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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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This brawl is awful. Whoever starts is 2 mana ahead the whole game. At least I got to try Paletress and it gave me an easy win.
I haven't played it yet but maybe it would have worked better if both players got 1 crystal at the end of each turn. So P1 gets 1 crystal, then P2 gets 2, then P1 gets 3, etc.


Finally I get lucky with a pack :D



Secret pally rage quitting cause my Rag won a 1/7 brawl, feels good.

I know it's been mentioned before but the one thing that annoys me about paladins is that they all have the same damn opening, makes it hard to get a read on them early.
If you don't mind me asking, what is the Violet Teacher in there for? You don't look like you run that many spells. Do you find she's still generating a lot of disciples?

How are you on card draw? Do you find yourself running out of steam?

I've been playing around with Buccaneer, and I agree that it's a nice addition - especially with Blade Fury, but my experience with Undercity Valiant is that it's quite awkward in terms of its combo. Seems like you want to play it early, but you hold onto it so you can get that extra point of damage somewhere. If that is the case, I'd almost rather wait an extra turn and just go SI Agent. Do you find you're just straight up throwing it out there (minus the combo) pretty often?

I don't have Boom, so I put in a Frost Elemental instead. I don't have Thalnos, so I'm going to try either a Kobold or the new Flame Juggler to hopefully help pick off Silverhand Recruits or bring other 2-toughness creatures into knifing range.

Violet teacher works fine so far. Even though it only has 11 spells, all those spells are very low cost. VT seems to work very well against a good number of decks. Certainly is a liability against patron warrior.

As far as card draw, it has generally not been a problem. It can run out of steam if you aren't careful playing around AOEs, but you'll have a bit more breathing room if you have a drake or two in hand to drop down after an AOE clear - or the almighty dr. boom.

If you get a clean spot to play valiant, I wouldn't worry about the combo. The combo is more important when you are behind, but even then holding on to him could be wrong. Sometimes the 3/2 body is going to be more important than the combo hitting. Same goes for autobarber and even si7 to some extent. If you're in a match up where that damage really matters to fight for board (like zoo), then you might hold off a turn if you already have a combo pieces in your hand. Usually its okay to hero power on turn 2 and deadly poison + valiant on turn 3.

I think the better replacement for thalnos is kobold. Thalnos is generally used for the spell damage, 3 damage backstab, 2 damage fan of knives, 5 damage eviscerate, and even buffing blade flurry for an extra point of damage can be the difference betweeen a board clear and a loss.

A replacement for boom could be ragnaros. Could be worth running burgle cause that'll help your hand stay bigger a bit. I haven't tried flame juggler since I am just not a big fan of RNG on him or knife juggler, but he definitely seems a bit more suited for the deck than knife juggler.


Dragon Priest questions:

1) Do you guys run one or two shadow word: death?
2) Is Voljin that important? I dont have him :(
3) I see some people running Rend and Chrommagus, but arent they a bit... clunky?
Dragon Priest questions:

1) Do you guys run one or two shadow word: death?
2) Is Voljin that important? I dont have him :(
3) I see some people running Rend and Chrommagus, but arent they a bit... clunky?

I haven't played dragon priest, but I think one of the top reasons to play dragon is to play rend. He is really good.


I would like to post this sentence sometime.

And i'm not going to because my packs continue to be bare minimum garbage. Brawl and quest packs today got me nothing as usual. My standards are so low i'd settle for a murlock knight in pack, haven't got one yet. This many bad draws in a row is kinda game-depressing.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Dragon Priest questions:

1) Do you guys run one or two shadow word: death?
2) Is Voljin that important? I dont have him :(
3) I see some people running Rend and Chrommagus, but arent they a bit... clunky?

I haven't played a ton of Dragon Priest but for some of this:

I use one, but I could see two being fine, especially without Voljin who is mainly used as a removal combo with smite.

1x Mind Control also seems fine in his place(I use one) since otherwise something like Ysera can be the biggest pain in the ass.

