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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I am doing pretty well during this brawl as a scumbag face druid.

cheap card draw minions
cheap taunts
power of the wild x2
savage roar x2
as many silences as I can pack in
a couple force of nature just in case the rare event of opponent living past turn 6

Idea is to just flood the board with 2-3 cost minions to hit face, and power/roar when at lethal range which is usually by turn 5-6
EDIT: I use 2 at lowest specifically because that is the minimum for the deathrattle.
EDIT2: I can only imagine what my opponent is thinking when they see a bunch of 0-1 damage minions on the board.
I am doing pretty well during this brawl as a scumbag face druid.

cheap card draw minions
cheap taunts
power of the wild x2
savage roar x2
as many silences as I can pack in
a couple force of nature just in case the rare event of opponent living past turn 6

Idea is to just flood the board with 2-3 cost minions to hit face, and power/roar when at lethal range which is usually by turn 5-6
EDIT: I use 2 at lowest specifically because that is the minimum for the deathrattle.
EDIT2: I can only imagine what my opponent is thinking when they see a bunch of 0-1 damage minions on the board.

They are hoping to draw a taunt for their sea giants.


Isn't druid a counter pick for hand lock?
Yeah it does well against it but Handlock does much better against Grim Patron which is the #1 deck in the game right now. Handlock also does better against tempo decks than Druid does. Also Handlock better handles Zoolock than Druid does.

IMO top 5 deck types in Hearthstone are:

Grim Patron
Midrange Hunter
Oil Rogue
Whatever Aggro/Tempo deck of the month(Zoolock, Aggro Paladin, Face Hunter, Aggro Mage, Aggro Shaman)

Because Hearthstone is Hearthstone there will always be some crazy aggro deck in the meta that people need to counter, it just keeps changing places. It's especially prevalent at the start and end of Ladder seasons when people are grinding Ladder and suddenly you see jumps in flavor of the month aggro deck.

Control Warrior, Midrange Druid, Freeze Mage are next in line. Maybe Ramp Druid and some slow Mage deck to counter Grim Patron. Anything else is irrelevant.


still very new to this game

i just have to say one thing

why doesn't the match automatically end if one of the characters has enough cards in play or in his hand that would end the game?

like if the other guy has 6 health and i have a fireball in my hand why doesn't the game just go "ok buddy you win match over"

instead i have to wait and let the guy dick around or just waste my time.

or even worse, when I know i'm going to lose but then the other guy just has to rub it in by taking his next turn very slowly or just playing more cards for the hell of it.


still very new to this game

i just have to say one thing

why doesn't the match automatically end if one of the characters has enough cards in play or in his hand that would end the game?

like if the other guy has 6 health and i have a fireball in my hand why doesn't the game just go "ok buddy you win match over"

instead i have to wait and let the guy dick around or just waste my time.

or even worse, when I know i'm going to lose but then the other guy just has to rub it in by taking his next turn very slowly or just playing more cards for the hell of it
Welcome to bad manners in Hearthstone aka the "BM".


still very new to this game

i just have to say one thing

why doesn't the match automatically end if one of the characters has enough cards in play or in his hand that would end the game?

like if the other guy has 6 health and i have a fireball in my hand why doesn't the game just go "ok buddy you win match over"

instead i have to wait and let the guy dick around or just waste my time.

or even worse, when I know i'm going to lose but then the other guy just has to rub it in by taking his next turn very slowly or just playing more cards for the hell of it.

Ending it is part of the game, idiots constantly miss the most obvious of lethals

And then there's legit 4+ card lethal puzzles with combo decks like Patron Warrior, Oil Rogue or Malylock, where do you draw the line

Just concede if you're dead on board and otherwise tabbing for a minute or two won't kill you
So I'm laddering with Midrange/Combo Druid for the first time ever pretty much and I notice people have a real major tendency to leave my minions up. Is that a common thing or am I just running into some less than stellar players?

There's been a few times tonight where I've had someone leave a couple of decent sized minions on the board when they could have easily traded and I just blow them away from 20+ health.


