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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Step 0: Have stealth minion on board with high hp.
Step 1: Play that pally legendary after getting it from the "give paladin card" epic.
Step 2: Confuse and clear with pyro or nova.
Step 3: Hit face with your now crazy attack/1hp minion (and 7/3 pally card).

Seems like a fun card.
I can't see it being very useful, inner fire seems better for what you will have on the board, which is still nothing.

Potential anti-aggro helper, but doesn't do much by itself and you would struggle to run it.

Still, at least it nerfs the now OP shaman


If you just wanted to change the attack of a single creature for inner fire reasons, crazed alchemist is much better.


That card is good actually.

OTK Priest. Previously had to rely only on crazed alchemist, now two more cards added to the pool can make it easier to achieve.

Deathlord isn't alone now, we have tournament medic too, yeah that trash actually could work really well for OTK priest.

2x Divine Spirit and one of these cards, is 32 damage.
turn 3 deathlord
turn 4 divine spirit + confuse

como thru aggro priest IT'S TIME

This is already possible with Crazed Alchemist. Nobody runs that combo. This is a board-wide Crazed Alchemist without the body. I just can't see the point.

That card is good actually.

OTK Priest. Previously had to rely only on crazed alchemist, now two more cards added to the pool can make it easier to achieve.

Deathlord isn't alone now, we have tournament medic too, yeah that trash actually could work really well for OTK priest.

2x Divine Spirit and one of these cards, is 32 damage.

This isn't any better than the already existing 2X Divine Spirit + Inner Fire.
Hey just a few questions from a noobie so I recently started playing. Trying to figure out some of the meta stuff like aggro decks (paladin, hunter etc...) stuff like mech priest, control/freeze mage. Patron warrior (..... being a complete noob playing vs this is hard as hell).

So what is the basic current meta? I know Patron Warrior is a thing, and I'm assuming a few aggro decks. Are people who play rank all just using the same premade decks they find online or is there like actual innovation where everyone makes their own decks?

Then there's oil for rouge (not exactly sure what oil even is..), and Zoo for Warlock (again not sure what Zoo even is)... is that the general gist of meta stuff or am I missing some big ones that I really should know about before trying to take it to next level. Also being new I don't have any legendary cards so do I just play/or buy until I do? I find a lot of decks while googling have some cards that there's just no way I can create at the moment with the amount of dust I have.
Theoretically I could see it being a one of if there ended up being enough situations where it gave you favorable trades. Outside of that though, I'm not sure. There's already Inner Fire and Crazed Alchemist and neither of those are played much now. I suppose Confuse has the advantage of being a little bit more versatile.
The last patch added the latest 2 Brawl backgrounds, if there's an event tomorrow, I can see it announcing the date of 17th/18th with next week's Brawl coming after a new patch which adds the cards and puts them in Brawl. Then the 14th event unveils all the remaining cards and announces they are in Arena, weekend ends, expansion launches for real.


Hey just a few questions from a noobie so I recently started playing. Trying to figure out some of the meta stuff like aggro decks (paladin, hunter etc...) stuff like mech priest, control/freeze mage. Patron warrior (..... being a complete noob playing vs this is hard as hell).

So what is the basic current meta? I know Patron Warrior is a thing, and I'm assuming a few aggro decks. Are people who play rank all just using the same premade decks they find online or is there like actual innovation where everyone makes their own decks?

Then there's oil for rouge (not exactly sure what oil even is..), and Zoo for Warlock (again not sure what Zoo even is)... is that the general gist of meta stuff or am I missing some big ones that I really should know about before trying to take it to next level. Also being new I don't have any legendary cards so do I just play/or buy until I do? I find a lot of decks while googling have some cards that there's just no way I can create at the moment with the amount of dust I have.

Just read through this: http://www.liquidhearth.com/forum/hearthstone/491059-power-ranks-july-week-3-all-about-the-beats

It covers pretty much all the relevant decks in the current meta. They publish a new one each week that updates the rankings and adds any new decks that may be starting to show themselves as competitive.

And yes, the vast majority of decks you will face in ranked are netdecks that come from this list or others like it.

There are a few decks that can be competetive with little to no legendaries. Mostly aggro decks like shockadin, face hunter, etc. You can try those. The other option is take an existing deck that you have most of the cards for and make a few 1-to-1 substitutions for the cards you don't have. A deck built like that won't be as powerful as a standard build, but it should still win you some games.


needs to show more effort.
I'm surprised everyone is jumping to the conclusion confusion is bad. I think its a very hard card to evaluate. Crazed alchemist is sometimes played in priest and this could do a lot of really strange things to a lot of different board states.

