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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Gold Member
That will never happen. Because of the length of deathrattles animating, card draw, and individual minions proccing, the card just will never really work well in hearthstone.

Your opponent has a sludge belcher? A secret? Even professional players sometimes find themselves roping out because animations take longer than you'd think. Seriously, go play a paladin who has 3-5 secrets up. You attack, noble sacrifice procs, then avenge procs, then redemption procs, that is probably 10 seconds right there alone. That means you had 5 seconds to plan out your turn and a good 2-3 seconds of that is taken away due to card draw.

Have you actually ever seen how long a combo like patron takes to go off? It is because minions like frothing berserker animate every single time they are hit. And it used to be slower in the past, they actually sped it up.

Also, I never posited my opinion as fact. You've chosen to interpret it that way.

They should remove the card. It breaks the game. This is my opinion. Can't believe I had to say that it is my opinion because it is clearly my opinion.

That's the whole point of card, it sounds more like you don't like it than any sort of reason for why it shouldn't exist to me, it's definitely a valid feature that alters gameplay, and I personally would like to see it brought to a 3 or 4 mana minion as well. The entire point of the card is to rush your opponent and prevent them from playing efficiently.

I'd argue in its current state its fine too, it's no worse a win condition than a Patron warrior who has reduced cost patrons and berserk in hand. They have a gimmick deck (the dragon, not patron one). It's a single card in 30 cards, so they're building a deck around it, that means it will lose most of its games by default. Show me one deck built around the card with a 60% win rate, it won't happen. Though the issue of animations leaking over turns should be fixed, I don't think it's even close to the biggest problem the game has atm.


Actions taking ridiculously long is its own issue to fix.

This is something that really pisses me off

Why did they program it so badly. Every action should resolve at the same time. Not this current bullshit of checking everything individually

Like if you have a Northshire on the board and heal 4 minions, she should activate once and then you draw 4 cards

Not proc - draw - proc - draw etc etc


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Dat unstable portal

Back to back games I spawned




Harrison > Justicar > Varian

Justicar first if you want to play super tank Warrior.

Super Tank Warrior is the last thing I want to play right now. I do have some ideas with Justicar, but Harrison is usually listed on the decks that I do want to play, and is the only card I don't have in the priest decks that interest me.

I'll probably put Justicar next on my list since these other legendaries look underwhelming, or just save the dust and hope to get Justicar and Varian from a pack.


Seriously, how do I play against a control warrior as a dragon priest?

Cant do much until turn 5 because he just uses brawl... then from 6 onward he drops every legendary available. Tips?
This reply is way late, but here is my .02.

The match up is in their favor by a lot. You have to pretty much play like an aggro deck. Try to get on the board quickly, keep his board clear and go face as much as possible. Don't stop growing your board, you have to have 4+ minions in play to push for lethal before he can recover. If they play Brawl you lose. It's a tough match up.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Super Tank Warrior is the last thing I want to play right now. I do have some ideas with Justicar, but Harrison is usually listed on the decks that I do want to play, and is the only card I don't have in the priest decks that interest me.

I'll probably put Justicar next on my list since these other legendaries look underwhelming, or just save the dust and hope to get Justicar and Varian from a pack.
I mean...I don't know what idea you can have for Justicar in Warrior outside of just becoming an unkillable monster. That's what the card is really useful for, and it seems like Blizzard went out of their way to reduce Justicar's power in offensively oriented decks across all classes. Somehow this is more balanced.

Even inside the types of decks control Warriors play, Varian requires a deck to be negatively tweaked in order to accommodate what he does. Warrior can't really just throw it's minions out on to the board in order to win.
Wow fuck this game.

He uses unbalanced portal gets Cenarius then uses Spell Slinger and gets the Earth Shock to kill my 4/7 Twillight Drake... Im taking a break what a fucking joke.


Wow it used to be fewer wins than that. Have they nerfed rewards?

No, it has always been that.

For 150 Gold, you always get at least one pack. You should never spend Gold buying packs, as the slight inefficiency you get for really bad arena runs.

