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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I don't really have proof of this, but I think the Blood Knight is somewhere, training hard and after he gets done, he's reading online about all these divine shield minions coming in the next expansion and he's planning his triumphant return.

Or he could still be lying in the grave sleep like he has been. Will the divine light make him rise? Stay tuned.


I don't really have proof of this, but I think the Blood Knight is somewhere, training hard and after he gets done, he's reading online about all these divine shield minions coming in the next expansion and he's planning his triumphant return.

Or he could still be lying in the grave sleep like he has been. Will the divine light make him rise? Stay tuned.

He'd be a good combo with an inspire that grants divine shield or something that gives a random minion divine shield. Basically a way to guarantee cheap divine shields, so at the very least he's a 6/6, which is super out of BGH range

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I dunno Kev

Poor wolf rider, i bet this card becomes a staple of aggro paladin and likely face hunter. The 2 attack sucks but since it has divine shield it will most like do 4 damage or more, you play this baby on curve and you fuck your opponent's tempo pretty bad. This card is gonna see play 100%


Poor wolf rider, i bet this card becomes a staple of aggro paladin and likely face hunter. The 2 attack sucks but since it has divine shield it will most like do 4 damage or more, you play this baby on curve and you fuck your opponent's tempo pretty bad. This card is gonna see play 100%

Blood Knight meta.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Argent Horserider seems pretty good. Divine Shield minions are usually pretty dang strong when they are just 1 mana more costly than a less good equivalent. Argent Squire is much better than Wisp. Annoytron is much better than Goldshire Footman. For that reason, Argent Horserider is much better than Bluegill Warrior.

In Constructed I think he'll see play in aggressive decks that want something stickier than Wolfrider. In arena he's a solid pick because he answers 3/2's extremely well if you go first. Kind of like a faster Harvest Golem in that respect.


I like the Argent Horserider actually. Aggro decks aren't running 3 health minions, and even if they are, you get another hit thanks to divine shield.

I'm theorycrafting a megabuff Paladin deck with Silent Knight, Shade of Naxxramas, the Lightbane/Darkbane sisters and Dragonkin Sorcerers... I just really want to hit face for 26 damage.


Silly people with their idea of a minion with huge stats, stealth, windfury, etc... when it dies to 1 deadly shot no matter what. Always fun to deadly shot stealthed minions!
Tho the value comes from more than 3 mana.

Which would be fine, except, you know, Mage has far and away the best spells in the game.

So you're casting crazy valuable spells that proc a crazy valuable minion. It's just too much.

A 3 mana minion should not be "remove now or lose the game" tier.


Flamewaker is ridiculous. Oh he's 4 mana, okay there's the Flamewaker, oh, he coined, that just killed my two dudes. And now here's Mirror Image, so that's two more damage and now I can't even kill the Flamewaker for another two turns and by then I'm dead.

Guy needs to be 3 health.
Why's Windfury Shaman not a thing?

I just threw together one and at turn 7 I cast Windspeaker (4 mana 3/3 give windfury to a minion) on my Fire Elemental, then Flametongue Totem for an extra +2 attack and then Rockbiter Weapon for an extra +3 for a grand total of 22 damage to the face and lethal. My opponent never saw it coming.

Early turns was mostly fighting for board control with mechs. I think the deck should work. Even taunt wouldn't have saved him, since I had Earth Shock in my hand.

Why is Shaman considered the worst class. You don't have to run overload cards, except maybe Crackle and the 3/6 that gains between 1 and 4 attack, since you can play it on turn 4 and next turn Shredder and then Fire Elemental. Seems like a decent curve.

Anyhow I think I'll be giving Shaman a try on the next ladder.


If you're looking for a Blood Knight Meta, why are you guys are bringing it up when at the reveal of a charge minion that will immediately spend his shield? :p


Play the charge minion, play the knight, trade minions, boom, you got a 6/6 instead of a 2/1 and a 3/3.

Basically says 6 mana 6/6, 2 deal damage when it comes into play. That's damn good


remember me
Why's Windfury Shaman not a thing?

I just threw together one and at turn 7 I cast Windspeaker (4 mana 3/3 give windfury to a minion) on my Fire Elemental, then Flametongue Totem for an extra +2 attack and then Rockbiter Weapon for an extra +3 for a grand total of 22 damage to the face and lethal. My opponent never saw it coming.

Early turns was mostly fighting for board control with mechs. I think the deck should work. Even taunt wouldn't have saved him, since I had Earth Shock in my hand.

Why is Shaman considered the worst class. You don't have to run overload cards, except maybe Crackle and the 3/6 that gains between 1 and 4 attack, since you can play it on turn 4 and next turn Shredder and then Fire Elemental. Seems like a decent curve.

Anyhow I think I'll be giving Shaman a try on the next ladder.

Plenty of people have already tried it. It's not consistent or good enough.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Blood Knight popping your own minions isn't good enough, unless it's an Argent Squire. It's way better to pop the divine shields of your opponents.


Why's Windfury Shaman not a thing?

I just threw together one and at turn 7 I cast Windspeaker (4 mana 3/3 give windfury to a minion) on my Fire Elemental, then Flametongue Totem for an extra +2 attack and then Rockbiter Weapon for an extra +3 for a grand total of 22 damage to the face and lethal. My opponent never saw it coming.

Early turns was mostly fighting for board control with mechs. I think the deck should work. Even taunt wouldn't have saved him, since I had Earth Shock in my hand.

Why is Shaman considered the worst class. You don't have to run overload cards, except maybe Crackle and the 3/6 that gains between 1 and 4 attack, since you can play it on turn 4 and next turn Shredder and then Fire Elemental. Seems like a decent curve.

Anyhow I think I'll be giving Shaman a try on the next ladder.

