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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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Hey guys, how's it goin~?

So today I used a Mage deck in Brawl and I put in Clockwork Giant and Mountain Giant. Somehow I got them out on Turn 5 and 6 respectively, and this Paladin used Humility on Clockwork. I forget what else he did, but he killed both Giants, however, both disguises were revealed to be two Deathwings.

The victory is yours.


Confuse is an interesting cards. Lots of combo potential and applications.

You can confuse a Shredder, Shadow Madness it and run into another confused minion to retain the 2 drop.

It probably should've been on a body though like Crazed Alchemist. Could've called it "Insane Alchemist" or "Confused Alchemist".


This brawl meta is something alright. Threw together some silly Ancestral/Reincarnate Crusher-style Shaman for dailies but couldn't win a single game out of four. Turns out everyone and their mom is running double Owl+Spellbreaker now because silence disables the brawl modifier.


This brawl meta is something alright. Threw together some silly Ancestral/Reincarnate Crusher-style Shaman for dailies but couldn't win a single game out of four. Turns out everyone and their mom is running double Owl+Spellbreaker now because silence disables the brawl modifier.

Damn, I must've gotten lucky then to not have run into those. I should stack up on silences for a Shaman deck.


This brawl meta is something alright. Threw together some silly Ancestral/Reincarnate Crusher-style Shaman for dailies but couldn't win a single game out of four. Turns out everyone and their mom is running double Owl+Spellbreaker now because silence disables the brawl modifier.

Well, that might just be common sense rather than some tryhard meta imo. I only played the one match yesterday for the pack and that were two of the first cards I put in. Others being MCT, Flamestrike and Shredders/Belchers, Boom.

OK, maybe I was tryharding a little going Mage now that I think about it, but it's not like the ruleset is super inspiring or anything.


I think it's harder to learn much about the meta and general concepts with hyperaggro decks like Eboladin that aim to ignore the board against any deck that isn't ultracancer itself, but yeah you just can't play control with a small collection in this game. I'd suggest building towards something like Midrange Hunter, which is one of the cheaper decks, aggressive but still requires reasonable amounts of decision making to secure board control. Note though that at this point "cheap" is very relative, it means it doesn't cost much dust but generally you're still required to own multiple Naxx and the occasional Blackrock Mountain adventure wings.

I just made that shockadin deck as my first Hearthstone deck (still a new player :>) and I had more succes when not ignoring the board entirely, but using the divine shields for easy trades and keeping my minions on the board when also going for face. Yes there are some occasional turn 5 wins when enemy has a crap mulligan and I got a perfect curve, but for me u still need to trade occasionally to win games more consistently.

I thought it was odd to lose so many games with this deck, until I've read this guide and watched that guy play some games to understand more about the deck.

Still missing a Coghammer though, but that card is so expensive to craft. Leeroy would also be cool, but once again, that one is gonna be impossible to get. :\ I just replaced Coghammer with an Annoy-O-Tron and Leeroy and the second Deckhand with two Consecrates. Those Consecrated helped me a lot in mirror matches.


Confuse is an interesting cards. Lots of combo potential and applications.

You can confuse a Shredder, Shadow Madness it and run into another confused minion to retain the 2 drop.

It probably should've been on a body though like Crazed Alchemist. Could've called it "Insane Alchemist" or "Confused Alchemist".
Crazier Alchemist.


I just made that shockadin deck as my first Hearthstone deck (still a new player :>) and I had more succes when not ignoring the board entirely, but using the divine shields for easy trades and keeping my minions on the board when also going for face. Yes there are some occasional turn 5 wins when enemy has a crap mulligan and I got a perfect curve, but for me u still need to trade occasionally to win games more consistently.

I thought it was odd to lose so many games with this deck, until I've read this guide and watched that guy play some games to understand more about the deck.

Still missing a Coghammer though, but that card is so expensive to craft. Leeroy would also be cool, but once again, that one is gonna be impossible to get. :\ I just replaced Coghammer with an Annoy-O-Tron and Leeroy and the second Deckhand with two Consecrates. Those Consecrated helped me a lot in mirror matches.

Arcane golem is an OK replacement for leeroy as well.