I'm not convinced its good, but I think its way too complicated in its application to just know how it will play. I don't think you combo it with divine favor or anything but in decks where the priest just tends to have high health minions, if they ever get a lead this can represent 6+ damage of burst for 2 mana. Or do just bizarre things with pyromancer to come back on the board. This being a spell instead of a body is fantastic for wild pyro. Triggers the pyro and flips so it still has 2 health remaining.


Hey just a few questions from a noobie so I recently started playing. Trying to figure out some of the meta stuff like aggro decks (paladin, hunter etc...) stuff like mech priest, control/freeze mage. Patron warrior (..... being a complete noob playing vs this is hard as hell).

So what is the basic current meta? I know Patron Warrior is a thing, and I'm assuming a few aggro decks. Are people who play rank all just using the same decks premade decks they find online or is there like actual innovation where everyone makes their own decks?

Then there's oil for rouge (not exactly sure what oil even is..), and Zoo for Warlock (again not sure what Zoo even is)... is that the general gist of meta stuff or am I missing some big ones that I really should know about before trying to take it to next level. Also being new I don't have any legendary cards so do I just play/or buy until I do? I find a lot of decks while googling have some cards that there's just no way I can create at the moment with the amount of dust I have.

The current meta is very aggressive and tempo based. Let me explain some terms for you since that's a better place to start, in my opinion.

Rogues have a card called "tinkerer's sharp sword oil." It is a 4 mana spell that gives 3 attack to the rogue's weapon, and combo also gives 3 attack to a rogue minion. This present a 6 damage boost for a single turn, and can be even greater than that if Rogues have even more combo pieces. For instance, a turn with deadly poison (2 damage to weapon) tinkerer's oil (6 more damage from weapon + minion) another tinkerer's oil (6 more damage) + blade flurry would be 18 damage from weapon and 7+ from the minion on board. Obviously getting everything set up right is hard, but rogues have lots of card draw, so they can push through and get big bursts of damage out of nowhere.

It is generally good advice for this reason to keep a Rogue's board as clear as possible. Don't let a rogue have a nice minion on board to put tinkerer's oil on.

Zoo warlock refers to a Warlock deck that is very, very heavy on minions. Very few spells, just lots of minions that buff each other and synergize very well. Get tons of minions on board, then combo in knife jugglers (which do 1 damage every time a minion is summoned for the player) and things like abusive sergeants (2/1 minion which gives +2 attack for a turn) and they can get crazy value out of little 1/1 minions all over the place.

"Tempo" decks are decks which rely on acquiring board control and then maintaining it with a relentless pressure of cards. Oil rogue is a tempo deck. There are mage tempo decks as well. Zoo is tempo based. The idea is to get board control then push your advantage relentlessly until the enemy loses. Aggro decks are even more aggressive, and often care very little about board control as long as they can just keep relentlessly pushing damage. "Face hunter" is an example of this; they're fine with you holding control of the board sometimes because all they're doing is punching you in the face with charges and hero power and hoping you can't stop them before you're dead.


Hey just a few questions from a noobie so I recently started playing. Trying to figure out some of the meta stuff like aggro decks (paladin, hunter etc...) stuff like mech priest, control/freeze mage. Patron warrior (..... being a complete noob playing vs this is hard as hell).

So what is the basic current meta? I know Patron Warrior is a thing, and I'm assuming a few aggro decks. Are people who play rank all just using the same premade decks they find online or is there like actual innovation where everyone makes their own decks?

Then there's oil for rouge (not exactly sure what oil even is..), and Zoo for Warlock (again not sure what Zoo even is)... is that the general gist of meta stuff or am I missing some big ones that I really should know about before trying to take it to next level. Also being new I don't have any legendary cards so do I just play/or buy until I do? I find a lot of decks while googling have some cards that there's just no way I can create at the moment with the amount of dust I have.

v popular streamer Trump has done a playlist to answer this very question!


they give the run down of how much dust it is for every card to craft, and the gold needed to get to cards locked into adventures/expansions. as for "essential" legendaries, the cards currently in the meta that basically see play everywhere are dr. boom, sylvanas and loatheb is a good bet, but that card is locked behind naxx.


This is already possible with Crazed Alchemist. Nobody runs that combo. This is a board-wide Crazed Alchemist without the body. I just can't see the point.

This isn't any better than the already existing 2X Divine Spirit + Inner Fire.

you don't get it, combo decks get better the more parts you have, that's why patron warrior is good, it has many win conditions. Priest is a class that can actually last enough for this to happen too. It's pretty interesting actually. Nothing you can easily dismiss. The card can function as a board clear, I suspect there is going to be another card that makes all attacks 0 or 2 less this turn. mass Shrinkmeister.


remember me
I'm surprised everyone is jumping to the conclusion confusion is bad. I think its a very hard card to evaluate. Crazed alchemist is sometimes played in priest and this could do a lot of really strange things to a lot of different board states.

