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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Paladin has never been Shaman shit tier. Between Minibot, Muster, MC, and Murlock Knight, Paladin got 4 legit OP cards in the last two major expansions. No other class is close


i'm a hearthstone noob.... tell me, she must be putting on an act.

She has a great sense of humour


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Paladin was the worst class in period between naxx and gvg, actually. (Mage was the second worst)

Yeah the only viable deck was Control Paladin. It had favorable matchups against Control Warrior and Handlock but wasn't great otherwise. In those days you only played Paladin because of the Pyro+Equality combo, which became obsolete once Paladins started dominating the early board.
Paladin was the worst class in period between naxx and gvg, actually. (Mage was the second worst)

Nah, paladin was alright during nax even though they didn't get anything great. The main reason paladin wasn't prominent before naxx is because or miracle rogue. So after naxx they weren't prominent either. They were pretty middle of the power ranks but held back by the meta, until gvg of course. They had their time in the spotlight a bit, but rogue made a pretty big splash as oil became popularized.
Mysterious Challenger better suited as a legendary, yes/no?

source: this Tavern Brawl, where I had Mysterious Challenger and Dr. Boom in hand on Turn 7 and decided to play MC OVER Dr. Boom. I repeat, I chose to play another single card over Dr. Boom on turn 7.

Literally the only way to lose in this brawl with Christmas Tree paladin is a mirror matchup.


I just got my 5 wins in less than 5 minutes with Inner Fire Priest. Hard mulligan for deathlord if you have coin. Otherwise play it on T3. Christmas Tree Paladin is dead by T5 at the latest against your guaranteed 16/16 deathlord.

When you lose you know right away too, which is nice. Lost only once against some sort of freeze mage that froze both my deathlords at t3, killed one with his huge Mana Wyrms (plural) and then polymorphed the other one. But nice thing is, the whole thing took like a 2 minutes.

Paladin has never been Shaman shit tier. Between Minibot, Muster, MC, and Murlock Knight, Paladin got 4 legit OP cards in the last two major expansions. No other class is close

Murlock Knight is a great card, so great in fact no one runs it.

I just got my 5 wins in less than 5 minutes with Inner Fire Priest. Hard mulligan for deathlord if you have coin. Otherwise play it on T3. Christmas Tree Paladin is dead by T5 at the latest against your guaranteed 16/16 deathlord.

When you lose you know right away too, which is nice. Lost only once against some sort of freeze mage that froze both my deathlords at t3 and then polymorphed the other one. But nice thing is, the whole thing took like a 2 minutes.

So you can hit legend in about an hour at that 5 matches per 5 minutes, can't you?

Hell, I'll be lucky if a get a single match in during 5 minutes
So you can hit legend in about an hour at that 5 matches per 5 minutes, can't you?

Hell, I'll be lucky if a get a single match in during 5 minutes

I was talking about the Brawl. Inner Fire Priest is crap on ladder. But oh boy is it great on this Brawl. If they have no answer they concede on turn 3 or 4 (depending if you have coin). And most people aren't running any answers. Or they play them before. A Druid actually silenced my Deathlord with keeper of the grove on T4. He must not have been pleased when it turned into a 16/16 monster with no drawback.
I was talking about the Brawl. Inner Fire Priest is crap on ladder. But oh boy is it great on this Brawl. If they have no answer they concede on turn 3 or 4 (depending if you have coin). And most people aren't running any answers. Or they play them before. A Druid actually silenced my Deathlord with keeper of the grove on T4. He must not have been pleased when it turned into a 16/16 monster with no drawback.

Oh, interesting.


Paladin hasn't been bad for close to a year now.

Paladin has never been Shaman shit tier. Between Minibot, Muster, MC, and Murlock Knight, Paladin got 4 legit OP cards in the last two major expansions. No other class is close

Paladin was so awful all the way from release until GVG because the only gimmick it had was Pyro/Consecrate + Equality, and the only reason it showed up in tourneys was to counter Handlock except people just brought zoo so people bringing Paladins got rekt. Even in GVG it only got a boost with Quarter + Muster but people quickly played around that and Rogue was in vogue which hard countered that anyway. So really TGT is the first time where Paladin really got a big boost with Challenger and Murloc Knight although I think Murloc Knight should have been given to Shamans.


Just got off a 8 win streak, lost to grim patron warrior

My biggest streak so far , really happy with myself.

Good tips against it?
Paladin was so awful all the way from release until GVG because the only gimmick it had was Pyro/Consecrate + Equality, and the only reason it showed up in tourneys was to counter Handlock except people just brought zoo so people bringing Paladins got rekt. Even in GVG it only got a boost with Quarter + Muster but people quickly played around that and Rogue was in vogue which hard countered that anyway. So really TGT is the first time where Paladin really got a big boost with Challenger and Murloc Knight although I think Murloc Knight should have been given to Shamans.

Murloc knight is average/good, unlike muster/minibot. Challenger is where they really got a big pick up. But I would even call that middling but for muster and minibot. Those imo have had a much bigger impact on paladin than even MC.

QM was also a big pick up. It doesn't matter that people played around quartermaster, that was half the strength of the card since removing every 1/1 you get on the board allowed paladin to get to their mid and late games comfortably.

Before that paladin was never really awful. They were just countered by one of the most popular decks at the time, miracle rogue. But they had decent match ups against midrange hunter and control warrior, both popular deck types. It wasn't even really til UT was nerfed that paladin started making a top tier name for itself. And it held that comfortably for a while, until oil rogue knocked it down a bit, but never gone.


Just got off a 8 win streak, lost to grim patron warrior

My biggest streak so far , really happy with myself.

