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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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remember me
Why are people playing flame juggler now? So weird. It's not even a good anti-aggro card since 50% of the time i'll just hit face.


Why are people playing flame juggler now? So weird. It's not even a good anti-aggro card since 50% of the time i'll just hit face.

What other 2-drops are good anti-aggro? I guess Ghoul would be better. Flame juggler rekts shieldbot if it hits and that's something.
What other 2-drops are good anti-aggro? I guess Ghoul would be better. Flame juggler rekts shieldbot if it hits and that's something.

I ran unstable ghoul some in control paladin lately, but I'm also just afraid that unstable ghoul is just a free whirlwind effect for patron warrior. Flame juggler was something I tried in midrange but I didn't test it out long enough because I wasn't really in love with the whole random target in the first place.


Oh wow I'm not even going to attempt this tavern brawl with my cards, I can't imagine coming up against perfect curve decks.
wow, wsvg is a complete joke.

It can't be that bad-

*Tunes in and sees a patron player miss lethal twice and then go for it to fall one damage short.*


Oh wow I'm not even going to attempt this tavern brawl with my cards, I can't imagine coming up against perfect curve decks.

If you want to have some fun, run a mage with arcane missile, counter spell and whatever bigger drops you have. You can really fuck over all the people playing astral communion decks. Get them to draw three cards, wait for the communion on turn 4 and counter spell the nourish.

Easy games.


I've had success with astral communion in brawl. I go root -> recombobulator -> acolyte -> astral and dont run any 5 or 6 drops. If the acolyte survives you can play something big on turn 4.


It can't be that bad-

*Tunes in and sees a patron player miss lethal twice and then go for it to fall one damage short.*


All the missed lethals are nothing. I watched a Druid use Force of Nature on a 7/4 Frothing Berserker, and then Big Game Hunter the empty board.

He won and went to the semifinals.


reached daily gold limit by just casually playing brawl lol people see 4x groot they just concede, smart decision.

ok let's open a pack with that 100 gold...


today was a good day.


I seem to be having the opposite experience with this brawl. Been killing paladins and hunters with (super high curve) control warrior. Varian Wrynn is pretty awesome in this.

Why are people playing flame juggler now? So weird. It's not even a good anti-aggro card since 50% of the time i'll just hit face.

I tried it a few times in (control) Rogue a couple of weeks ago. It's not bad, but yeah, it always seemed to hit face instead of the 1 health minion, which was just infuriating. :p


Saraad might not be a viable card but casino mage with Saraad is very fun lol.

If there was a card like it that triggered with spells, I would have played it in rogue.


Mysterious Challenger better suited as a legendary, yes/no?

source: this Tavern Brawl, where I had Mysterious Challenger and Dr. Boom in hand on Turn 7 and decided to play MC OVER Dr. Boom. I repeat, I chose to play another single card over Dr. Boom on turn 7.

Literally the only way to lose in this brawl with Christmas Tree paladin is a mirror matchup.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
8 wins in a row on this brawl

Then suddenly 6 losses in a row

Matchmaking and RNG out of Chris Metzen and Dustin Browders asshole

It's good though, it's a clear reminder why I should never spent a single fucking minute (other than dailies) on this shit game.


Being drawn consistently by turn 6 is a pretty big part of the deck.

True, but the deck is built in such a way that either you draw it or want to keep it in hand from the beginning anyway. The low curve and powerful comeback cards like Divine Favor can make it almost a certainty that you will.

Having to rely on 1 copy only could be enough to kill it I think, but having 2 almost feels like too much.


Being drawn consistently by turn 6 is a pretty big part of the deck.
Maybe it's just this perfect curve tavern brawl that's giving me a skewed perspective.

I'm only ever calling for nerfs/changes when I play a card and feel gross and dirty doing it.


What MC has done to the game no card has done, giving some people the false confidence that they are actually good, man these secret paladin players are so wordy, it feels so good when you crush them.

The card definitely needs a nerf, with how it has flooded the ladder I think something will happen eventually, at low ranks it must have some stupid win rates unlike patron and even ignorant Blizzard will some day notice, the stats should be like 4/4 or similar. It will be like at least another 6 months anything will happen...

Mysterious Challenger better suited to not being in the game.

...or this.


At lower ranks Secret Paladin is probably the best deck because:

A) It takes little skill to play that deck.

