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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member


Burn in hell patron
Yes i'm that
Wow this secret paladin was too stupid to see I had lethal on board on his MC turn despite the full secret tree.


Bleh, not a good screen cause the stupid secret procs, but basically he had 9 hp with me having 3 minions, a 3/3, 5/5, and a 2/2 on board plus a dagger. Had he removed the 2/2 he could have at least removed lethal from board.
Wow this secret paladin was too stupid to see I had lethal on board on his MC turn despite the full secret tree.


Bleh, not a good screen cause the stupid secret procs, but basically he had 9 hp with me having 3 minions, a 3/3, 5/5, and a 2/2 on board plus a dagger. Had he removed the 2/2 he could have at least removed lethal from board.

its cool, we don't even see the screen
This rogue deck is so much fun so far. The cutpurse is a life saver. For example, it was turn 6 and the druid had a DOTC on taunt. I wanted to play loatheb but I couldn't because I was one mana short. So I sapped the DOTC, hit face, got myself a coin, and loatheb'd.

Then I got another coin off him the next turn which gave me enough mana to play everything I wanted plus cold blood on my lethal turn.
You'll be even saltier when you fight all the hunters patron has been keeping at bay.

How did Patron keep hunters at bay? If anything, Patron made Hunter a lot more attractive to play.

We should instead see a rise in zoolock and proper aggro paladin. Potentially Shaman decks could also make a comeback, but they'll still be weaker in comparison.
How did Patron keep hunters at bay? If anything, Patron made Hunter a lot more attractive to play.

Face hunter primarily because patron just has too many health gaining options and warrior in general just is good against it because of hero power alone.

Midrange hunter is a different story, from what I understand that was closer to a 50/50 match up.

i use chrome. able to see it when I got the link, just doesnt seem to work on gaf

Maybe neogaf doesn't like twitter links? I see it fine and I am also using chrome though, seems weird. Maybe ad block thinks it is an ad? Nah, that can't be it.


How did Patron keep hunters at bay? If anything, Patron made Hunter a lot more attractive to play.
Because Patron punished the use of Explosive Traps, Snake Traps, Leper Gnomes and all the garbage minions they play in the deck.

Many of the Face Hunter minions had 1 health because they were offensive cards which could easily be cleared with Whirlwind effects and health gain with Armorsmiths. Plus Unstable Ghoul really put the hurt on Face Hunters.

The Midrange Hunter match up was better but still not that great for the Hunter. If the Warrior could execute the Highmane then the 2/2s basically just fed the Patrons.

And the "Hybrid" Hunter was somewhere in the middle of the two decks.
Because Patron punished the use of Explosive Traps, Snake Traps, Leper Gnomes and all the garbage minions they play in the deck.

Many of the Face Hunter minions had 1 health because they were offensive cards which could easily be cleared with Whirlwind effects and health gain with Armorsmiths. Plus Unstable Ghoul really put the hurt on Face Hunters.

The Midrange Hunter match up was better but still not that great for the Hunter. If the Warrior could execute the Highmane then the 2/2s basically just fed the Patrons.

And the "Hybrid" Hunter was somewhere in the middle of the two decks.

I don't think those reasons quite stack up, except for explosive trap which was subbed for ice trap.

Leper Gnomes are done and gone long before Patrons come out. And while whirlwind did clear the minions, that isn't a problem for hunter and actually helps you in the match up (You want an empty board while pouring on damage). Besides that, pretty much everything other classes will clear the minions too, they have already done their damage so it doesn't matter.

Which isn't to say Patron didn't still beat hunters, because as you said Ghouls and armour was strong against it, but Patron was strong against everything and of the aggro classes, I think face hunter stacked up the best.

Of course, now it doesn't remotely matter :|


who in their right mind thought that a 6/6 for 6 that summons FIVE secrets for free was balanced?

even if it was a deathrattle, or if the card said "put one of each secret in your hand into the battlefield" it would still be way too good

yes i'm already complaining about the new deck overlord


Other classes can't clear 1 health charge minions as efficiently as Grim Patron could nor do they have a way to mitigate the Hunter hero power. Whirlwind, Unstable Ghouls, Death's Bite deathrattle, Inner Rage etc. all resulted in Face Hunter charge minions being wasted easily.

On top of that Grim Patron has Armorsmith which was able to contest the Face Hunter minions AND gain a bunch of armor for them.

Whenever I used the Grim Patron deck I wanted as many Face Hunters as possible for easy games, easy wins, easy gold, easy life.


After playing since launch, finally reached the mountaintop. Never succumbed to Patron to get it either


One of my prouder accomplishments in life

I've been playing since closed beta and hit golden with strictly control warrior before Patrons came out.
Other classes can't clear 1 health charge minions as efficiently as Grim Patron could nor do they have a way to mitigate the Hunter hero power. Whirlwind, Unstable Ghouls, Death's Bite deathrattle, Inner Rage etc. all resulted in Face Hunter charge minions being wasted easily.

If Patron warrior used all their combo pieces to clear minions that you expect to die anyway, I don't see that as an advantage.

Rogue has much better tools for example and it doesn't remove their win condition. Of course Rogues also don't have four win conditions, but a Warrior using inner rage to kill a wolf rider wasn't remotely a problem.


If Patron warrior used all their combo pieces to clear minions that you expect to die anyway, I don't see that as an advantage.

Rogue has much better tools for example and it doesn't remove their win condition. Of course Rogues also don't have four win conditions, but a Warrior using inner rage to kill a wolf rider wasn't remotely a problem.
You don't need your combo pieces to win against Face Hunter, that's the point.

