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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I don't know what people say when they say Patron warrior is "cheap". I might be biased cause I played it a lot, but I find there is plenty of strategy involved and it's quite fun.
This is usually not what these people mean but the deck is in fact cheap, around 1k dust depending on the iteration.


It's too good, too consistent, with no real hard counter. If all you care about is winning there's no reason to play any other deck. It's been the top meta deck for over 3 months straight, which hasn't happened before.

Many of the cards provide double duty, as both removal vs aggro, and to enable huge combos vs slower decks. If you get emperor out you basically win, it will more than likely enable a huge berserker combo even on a completely empty board.

There are 2 semi-hard (hehe) counters to patron, Handlock and Molten Echo Mage.


I feel like a variant of Grinder Mage could do well against Grim Patron as well.
I think Molten/Echo is classified as a grinder-type deck but yeah, anything that focuses on board clears, healing and can reliably put up lots of taunts simply destroys Patron.
It's too good, too consistent, with no real hard counter. If all you care about is winning there's no reason to play any other deck.

That's a wild exaggeration.

Handlock has a great matchup & mid-range hunter does just fine. Oil Rogue does fine. Just because it sits at #1 on tempo storm meta snapshot doesn't mean there's a vast gulf between it and everything else.



If this fucker doesn't get nerfed I swear...


Change the bots to match their text: "bots may explode" give them a 50% chance to explode for 1-4 dmg.

Does anyone else think that the bots causing 4 damage is ridiculous? No? I'll move on.

I got a 40 gold quest to win three games. Rerolled it to... a 40 gold quest to play 20 minions that cost 5 mana or more. Welps, see you tomorrow Hearthstone.


I'm still convinced Dr. Balanced actually is bugged and doesn't work as planned but Blizz just decided it's fine. The text makes no sense otherwhise, it definitely suggests that the bombs jave a drawback. That or it's just supposed to be funny but that would be stupid and inconsistent with all other cards.
Does anyone else think that the bots causing 4 damage is ridiculous? No? I'll move on.

I got a 40 gold quest to win three games. Rerolled it to... a 40 gold quest to play 20 minions that cost 5 mana or more. Welps, see you tomorrow Hearthstone.

Should have been 1-3 from the start.


He won't get nerfed, time to get over it! it's the only neutral 7 drop that see play and recent comments suggest that it's not going to change.


The only other 7 drop that comes to mind is Geddon. Blizzard really needs more 7 drops.it's about as dead as 1 drops and 0 drops at the moment.


needs to show more effort.
The only time patron really feels insane to me is emperor. Any non-emperor game against patron warrior I actually really enjoy because their combos are known and you can generally plan out the best way to dismantle them.

Emperor Probably needs to be altered in some way because as the game grows it won't just be patron warrior that it makes degenerate. It also enables other otk strategies like Strifecro's infinite damage mage deck.


So, I bought 40 packs yesterday despite having pretty much every useful card. -.- At least I got Hogger and a golden Patient Assassin...

Should've just bought the alt. heroes tbh.


I must have opened like 8 freezing traps last week, it's ridiculous. My last pack had two Druid of the claw, what are the chances. All of my packs are dust so I'm not wasting any more gold on them, I'm done with classic packs, I never open any thing good, I just need a couple of epics and like two rares and can't bring myself to craft those. Precious dust only goes to legendary...still don't have Ysera and Cairne from classic set :\


So, I bought 40 packs yesterday despite having pretty much every useful card. -.- At least I got Hogger and a golden Patient Assassin...

Should've just bought the alt. heroes tbh.
I just rage bought five packs after too much bullshit in arena, gold reserves almost gone but I got a golden Mountain Giant I guess...


The only time patron really feels insane to me is emperor. Any non-emperor game against patron warrior I actually really enjoy because their combos are known and you can generally plan out the best way to dismantle them.

Emperor Probably needs to be altered in some way because as the game grows it won't just be patron warrior that it makes degenerate. It also enables other otk strategies like Strifecro's infinite damage mage deck.
That's exactly why Emperor won't be nerfed because it enables more decks instead off just zoo/hunter/aggro/midrange/druid.


needs to show more effort.
That's exactly why Emperor won't be nerfed because it enables more decks instead off just zoo/hunter/aggro/midrange/druid.
Except the decks it enables will always be combo decks that look to OTK you from hand instead of playing the board which is the most common reason for blizzard to nerf a card.
How do people track their hearthstone stats? I've heard of automatic tools like Trac-o-bot, but I'm a bit wary about using them since I do not want to accidentally trigger any anti-cheating mechanisms and lose my over decade old battle.net account.