At 3 wins, the pack + Gold are better than the entry free.

At 7 wins, you get more than the entry fee back, PLUS a booster, dust, gold cards, etc.

At 8+ wins, you get a shitload.

Even if Arena isn't a good Limited format, it is still worth doing over spending Gold for packs. Blizzard has openly spent 0 time balancing it, and it shows, nor is it their intent to ever balance it. It is still worth doing, though.
In the brawl.. this priest got 3 tirions off me. 1 from thoughtsteal, 1 from mind controlling my faceless of his, and then a third from thoughtsteal. The scrub still lost.

The list I played yesterday is posted here with 1 change -1 burgle, +1 dr. boom.

That list I had a 75% winrate over 20 games which is pretty good for day 1 of the season. I'm not gonna say I've played it enough to know its going to last or not change, it is definitely not a refined list. It has been a while since I have played tempo rogue, but I like the list so far.

The site with the list is not loading for me. Could you post it somewhere else?


Should I craft Justicar, Harrison, or Varian?
In terms of usefulness, Harrison wins just because he's a neutral and can be used in several decks.

If you enjoy control warrior (like I do), there's an argument to be made for Varian.

If you want to have some fun and value new legendaries over classic legendaries (like I do), go Varian -> Justicar -> Harrison - I'm saying this because I was in that exact same situation and decided to go with that order. Crafted Varian and Justicar and still don't have Harrison. :D


I mean...I don't know what idea you can have for Justicar in Warrior outside of just becoming an unkillable monster. That's what the card is really useful for, and it seems like Blizzard went out of their way to reduce Justicar's power in offensively oriented decks across all classes. Somehow this is more balanced.

Even inside the types of decks control Warriors play, Varian requires a deck to be negatively tweaked in order to accommodate what he does. Warrior can't really just throw it's minions out on to the board in order to win.

I had ideas of using Justicar in other classes like Priest and Druid. I just wasn't interested in using Warrior right now. I've already been on the receiving end of what Tank Up can do and did not have a response for it, so I wanted to see what others had to say before I made a decision.

I'm not wasting the dust on crafting Varian. He's a cool card but I wouldn't want to run an unoptimized deck just to get value out of his battlecry, or just have minions thrown onto the board outside of my control.
I think justicar works in druid and paladin as well. Spawning 2 recruits each turn is actually a win condition in itself as many classes can't effectively fight for board when you're hitting hero power every turn. And for druid, it completely negates hunter hero power and lets you race them - and warriors in fatigue.

That's the whole point of card, it sounds more like you don't like it than any sort of reason for why it shouldn't exist to me, it's definitely a valid feature that alters gameplay, and I personally would like to see it brought to a 3 or 4 mana minion as well. The entire point of the card is to rush your opponent and prevent them from playing efficiently.

I'd argue in its current state its fine too, it's no worse a win condition than a Patron warrior who has reduced cost patrons and berserk in hand. They have a gimmick deck (the dragon, not patron one). It's a single card in 30 cards, so they're building a deck around it, that means it will lose most of its games by default. Show me one deck built around the card with a 60% win rate, it won't happen. Though the issue of animations leaking over turns should be fixed, I don't think it's even close to the biggest problem the game has atm.

First I want to point out just because the card hasn't made its way into a competitive deck, doesn't mean its not broken. Stopping your opponent from doing anything their entire turn is not an intended result of the card nor does it fall in line with blizzard's focus on player interactivity. If you can't do anything your entire turn, that removes every single bit over interactivity from your opponent. Have you seen this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCDOZS_vceI

In other card games, like MTG, there are cards that give you an additional turn. But Blizzard has stayed clear of creating cards like time walk. They don't even let you mess with your opponent's hand or mana crystal count, let alone taking an entire additional turn (sometimes indefinitely). It would be downright broken if it were a cheaper cost. Here is nozdormu broken with joust. Note the guy isn't even waiting til the end of his turn, likely because the animations would take so long that it would eat into his own next turn but he could have also used 1 less joust per turn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1lyoxjqN33w

