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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Freeze Mage is like the only mage deck viable in current meta. Those paladin secrets won't ever trigger hehehehe.
What? No. Mech mage is great right now because it wrecks riddlers and Tempo mage is good or even against it while wrecking druids, control warriors, dragon priest and some other decks.


This is true of basically every card that people willingly choose to put in their decks. Most cards people play in Constructed don't even have a possible backfire to it. Nobody is like "oh god, that mage won the game because they top-decked a frostbolt for exact lethal. They just won the game because they had frostbolt in their deck. You're far more likely to win games with frostbolt than lose them. Nerf frostbolt plzkthx."
No that's not true of other cards in other decks because most of those cards don't have the ridiculous RNG spread of "meh value off of Portal" to "game winning draw off of Portal". Most cards that people play in Constructed are just over valued cards or cards that serve a specific purpose. Comparing Portal to Frostbolt is ridiculous because Frostbolt has no RNG element involved, you know what to expect from it.

When an opponent plays an Unstable Portal you can't play around what they have in their hand. You can't make a counter deck against it. You can't out play someone using Unstable Portal. It just happens and you have to take it.

For the record I don't think the card should be nerfed/changed but Blizzard has to be REALLY REALLY careful in making cards for Mage in the future when it comes to gaining advantage off of spell usage. They already have like 4 cards that are used for this purpose (Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker, Sorc Apprentice, Antonidas) and any more would make Unstable Portal even better.

Like imagine a 2 mana 2/3, your next spell costs 2 less.... you combo with Unstable Portal on the same turn and then you win the game off of the initial tempo.

It should be noted that a card like Unstable Portal is a huge RNG swing EARLY in the game. That's very important to the flow of the game. Huge RNG swing cards later on in the game aren't as powerful because you usually have to pay a lot for them upfront (like getting spells off of Nefarian). Most of the problematic RNG cards in the game are the ones that are played earlier as games can be dictated by those RNG factors. Sort of like what Nat Pagle was or Animal Companion/Implosion/Knife Juggler. A card like Ram Wrangler is on the cusp... at 5 mana it comes a bit later in the game and also requires a condition but once the conditions are met then this card is just downright filthy.


I want to start playing control warrior. I have all the cards except for geddon and varian. Which do you think is better right now? Only have dust to craft one atm.
I want to start playing control warrior. I have all the cards except for geddon and varian. Which do you think is better right now? Only have dust to craft one atm.

I'd go for geddon. I took varian out of my cw deck, not really a bad card and can lead to super fun plays but doesn't really fit in the current list. Can also cause you to lose hard to huge aoe i.e. lightbomb or shadowflame.
I want to start playing control warrior. I have all the cards except for geddon and varian. Which do you think is better right now? Only have dust to craft one atm.

As above, Varian is not a control warrior card.

It can still win you games, but anything for 10 mana can win you a game in a CW deck, so it isn't all that special in that regard. The problem is it speeds up games, which you don't actually want to do. It boosts you to fatigue, and most of the time one big threat at a time is stronger. It also gets rid of your battle crys, and CW is pretty reliant on them firing.

Varian is for some sort of midrangey warrior deck that doesn't really get played yet. It is still a strong card, but I think you can do better right now.

That said, I don't rate geddon either and think Varian is the better card to make. Craft another boom.


As above, Varian is not a control warrior card.

It can still win you games, but anything for 10 mana can win you a game in a CW deck, so it isn't all that special in that regard. The problem is it speeds up games, which you don't actually want to do. It boosts you to fatigue, and most of the time one big threat at a time is stronger. It also gets rid of your battle crys, and CW is pretty reliant on them firing.

Varian is for some sort of midrangey warrior deck that doesn't really get played yet. It is still a strong card, but I think you can do better right now.

That said, I don't rate geddon either and think Varian is the better card to make. Craft another boom.

Lol what Geddon is a great card.


I do wonder how they are going to introduce new classes in the future. Have an entire adventure dedicated to them? I mean I think that they will probably be paid content.

Furthermore I'm wondering what the new adventure will be. Black Temple to get on the Legion hype or ICC perhaps, though that might be the perfect adventure to introduce the Death Knights.


Geddon has always been the first out of control warrior and shows up in exactly 0 other decks.

It isn't a glowing resume.

Yep, Geddon was only put in Control Warrior lists during Naxx-era because of Shamans (bots). Geddon clears nothing in the current meta because patrons are 3 health, Quatermustered recruits are 3 health, Demon Zoo is out of meta and even then runs sticky minions that don't get cleared by Geddon.
What kind of deck would be best suited for Eydis Darkbane and Fjola Lightbane?

