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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Idea for Shaman traps based on the elemental shield spells from back in the day.

Lightning Shield-
1 mana
When hero is attacked deal 2 damage to attacker.
Deathrattle: return to hand on successful joust.

Water Shield
1 mana
When hero is attacked restore 2 overloaded mana crystals. (only triggers if hero has overload)
Deathrattle: return to hand on successful joust

Earth Shield
1 mana
When hero is attacked add 2 armor.
Deathrattle: return to hand on successful joust.

Fire Shield
1 mana
When hero is attacked give a random friendly minion +2 attack.
Deathrattle: return to hand on successful joust

Think that could work?

EDIT: The whole deathrattle thing is because the shields had multiple charges, the number of which could vary because of gear/spec/whatever.

EDIT2: tweaked them
Reynad is playing the type of tempo mage I am interested in. I just don't have the mage knowledge to build that sort of deck on my own. I'm only semi-competent at shaman, rogue, and paladin.
Paladin with Shielded Minibot in his hand 100% of the time is the new Fiery Win Axe. Even worse since it's an auto include in every Paladin deck, aggro or control


Paladin with Shielded Minibot in his hand 100% of the time is the new Fiery Win Axe. Even worse since it's an auto include in every Paladin deck, aggro or control
Minibot and Muster for Battle.

Now and forever and ever.

Also doesn't even matter what Paladin deck they are playing... they will have Minibot and Muster for Battle in opening hand.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Paladin with Shielded Minibot in his hand 100% of the time is the new Fiery Win Axe. Even worse since it's an auto include in every Paladin deck, aggro or control

I swear that shit is weighted from my time playing midrange pally last month and secrets this month. Minibot/Juggler/Muster are insanely common to start with.
It's such a deceptively good minion. Like the only 2 drop that beats it is Mad Scientist. Armorsmith and Knife Juggler who you don't really pay on turn 2 and maybe Mechwarper are as good? Darnassus Aspirant is pretty damn good too, and Wyrmrest Agent from TGT


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It's such a deceptively good minion. Like the only 2 drop that beats it is Mad Scientist. Armorsmith and Knife Juggler who you don't really pay on turn 2 and maybe Mechwarper are as good? Darnassus Aspirant is pretty damn good too, and Wyrmrest Agent from TGT

Yeah man. Shielded Minibot is the best 2 drop in the game except for all of those other 2 drops.


Top 2 drops in the game: Unstable Ghoul, Armorsmith, Knife Juggler, Snowchugger, Mech Warper, Annoyotron, Wyrmrest Agent, Totem Golem, Darnassus Aspirant, Whirling Zapomatic, Minibot, Haunted Creeper, Nerubian Egg, Sunfury Protector, Doomsayer, Bloodmage Thalnos, Sorcerer's Apprentice, Wild Pyromancer, Flametongue Totem etc.

Mad Scientist still the king though.

King's Elekk is pretty good too if you get the Joust to win.

I played Control Hunter for about a day. I didn't have Dreadscale though and I kinda wished I did. I did have Acidmaw though.

Two main issues plagued the Control Hunter: Lack of draw and lack of good defensive options. Was running double Healbots just to heal against the aggression. I even considered running Refreshment Vendor.

I kinda spoke highly of Powershot before TGT (as far as it being good in an alternate universe where control Hunter might actually be a thing) but it was fairly underwhelming overall (except against Paladin which I managed to win every game against). Hell I even had Explosive Shot in the deck and Explosive Shot did more work than Powershot most of the time. Powershot I would STILL use because when it's combined with other spells it works out really well (like combined UTH and Acidmaw or with Hunter's Mark).

Acidmaw did work, a lot. I was able to get full board wipes easily with that card, more than most cards this card saved my ass. Many times when Acidmaw was the only creature remaining on the board, the opponent would have to spend a premium removal to remove it off the board (had a Priest even Lightbomb it off the board). Another combo I was able to pull off Wild Pyromancer + Hunter's Mark and Acidmaw. If I had Dreadscale then I would've had even more combo possibilities with the card.

Aside from that nothing was remarkable about the deck. It lacked proper finishers as I wasn't running Kill Command (not enough Beasts). It was fairly spell heavy and thus I was able to win quite a few jousts with Elekk but outside of that I really only had Flare and Quickshots for draw and Mad Scientist to thin out the deck. The deck lacked an "X factor"... the closest thing to it was actually Acidmaw. In many cases, I was in a situation where I thought to myself "if this was Midrange Hunter I would've won the game already".

