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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Really liking Solemn Vigil in my mid range paladin deck, Lay on Hands is just too slow I rarely could play it, I can consecrate and draw two cards for 0 mana, I take that and a healbot over Lay on Hands. It's a very good card against aggressive decks.

I used to run one Solemn Vigil in my old paladin deck because liked you said lay on hands was too slow and i liked having two draw mechanics. I wonder if it's worth having 1 Solemn Vigil and 2 Tuskarr Jouster in my midrange paladin deck.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Yeah people used to run Acolyte of Pain in Paladin and I didn't care for it. It was very difficult to get two cards out of it. Solemn Vigil is a much more natural and useful draw in my opinion. That is how I always saw the card. You cut Acolyte, play Solemn Vigil instead.
Earlier today I was playing a new tempo rogue deck, but it was clunky and too inconsistent even though it hit the ball out of the park a few times. I cut the parts away that made it play like a weird oil rogue deck, and put more importance on consistent opens and well, I am doing really well with this version:


It definitely is not done yet, but I am pretty happy with the results so far. I wish I could fit another burgle in. That card is just fun.

Overall, the deck's strengths are bouncing back into the game even if your opponent curves out well enough to stop you from playing your minions, because each minion does something later into the game. When you're winning, its often because you've gotten just a single minion to survive to continually poke damage while you clear their board almost every turn with spells, hero power, or battlecry/combo damage.
I second this. ;)

I'm going to be adding an expected dust value per pack formula to the sheet soon, which should help you decide which pack to get.

I downloaded it! Really cool and helpful! Thanks a lot for doing this :D
PS: Dont know why, but the Overview page isnt working for me. Everything else worked flawlessly.

In summary, I have:
Classic - 299 of 459 (65,14%)
GvG - 136 of 226 (60,18%)
TGT - 160 of 244 (65,57%)
And 100% of the Adventures Cards.

I think I get more value buying the Classic Pack, since I probably will get less repeated cards. Since I really like the Warlock class, but dont have the Giants, Jaraxxus, it would be another factor.
Could somebody explain me why secret paladin is totally hated?

I'm a rank 10 player, and with the reset I'm now 16, and everytime that I face Secret Paladin, I feel like I got a free win, when they play the secrets, most of the time they only had the mysterious challenger and at best a silver hand, and anytime I just don't care for all those secrets activating

Heck, I even won with a face hunter that was trading against him

i'm not speakin for everyone but the reason why I hate it is that it's an agressive deck that focuses on spamming low cost minions and you get a huge tempo turn on turn 6 if you have the mysterious challenger. Sure the secrets themselves aren't very good but the fact that they're played for free and all at once is annoying. Also don't forget the fact that the challenger himself is a 6/6. It's basically a steroid version of mad scientist and mad scientist itself is a very strong card.

Also you have to play around divine favor and if you're playing a control deck you're basically screwed.
the season just reset

so it's pretty whatever

now if it was like ~15-20 days in the month then yeah sure

and gold heroes is not indicative of skill, it just shows that you play a lot-nothing more

I know, I know. Just got a bit frustrated, that's all.

Had to do Shaman 5 wins for a quest, I was lucky because two of my wins were gimmies against a Pirate Warrior (he killed both my Totemics with Ship's Cannon though, which I've never seen go off) and a Face Warrior (it wasn't a Patron Warrior, he basically only played weapons, Heroic Strike and Upgrade). I had another game where my RNG was crazy, my first Tuskarr Totemic was Golem, then I played the second one and got a Flametongue, which after my Al'Akir was perfect lethal.


Im working on this deck right now, I really enjoy playing with it but I think I need to work with it some more. I think you will probably see where I'm going with it.




well that is true if you have board control (with some big minion in it) and trade when he's 6/6. that's just a waste of 7 mana, even better if you have a lower cost removal.
however somehow they always drop him when I have 2-3 mana drops on my board even if I'm in control, and when I don't have single minion removals in the hand or in the deck. happened to me a lot actually to don't even get one removal card for arena decks, even with mage.