Rend actually hits very frequently and it's rare to not have an activator at this point. He dies to a gust of wind but similar to BGH, he already got his value just hitting the board so anything more is a bonus. Chrom actually works really well in priest since he can be easily used with power word: shield for the double draw.



Gain value early game by targeting the bane sisters, trade favorably with those and other buffed minions and dragon value cards, win due to slowly gaining advantage and also Ysera.


That being said, I loved double-brawl control warrior pre-TGT but I'm not having great results with it, it's kinda too slow and secret paladin and a few other decks can gain value too fast in the late game and I run out of removal. I've switched to dragon control warrior, and despite my expectations I'm doing well with it. I kinda wanna put in Justicar Trueheart instead of Sylvanas though, as I was never a fan of Sylvanas (opponent always finds a way to trade around it, whereas Justicar compounds your value insanely over longer games). Any thoughts on that?


Dragon Priest questions:

1) Do you guys run one or two shadow word: death?
2) Is Voljin that important? I dont have him :(
3) I see some people running Rend and Chrommagus, but arent they a bit... clunky?

Here's what I run with pretty good success



I don't have any of the 4 new legendaries in that deck >_>

Justicar is probably the best of them. Saraad is nice, but you def need taunts up if you want any kind of life with him because people frantically try to trade with him. Or you could try to buff his health a bit.

Paletress is nice as well but is random as hell. Best I ever pulled off was I summoned Avianna and had 1 mana (from 10) and had Dr Boom in my hand. So in one turn I had Paletress, Avianna and Dr boom on the board.

I think you can do without Paletress honestly. She is a fun card but it's too easy to wipe her off the board. I don't have Ysera but whenever I get up enough dust, I'll probably craft that and replace Paletress with Ysera.

Chillmaw is legit. Stopped a Patron dead in his tracks with him when he could have had OTK. Also I used Chillmaw to fake an opponent out who tried clearing my board with the 3dmg AoE but nothing happened after they wasted all of their effort taking out chillmaw.

But if you are going to roll Dragon priest, chillmaw is pretty good.


this is rng stone what else do you expect

it still amazes me that a game so heavy on rng is an esport but hey guess it makes money

Rng makes it a great e sport to watch, you never know what's going to happen! Very exciting.

Rng makes it a terrible e sport to play, you literally cannot win without good luck. It used to be you needed good draws which was bad enough:
your low cost cards on turn 1-2 ect, drawing your aoe before you needed it, drawing bgh before you needed it ect.

Now you need those draws and to get good stuff from your piloted minion, unstable portal, the right demon from void caller, to win the joust ect.
It makes the game Yahtzee, whoever rolls the best out of X dice wins.


Rng makes it a great e sport to watch, you never know what's going to happen! Very exciting.

Rng makes it a terrible e sport to play, you literally cannot win without good luck. It used to be you needed good draws which was bad enough:
your low cost cards on turn 1-2 ect, drawing your aoe before you needed it, drawing bgh before you needed it ect.

Now you need those draws and to get good stuff from your piloted minion, unstable portal, the right demon from void caller, to win the joust ect.
It makes the game Yahtzee, whoever rolls the best out of X dice wins.

Well some of the RNG does have a purpose in that it allows someone to come back from terrible draws instead of it being a blow out.

My problem with it is that there a a lot of the RNG on some of the cards is too "safe" for the one casting it. It's like playing roulette putting all your money on 14, the result is 15 but you still get 80% of the winnings. There is absolutely no risk involved in playing a shredder, UP, knife juggler for example.

But ah well, it is what it is and for the most part I have a lot of fun with the game and of course when my Rag hits that 1/5 for lethal I smile everytime.
Rng makes it a great e sport to watch, you never know what's going to happen! Very exciting.

Rng makes it a terrible e sport to play, you literally cannot win without good luck. It used to be you needed good draws which was bad enough:
your low cost cards on turn 1-2 ect, drawing your aoe before you needed it, drawing bgh before you needed it ect.