So I'm laddering with Midrange/Combo Druid for the first time ever pretty much and I notice people have a real major tendency to leave my minions up. Is that a common thing or am I just running into some less than stellar players?

There's been a few times tonight where I've had someone leave a couple of decent sized minions on the board when they could have easily traded and I just blow them away from 20+ health.
These are probably missplays,but sometimes it's the best way to win.
For instance, you have board control ,low heatlh and the other player is running out of cards.
In this case pretty much the only way he can win is by playing aggressively.
When you are behind you often have to take risks, otherwise you are going to lose for sure.


So I'm laddering with Midrange/Combo Druid for the first time ever pretty much and I notice people have a real major tendency to leave my minions up. Is that a common thing or am I just running into some less than stellar players?

There's been a few times tonight where I've had someone leave a couple of decent sized minions on the board when they could have easily traded and I just blow them away from 20+ health.

Trading is not always the best choice. Eg you might be better off attacking face with your 4/2 Shredder than killing a 2/1 and losing the Shredder. This will likely make your opponent kill it themselves instead, leaving a 2-mana minion on the board that you can attack with next turn and possibly combo with your own cards like a Defender of Argus

Also, it's better to not kill a Haunted Creeper yourself, because you're giving them more attack damage next turn.


Trading is not always the best choice. Eg you might be better off attacking face with your 4/2 Shredder than killing a 2/1 and losing the Shredder. This will likely make your opponent kill it themselves instead, leaving a 2-mana minion on the board that you can attack with next turn and possibly combo with your own cards like a Defender of Argus

Also, it's better to not kill a Haunted Creeper yourself, because you're giving them more attack damage next turn.


two brawls?!!!! wtf is this. how my zoo is supposed to win here?

5 mana is too cheap for this nonsense /salt
It's been a 2x include in some decks for a while hut right now no Control Warrior can afford to run only one Brawl. All this tempo cancer and even more importantly Patron leave you no choice.

But actually Zoo is one of the harder decks to play a clean Brawl against due to all of its stupid deathrattles.
two brawls?!!!! wtf is this. how my zoo is supposed to win here?

5 mana is too cheap for this nonsense /salt

zoo is the reason I only run one brawl. Because most of the time it is completely useless against death rattles or imp gang boss or whatever other rubbish zoo is throwing out.


zoo is the reason I only run one brawl. Because most of the time it is completely useless against death rattles or imp gang boss or whatever other rubbish zoo is throwing out.

It depends on your rank but I hardly saw zoo this season or last because it's not favored vs hunter and patron. Nearly all the warlocks I saw were handlock. So it makes sense to run double brawl since it's also good vs handlock.


Getting wrecked using aggro paladin against other aggro decks.

I'm officially convinced I suck. Having way more bad days than good days in this game now. Lol. I need to watch some vids and get good again.

I made it to Rank 6 once so I'm also not hopeless...
What's currently the best deck for ranking up quickly?

I'm using Midrange Hunter which tends to go very well for me, but I was wondering if something else was favored for this purpose.

This is the first month of ranked rewards so I might as well get started.

I was using Midrange Hunter, but started to see a lot of other Midrange and Face Hunters. The mirror is a pain and it's usually decided by who gets the best draw and you're dead against Face Hunter like 90% of the time.

My only win, was T5 Belcher, T6 Savanna Lion, T7 Beast Master and got lucky he didn't have own and got a slightly slower start than usual, since I was able to get a webspinner down on T1. That's the kind of perfect draw you need to survive against Face with Midrange, it's insane Face Hunter isn't more popular. Also Aggro Paladin can completely destroy Midrange, but it's a 50/50 against Face IMO.

I got to rank 12 last night, but fell back to 13 because I lost around 5 mirrors before switching back to Face and started winning some again.

I think I'll stay Face for a few more ranks.


Finally a decent pack, YEAH...


.... I crafted Grom last month -________-

Getting wrecked using aggro paladin against other aggro decks.

I'm officially convinced I suck. