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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I got a Legendary in my Tavern Brawl pack:

Is Captain Greenskin worth keeping or should I dust it?

It's incredibly niche, so dusting him isn't terrible, but it's possible to play him. If you don't need the dust just hold on to him, may get better with more expansions, or as mentioned, if some crazy pirate rogue deck pops up, he'd probably be in it.
A freeze mage just hit me with malygos into frost nova, ice lance and ice lance in one turn :(

Next turn I had to shield slam it and then regain an additional 13 more armour.

I think that match up favours TGT control warrior.


Piece of RNG crap class



Ok, who the fuck thought that Mysterious Challenger was a good idea? At least give him stats that aren't enough for the mana cost on their own.


My luck with free packs has continued woop woop!!

Just opened my first coin pack of TGT. I ended up getting a Legendary I wanted but didn't want to spend dust on :D


Not had this much luck in a while.

Just opened another free pack and got Gormokk :D


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Peléo;176929385 said:
Pirate Rogue is pretty fun. Bucaneer and Shady dealer are somewhat decent cards. Ship Cannon is amazing. I Would keep it.
I've started winning way more games after dropping Shady Dealer. Buccaneer is great though.


Gold Member
Piece of RNG crap class

Well against decks that sit there doing absolutely nothing on the board the first 4 turns, shaman does well against from time to time. Play a chow turn 1 and another minion turn 2 and 3, with synergy, and they basically lose the game.


I'm finally at home and I can spend the 2000 gold I saved in TGT cards to see what I get.

It was great seeing a legendary in the second pack, and it seems that I got the best worm. I don't know about the current meta at all, is Dreadscale usable?

Wondering if I could get another legendary in the remaining 18 packs the answer was yes.

Another Dreadscale, great. At least it's better than another Spellslinger. This is like when I got the second Al'Akir, but better. Talking about duplicate legendaries, it seems like the doctor wasn't nerfed so I can dust him without fear now.


It was great seeing a legendary in the second pack, and it seems that I got the best worm. I don't know about the current meta at all, is Dreadscale usable?

With all the cheap minion spam coming from Paladin at the moment it would probably work decently, don't know if you'd run it over UtH in most decks though.


Well against decks that sit there doing absolutely nothing on the board the first 4 turns, shaman does well against from time to time. Play a chow turn 1 and another minion turn 2 and 3, with synergy, and they basically lose the game.

Yeah true. Ah well sometimes not lucky I guess. What do you run atm Minsc?


I think they should add even MORE cards to synergize with the fucking Silver Hand Recruits. Maybe "Silver Hand Chieftain", gives all silver hand recruits +5/+5, double windfury, taunt and remove all the cards from your opponents hand. No, even better, it just deletes these cards permanently from your opponents deck and collection.


Well against decks that sit there doing absolutely nothing on the board the first 4 turns, shaman does well against from time to time. Play a chow turn 1 and another minion turn 2 and 3, with synergy, and they basically lose the game.

I run 2 chows in my totem deck as well, and with totem golem and tuskarr totemic its possible for Shaman to curve out at least as well (if not better thanks to the TT->TG rngesus blessing) as any other class. If your opponent is not playing on curve TT is generally devastating if it pulls one of the 4 non-hp totems.

Elemental destruction is currently monstrously underrated imo, and can provide winning tempo swings, especially since literally no one plays around it.


Nice, just opened an Aviana! That makes 8 legendaries in about 72 packs. That's 1 in 9. I don't think I've ever had this kind of luck. :)


Gold Member
Yeah true. Ah well sometimes not lucky I guess. What do you run atm Minsc?

For Shaman? Since they don't have anything too great and I already got the 500 wins golden portrait, I just go for fun and run ancestral call malygos shaman, with almost every direct damage spell (including chain lighting). It works out well enough (wins maybe 2:5), and every single warrior that gets that 7/7 summon three minions to the board pretty much just rage quits when their whole board of legends is cleared by a 1 or 3 mana spell. I do use TT but not Golem, because TT generally buys me a turn closer to getting off combos, if it does little else.

Elemental is really only good if you have lava shock in hand to clear the overload, otherwise losing the next turn is pretty bad. I run one in the malygos deck, with one lightning storm for the two main AoEs, and two chain lightning because it's really good for getting rid of stealthed minions when you can use spell power in combination with it.
Dragon Priest is actually legit

These overbudgeted taunts LAWD

I was unbeaten against aggro in 20 games, but never won a match against Control Warrior or Handlock, though some were close. Wyrmrest Agent, Twilight Whelp and Twilight Dragon own the early game. Velen's on a Taunt on turn 3 is just unfair.