I'm not convinced its good, but I think its way too complicated in its application to just know how it will play. I don't think you combo it with divine favor or anything but in decks where the priest just tends to have high health minions, if they ever get a lead this can represent 6+ damage of burst for 2 mana. Or do just bizarre things with pyromancer to come back on the board.
It's too situational and priest already suffers because they have too many situational cards. Priest needs cards that are just good, in any situation, so they can actually be competitive again.


i do kind of agree reading everyone's reactions. i never really considered till now that priest's absence in the current meta is because they're basically "look how many combo pieces i can have!" without ever really pulling it off consistently.


The last patch added the latest 2 Brawl backgrounds, if there's an event tomorrow, I can see it announcing the date of 17th/18th with next week's Brawl coming after a new patch which adds the cards and puts them in Brawl. Then the 14th event unveils all the remaining cards and announces they are in Arena, weekend ends, expansion launches for real.

As soon as they patch the cards into the game, they will all be datamined and revealed on Hearthpwn. So the stream would have to be before any patch to be relevant.

The expansion will almost certainly release on the 24th. All signs point to that.

Thanks, man!


needs to show more effort.
It's too situational and priest already suffers because they have too many situational cards. Priest needs cards that are just good, in any situation, so they can actually be competitive again.
A card being situational doesn't make it bad. Nor did I claim this card would elevate the entire class on ladder or something. A card doesn't have to be a broken class savior to just be a good and interesting card.
you don't get it, combo decks get better the more parts you have, that's why patron warrior is good, it has many win conditions. Priest is a class that can actually last enough for this to happen too. It's pretty interesting actually. Nothing you can easily dismiss. The card can function as a board clear, I suspect there is going to be another card that makes all attacks 0 or 2 less this turn. mass Shrinkmeister.

Patron Warrior is also good because of the massive amount of card draw, the fact that the individual combo pieces are actually useful outside of the combo, and because they can deal a massive amount of damage (even one turn kills) straight from hand where the only prior set up is having played Emperor at some point earlier in the game. The biggest draw back to Divine Spirit + Inner Fire/Crazed Alchemist/Confuse is that it takes a turn of set up before you can actually pull it off. If you can't keep any of your minions on the board, you can't do the combo.
The current meta is very aggressive and tempo based. Let me explain some terms for you since that's a better place to start, in my opinion.

Rogues have a card called "tinkerer's sharp sword oil." It is a 4 mana spell that gives 3 attack to the rogue's weapon, and combo also gives 3 attack to a rogue minion. This present a 6 damage boost for a single turn, and can be even greater than that if Rogues have even more combo pieces. For instance, a turn with deadly poison (2 damage to weapon) tinkerer's oil (6 more damage from weapon + minion) another tinkerer's oil (6 more damage) + blade flurry would be 18 damage from weapon and 7+ from the minion on board. Obviously getting everything set up right is hard, but rogues have lots of card draw, so they can push through and get big bursts of damage out of nowhere.

It is generally good advice for this reason to keep a Rogue's board as clear as possible. Don't let a rogue have a nice minion on board to put tinkerer's oil on.

Zoo warlock refers to a Warlock deck that is very, very heavy on minions. Very few spells, just lots of minions that buff each other and synergize very well. Get tons of minions on board, then combo in knife jugglers (which do 1 damage every time a minion is summoned for the player) and things like abusive sergeants (2/1 minion which gives +2 attack for a turn) and they can get crazy value out of little 1/1 minions all over the place.

"Tempo" decks are decks which rely on acquiring board control and then maintaining it with a relentless pressure of cards. Oil rogue is a tempo deck. There are mage tempo decks as well. Zoo is tempo based. The idea is to get board control then push your advantage relentlessly until the enemy loses. Aggro decks are even more aggressive, and often care very little about board control as long as they can just keep relentlessly pushing damage. "Face hunter" is an example of this; they're fine with you holding control of the board sometimes because all they're doing is punching you in the face with charges and hero power and hoping you can't stop them before you're dead.

Ah thanks seems like you have to know pretty much all the cards but the combos as well to be competitive. So you can analyze the possibility of what cards your opponent has.

v popular streamer Trump has done a playlist to answer this very question!


they give the run down of how much dust it is for every card to craft, and the gold needed to get to cards locked into adventures/expansions. as for "essential" legendaries, the cards currently in the meta that basically see play everywhere are dr. boom, sylvanas and loatheb is a good bet, but that card is locked behind naxx.

Yea I asked a question earlier last week and I got linked to Trump's basic teaching. However playing rank I swear even at 18-20 everyone throwing out 3-5 legendary (orange) card and here I am sitting with 0. Surprise how I even won some of these games..... I've ran into about a million dr. booms already. And I don't think I've won a single game versus Patron Warrior.


However playing rank I swear even at 18-20 everyone throwing out 3-5 legendary (orange) card and here I am sitting with 0. Surprise how I even won some of these games..... I've ran into about a million dr. booms already. And I don't think I've won a single game versus Patron Warrior.