Well, that might just be common sense rather than some tryhard meta imo. I only played the one match yesterday for the pack and that were two of the first cards I put in. Others being MCT, Flamestrike and Shredders/Belchers, Boom.

OK, maybe I was tryharding a little going Mage now that I think about it, but it's not like the ruleset is super inspiring or anything.
I'm not one to complain about "tryharding", that's a ridiculous scrub mindset to have in an arguably competitive game. It was more surprise on my end that silence disables a global, non-text effect, I don't think that's necessarily common sense. Did silence also disable the modifier in Banana Brawl?


remember me
I'm not one to complain about "tryharding", that's a ridiculous scrub mindset to have in an arguably competitive game. It was more surprise on my end that silence disables a global, non-text effect, I don't think that's necessarily common sense. Did silence also disable the modifier in Banana Brawl?
The deathrattle is listed as a buff at the bottom of the card once played, like any other buff, so it makes sense you can silence it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Confuse is garbage. People mentioning combos with single targets are forgetting that Crazed Alchemist is already a thing. I don't know how confuse fits into any gameplan for priest. Why on Earth would you want to swap the health and attack on multiple targets? The only thing I can think of is setting up a lightbomb and that's an EXPENSIVE board clear.


I'm the goddamn RNG king.

6 targets on field. I arcane missiles and open his nerubian egg. Next up, 4 targets on the field. My flame cannon opens his 2nd egg.


Confuse is garbage. People mentioning combos with single targets are forgetting that Crazed Alchemist is already a thing. I don't know how confuse fits into any gameplan for priest. Why on Earth would you want to swap the health and attack on multiple targets? The only thing I can think of is setting up a lightbomb and that's an EXPENSIVE board clear.

You can do stuff like wild pyro confuse and kill an armor smith + acolyte.

I think it's better than crazed alchemist in some situations. I have seen priest get 2 death lords on the bord before, this gives you 2 8 attack minions. Maybe it sucks, we'll see. At least it's not a worse version of an existing card.


I thought this day was never going to come, but it seems that I've joined the aggro brigade. Got my second Divine Favor and seeing that I could craft a few other cards like Muster for Battle and Knife Juggler I decided to get them instead of saving the dust for Alexstrasza or Dr. Boom 2.

The first match with my Eboladin was against someone that looked to be new at this and I think I crushed his dreams. Now I feel bad. :(

Edit: Not really, it's time for revenge!!!


Apparently if you pick Druid right now on US Arena, you will be offered a legendary! leg day is now.

two druids I fought against, had Dr. Balanced and Emperor Balanced.

Paladin and Mage were for the taking too, but doesn't look like they got any. Still my mage draft is really good. All the opponents were paladin, mage and druid. Still managed 8 wins with my yesterday's draft. I probably wait until tomorrow to play with this new echo/duplicate mage deck.


Confuse is garbage. People mentioning combos with single targets are forgetting that Crazed Alchemist is already a thing. I don't know how confuse fits into any gameplan for priest. Why on Earth would you want to swap the health and attack on multiple targets? The only thing I can think of is setting up a lightbomb and that's an EXPENSIVE board clear.
Breh you can wipe out a board of totem with one card!
Confuse is garbage. People mentioning combos with single targets are forgetting that Crazed Alchemist is already a thing. I don't know how confuse fits into any gameplan for priest. Why on Earth would you want to swap the health and attack on multiple targets? The only thing I can think of is setting up a lightbomb and that's an EXPENSIVE board clear.

Exactly how I see it


You can make a deck with low attack/high health minions and when you get a board going you can get a surprise lethal with Confuse. Suddenly your two Deathlords hit face for 16 damage to end the game.

I am not going to discount this card quite yet... the effect is really damn powerful. This is definitely one of those cards you need to play to get a feel for it before writing it off.

Also this card is going to be a great Brawl card along with a great Boss killer in future Adventure modes. Just you guys wait!


Ysera and Confuse... hmm, I would find room for it just to try and see if I get some use from it over a few games.

It just seems like one of those cards that are simply way too situational and Priests do have a lot of that kind of card already.


