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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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what are the thoughts on varian? I'm not sure as to why it's put in the dragon control deck b/c of bypassing battlecry effects, but is it also worth it for a 7/7 and 3 cards?

I'm not sure what I think of Varian yet. He's won me some games by pulling things like Sludge Belcher, Ysera, and Grom and he's lost me some games by pulling out Alex and BGH and then getting my board cleared with by Light Bomb, Brawl, or Shadowflame combo. Sometimes he just sits in my hand because I don't want him to pull Justicar and Shield Maiden or drawing 3 cards that late in the game is going to fatigue me before the other guy or I need the armor from Tank Up so I can't afford 10 mana. I might pull him from the deck and add a second Shield Maiden. I might just need to tweak the deck so that he has fewer battle cry minions to pull. I currently don't have Rag in the deck, but he seems like he'd have more synergy with Varian than some of the stuff I do have. Honestly, I think Ysera has won me more games than anything else in Control Warrior. She even sets up Gromm finishes with things like Nightmare for bonus attack and Dream to remove taunts.
Guys, it is just me or the Eboladin is not as performing as it was last season nowadays?
Seems like it really can't work anymore in the current meta.


Eboladin is good against secret paladin, you deal more damage than they do and can end the game before MC is played even.

The problem is now mech mage is again back to popularity and their minions are better than yours, you lose.

Priests of any kinds were hard already, dragon priest is really tough to beat, you need equality to win, maybe two even, it's doable, I've done it but you have navigate very smartly, actually let them to draw cards even to get better divine favors and reach your equality otherwise it doesn't matter you can't deal with those walls.

Even druid is harder now because they can ramp way easier and there are lot of them.

I took some hints from hybrid hunter and added shredders, loatheb, and Dr. Boom. It's a lot better then when you have some more punch for mid game and late game but your draws are worse. The thing is, secret variation is pretty much the hybrid equivalent with MCs being your Highmanes, so I'm not sure why I would bother playing this deck if it wasn't on my f2p account.
Yeah, that's what I'm feeling. Looks like a lot more powerless.
I really wanted to try a kind of Ramp Druid now to climb the ladder.
The only problem is that I miss expansions and Force of Nature.
I think I can try anyway, having 1200 dusts but I would like to hear some hints from you guys (plz).
I don't know...It's more rare to find in ranking and it feels like not so effective.
But maybe it's just me.

A lot of people just run an aggressive version of secrets paladin instead, since it's a more powerful deck that uses most of the same cards. Just add two Mysterious Challengers and you're ready to bullshit your way through the ranks by punishing anyone who can't vomit their hand onto the table as fast as you can.
Yeah, that's what I'm feeling. Looks like a lot more powerless.
I really wanted to try a kind of Ramp Druid now to climb the ladder.
The only problem is that I miss expansions and Force of Nature.
I think I can try anyway, having 1200 dusts but I would like to hear some hints from you guys (plz).

Eboladin w/o secrets is still probably the best pure face deck in the metagame. Jumping between decks when your current deck is still OK to good is a bad way to ladder.

Track your games, see where your matchups are bad and where your matchups are frequent. It may be worthwhile surrendering bad but less common matchups to put more oomph against what you run into most.



I didn't know cops broke into his apartment last time he streamed... he's not very happy about it lol.

I played Applejacked on ranked once and was like "Oh shit, I better get my shit into gear and bring my A-game."

After I won the match I looked up the stream to see him play against me and he was totally not caring the entire time. Like he was talking to people about his custom EDM.
Eboladin w/o secrets is still probably the best pure face deck in the metagame. Jumping between decks when your current deck is still OK to good is a bad way to ladder.

Track your games, see where your matchups are bad and where your matchups are frequent. It may be worthwhile surrendering bad but less common matchups to put more oomph against what you run into most.