I've currently got them in a sort of ramp druid deck which has plenty of taunt buff cards to get the target spell effect.

I'm read some theorycraft around the launch of TGT and it was using a deck with large amount of spare parts to trigger the synergies. What class would be most suited for this theorycraft?


What? No. Mech mage is great right now because it wrecks riddlers and Tempo mage is good or even against it while wrecking druids, control warriors, dragon priest and some other decks.

Maybe at rank 15 and above it's viable! Good luck playing tempo mage right now from 5 and better.

Decks without good card draw just won't work, you will have your board wiped and out numbered in no time right now. Sure you can win some games with luck, you can't climb with luck there, you need consistency, casino mage is anything but consistent.

Maybe mech mage is better but after your fel reaver is executed or your board lightbombed you just lose the game. Meta is ruled by dragon priest, mid range paladin with secrets and patron right now along with the usual face decks. Mech Mage is good against patron...sometimes. If you can't build board against paladin, which you probably can't, you just lose very fast. It's not terrible right now but you can do better. A viable deck right now should either flood the board several times and fast even with little in the hand or have so much board clear to survive through all of that, then there is burst damage potential which most of them have. Mage decks only have burst... if they are lucky with a good hand.


What kind of deck would be best suited for Eydis Darkbane and Fjola Lightbane?

I've currently got them in a sort of ramp druid deck which has plenty of taunt buff cards to get the target spell effect.

I'm read some theorycraft around the launch of TGT and it was using a deck with large amount of spare parts to trigger the synergies. What class would be most suited for this theorycraft?

I run this list with them and it is has been pretty fun. List can probably be improved but the Twins do get to do quite a bit of work so far.



I'll let you guys know how good Aviana is after Paletress eventually gets around to summoning her. (Put her in my dragon priest deck *gold of course* and it's just too fun)


Dragon Warrior is fun. I don't like Varian though so I removed him for something that doesn't overextend me.

I have Justicar Trueheart in my deck but I'm not sure of its strength yet; if it is better than shieldmaiden. All of the games so far the Justicar has made no difference in whether I would lose or win.

Alex's Champion is surprisingly good though; it's like a third (and fourth) fiery win axe.


Gold Member
Dragon Warrior is fun. I don't like Varian though so I removed him for something that doesn't overextend me.

I have Justicar Trueheart in my deck but I'm not sure of its strength yet; if it is better than shieldmaiden. All of the games so far the Justicar has made no difference in whether I would lose or win.

Alex's Champion is surprisingly good though; it's like a third (and fourth) fiery win axe.

I saw something with Trueheart that I haven't seen yet... people were comparing him to value over Shieldmaiden, saying that it takes like 3+ turns to get value over her.

But you can Armor Up > Justicar > Tank Up in the same turn... so I think that alone brings the parity down to equal? Basically -1 armor on the first turn, and ahead 1 armor on the second turn, instead of taking like 3 turns to come close to breaking even, it happens instantly.


tgt has been so good to me so far

so far in 22 arena runs now with the 12-0 hunter i just got i've gone from 2 lifetime 12 win runs to 5 and my average win rate has gone up a full win compared to what i did in brm

Yeah arena is really easy atm. That's always the case when a new expansion is released. I've met people at high wins that play like crap and it always surprises me.


I saw something with Trueheart that I haven't seen yet... people were comparing him to value over Shieldmaiden, saying that it takes like 3+ turns to get value over her.

But you can Armor Up > Justicar > Tank Up in the same turn... so I think that alone brings the parity down to equal? Basically -1 armor on the first turn, and ahead 1 armor on the second turn, instead of taking like 3 turns to come close to breaking even, it happens instantly.

I did not consider that possibility. It's a really slow turn though and doesn't allow you to play anything else. Shieldmaiden + Armor Up allows you to play execute/shield slam or a cheap minion. I think most of the times you won't have the luxury of being able to use all 10 mana on Trueheart/armor.

Most of the time so far I've had to play Trueheart on turn 6/7 so it hasn't really been an option for me so far.

It's possible I will see more value from Trueheart in the control matchups. So far I've mostly faced Dragon Priest/Secret Paladin/Patron.


Whenever it drops and I'm playing some mid range deck even, it's game over. It's like damnit I have lethal but he constantly escape from range. It's rough for hunter and mage if you're at that point that you don't have much left other than double fireball or skill command. Paladins don't have all that much burst either 4 every turn is a huge blow. Against priest, you win the game in fatigue. Armor >>> Health. Freeze mage simply can't win ever.