How you win against Face Hunter using Grim Patron:

1) You clear their minions with cheap spells until they run out of steam and you set up a Ghoul plus keep armoring up/using Shield Block.

2) You gain a crap ton of armor from Armorsmith completing shutting out the game.

3) You play an early Frothing Berserker that threatens huge damage and you race the Face Hunter to the win.

4) You set up a huge Patron turn on turn 5 and then out damage the Face Hunter.

You absolutely do not need to set up a Frothing OTK combo to win against Face Hunter using Grim Patron. In fact, a lot of the time if you have Frothing in hand you just use it as a tempo play and they are forced to deal with it.


anyone playing right now? I need to spectate someone for a pack

Bask#1237 I probably won't even actually watch your game if you're shy huehue


Ugh, co op... you saying I need to interact with other people?

Man you cray. I am so excited for this shit. I really hope it pans out. I would love for some kind of co-op. HS at its core is this pvp 1v1 game, and Im not all that fond of it tbh. I need something else to make it interesting. I would love it if it added a dedicated co-op mode of some kind.


Darkness no more
I like playing against Patron Warriors that haven't gotten the memo yet. That awkward moment when they play their stuff, then mouse over warsong commander...


Tuskarr Jouster is a really disappointing card in my Mid Pally. Subbed it in for Healbots but the +2/2 doesn't seem worth it for the low frequency of activating. I think it only activated 2 or 3 times so far and one of those times was after my opponent had fatigued from their Fel Reaver. Gonna be so sad to cut those turtles though...
Switched to midrange Druid, instant winstreak. None of them close and all of them won with 20+ damage combos.

Shit's broken.

No way. Druid gets wrecked right now. Can't get tempo against any of the bullshit out there. You had great draws or just played the right players.

edit: yah, I'm bitter...I don't doubt you won, btw...just bitter that my druid decks are getting wrecked.
That rogue deck is really hard to pilot, but I think I am getting the hang of it even though my winrate is far below 50% in ranked. At least the newest version is 3-0, so there is that hope to cling on to.
I like playing against Patron Warriors that haven't gotten the memo yet. That awkward moment when they play their stuff, then mouse over warsong commander...

I actually took this opportunity to put patron into my modified control warrior just to subvert expectations. It's still a good card imo, and it can definitely catch people off-gaurd b/c of the nerf to warsong.


No way. Druid gets wrecked right now. Can't get tempo against any of the bullshit out there. You had great draws or just played the right players.

edit: yah, I'm bitter...I don't doubt you won, btw...just bitter that my druid decks are getting wrecked.
I don't know man I played that new aggro Druid deck list and got to rank 4 easy. Fel Reaver doing work in this aggressive meta because all the aggressive decks aren't bothered to carry BGHs.
I actually took this opportunity to put patron into my modified control warrior just to subvert expectations. It's still a good card imo, and it can definitely catch people off-gaurd b/c of the nerf to warsong.

Do people just use it with whirlwind and deatbs bite now? As what some kind of board clear for next turn?


lol, faced a Dragon Priest while playing Circle Priest and they decided to play both their Northshire Clerics at the same time while I had a Chow and Deathlord on board. I burned their entire deck by Turn 5.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
lol, faced a Dragon Priest while playing Circle Priest and they decided to play both their Northshire Clerics at the same time while I had a Chow and Deathlord on board. I burned their entire deck by Turn 5.

You NEVER go full Northshire.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Tuskarr Jouster is a really disappointing card in my Mid Pally. Subbed it in for Healbots but the +2/2 doesn't seem worth it for the low frequency of activating. I think it only activated 2 or 3 times so far and one of those times was after my opponent had fatigued from their Fel Reaver. Gonna be so sad to cut those turtles though...

Yup, I put healbot back in for it after not consistently healing vs. a hunter. It hurt me to do but fuck joust.


Ugh wtf. I'm wrecking face in these games and these fuckers have a way to dc the game and not letting me able to reconnect. Happened in every game I was a turn away from finishing them off. The fuck is this.


Yup, I put healbot back in for it after not consistently healing vs. a hunter. It hurt me to do but fuck joust.

If the negative was a bit less painful I'd probably be okay with still running it, say it healed for 3 health when it lost a Joust, but doing nothing is so bad when the 5 Mana slot has so many powerful cards and effects.


i think my midrange hunter is dead, got all the way up to 8 with full stars and i'm on a massive losing streak, mainly to paladins, fellow hunters who get a better start than i do, and handlock. If i go for more anti-aggro i am even worse when it comes to handlock.


i think my midrange hunter is dead, got all the way up to 8 with full stars and i'm on a massive losing streak, mainly to paladins, fellow hunters who get a better start than i do, and handlock. If i go for more anti-aggro i am even worse when it comes to handlock.

Yeah I think you need to play full face hunter or hybrid to really break through the paladins and be on even ground with other hunter.
I like playing against Patron Warriors that haven't gotten the memo yet. That awkward moment when they play their stuff, then mouse over warsong commander...

I just finished a game against a guy who was playing Patron, but his still worked like it used to. As soon as I realized he was running Patron, I started laughing thinking his Patrons would hit the board and then just sit there, but he pulled a charging Patron board clear and a charging Frothing Berserker + Whirlwind combo. I still absolutely destroyed him with Control Warrior, but I was kind of shocked to see that it still worked. I guess if you don't update, you can still use the old version of Warsong. At some point they have to force it on you and refuse to let you connect until you update.


ugh, can't even DE warsong in anger, cmon blizz.

Trying patron in a control deck with unstable ghoul and a whirlwind to control the early game and activate acolyte/execute.


lots of hunters and druids on ladder tonight....

easy wins so far

edit: and soon as i posted this a golden xmas pally pop up.
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