Ok, thanks a lot!
So, should I just wait until I reach 1600 dusts to craft another legendary?
I would really like to craft Ragnaros because it's the only leg good for every class that I'm actually missing. (The last two I crafted were Dr. Boom and Sylvanas)
Ok, thanks a lot!
So, should I just wait until I reach 1600 dusts to craft another legendary?
I would really like to craft Ragnaros because it's the only leg good for every class that I'm actually missing. (The last two I crafted were Dr. Boom and Sylvanas)

I don't recommend crafting Rag. He's kind of slow and he doesn't do well in the minion spam meta. More than likely, you're just going to pay 8 mana to kill some random junk and then it will die to BGH.


Damn I got a pretty bad Warlock draft, is there a limit to how many times you can be offered a card as it seemed like almost a third of my choices contained demonfuse (although I assume it must have been less in reality?).
I then proceeded to mulligan two bad starting hands and got beat by three priests in a row. Guess what card I got as my zero win punishment? Demonfuse!
Warlock used to be one of my favourite Arena classes before TGT almost guaranteeing at least three wins but after that debacle I think I'll avoid it from now on.

In other news I still haven't seen an arena flamestrike in ages, although of course they may not have drawn it or decided not to play it due to facing a board full of divine shields and/or high health minions.

Given that tier list posted earlier I'm going to have to learn how to play arena Rogue properly, especially as my 6 win paladin (which is good for me) got destroyed by two of them in a row.
Ok, thanks a lot!
So, should I just wait until I reach 1600 dusts to craft another legendary?
I would really like to craft Ragnaros because it's the only leg good for every class that I'm actually missing. (The last two I crafted were Dr. Boom and Sylvanas)

My take on crafting is that at the start of the month I decide what I want to play and craft what I need to play it. If I don't have the dust, I pick something else. This month I am playing combo druid and it's fine. Next month is Mech Mage, so I'll craft what I am missing and go from there.
So out of curiosity and (mostly) boredom, what do you guys think are the top 5 legendaries of TGT now that we're almost a month in?

My list would probably be;

1. Justicar Trueheart
2. Confessor Paletress
3. Nexus-Champion Saraad
4. Gormok The Impaler
5. Chillmaw


So out of curiosity and (mostly) boredom, what do you guys think are the top 5 legendaries of TGT now that we're almost a month in?

My list would probably be;

1. Justicar Trueheart
2. Confessor Paletress
3. Nexus-Champion Saraad
4. Gormok The Impaler
5. Chillmaw
Probably this list (at least for neutrals, still think Varian is good enough) is close to mine. None of these are "OMFG GAME BREAKING" tier Legendaries but there are good enough to be played in a deck which I guess is fine.

There's no Emperor Balanced or Dr Balanced of this patch. Hell Mysterious Challenger is stronger than all of those Legendaries.
So out of curiosity and (mostly) boredom, what do you guys think are the top 5 legendaries of TGT now that we're almost a month in?

My list would probably be;

1. Justicar Trueheart
2. Confessor Paletress
3. Nexus-Champion Saraad
4. Gormok The Impaler
5. Chillmaw

1. Justicar
2. Varian
3. Saraad
4. Gormok
5. Eadric or Paletress


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
The thing about Gormok is that the decks that want him are either in the unplayable abyss that is shaman or are in heavy board control minion decks that get topdecked and wrecked by Patron.

1) justicar - Gives control warrior the ability to starve out midrange and win fatigue battles. Gives Priest the ability to close the door on aggro. Gives Paladin the ability to grind out just about anything given enough time. Great card.
2) Nexus Champion Saraad - He's not even bad on curve, because your opponents will make all kinds of bad trades to kill him, and tempo mage is very good at punishing inefficient play. Still probably not as good in that list as Loatheb.
3) Eydis Darkbane - A Spider Tank that does cool things when you toss spare parts or buffs on her. Causes your opponents to make bad trades or set bad priorities with removal.
4) Chillmaw - A pretty decent choice for control dragon decks looking for a decent board clear that also serves as an enabler for their other dragons cards.
5) Paletress - In an aggressive metagame you might want a finisher that allows you to still heal on the turn when you play it. This card does that.

30k viewers for zetalot.... 3,2,1, control priests everywhere.

Let them try. Zetalot's been playing variants of that deck for years now. It doesn't look complicated but Priest is all about hero power usage and people mess that up real bad.
He really works out in Zoolock. It's a card you can play when overextending and not get punished for doing so.