I guess I can put in Acolytes for the card draw and try to combo with Pyromancer.



got to rank 7 by beating a grim war who did 50 dmg to me in one turn


Lolol Astral Communion Druid is a hilarious deck. Living the turn 2 Ysera/Ragnaros/Chromaggus etc. Dream is one of the best feelings I have had in Hearthstone.

Nothing to do guys. I'm stuck between level 14 and 12 (let's say 13, lel) with my ramp.
I don't know, it feels like it's not working as it should.
At least now I got 700 gold and I can unlock BM's first wing.
Do you think it's going to be better?

I don't think it is a bad list but it might be just not fit for this meta. I'd probably cut savage roar since it looks like you're making a list that is less reliant on combo (ancient of war) and put a second savage combatant. I think that is a great card in multiple match ups. It'll also help a bit with consistency.

Other than that the list looks fine I think. I do think the more midrangey/combo druid is a stronger choice for this meta but it should be a huge deal at lower ranks, especially if you're used to ramp.
Say all your minons have 2 hp, your opponents playing pali and will have 4 mana next turn.
If one of those minons is haunted creeper he can't clear your side of the board.

Yea thats true. It just seems weird to me in later turns where the 1 dmg from each minion isnt all that great. idk probably just me


Heh, playing a 'dank up' fatigue warrior vs a standard control warrior. he made the mistake of playing his acolytes so of course I won even though both executes were in the bottom 5 cards of my deck (double copies of needed cards being DEEP in my deck has been an issue of late for me). I was playing out minions just to have something to do on my turn other than tank up. play sylvanas just to watch it get shield slammed.

Bouncing blades does work on that matchup though. I killed Ysera and grom with em because you're so likely to have that single isolated minion at a time.
I've gotten like 4-5 legendaries sinec tgt launched packs. I kind of feel like my luck has topped off and maybe I should just save for the next expansion lol

2 dreadscales
leeroy jenkins
bolf ramshield

So basically only 2 legendary cards I didn't have... well 3 if you count leeroy since I dusted him in the past. Pretty good haul though tbh. I also got 2 mysterious challengers, 2 kodoriders, garrison commander, and probably a couple other epics I don't remember.

I've also crafted eadric + justicar...

Although I still kinda want a gormlok and a few other assorteds. I also need maybe 2 classic ones, mainly antonidas though.

34 unique legendary cards total now. I've only spent about 15 bucks on this game back in closed beta.

Of TGT neutrals I think I want gormok, chillmaw, and saraad. The rest can diaf. Maybe icehowl is secretly badass.


remember me
Just got total dominance. I forgot that quest even existed. I literally have not had it in months.

Has anybody done the math on gold now with the new quests? Did the total gold earned go down?
Just got total dominance. I forgot that quest even existed. I literally have not had it in months.

Has anybody done the math on gold now with the new quests? Did the total gold earned go down?

There are probably better chances to get more gold right? 9 40 gold class quests and the 5 win Tavern Brawl for 60


I love Spellslinger. Did think it was bad but then I played it. Opponent Druid got Divine Spirit from it and put it on his Ancient of War. Would have been pretty tough for me to get rid of but my Spellslinger gave me a Bouncing Blade to answer it. I clear my board and kill the Ancient. Felt great.

And I decidef to use the dust I wanted to save for Sylvanas and craft the remaining cards for a Hunter deck because I always got quests for hunter. Now that I have one I don't get them...


I rarely get 40 gold quests anymore thanks to the bundle of new 50 gold quests. It just gives me one more reason to reroll a 40 gold quest.
Yes I've rerolled every 40 gold quest since the new quests came out. I try to get at least two 50-60 gold quests with the same class before doing them.


First time I get to rank 5!

And all thanks to this deck.


I don't know why but it was pretty consistent. As long as the opponents didn't have perfect starts (dragon priest and all types of paladin the most) I had a very high chance of winning. The MVP was Antonidas as it has won me more games than times that it appears after mulligan together with Dr. Boom and other high cost cards and I want to kill them. Best 1600 dust ever spent (Dr. Boom doesn't count as it wasn't a matter or "do I craft this or other card?", you just simply craft it).