The Doomhammer is a more reliable finisher with Rockbiter than a Windfury'd minion.


Blood Knight popping your own minions isn't good enough, unless it's an Argent Squire. It's way better to pop the divine shields of your opponents.

That's more what I was referring to. You'd be aiming to eat an opponent's shield, but on a charger he's going to use it up instantly.


Why's Windfury Shaman not a thing?

Windfury is hard to pull off because most of the good decks these days will never let you keep any threats on the board long enough to pull off the combo, let alone getting lucky enough to have the tools you need in your hand to complete the finishing move.

Shaman has a lot of builds that can pump out insane burst damage, but there are a few issues with Shaman that make it inconsistent and they apply to windfury builds as well as other Shaman builds.

Shaman board clears come with annoying as hell RNG and overload which absolute kills your tempo. If you don't roll a spell totem and don't roll a 3 on your lighting storm it can be GG just based on that.

Meanwhile Shaman just doesn't have any cards or strategies that cheat the system (yet). Early game cards like mad scientist, void callers, flamewakers, mana wyrm, muster for battle, unleash the hounds can provide early game tempo for other classes that is hard to recover from. On top of that lots of good decks have cards that force you into silencing them or getting punished by deathrattles or other effects early game. Then when you make it though the initial onslaught, the real threats come out.

I think Mech Shaman has become popular because it doesn't get affected by some of the drawbacks of Shaman RNG and can "cheat" the system using the mechwarper to get some strong starts.


I think Mech Shaman has become popular because it doesn't get affected by some of the drawbacks of Shaman RNG and can "cheat" the system using the mechwarper to get some strong starts.

I think Blizzard has realized how much they've screwed the game by introducing all these cards that cheat the system in Naxx and GVG, they can't make any better or interesting systems now simply because the old ones are way too powerful.


I think Blizzard has realized how much they've screwed the game by introducing all these cards that cheat the system in Naxx and GVG, they can't make any better or interesting systems now simply because the old ones are way too powerful.

Yeah. If they stick with overload I would really love to see a card that can use overload to your advantage. Imagine a 0 mana spell that does 1 damage for each overload you have (or something like that) to help regain some of the lost tempo.

Maybe totems will be a thing..remains to be seen.


Yeah he's definitely a crazy combo lategame + Blessing of Kings/Might.

why would you run him over a charge creature with either more attack (wolfrider) or less mana if what you want is a card to combo onto?

here's what I see. turn 3 you want to run him into a turn 2 3/2 and leave a 2/1 body behind, but he at best goes 1 for 1 with a 2/3.

some sort of aggro deck like eboladin, get a few guys out, coghammer on 3, drop this guy + might on 4 and go face. your opponent has to find 2 sources of damage to deal with him but he's not like a 4 card combo or anything so even if they solve the problem they get the rest of your board to deal with. In this particular combo he also cleanly deals with the first half of a belcher, a thaurissan, or certain other 5 health dudes.


It's kinda odd that every little boss and random creature is a card but they stopped printing cards based on major characters. Wonder what's up with that. There are way too many left that deserve a card. Enough of these lame ass random knights and whatever when you could have this



It's kinda odd that every little boss and random creature is a card but they stopped printing cards based on major characters. Wonder what's up with that. There are way too many left that deserve a card. Enough of these lame ass random knights and whatever when you could have this

Major named characters usually get the hero/legendary treatment. Not too many of those going around. They won't and shouldn't be commons or rares, in the same rarity class as generic mob enemies.


Duh? It's not like we're getting those either. Hero portraits were from characters the were absent for long so far which is cool, legendary cards are bosses or minor NPCs. Past the classic set there hasn't been much in the level of Illidan, Sylvanas or Grom and similar.


Duh? It's not like we're getting those either. Hero portraits were from characters the were absent for long so far which is cool, legendary cards are bosses or minor NPCs. Past the classic set there hasn't been much in the level of Illidan, Sylvanas or Grom and similar.

They need to pace the big guys, or save them for new classes.


It's kinda odd that every little boss and random creature is a card but they stopped printing cards based on major characters. Wonder what's up with that. There are way too many left that deserve a card. Enough of these lame ass random knights and whatever when you could have this

My guess is that we get her for defeating Illidan in the inevitable Buring Crusade/ Black Temple expansion.
I mean,what else should we get for that? Illidan ,the good version?


I am blazing through the early season with midrange Paladin. I just MC Teched a Warlock's Mal'Ganis. I feel so dirty.


I added a few people to help them with arena now nobody wants to arena :(

Can a friend spectate the card picking part ? If not I'll just try to build a deck using heartharena and we can schedule something ?

Also I tried to watch your arena run this morning but I wasn't able to.


Can a friend spectate the card picking part ? If not I'll just try to build a deck using heartharena and we can schedule something ?

Also I tried to watch your arena run this morning but I wasn't able to.

Negative. Currently there's no in-game option to spectate the drafting process.


Negative. Currently there's no in-game option to spectate the drafting process.

Which I find as an oversight. Right now you just have to type out the choices/twitch stream while a friend browses the collection to make an educated pick.

Just finished another arena 8/3 Would have done better but I made the mistake of playing on legendary day.


Which I find as an oversight. Right now you just have to type out the choices/twitch stream while a friend browses the collection to make an educated pick.
Literally everything that happens outside of a match is an oversight

Where the fuck are replays?

Skype desktop sharing works well enough too if you don't have Twitch set up


Gotta love the ladder. I made it to rank 10 last season. Start of new season and lose the first six games with the same deck at 19/20.
I love playing a deck with Fel Reaver in it. As soon as my opponent sees it they completely forget the role of their own deck and decide that I must be milled, meanwhile ignoring the fact that they are playing all their shittiest cards while I have an 8/8 on the board. The game is gonna be over way before you mill me my man.
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