B) It takes WAY more skill to play around those secrets.

Many low level players will often severely misplay against Secrets and against Mysterious Challenger thus losing the game straight up.
Maybe it's just this perfect curve tavern brawl that's giving me a skewed perspective.

I'm only ever calling for nerfs/changes when I play a card and feel gross and dirty doing it.

This tavern brawl is perfect for MC Paladin. It enables the perfect set-up.

1) Argent Squire > 2) Shielded Minibot > 3) Muster > 4) Piloted Shredder > 5) Loatheb? > 6) MC Hammer of Justice

MC might be a bit of an OP card (on a par with Patron), but in this brawl it plays like it's on steroids.


Misterious challenger should not be in hearthstone. Many players think mad scientist was already too overpowered and DR 6 is mad scientist on steroids the insane value it provides is absurd and it limits the design space for paladin secrets. Prepare for no secrets or eye for an eye level of paladin secrets in the future as long he stays in the game.

Wrench I guess, you have a decent chance of drafting a few mechs.

Misterious challenger should not be in hearthstone. Many players think mad scientist was already too overpowered and DR 6 is mad scientist on steroids the insane value it provides is absurd and it limits the design space for paladin secrets. Prepare for no secrets or eye for an eye level of paladin secrets in the future as long he stays in the game.

Blizz made Paladin secrets playable...in the most brute force, nonsensical manner possible - giving Paladins a completely bullshit card.


I'd take kidnapper in arena.... sap is super powerful and it's likely you can make it work there. Definitely better than either of trash weapons.
If you have a good few 0-mana or 1-mana cards, Kidnapper is usually good. As Rogue you normally win games by getting ahead in tempo and going for lethal (depending on draft, but almost every 12-win Rogue draft I've had has been able to push hard when needed). If that's true of your draft, a combo'd Kidnapper can be as good as a big removal (in the same way as Sap can often be as good as Assassinate). I would be much less confident in it if I had very few 0-mana or 1-mana cards though.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
MC's not bad per say. We just need more than Kezan to deal with secrets of that volume. Flair is legit, but we need a neutral card of similar workings even if it costs more mana.


The main thing it does is removing cards from deck, if it plays like 3 secrets tops, that would be fine. I don't think they will print a counter card for it that easily, it can mostly hurt other classes with secrets that are fine now than paladins. Even if you flare all those secrets their next draws can be insane and then there is divine favor.
Mysterious Challenger doesn't need to be a legendary I don't think.

It just has no business being a 6/6. If The Mistcaller is a 4/4 then why in the hell Mysterious Challenger a 6/6?


What MC has done to the game no card has done, giving some people the false confidence that they are actually good, man these secret paladin players are so wordy, it feels so good when you crush them.

The card definitely needs a nerf, with how it has flooded the ladder I think something will happen eventually, at low ranks it must have some stupid win rates unlike patron and even ignorant Blizzard will some day notice, the stats should be like 4/4 or similar. It will be like at least another 6 months anything will happen...

I'd agree with a stat nerf. It seems like Blizzard is so conservative about stat+effects for some cards, but then others are super good value for no reason. Dr. Boom, for example, doesn't have much business being a 7/7 along with the boom bots, but then you have guys like the Mistcaller who are 6 mana 4/4s with a "powerful" effect to presumably balance them out.

It's like they forgot MC's effect was good and gave him great stats to go along with it.

EDIT: ^Agreed, lol.


Mysterious Challenger doesn't need to be a legendary I don't think.

It just has no business being a 6/6. If The Mistcaller is a 4/4 then why in the hell Mysterious Challenger a 6/6?
exactly why the fuck does every good shaman card (aside from fire ele) come with a massive downside?

while an already strong class gets a god card with a strong body. Makes no sense.


This tavern brawl is perfect for MC Paladin. It enables the perfect set-up.

1) Argent Squire > 2) Shielded Minibot > 3) Muster > 4) Piloted Shredder > 5) Loatheb? > 6) MC Hammer of Justice

MC might be a bit of an OP card (on a par with Patron), but in this brawl it plays like it's on steroids.
1) Chow 5) Belcher 7) Boom 8) KT 9) Ysera if they didn't already concede


Is the Blackrock adventure worth the cash? I bought Naxx and it seems worth it (I still have some class challenges left) I do not mind spending the money, I just don't want horse armor.
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