You have to play it correctly for best results. It's better to stabilize a bit with armorsmiths and shieldmaiden first before dropping this and use hero power for example. Or after you have used brawl and board is relatively safe.


Geddon and Harrison both are great right now. Harrison probably more than any other legendary. Most of the games are hunter, paladin or warrior right now, paladin the most and there are soo many targets for Harrison, just watch for divine favor.

Geddon though, you can use Unstable Ghouls instead or revenge, or even abomination if you can't afford it. There is Chillmaw for dragon decks. It's not a must have in general but I'd never DE mine. You need like 4 board clears right now!


Just played a classic control warrior with double SM and Alex. I don't run any SM and no Alex but I do run Justicar, won the Fatigue battle with 31hp left.

Justicar is an absolute beast in warrior. Negating a hit from giants in two turns against handlock is pretty damn great. I still run two shield blocks but only one Acolyte to offset Varian. Varian has been pretty great as well so far for me. I only have 6 battlecries in my deck so by the time I play him I often have the important battlecries out of the way.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
But you can Armor Up > Justicar > Tank Up in the same turn... so I think that alone brings the parity down to equal? Basically -1 armor on the first turn, and ahead 1 armor on the second turn, instead of taking like 3 turns to come close to breaking even, it happens instantly.

That's really only true if you have 10 mana and you had nothing else to spend your mana on other than Justicar.

I have Justicar Trueheart in my deck but I'm not sure of its strength yet; if it is better than shieldmaiden. All of the games so far the Justicar has made no difference in whether I would lose or win.

Justicar doesn't really help you against aggro, but she can help a lot against midrange and control decks. You can get a LOOOT of armor from her. Suddenly, your opponent having a shredder on the board isn't that substantial of the threat, since you can cancel out its attack every turn. If fatigue decks re-imerged in viability, I think every control warrior would be required to run her to stand a chance.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
But you can Armor Up > Justicar > Tank Up in the same turn... so I think that alone brings the parity down to equal? Basically -1 armor on the first turn, and ahead 1 armor on the second turn, instead of taking like 3 turns to come close to breaking even, it happens instantly.
I mean, if you're playing Shieldmaiden it's to relieve pressure in the early or mid game against aggro decks primarily. The board state is less relevant to something like Shieldmaiden. Trueheart is definitely worth running though, and its potential value massively outweighs anything Shieldmaiden can ever hope to compete with.
I did not consider that possibility. It's a really slow turn though and doesn't allow you to play anything else. Shieldmaiden + Armor Up allows you to play execute/shield slam or a cheap minion. I think most of the times you won't have the luxury of being able to use all 10 mana on Trueheart/armor.

Most of the time so far I've had to play Trueheart on turn 6/7 so it hasn't really been an option for me so far.

It's possible I will see more value from Trueheart in the control matchups. So far I've mostly faced Dragon Priest/Secret Paladin/Patron.
I actually find more space to spend ten mana on Trueheart than you'd expect in slower control based matchups. Dragon Priest is definitely one of the matchups I would identify as slower though. Even if you are looking to do something on the turn Justicar + Armor Up is 8, and you have two remaining for most spells.

Not running Jusicar seems crazy to me. There are a decent number of control or midrange matchups where drawing Justicar can make or break the game. In control Warrior vs. control Warrior the match is often decided by who pulls Justicar first.


I actually find more space to spend ten mana on Trueheart than you'd expect in slower control based matchups. Dragon Priest is definitely one of the matchups I would identify as slower though. Even if you are looking to do something on the turn Justicar + Armor Up is 8, and you have two remaining for most spells.

Not running Jusicar seems crazy to me. There are a decent number of control or midrange matchups where drawing Justicar can make or break the game. In control Warrior vs. control Warrior the match is often decided by who pulls Justicar first.

Most Dragon Priests I've faced with this deck are playing Kolento's decklist and thus they only have a single late game threat and their most dangerous minions besides their one late game dragon are Cabal, Blackwing Corruptor and that dragon that grows +1/+1 when you target it with a spell. The extra armor I've gotten from Trueheart has been inconsequential so far against this deck.

I'm not cutting Trueheart though, I'm sure some of this is just variance.


Most Dragon Priests I've faced with this deck are playing Kolento's decklist and thus they only have a single late game threat and their most dangerous minions besides their one late game dragon are Cabal, Blackwing Corruptor and that dragon that grows +1/+1 when you target it with a spell. The extra armor I've gotten from Trueheart has been inconsequential so far against this deck.