I downloaded it! Really cool and helpful! Thanks a lot for doing this :D
PS: Dont know why, but the Overview page isnt working for me. Everything else worked flawlessly.

In summary, I have:
Classic - 299 of 459 (65,14%)
GvG - 136 of 226 (60,18%)
TGT - 160 of 244 (65,57%)
And 100% of the Adventures Cards.

I think I get more value buying the Classic Pack, since I probably will get less repeated cards. Since I really like the Warlock class, but dont have the Giants, Jaraxxus, it would be another factor.

Awesome! Glad you were able to get some use of it.

Did you export the spreadsheet to Excel? I know that that can screw up the formulas that reference other sheets, which is the bulk of what the Overview sheet is.
Roping out because secrets and deathrattles fucking blows. I thought they sped that up but it really takes forever still. I killed the sludge belcher almost 10 seconds before time out and it didn't resolve til 5 seconds after.


People seemed to have gotten smater, Paladin Secret deck isn't smashing people like it used to. Might need to change up my deck.


Most hated cards?

Toss up between brawl and equality for me.

Also, Shadowflame!

Murloc Knight is also a fucker... but her a murloc and theyre nice people at least...
That moment when you realize the only out they can possibly have is playing dr. boom. And then they top deck it.

And then it slowly dawns on you that you had BGH all this time... and a minion to throw into mirror entity and clear the board completely. Smashing revelation.


In arena and Murlock knight spawns another Murlock knight with no way to remove. Then next turn one spawns war leader the other spawns old murk eye. Fuck me.
First arena game in months. Terrible experience with mediocre deck and terrible draws. Of course I fight against people who drew much better decks, shit ton of synergies and perfect curves. Reminded me why I stopped playing arena, especially makes more sense since you can't pick your card packs now.

Arena is okay, might be even fun if it's free. As it is I totally think it's a completely waste of time unless you are really good at arena.
75% win rate (15-5) with the new rogue list on day one of the ladder. #feelsgoodman

The last list I put up I changed one thing, cut burgle for dr. boom. It's honestly only a small improvement but I think dr. boom just performs on average better.

I really like buccanneer. If you think about it, every time you hero power you're getting an extra 2 damage out of him. So 1 proc and he is better value than leper gnome because you direct that damage. 2 procs and he is way better than leper gnome. Combining with a autobarber or deadly poison... the power of that all really stacks up.

Also undercity valiant feels as good as I thought he might be. I won a match off him against a paladin who had a back to back minibot. He probably thought he was jumping ahead on board but being able to ping it with the valiant combo, plus using my already buffed weapon from buccanneer got a clean kill on minibot.

I made a handful of mistakes tonight. It has been ages since I've played a tempo based rogue. And figuring out mulligans in a new set is in itself a challenge even with a deck you are familiar with. And despite all that, getting a 15-5 record on day one of the new season makes the deck promising imo.


So how is ladder so far? Infested with Paladins?

Played about 20 games between ranks 20-17, saw probably 7-8 Pally's. Actually made a flare hunter deck just to get the satisfaction of nuking 5 secrets at once but of course didn't run into any Pally's after that. Did a lot of tilting tonight, got hot and almost hit rank 16, then lost 6 games in a row and called it a night.

Playing mostly CW, Justicar has been my MVP by far, single handily won me at least 4 games. Once you start stacking the 4armor every turn, it's really beautiful. Varian I expected to be more beastly. When he clicks, he fucking clicks and can swing an entire game (Pulled Grom+Belcher+Ysera = GG), but more often than not I've had wasted battlecry's (Owl, Shieldmaiden, etc.) using him. Love the card but surprised that if I had to pick between him and Justicar, I'm sticking w/ Justicar.
Playing against a mage who has a golden portrait and he played Novice Engineer.

Am I fucked?