How reliable are these automatic tracking tools? Can anyone here recommend any good ones?


I don't know what people say when they say Patron warrior is "cheap". I might be biased cause I played it a lot, but I find there is plenty of strategy involved and it's quite fun.

I don't think it's cheap, as I think it's a very difficult deck to play well.

But I do think there are problems with it. First and foremost, its draw engine is too strong; it is entirely possible for a patron warrior to outdraw you by 10-15 cards, which is extreme.

But second and most importantly is the burst. It is quite possible for a Patron warrior to have 40+ damage in hand; that means they can one shot most classes even if the other player is keeping their board totally clear.

Take priest as a very simple example here: they can keep the Patron players' board entirely clear and keep themselves at 30 health, and even then they are under constant threat of dying in a single shot from 2x Frothings. This is what Blizzard refers to as "uninteractive."

One turn kill mechanics are generally frowned upon for this reason, but it's often held back by draw mechanics. The Patron Warrior's draw mechanics are so incredibly strong, however, that they can far more rapidly put the pieces together than a Malygos Mage, for instance.


I feel like you'd have to be in a pretty horrible situation to get OTK'd by a Patron Warrior. They need so many cards and it isn't exactly a high pressure deck in the early game. If they're able to sit on all their combo pieces until that point and had zero pressure to use them to help pick off your minions, they probably deserved the win.


Water Elementals pretty much halt patron in place, if they can't use their weapon they won't last to combo.
Druid has good taunt to combat them too and possible burst damage to kill them before they can combo. Handlock is same. Freeze Mage is really strong too against Patron.

It's just that some classes like Paladin are helpless, even aggro paladin might not be able finish them fast enough, mid range paladin can't do much at all.

Then shaman... lol.
I feel like you'd have to be in a pretty horrible situation to get OTK'd by a Patron Warrior. They need so many cards and it isn't exactly a high pressure deck in the early game. If they're able to sit on all their combo pieces until that point and had zero pressure to use them to help pick off your minions, they probably deserved the win.


I feel like you'd have to be in a pretty horrible situation to get OTK'd by a Patron Warrior. They need so many cards and it isn't exactly a high pressure deck in the early game. If they're able to sit on all their combo pieces until that point and had zero pressure to use them to help pick off your minions, they probably deserved the win.

It's really not as hard as you're suggesting, especially if you play minions yourself and they are used against you, unleash the hounds style.

There shouldn't be a deck with the potential to do 50+ damage from hand in a single turn with a completely empty board state. Or at least, I don't think there should be. And at least publicly, Blizzard has said the same thing.


The thing is, playing against patron warrior is fun because the games don't play out the same each time. The warrior has to slightly adapt and sacrifice combo pieces in early game to keep going etc... In contrast, face hunter plays exactly the same every time. Hand lock plays exactly the same every time. Miracle Rogue used to play exactly the same every time. Until patron warrior becomes that predictable, it's fine in my eyes


Quick meta question: What killed Token Druid and when did it die? Is midrange-combo just plain better in a vast majority of match-ups? It's kind of weird to never see a prominent deck again despite it not receiving any nerfs.


Frothing Berserker is its own, unique problem.

If you nerf the Berserker (e.g. by making it not charge if it gets above 3 attack), the entire Patron deck falls apart. It would instantly tumble down the meta rankings. Not from first to to fourth, or first to seventh or something like that, but from first to "not on the list any more."


If you nerf the Berserker (e.g. by making it not charge if it gets above 3 attack), the entire Patron deck falls apart. It would instantly tumble down the meta rankings. Not from first to to fourth, or first to seventh or something like that, but from first to "not on the list any more."

There are probably ways they could nerf it without totally destroying the deck, I think I saw some suggestions here earlier that the way it was buffed from damaged minions could be changed. I'm sure they could figure out a way to make it slightly worse but still fill the big finish role it has now.


There are probably ways they could nerf it without totally destroying the deck, I think I saw some suggestions here earlier that the way it was buffed from damaged minions could be changed. I'm sure they could figure out a way to make it slightly worse but still fill the big finish role it has now.

I certainly hope they figure out a way to balance Patron, because I definitely think it's a unique deck. I also think it's valuable that Warriors have a real archetype besides control.

I'm just pointing out that nerfs to frothing berserker have a real, significant impact on the deck. It may be called Patron Warrior, but it's often the berserkers that do the real damage. It would be like nerfing fireball to 5 damage; yes, fireball is technically only 2 out of 30 cards in a freeze mage deck, but not all cards are equally important. The fireball is a core component of Freeze Mage's win condition, so any nerfs to fireball would impact freeze mage enormously. The same is true of Frothing Berskers for Patron Warrior.