The final bosses were pretty tense. The first was a lucky hunter with a bomb that traded 1-1 with Loatheb and another one that destroyed my shredder. His king's elekk also drawed a savannah highmane.

Antonidas saved the day by trepassing his traps and doing lethal before the reinforcements could activate the freezing trap.

The last one was the feared Patron Warrior. He was so scared of the snowchugger that attacked it with his weapon but I had another one to continue freezing it.

In the end I could summon Antonidas, his awesomeness destroyed his mind and had to concede.
Creeper is great because it's a turn 2 with coin or turn 3 set off for knife juggler, and it ensures you have a minion on deck to buff if you have a buff deck. Plus so many Paladins running around you can theoretically knock off 4 agents with it which is fantastic.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Getting so frustrated today. I want Dreadsteed Lock to be good so bad but I just can't find the synergy. Every now and then I get a game where it just clicks but, ergh.

Faced a Priest who must have just forced every fucking Legendary into his deck, a Warrior who was able to about quadrouple his health with fucking armor - this game needs a poison mechanic.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
First time I get to rank 5!

And all thanks to this deck.


I don't know why but it was pretty consistent. As long as the opponents didn't have perfect starts (dragon priest and all types of paladin the most) I had a very high chance of winning. The MVP was Antonidas as it has won me more games than times that it appears after mulligan together with Dr. Boom and other high cost cards and I want to kill them. Best 1600 dust ever spent (Dr. Boom doesn't count as it wasn't a matter or "do I craft this or other card?", you just simply craft it).

The final bosses were pretty tense. The first was a lucky hunter with a bomb that traded 1-1 with Loatheb and another one that destroyed my shredder. His king's elekk also drawed a savannah highmane.

Antonidas saved the day by trepassing his traps and doing lethal before the reinforcements could activate the freezing trap.

The last one was the feared Patron Warrior. He was so scared of the snowchugger that attacked it with his weapon but I had another one to continue freezing it.

In the end I could summon Antonidas, his awesomeness destroyed his mind and had to concede.

Congratulations! Now your next goal should be to reach legend but only if you have the time, it's a pretty hard grind.
Yea thats true. It just seems weird to me in later turns where the 1 dmg from each minion isnt all that great. idk probably just me

He plays Deathwing, while you have Repentance up. Clears your board and then you use one of the 1/1 tokens to kill the 12/1. Any other minion and I probably would have lost the game. Such value!

Anyhow, I was thinking about TGT now that the smoke has cleared. What cards from TGT actually see play in constructed.

Like Murloc Knight for example, great card, killer in Arena, but doesn't see any play in constructed anymore, since Secret Paladin doesn't run it and it's stronger than mid range.

The dragons see play in Priest, that's for sure. Mysterious Challenger also sees a lot of play, even though I play that deck, I certainly don't think it's as broken as most claim. It's usually better to draw some secrets than them being auto played by MC IMO. Except Competitive Spirit, it's almost always terrible to draw that one, but it's another TGT card that sees constructed play.

So what else sees play? Druids run Darnassus Aspirant and some run Living Roots I guess, even though token druid didn't happen. Justicar is doing work in Control Warrior mostly. Paladins don't seem to run it anymore.

Anyone up to making a list of what sees play? A lot of the stuff in the earlier lists like Gormok or Eadric the Pure doesn't see play anymore. I guess it'd be cool to see how TGT really impacted the meta by the number of cards it contributed to it.


Congratulations! Now your next goal should be to reach legend but only if you have the time, it's a pretty hard grind.

Thank you! Maybe some day but I don't think it will be anytime soon. The cardback and another golden common don't entice me to do that yet and I was already pretty nervous at ranks 10-6, I can't imagine the pressure at higher ranks!

I'll try to reach rank 5 with other decks, though, and if they fail I'll return to the old reliable mech mage again. Just 368 more wins for a golden mage, so I can still use it a lot without "wasting" constructed wins.
I've given up on rank 5. I literally had over 20 matchs where one win would put me ahead and I got gate kept every time. It's not worth the fucking stress


He plays Deathwing, while you have Repentance up. Clears your board and then you use one of the 1/1 tokens to kill the 12/1. Any other minion and I probably would have lost the game. Such value!