If it only truly gave you 15 seconds to act, without animations preventing you from putting in commands (like deathrattles and secrets), then it would be an acceptable card. At least the text is confined to nozdormu because if it was on a stronger card, there would actually be no meta. The game would be about who could drop their time reducing card first and play a joust card. Skipping even a single turn is a huge deal.
You always get a pack, what he's saying is that at 3 wins you get an additional 50g on average, so having paid 150g for arena you essentially break even compared to simply buying a pack for 100g.
Oh alright. I didn't know you got a pack regardless of how well you did. I thought I would just spend 150 and then lose and get nothing.
I really like Justicar on Shaman with a control deck. Just makes for fun games.

I haven't tried it myself yet, but choosing your totem just doesn't seem like that big of a deal. I just can't see that being worth 6 mana and a card. I have played Justicar in Warrior and Paladin, and the body is just terrible, but the hero power upgrade is definitely worth it in those classes.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think justicar works in druid and paladin as well. Spawning 2 recruits each turn is actually a win condition in itself as many classes can't effectively fight for board when you're hitting hero power every turn. And for druid, it completely negates hunter hero power and lets you race them - and warriors in fatigue.
I guess I just don't see the race potential for something like Justicar on Druid. Fatigue state benefits classes like Warrior and Priest, and fighting those classes on that front as a Druid just seems silly. Justicar shines on hero powers that supplement long term uneven curves. Druid has enough mana manipulation tools to not really find value on something like this in many situations, and they are so combo reliant that stalling a game doesn't seem particularly beneficial. Druid also just has a flood of options for drops in the mana range of Justicar. Ancients, Boom, FoN, Thaurissian. Druid is benefited by having minions on the board, even if it's only a few. Focusing on your hero power doesn't provide much in my mind.
I guess I just don't see the race potential for something like Justicar on Druid. Fatigue state benefits classes like Warrior and Priest, and fighting those classes on that front as a Druid just seems silly. Justicar shines on hero powers that supplement long term uneven curves. Druid has enough mana manipulation tools to not really find value on something like this in many situations, and they are so combo reliant that stalling a game doesn't seem particularly beneficial. Druid also just has a flood of options for drops in the mana range of Justicar. Ancients, Boom, FoN, Thaurissian. Druid is benefited by having minions on the board, even if it's only a few. Focusing on your hero power doesn't provide much in my mind.

If you're playing a combo oriented ramp druid, then yes justicar doesn't have a place. But that is the same for control warrior. If you're playing the standard list, I don't think justicar is optimal because armor doesn't impact board enough. For example, health doesn't really matter in control matches, whereas doing damage from druid HP or paladin spawning 2 recruits instead of one is actually a big deal.

I think justicar has potential in a druid control deck with cards like tree of life. I played this last night and I was actually ranking up til I changed the list (and probably made it worse) where I went only 50-50. I'll probably keep iterating on this list slowly. I think I am going to drop kelthuzad in the mix next, to basically be just another way to win a game that works in line with the majority of the rest of the deck.

I wouldn't be surprised at all to see lists much better than mine emerge. I still don't have mulch or aviana to test them out in the deck. Even recycle is potentially very good in the deck.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
LOL cipher on starladder had a hungry crab from a webspinner and lifecoach's shredder popped a murlock, instead of using the crab on the murlock gaining 2/2 Cipher just killed it without using the hungry crab, noxious and Savjz were so disgusted, dansgame indeed.
LOL cipher on starladder had a hungry crab from a webspinner and lifecoach's shredder popped a murlock, instead of using the crab on the murlock gaining 2/2 Cipher just killed it without using the hungry crab, noxious and Savjz were so disgusted, dansgame indeed.

Perfect for Trollden Hearthstone fails.


Hmm Shadopan Rider seems quiet good. Tried swapping hiim in for a Violet Teacher, seems to do good work. Especially if you can coin him out on turn 4.
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