This Rogue got Fire Elemental, Rockbiter Weapon, Al'Akir and Far Sight from two Burgles. That card is ridiculous.

We got three new board clears this expansion.

Enter the Coliseum
Elemental Destruction

Yeah, and only one of them doesn't also impact your own side of the board and it's for a class that doesn't even play control.

When it's so cheap and easy to load the board up with junk then your opponent isn't going to give a crap if you clear their minions along with yours because they're going to be able to load up again a lot quicker than you.


Dreadsteed / Void Terror has to be my favorite deck I've played in a long time in Hearthstone. So hilarious.

Sucks against Patron, but it can actually beat a lot of decks.


I usually just lurk the thread, but yesterday....might have been the worst Hearthstone day ever for me. Need to vent.

I have been playing HS very casually, only used money for the latter half of Naxx, and seven TGT packs. Don't even own all of MC and so on, you'll get the idea. Getting somewhere between ranks 10 and 17 each season, depending on the meta (can't always adjust because I don't have all the cards I might need). Usually just play what I like (midrangy, combo stuff and so on, wish I could play more control decks but don't have the cards).

So, yesterday I noticed I could make a pretty sweet token paladin deck. Cool! Went around and zoomed from 17 to one win from getting rank 10, and decided to take a break. Then came back later and managed to go on a losing streak big enough to put me back to where I started. Did not manage to win a single game for the rest of the evening. I don't even know anymore. I'm just bad at this game.

You just need to stop and log off for the day after losing too many games in a row.

Sometimes the RNG gods just don't want you to win.


All of the actual anti aggro options/cards in the game that can counter these new token type decks actually suck ass vs Grim Patron.

Unstable Ghoul is excellent against the new Paladin lists but who the fuck is going to run that card when Grim Patron is still the best deck out there?

Explosive Sheep would be good if more than one class could actually use that. MCT isn't even that great when most of the time you will just get a 1/1.

I think once the honey moon period with TGT is over people will go back to complaining (and there's already enough of that as it is).


If I lose more than a couple of games I quit.

If I am on a winning streak I keep playing until I lose a game then quit.

Works for me in terms of not getting mad at videogames.


Kripp's version of Dreadsteed has more late game than mine does (I tried to replicate his from memory, then made alterations), but it still works sooooo well. I used to think Void Caller sucked so bad.


Kripp's version of Dreadsteed has more late game than mine does (I tried to replicate his from memory, then made alterations), but it still works sooooo well. I used to think Void Caller sucked so bad.

Are you running Mal'ganis as well? I'm trying to think of a version that doesn't use that card but looks like it's pretty much mandatory at this point.


Yeah Void Terror wasn't used much until closer to BRM. Some people used it but it wasn't widely used until relatively recently.

It was in fact considered a bad card for quite some time especially when people used to use Soul Fire instead of Power Overwhelming. Once people made the switch and more annoying sticky minions were added then that card became even better. It was stuff like Imp Gang Boss and Implosion that brought the card in to regular play.

Also I think it's time I dust off my Pyromancer/Holy Champion Priest deck against the meta.


Are you running Mal'ganis as well? I'm trying to think of a version that doesn't use that card but looks like it's pretty much mandatory at this point.

I am, but not using Dr Boom. Have a Hellfire in there and a Flame Juggler for shits and giggles. The weakness is the early game. If it survives, the board simply cannot be cleared and you end up with massive Void Terrors / multiple Kel'Thuzads / a flood of horses.

The fact that Sacrificial Pact works great in it is also amusing.


Thought I was going to get raged at after I got friend requested when I topdicked a double Bloodlust lethal... instead we had a friendly chat about the game and what each of us would have done in that situation.

Faith in humanity restored.

Awsome reaction.


I think when Dreadsteed was announced people pretty much though that the card might be a bit too expensive at 4 and should've been a 3 mana minion.

Though after seeing it in action I think it's priced in a balanced manner. At 3 mana it might've been too good.

Dreadsteed is the type of card that can get stronger over time. Imagine if they introduced a card like Anima Golem but much harder to remove itself:

5 mana 6/8 demon Immune. Dies if there are no other minions on the board.

Would be a pretty powerful card to combine with Dreadsteed for example.
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