Lol now he used Ironfur Grizzly

Full list of questionable cards -

Novice Engineer
Ironfur Grizzly
Grim Patron
Gnomish Experimenter

I dunno what he was doing.

First time I've ever used the buff minions with Cenarius...


lol Midrange Hunter mirror match, turn 1 and 2 he plays Kings Elk and wins both times.

that card hasnt worked for me once!

fuck this game. :)

edit: his Ram Wrangler summoned a chicken and he conceded lol


people sure are trying hard to make twins work but nope, I've seen them in mech mages now (really bad), priests (not very good), paladins (meh), aggro Druid (this one by far was the best, looked quite strong).

Playing against a mage who has a golden portrait and he played Novice Engineer.

Am I fucked?

Lol now he used Ironfur Grizzly

Full list of questionable cards -

Novice Engineer
Ironfur Grizzly
Grim Patron
Gnomish Experimenter

I dunno what he was doing.

First time I've ever used the buff minions with Cenarius...

Looks like play testing his arena draft to me, not a good idea to do that on ladder though...
people sure are trying hard to make twins work but nope, I've seen them in mech mages now (really bad), priests (not very good), paladins (meh), aggro Druid (this one by far was the best, looked quite strong).

Looks like play testing his arena draft to me, not a good idea to do that on ladder though...

It was also ranked
You are probably right though.
Justicar is actually pretty good on Priest. Won when we both had zero cards because of FoN + Savage Roar with a Keeper on the Board and Innervate for hero power. Probably a rare occurrence.


I just crafted armorsmiths so I'm gonna sell my soul and patron the way to 5? on this season.
Last season I managed to get to 10 with midrange hunter and tempo mage deck (no antonidas, just ragnaros) so I'm pretty happy.

By the way I really liked this website for card collection:

It has import export
Only thing I miss is mobile access, maybe I will grab a spreadsheet and see if it can be uploaded to drive.

I've been lucky lately with drops, I got ragnaros, vol'jin and some nice drops. Problem now is that shadowpriest uses a lot of epics and rares which I have none, I will have to stick to mage/hunter/warrior for ranked.


Never bought Blackrock, is it worth saving up for the first wing? Emperor seems a must in alot of decks im missing out on.


75% win rate (15-5) with the new rogue list on day one of the ladder. #feelsgoodman

The last list I put up I changed one thing, cut burgle for dr. boom. It's honestly only a small improvement but I think dr. boom just performs on average better.

I really like buccanneer. If you think about it, every time you hero power you're getting an extra 2 damage out of him. So 1 proc and he is better value than leper gnome because you direct that damage. 2 procs and he is way better than leper gnome. Combining with a autobarber or deadly poison... the power of that all really stacks up.

Also undercity valiant feels as good as I thought he might be. I won a match off him against a paladin who had a back to back minibot. He probably thought he was jumping ahead on board but being able to ping it with the valiant combo, plus using my already buffed weapon from buccanneer got a clean kill on minibot.

I made a handful of mistakes tonight. It has been ages since I've played a tempo based rogue. And figuring out mulligans in a new set is in itself a challenge even with a deck you are familiar with. And despite all that, getting a 15-5 record on day one of the new season makes the deck promising imo.

If you don't mind me asking, what is the Violet Teacher in there for? You don't look like you run that many spells. Do you find she's still generating a lot of disciples?

How are you on card draw? Do you find yourself running out of steam?

I've been playing around with Buccaneer, and I agree that it's a nice addition - especially with Blade Fury, but my experience with Undercity Valiant is that it's quite awkward in terms of its combo. Seems like you want to play it early, but you hold onto it so you can get that extra point of damage somewhere. If that is the case, I'd almost rather wait an extra turn and just go SI Agent. Do you find you're just straight up throwing it out there (minus the combo) pretty often?

I don't have Boom, so I put in a Frost Elemental instead. I don't have Thalnos, so I'm going to try either a Kobold or the new Flame Juggler to hopefully help pick off Silverhand Recruits or bring other 2-toughness creatures into knifing range.
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