I certainly hope they figure out a way to balance Patron, because I definitely think it's a unique deck. I also think it's valuable that Warriors have a real archetype besides control.

I'm just pointing out that nerfs to frothing berserker have a real, significant impact on the deck. It may be called Patron Warrior, but it's often the berserkers that do the real damage. It would be like nerfing fireball to 5 damage; yes, fireball is technically only 2 out of 30 cards in a freeze mage deck, but not all cards are equally important. The fireball is a core component of Freeze Mage's win condition, so any nerfs to fireball would impact freeze mage enormously. The same is true of Frothing Berskers for Patron Warrior.

Really hope so too. But the big problem with Patron Warrior, in my opinion, is that it´s so easy for them to reliably draw into a finishing combo. Freeze mage has to stall the game for quite some time before they can go in for the kill.


Really hope so too. But the big problem with Patron Warrior, in my opinion, is that it´s so easy for them to reliably draw into a finishing combo. Freeze mage has to stall the game for quite some time before they can go in for the kill.

So does Patron...


So does Patron...

Absolutely, but Patron's draw engine is notably better than Freeze Mage's is. The other potential target for nerfs in Patron would be battle rage, as is there isn't any other card in the game that can draw 3-4 cards for 2 mana.


So does Patron...

I don't know, i've played both decks somewhat (freeze more than patron) and for some reason I just get to kill my opponent a lot sooner with Patron because I get the pieces earlier and often times more reliably. But this is just my personal experience.

It's turn 10+, Amaz has some small minions on the board and the Warrior has 24 life. That means no clock and the warrior has all the time in the world to piece together his combo. Not exactly a fast kill here.

In order to beat Patron, you need some combination of the following:
1) large beefy taunts (e.g. Handlock)
2) 3 damage board clears (Brawl, Hellfire, etc.)
3) a clock (Grommash, mountain giants, Highmanes, etc.)

which is why midrange Hunter, Handlock and Control Warrior all do fine against Patron.

A slow durdly Paladin deck is not a good choice because it has neither the clock nor the other things.


It's turn 10, Amaz has some small minions on the board and the Warrior has 24 life. That means NO CLOCK and the warrior has all the time in the world to piece together his combo.

In order to beat Patron, you need some combination of the following:
1) large beefy taunts (e.g. Handlock)
2) 3 damage board clears (Brawl, Hellfire, etc.)
3) a clock (Grommash, mountain giants, Highmanes, etc.)

which is why midrange Hunter, Handlock and Control Warrior all do fine against Patron.

A slow durdly Paladin deck is not a good choice because it has neither the clock nor the other things.

You need 1 or 3. Obviously board clears help, but you can have all the board clears in the world and they won't help if you don't put pressure on the Patron to force them to use their combo pieces in suboptimal situations.

I have legitimately been in situations where I Have 2x lightbomb and 1x auchenai + circle in my hand, I've been at 30 health, and none of it matters because I can't put enough pressure on the Patron so he just sits on his pieces until he can blow me up in a single turn.


The problem with Patron is its essentially like Miracle Rogue, where you can do a massive combo as long as you get the right cards and manage to stay alife long enough.
They nerfed Miracle Rogue, so not nerfing Patron would mean they dont hold up to their own (stupid) standards.
Personally I think they should not have nerfed decks in the first place but hey. In the perfect world we would still have Miracle and they would leave Patron alone.


The problem with Patron is its essentially like Miracle Rogue, where you can do a massive combo as long as you get the right cards and manage to stay alife long enough.
They nerfed Miracle Rogue, so not nerfing Patron would mean they dont hold up to their own (stupid) standards.
Personally I think they should not have nerfed decks in the first place but hey. In the perfect world we would still have Miracle and they would leave Patron alone.

While I too am still mourning for Miracoli Rogue it's not that simple. Two nerfs affected the deck: Leeroy and Gadgetzan, and both can be justified beyond "combo decks suck" - Leeroy was in almost any deck, be it Hunter, Miracle or Handlock. A Leeroy combo of some sort was probably the single most common way to die in constructed back then, and it had gotten kind of out of hand. Unfortunately Miracle was the only deck explicitly built around the card while the others just threw it in as a convenient but unnecessary finisher, so the class got hit the hardest while anyone else went back to business as usual.

On the other hand Gadgetzan was indeed exclusively played in Miracle, and Blizzard's aversion to combo decks might have played into the decision as well, but the main issue was the Spare Part mechanic about to be introduced. You can't deny that at 5 mana the card would have had massive bullshit potential in any mech deck.
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