Its the start of the new season, so better players are still at lower ranks. That being said, the game is really grind to win or pay to win. Having access to all the cards really improves your chances of winning. Some of the decks are a lot easier to make free to play than others. A lot of websites have a dust cost listed for the decks. I would find a deck that has a low dust cost that you like and try and go for that.
Confuse is a very interesting card. Ysera -> if she lives, divine spirit + confuse -> 24 damage. She's more likely to get silenced than killed. Sure, that's a 3-card combo, but priest has a lot of high HP minions (normally and after buffs). Eventually some are going to stick around. If the priest can get board control, this card can give someone a nasty surprise. The low-attack board that is about to get flamestriked doubles in firepower.

I have to see how things work out.


Confuse, I don't think so. It's a shiny epic new players can pull from a pack and throw into their Divine Spirit joke decks and that's about it. It's too clunky and potentially detrimental to their own board position to run over Crazed Alchemist (which is actually really good in Priest). Thinking another combo piece would make this archetype viable is a pipe dream. Priest isn't even close to having consistent, tempo-positive ways of dealing with early- to midgame boards while drawing heavily, you'd be nothing but a shitty Oil Rogue.

Ah thanks seems like you have to know pretty much all the cards but the combos as well to be competitive. So you can analyze the possibility of what cards your opponent has.

Yea I asked a question earlier last week and I got linked to Trump's basic teaching. However playing rank I swear even at 18-20 everyone throwing out 3-5 legendary (orange) card and here I am sitting with 0. Surprise how I even won some of these games..... I've ran into about a million dr. booms already. And I don't think I've won a single game versus Patron Warrior.
Doubpe digit rank Patron players are garbage except for the remaining good players who haven't pushed since the season reset, but those are getting fewer each day. Once you learn how to correctly play against the deck and aren't playing a silly class like Priest those games become free wins.
Its the start of the new season, so better players are still at lower ranks. That being said, the game is really grind to win or pay to win. Having access to all the cards really improves your chances of winning. Some of the decks are a lot easier to make free to play than others. A lot of websites have a dust cost listed for the decks. I would find a deck that has a low dust cost that you like and try and go for that.

Doubpe digit rank Patron players are garbage except for the remaining good players who haven't pushed since the season reset, but those are getting fewer each day. Once you learn how to correctly play against the deck and aren't playing a silly class like Priest those games become free wins.

Yea doesn't the season restart often? I come from League and the season last an entire year. Maybe that's why..... but even in League you only drop a few division from the reset so noobs aren't getting paired with like Diamond players.

My most success so far as been running


I'm not running exactly that because I don't even have enough dust to make that, but kind of close.


Yea doesn't the season restart often? I come from League and the season last an entire year. Maybe that's why..... but even in League you only drop a few division from the reset so noobs aren't getting paired with like Diamond players.

My most success so far as been running


I'm not running exactly that because I don't even have enough dust to make that, but kind of close.

I think that is a good deck to run, you can disenchant some other cards of classes you don't like to try and get the dust you need.

The season resets every month! And it really really resets. I was rank 3 at the end of last month, and I started at rank 17 or something.


Yea doesn't the season restart often? I come from League and the season last an entire year. Maybe that's why..... but even in League you only drop a few division from the reset so noobs aren't getting paired with like Diamond players.

My most success so far as been running


I'm not running exactly that because I don't even have enough dust to make that, but kind of close.
It resets every month, yeah. Although not everyone gets thrown back to rank 25, you get a little headstart based on your rank in the previous season, for example someone who ended at around rank 5 will start the new season at ~17.

I think it's harder to learn much about the meta and general concepts with hyperaggro decks like Eboladin that aim to ignore the board against any deck that isn't ultracancer itself, but yeah you just can't play control with a small collection in this game. I'd suggest building towards something like Midrange Hunter, which is one of the cheaper decks, aggressive but still requires reasonable amounts of decision making to secure board control. Note though that at this point "cheap" is very relative, it means it doesn't cost much dust but generally you're still required to own multiple Naxx and the occasional Blackrock Mountain adventure wings.
Confuse is a very interesting card. Ysera -> if she lives, divine spirit + confuse -> 24 damage. She's more likely to get silenced than killed. Sure, that's a 3-card combo, but priest has a lot of high HP minions (normally and after buffs). Eventually some are going to stick around. If the priest can get board control, this card can give someone a nasty surprise. The low-attack board that is about to get flamestriked doubles in firepower.

I have to see how things work out.

Ysera + divine spirit + inner fire costs less and does exactly the same thing.

Confuse could be good as a combo piece, but it would need more cards to be shown to make it work consistently. A "buff all friendly minions health" card makes sense for a priest and would provide great synergy.
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