It's pretty funny how bad the anti-secret card is vs. secret pally. Druid dropped a kezan turn 4 to take my get down, next turn I played two more secrets and just hit him some more. Turn after I dropped challenger to get 5 up, it literally did nothing.

Druids sometimes run Mystic because Freezing Trap and Mirror Entity are monster blowouts against their deck. It's not really intended to be good tech vs. Paladin.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
It's pretty funny how bad the anti-secret card is vs. secret pally. Druid dropped a kezan turn 4 to take my get down, next turn I played two more secrets and just hit him some more. Turn after I dropped challenger to get 5 up, it literally did nothing.


It's pretty funny how bad the anti-secret card is vs. secret pally. Druid dropped a kezan turn 4 to take my get down, next turn I played two more secrets and just hit him some more. Turn after I dropped challenger to get 5 up, it literally did nothing.

Well yea, a shitty 4 drop is not going to do anything against the class with the cheapest, worst secrets that also plays a shit ton of them. Kezan only works in certain situations, mostly to get tempo back or to prevent certain conditions. Best scenarios to use it against is something like explosive/freezing on a face Hunter, Ice Block on Freeze Mage, or Effigy/ME on tempo.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
He really works out in Zoolock. It's a card you can play when overextending and not get punished for doing so.

Druids sometimes run Mystic because Freezing Trap and Mirror Entity are monster blowouts against their deck. It's not really intended to be good tech vs. Paladin.

Oh yeah, I ran one copy in my druid since Mirror Entity and Freezing Trap suuuuuck for them, though Darnassus helps somewhat.

It's just funny to me since the only neutral card that interacts with secrets is useless to tech in right now.


What if you stealthed that card with rogue ? Still shitty but I'm f2p so I always have to look for silly synergies like that lol

that was the strategy early days, Nat Pagle isn't horrible overall. It's something your opponent have to deal with still. I don't really get the nerf, sure it was powerful RNG but compared with what we have now, it's not a big deal anymore. If the same old Nat Pagle existed today still nbody would play it right now. even shamans don't play mana tide totem often. I actually play him in my fun casual hunter deck still.

It's a way better loot than Millhouse or Lorewalker Cho for sure...


Man dragon priests are basically free wins for a (demon) handlock. They get me to around 10 and then they just fiddle out while I keep dropping big dude after big dude.

that was the strategy early days, Nat Pagle isn't horrible overall. It's something your opponent have to deal with still. I don't really get the nerf, sure it was powerful RNG but compared with what we have now, it's not a big deal anymore. If the same old Nat Pagle existed today still nbody would play it right now. even shamans don't play mana tide totem often. I actually play him in my fun casual hunter deck still.

It's a way better loot than Millhouse or Lorewalker Cho for sure...

It was nerfed because it was in every tournament deck and games were almost decided if one player got it out on turn 1-2.


Laddering late in the season is always fun. I'm on a winstreak with Dragon Handlock from 16 to 12. People are so shit at these ranks.



Hey guys, whatcha think about my self made Flood Paladin deck? It's a pretty fun deck, so I recommend u guys to try it out. :D Never out of minions. Fighting for board control is fun and there are some neat combos to make with these cards.

Got any tips or improvements? I thought about maybe using Zombie Chow instead of Gadgetzan, even though Gadget works most of the time, because of the high curve. Also maybe a Lay on Hands instead of Divine Favor? I like Divine Favor, because of the cheap mana cost though. I usually can play some other stuff when using Divine Favor on the same turn. Haunted Creepers would be a great fit I think in this deck, but who to replace?
I've put together my strongest Mech Mage deck and I'm at about 49% win rate. I have been stuck at level 17 for 2 weeks now. Last night I once again got to 3 stars at lvl17 and lost the game. I think my version of Mech Mage is simply not a great deck. I'm starting to supplant cards to see if I can make it a bit better but I just seem to run out of steam come mid to end game. I can't tell you how many times I've run the opponent down to 1-5 health and turn after turn, can't finish them off.
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