Anyhow, I was thinking about TGT now that the smoke has cleared. What cards from TGT actually see play in constructed.

Like Murloc Knight for example, great card, killer in Arena, but doesn't see any play in constructed anymore, since Secret Paladin doesn't run it and it's stronger than mid range.

The dragons see play in Priest, that's for sure. Mysterious Challenger also sees a lot of play, even though I play that deck, I certainly don't think it's as broken as most claim. It's usually better to draw some secrets than them being auto played by MC IMO. Except Competitive Spirit, it's almost always terrible to draw that one, but it's another TGT card that sees constructed play.

So what else sees play? Druids run Darnassus Aspirant and some run Living Roots I guess, even though token druid didn't happen. Justicar is doing work in Control Warrior mostly. Paladins don't seem to run it anymore.

Anyone up to making a list of what sees play? A lot of the stuff in the earlier lists like Gormok or Eadric the Pure doesn't see play anymore. I guess it'd be cool to see how TGT really impacted the meta by the number of cards it contributed to it.
Tuskar totem golem and thunderbluff valiant reinvigorated my interest in shaman.
Tuskar totem golem and thunderbluff valiant reinvigorated my interest in shaman.

Yet Shaman is still deemed tier 4 trash. I would disagree. I played Shaman a few times this month on ladder and it wasn't that bad. In any case I don't think those cards are considered as playable in constructed for that reason.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I've given up on rank 5. I literally had over 20 matchs where one win would put me ahead and I got gate kept every time. It's not worth the fucking stress

Always rank 6
I would suggest taking small breaks when losing two games in a row, the tilt factor after a loss is huge, at least for me.


And all thanks to this deck.


I don't know why but it was pretty consistent. As long as the opponents didn't have perfect starts (dragon priest and all types of paladin the most) I had a very high chance of winning. The MVP was Antonidas as it has won me more games than times that it appears after mulligan together with Dr. Boom and other high cost cards and I want to kill them. Best 1600 dust ever spent (Dr. Boom doesn't count as it wasn't a matter or "do I craft this or other card?", you just simply craft it).

I have everything in that except Antonidas; I'm guessing there's no way I could make that work, as Antonidas sounds pretty key to that deck?


Some shaman cards I like to see someday :(

- 2 mana spell, draw a card for every totem you have.

- Some permanent buffs, rockbiter is amazing and everything but something more potent isn't bad to have. I really like Al'Akir but the stats are poop and it's very unlikely you can keep rockbiters for him, hell I even take demonfuse, it's not like mana crystal matters late in the game...

- Some 3 drops. 2/4 battlecry: deal 2 damage to a random enemy minion...yeah OP, we needs some of these to become a class.

-Some overload synergy finally? There is only one card, really Blizzard?

Cards that cost less for every overloaded crystal.

-a minion with active effect that also overloads your opponent when you play a card. Maybe that's too strong, I like to see something anti ramp. Like both players can't gain a crystal on each turn if you overload. I think it's possible to come up with something reasonable and not broken.

-0 mana spell that deals 1 damage for every overloaded crystal you have to a minion.

AOE that deal 4 damage to everything except totems.

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
I have everything in that except Antonidas; I'm guessing there's no way I could make that work, as Antonidas sounds pretty key to that deck?

You don't really need antonidas, it's nice to have him but you can sub him for another shredder or another high power legendary like ragnaros.


I have everything in that except Antonidas; I'm guessing there's no way I could make that work, as Antonidas sounds pretty key to that deck?

Maybe you could add some other win condition cards like Fel Reaver? But that's an epic so it's expensive too if you don't have it... I don't really know, I'm under the impression that mech mage is strong even without Antonidas or other huge minions but he certainly can pull wins from nowhere.


I have seen the following TGT cards be played in Constructed (as in more than once a blue moon status):

Darnassus Aspirant
Savage Combatant
Living Roots
Murloc Knight
Dr 6 aka Secret Santa
Competitive Spirit
Bear Trap
King's Elekk
Wyrmrest Agent
Twilight Guardian
Totem Golem
Tuskar Totemic
Thunderbuff Valiant
Very rarely Healing Wave, Elemental Destruction, Polymorph Bear, Tuskarr Jouster, Holy Champion and Ancestral Knowledge.
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