Priest has many cards that offer an upgrade to health. Dark Cultist, Temple Enforcer, Upgraded Repair Bot (if its mech), Divine Spirit, Power Word: Shield. Combine it with low attack, high health minions, and you could get a surprise kill. Confuse being ALL minions means you aren't reliant on a single minion with Crazed Alchemist or Inner Fire. If you play Circle of Healing on a board with stocky minions right before Confuse it ensures you'll hit for maximum power. Also works well with Nerubian Egg.

EDIT: Going over it more and more, it feels like a really cool concept. Minions that enable it:

Baron Rivendare
Tournament Medic
Flying Machine
Mogu'shan Warden
Gnomregan Infantry
Silverback Patriarch
Stoneskin Gargoyle
Stormwind Knight
Twilight Drake
Dalaran Mage
Oasis Snapjaw
Silent Knight (Divine Spirit or Velen's Chosen)
Gilblin Stalker (Divine Spirit or Velen's Chosen)

Lightbomb combined with Circle of Healing also could work, as it'll clear their board while doing very little to your own.


Confuse is good in a ton of places. It can also enable shadow word death on things like ysera and twilight drake, while also being a win condition. It's like priest savage roar!


It's possible that confuse is good enough to make inner fire priest playable,but other than that, I don't see how it fits into any other deck.
Kind of depends on the other new priest cards as well.
On that note, the 2 new 3/4 legendaries will also help with that kind of deck.


Why is aggro paladin so popular all of a sudden? I just faced 7 in a row! And not one of them missed the fucking muster on curve. Goddamn I hate that card so much.
So I'm really bad at timezones, but I think it was mentioned that there's a Blizzard thing going on over at GamesCom soon. Does anyone have any more recent / actual information? Would be cool to watch.


remember me
You guys ever get people so salty at you they keep trying to add you as a friend for 5 minutes? Seriously guy, just queue up again and move on with your life.
This brawl is pretty interesting. I didn't know you could silence minions as if they had deathrattle though. I didn't include earthshock or any silence due to not knowing that.

I also didn't know baron rivendare works with it. So I killed off a 4/3 with fire elemental instead of baron rivendare not knowing if that was the best move or not. Turns out it does, but lightning storm came to save the day anyway.

This paladin tried so hard to out value me. He got 2 mind control techs off. Baron rivendare to work like 3-4 times. Healbotted to 30 hp. In the end I had 5 minions, and bloodlust and lava burst to get a 30->0 turn to win.

You guys ever get people so salty at you they keep trying to add you as a friend for 5 minutes? Seriously guy, just queue up again and move on with your life.

Yes and one time I accepted and all he wanted to ask is what mistake he made when I did mistakes were made. It wasn't a serious emote so it was pretty stupid.


I microwave steaks.
I just had a guy try to rage add me after a brawl. Never had that happen before. I didn't exactly top deck him either. Hah.

someone did that to me in the 10 mana brawl. He added me just long enough to say this and then immediatley unfriend me, lol


I played malganis > voidwalker and he conceded immediatley


You guys ever get people so salty at you they keep trying to add you as a friend for 5 minutes? Seriously guy, just queue up again and move on with your life.

Never had this happen. I'm pretty non-interactive though in terms of emotes though. "Hi" --> *Squelch*. How often do you throw out emotes? I could see that driving some people nuts.


What's currently the best deck for ranking up quickly?

I'm using Midrange Hunter which tends to go very well for me, but I was wondering if something else was favored for this purpose.

This is the first month of ranked rewards so I might as well get started.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
What's currently the best deck for ranking up quickly?

I'm using Midrange Hunter which tends to go very well for me, but I was wondering if something else was favored for this purpose.

This is the first month of ranked rewards so I might as well get started.

I got to rank 5 with Zoo last month pretty painlessly, usually my ladder climber of choice.


What's currently the best deck for ranking up quickly?

I'm using Midrange Hunter which tends to go very well for me, but I was wondering if something else was favored for this purpose.

This is the first month of ranked rewards so I might as well get started.
Zoolock got me to rank 5 previous time pretty easily. Just have to grind the game count and sometimes you will get on a crazy streak.

Right now I am doing decent with Midrange Hunter though. Average game is longer but wins are coming consistently.
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