Super Nothing
what are the thoughts on varian? I'm not sure as to why it's put in the dragon control deck b/c of bypassing battlecry effects, but is it also worth it for a 7/7 and 3 cards?
I'm not sure what I think of Varian yet. He's won me some games by pulling things like Sludge Belcher, Ysera, and Grom and he's lost me some games by pulling out Alex and BGH and then getting my board cleared with by Light Bomb, Brawl, or Shadowflame combo. Sometimes he just sits in my hand because I don't want him to pull Justicar and Shield Maiden or drawing 3 cards that late in the game is going to fatigue me before the other guy or I need the armor from Tank Up so I can't afford 10 mana. I might pull him from the deck and add a second Shield Maiden. I might just need to tweak the deck so that he has fewer battle cry minions to pull. I currently don't have Rag in the deck, but he seems like he'd have more synergy with Varian than some of the stuff I do have. Honestly, I think Ysera has won me more games than anything else in Control Warrior. She even sets up Gromm finishes with things like Nightmare for bonus attack and Dream to remove taunts.