I was unbeaten against aggro in 20 games, but never won a match against Control Warrior or Handlock, though some were close. Wyrmrest Agent, Twilight Whelp and Twilight Dragon own the early game. Velen's on a Taunt on turn 3 is just unfair.

I've managed to win a couple of games against Control Warrior. Essentially, the key card is Brawl. If you flood the board with your 3-5 and 3-6 minions you can push for lethal early unless you get Brawled around turn 5-6. The minions are too large for the warrior to remove with his weapons. Going for late game is much more difficult as they have more value cards.
Winning vs a warrior if they drop Justicar is so hard. I might just start conceding when they do that unless I'm way up.

I never mulligan the Justicar out of my hand. I run it with garrison commander, sparring partner and tournament medic. The concedes happen in seconds after the garrison drop and or I taunt the medics.


Went grinding with the Beast Druid deck, managed to hit rank 5 with it (I think the furthest I got to was rank 9). Gonna stop here since I was just after the golden epic from the chest.

The beasts are not too shabby to be honest.

  • Druid of the Saber is a good target to trigger Mirror Entity with, and the stealth mode will generally survive outside of fringe cases (aoe/RNG arcane missiles/flame cannon) which can guarantee that you get a trade in next turn.
  • 2/5 Druid of the Flame acts as a nice minion killer vs aggro while 5/2 can be combined with Wildwalker to get a 5/5 and 4/4 on T7.
  • Haunted creeper kills dudes and provide tokens for more combo damage.
  • Decided to drop one Druid of the Fang for Loatheb instead, at least this shifts my 5 drops to 3 out of 4 that can be dropped without any prior board, and it can help seal off the game by preventing a board clear as well. A 7/7 for 5 is great for putting pressure on the opponent, although the ever present issue of BGH is still its main weakness.
  • Savage Combatant is honestly really good. Lets you make more favorable trades (heropower + a DotS to kill off a Twilight Guardian for example, or even combined with Wrath). Opponents are also generally really afraid of the card that they will end up spending their removal(s) on him (a shaman w/ empty board did Rockbiter + Earthshock to get rid of mine) making your other high value minions safer.
  • Considering dropping one Wildwalker for another Keeper of the Grove...thoughts?
Current list:
Trying to do my 5 win as priest/warlock quest in brawl today, because I don't have any of the cards needed to make an actual usable decks in constructed. It's been an exercise of frustration. It just seems I can't do anything while the other guy has perfect curve/answer to everything I do. Been going on for like an hour I won one game. Sigh.

This is in stark contrast to playing paladin in brawl where I get more than 50% wins thanks to superior minions and cards/weapons, also when you have nothing to do in a turn you can always make a dude.

This made me realize how much of a shitty class priest is. Your hero power don't affect the board unless you already have board control. Your class minions in general aren't as good as the other classes' minions. The only competitive priest deck now is that dragon priest, and even that aren't even that great. And it's fairly expensive requiring multiple legendaries and epics.


Still having way too much fun surprising people with this Priest buff deck. It's not a ladder champion much at ranks further than 10 or 9, but in winning at least 60% of games and such a blast.

I'm confident I can tweak it to make it seriously viable at all levels.
Every time I see it in the deck builder, I really wish Ogrimmar Aspirint was +1 Durability instead of attack. I feel like it could see use then but who knows. I guess it could work really well with Gorehowl.
Trying to get to rank 5. I'm at rank 7 with midrange Hunter deck and I feel like I'm going in circles-- I beat face Hunters but lose to Paladins. Erghh


Still having way too much surprising people with this Priest buff deck. It's not a ladder champion much at ranks further than 10 or 9, but in winning at least 60% of games and such a blast.

I'm confident I can tweak it to make it seriously viable at all levels.

Buff decks fall short to any kind of silence, soft- and hard removal. That's why they are too inconsistent in constructed, since most decks do run a few of those.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Knife Juggler really needs a nerf.

It's mind blowing that it hasn't gotten one yet.

Knife Juggler is fine. It's one of the strongest neutral 2 drops in the game, but ultimately some cards are always going to be at the top. It doesn't fit in every deck. It is very insubstantial and dies to everything when played on curve. It's a strong card in fast warlock and many Paladin decks but doesn't find a place in many other classes. It doesn't fit the litmus test of limiting deck options, like Mad Scientist or Dr. Boom. Pretty much any Mage or Hunter deck has to include Mad Scientist. Pretty much any Mid-range or Control deck has to include Dr. Boom. And then you have cards on the edge like Piloted Shredder which feels like an auto-include solely in mid-range decks. Knife Juggler is below all of these.


Isn't the real way to get to legend to mix up your deck choices on the way? I doubt the same deck is ever viable for the whole climb.
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