Good tips against it?

what deck are you running? Generally you just have to be careful to pressure the board without enabling their combo. Usually both of those things are difficult because the more minions you play the bigger the frothing combo.


what deck are you running? Generally you just have to be careful to pressure the board without enabling their combo. Usually both of those things are difficult because the more minions you play the bigger the frothing combo.
I'm running a modified top rank zoo warlock deck.

Had to replace certain cards in it with cards I actually own, but it's been doing really really good.


Another reason secret paladin is so strong, same reason as patron warrior, card draw. With divine favor and Mysterious Challenger they are almost guaranteed to be 6-10 card ahead of you in card draw. Mysterious Challenger pulls 5 card out of the deck in every match up and divine favor can be back breaking in mid-range or control match-ups.

I'm not calling for a nerf...just venting I suppose.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
The thing about Effigy is the fact that your at the rng mercy of mad scientist. If you can wait and get Effigy out later on you can get a ton of value. Early on it just turns 2 and 3 mana minions into mini Shredders.

PS: Archmage Antonidas is OP as fuck in the 20-10 rank
Can somebody explain Massan's popularity? Because I don't get it.


Seriously though, Massan has a lot of viewers in the Asian countries that just tune in and watch but don't participate in chat because it's all English. His schedule is very consistent and his stream quality is above average.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Preface: You don't have to own them, but just what's in the game. :p

My List:

1. Dr Balance
2. Rag
3. Emperor
4. Sylvanas
5. Alex
6. Loatheb
7. Harrison
8. Grom
9. Antonidas
10. Tririon


Ok, probably done with the brawl for this week. 20-3 with Christmas Tree Paladin, with the three losses all coming from going second without Mysterious Challenger in the opening hand against other Christmas Tree Paladins.

If there's a stronger deck out there (Murloc Shaman, Inner Fire Deathlord Priest) that can end the game before turn 5 (imo, the only way to deal with the guaranteed turn 6 challenger is preventing it from ever coming down) , I haven't encountered it.
A super greedy deck is extremely effective in this Brawl. Getting guaranteed Zombie Chow turn 1 is a pretty big deal.

Also I have discovered in decks like these that Armored Warhorse and Fel Reaver are really strong. Control the board with Chow plus premium 2/3 drops, then Armored Warhorse and Fel Reaver to transition into face. The rest of the deck is filled with extra high cost minions including Giants.

Only issue I have is against Paladins because well... Paladins are pretty damn broken in this Brawl.

I was talking about last week's Brawl. The underdog one. Lots of people were using greedy control or combo decks banking on the minion that spawned. I got my win quickly with Face Hunter against one of those decks. He got a minion every turn, but since I was easily winning the race it didn't matter.

For this new Brawl I still think Inner Fire Priest is the most efficient way to get wins. I got the 5 Brawl Wins quest and got it down in no time. By turn 4 you know if you've won or need to concede and the win rate is pretty high with a guaranteed combo and people not running that much removal that eats into their perfect curves.

Ok, probably done with the brawl for this week. 20-3 with Christmas Tree Paladin, with the three losses all coming from going second without Mysterious Challenger in the opening hand against other Christmas Tree Paladins.

If there's a stronger deck out there (Murloc Shaman, Inner Fire Deathlord Priest) that can end the game before turn 5 (imo, the only way to deal with the guaranteed turn 6 challenger is preventing it from ever coming down) , I haven't encountered it.

I crushed a Paladin last night with it. Was probably Secret Santa, but we didn't get to turn 6.


I crushed a Paladin last night with it. Was probably Secret Santa, but we didn't get to turn 6.
I believe it. It's vulnerable until turn 6 with only one weapon for removal and one taunt with Belcher on 5, but then it's mostly safe from creature damage, tough to punch through the Belcher getting redeemed and Noble Sacrifice and everything's over within two more turns.

A very fast face hunter might manage that too if it draws enough direct damage in the opening hand to close out the game turn 6/7.


Sorry to ask again, but I am still wondering this before I drop the moola.

Is the Blackrock adventure worth the cash? I bought Naxx and it seems worth it (I still have some class challenges left) I do not mind spending the money, I just don't want horse armor.


Sorry to ask again, but I am still wondering this before I drop the moola.

Do you want Emperor? Do you want Patron? Just look at the cards in the wings and ask yourself if you want to play decks that need those cards? None of the expansions are horse armor in the sense that they're just cosmetic. Every expansion has at least some cards that are still in the meta.
Patron Warriors at low ranks are just sad. That feel when they play Warsong ON CURVE with no followup the next turn.

Currently playing Kibler's deck from the last Trolden video, it's pretty fun, seems a bit better than regular Casino Mage. I have yet to draw my Malygos in any game though.
Preface: You don't have to own them, but just what's in the game. :p

My List:

1. Dr Balance
2. Rag
3. Emperor
4. Sylvanas
5. Alex
6. Loatheb
7. Harrison
8. Grom
9. Antonidas
10. Tririon

I think it is hard to rank them out of context, but I'd probably rank emperor even above dr. boom because he enables the strongest non-interactive plays in the game. And I find that aspect of cards to be the strongest. Basically ask yourself, what can you plan on that your opponent cannot counter (or at least cannot counter very easily).

Which is why a stupid card like poisoned blades has a lot of potential but likely squandered as it is currently printed.

Sorry to ask again, but I am still wondering this before I drop the moola.

Completely depends on the decks you want to build.

Tempo mage (flamewaker)
patron warrior (Emperor Thaurisan + patron)
freeze mage (ET)
several druid decks run ET (ET)
dragon decks (various cards for various decks)
Likely most combo deck in the future (ET)
Zoo warlock + some demon midrange or handlock (Imp gang boss)
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