Now you need those draws and to get good stuff from your piloted minion, unstable portal, the right demon from void caller, to win the joust ect.
It makes the game Yahtzee, whoever rolls the best out of X dice wins.

draw rng is inherent to the type of game and that's unavoidable and you can't change that unless you change the mechanics of the game(which would completely change the nature of the game)

the rng i'm talking about as seen as seen in the onog tournament semi/finals the past weekend is just dumb


draw rng is inherent to the type of game and that's unavoidable and you can't change that unless you change the mechanics of the game(which would completely change the nature of the game)

the rng i'm talking about as seen as seen in the onog tournament semi/finals the past weekend is just dumb

I think the draw rng is fine, and I agree that it's inherent to the format and probably a good thing.

I think the problem is RNG cards where you have rng on top of more rng on top of more rng. There is probably some optimal level of rng in the game, I think cards with huge swings in outcomes push the balance too far towards rng literally deciding the game.


So do you not get 10 gold for 3 wins in Tavern Brawl any more? That sucks. Ground out 6 wins before finally realizing I wasn't gaining any gold.
I think the draw rng is fine

Draw RNG has a much bigger impact on this game (and other card games) than any number of Piloted Shredders or Trollden videos of Ram Wrangler summoning a King Krush.

It's also why the win rates for pros in this game aren't any lower than that of games like MTG. They might, if anything, be higher. Brian Kibler's win rate to get into the Magic Hall of Fame was under 60%, increasing to a whopping 61% when playing in Grand Prix (which are open to the general public). That means against a field of public competitors, a Hall of Fame player is managing a 61% win rate, which is (a lot) lower than the win rates of top Legend players who climb ladder.

That's because MTG actually has a much bigger RNG factor on the card draw- if you need to topdeck a land so you can stay on curve, you have a ~60% chance to brick, and if you need to topdeck a non-land so you can actually cast things, you have a ~40% chance to brick. % dependant on exact deck obviously.

The brick % is higher still when you account for things like color screw, mana destruction cards like Wasteland, etc. You will lose entire games because you couldn't topdeck a second white source to cast your Wrath of God. For example a guy was forced to mulligan and keep a 1 land hand against me in an SCG open, I happened to have Wasteland in my opening hand and he never drew another land until turn 5 at which point yeah, it's kinda wayyy too late.

Which also tends to make for a much more boring method of losing games to RNG. I've literally played dozens of games where me or my opponent is forced to mulligan to 5 and then sit on one or two lands for the whole game, with perfectly good deck construction and mana curves. It's also one reason why a card that's fairly similar to Tracking from Hearthstone is the single most broken card in Magic's Legacy format, it shows up in 3/4s of every top finishing Legacy deck for the last 8 years.

The videos of King Krush and so on are entertaining and great excitement but they don't actually contribute that much to the RNG of who wins games in the bigger picture.


Did you reach your daily cap of 100 gold? That would be an explanation.

No, but I just saw on Reddit that there is a bug that doesn't display the little crowns after your wins so I guess I was getting gold and just didn't realize it!
How can you afford to play another card after Nozdormu?

There are low cost jousts like Gadgetzan Jouster. You could also use the coin, Innervate, or the Emperor. There are probably other ways that I'm missing. But once Noz survives that first turn, you can play a joust every turn and lock the other player out.
Is Murloc Knight really that good?

I think he's probably as good as Shredder, maybe a bit less. Can get out of control really easily, but also can just fill up your entire board easily which can be a problem. There aren't too many Murlocs and they have some extreme synergy, the worst you can get is a 2/1 and there are multiple really good ones - Warleader, Murk-Eye, Bluegill Warrior, the Shaman one, and another Murloc Knight, even.


needs to show more effort.
With future expansions, Murloc Knight is also likely to get more and more powerful. They've sort of covered the basic 1 and 2 mana drops for murlocs at this point and so if they add new murlocs to the game, I think they're likely to be more in the 3-4 mana range.
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