I'm not cutting Trueheart though, I'm sure some of this is just variance.
That's because Dragon Priest is a minion-based tempo deck. It seeks to curve out with beefy, overbudgeted minions and heal those to keep board control at all times, which means as CW you're forced to either use your weapons inefficiently or your premium removal too early. Armor is rarely relevant beyond enabling Shield Slam as they will chip you down eventually if you can't answer their board. The deck has almost no reach unlike typical midrange decks like Paladin or Hunter where armor is crucial to survive lategame Skill Commands, Kings, Truesilver swings etc. - with Dragon Priest it's all about board control.


Maybe it's just me, but I feel like Water Elementals > Shredders for Mage currently.

It's been like that since patron meta, now with paladins every where too, you definitely want water elementals over shredders. You can always run one shredder, two water ele. You want something that doesn't die to death's bite and truesilver, it forces warriors to either shieldslam or execute it which is great value. Paladins don't have a good way to deal with it other than maybe aldor it which doesn't solve the problem or silence it. It's a pain overall. Shredder just dies to the board flood and weapons, you want something more significant these days.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Most Dragon Priests I've faced with this deck are playing Kolento's decklist and thus they only have a single late game threat and their most dangerous minions besides their one late game dragon are Cabal, Blackwing Corruptor and that dragon that grows +1/+1 when you target it with a spell. The extra armor I've gotten from Trueheart has been inconsequential so far against this deck.

I'm not cutting Trueheart though, I'm sure some of this is just variance.
I mean...the matchup is so easy for Control Warrior that I just don't see the need to tech against it. Shieldmaiden doesn't really provide that much extra benefit against a Dragon Priest. I don't usually find the pressure unmanageable and it becomes a slow game.


I mean...the matchup is so easy for Control Warrior that I just don't see the need to tech against it. Shieldmaiden doesn't really provide that much extra benefit against a Dragon Priest. I don't usually find the pressure unmanageable and it becomes a slow game.

Yes it is easy. I've not used the matchup as an indication for whether Trueheart is worthy of being in the deck or not - just that it was completely inconsequential as to whether I would win or not. The matchup would be the same with or without Trueheart.

That's because Dragon Priest is a minion-based tempo deck. It seeks to curve out with beefy, overbudgeted minions and heal those to keep board control at all times, which means as CW you're forced to either use your weapons inefficiently or your premium removal too early. Armor is rarely relevant beyond enabling Shield Slam as they will chip you down eventually if you can't answer their board. The deck has almost no reach unlike typical midrange decks like Paladin or Hunter where armor is crucial to survive lategame Skill Commands, Kings, Truesilver swings etc. - with Dragon Priest it's all about board control.

Pretty much.
I did not consider that possibility. It's a really slow turn though and doesn't allow you to play anything else. Shieldmaiden + Armor Up allows you to play execute/shield slam or a cheap minion. I think most of the times you won't have the luxury of being able to use all 10 mana on Trueheart/armor.

Most of the time so far I've had to play Trueheart on turn 6/7 so it hasn't really been an option for me so far.

It's possible I will see more value from Trueheart in the control matchups. So far I've mostly faced Dragon Priest/Secret Paladin/Patron.

Garrison commander is the key. It'll win the match against face hunter because you can get something on the board + 8 armour.

It also gives you an option against mirror entity.

Against eboladin, not so much, but what can you do.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I think I broke. Played the same aggro Paladin twice in a row. First game he turn one Minibots turn two Minibot. Second game he turn one Creepers into turn two Creeper. Mysterious Challenger always available for turn six and it's impossible to even have minions on the board to deal with the secrets.


Gold Member
Warlock outside of Zoo is damned dead on ladder. LOL if you think demon/maly/handlock/etc has a chance in hell. I think i'm like 20% win rate across the spectrum on those against all the disgusting board flooding aggro.


I think I broke. Played the same aggro Paladin twice in a row. First game he turn one Minibots turn two Minibot. Second game he turn one Creepers into turn two Creeper. Mysterious Challenger always available for turn six and it's impossible to even have minions on the board to deal with the secrets.
I don't think I have played a Paladin this month that didn't have some form of Minibot/Knife Juggler/Muster for Battle opener. This includes the odd Midrange/Control Paladin as well.


MC is always turn 6, without exception.

Playing paladin a lot myself, it hasn't happened to me to not have muster in my opening hand. It's magnet attached.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I don't think I have played a Paladin this month that didn't have some form of Minibot/Knife Juggler/Muster for Battle opener. This includes the odd Midrange/Control Paladin as well.

I play a bunch of midrange pally and constantly have minibot/juggler/muster openings. It's pretty funny seeing people use premium removal on it before I start dropping Syl, Tirion, etc.
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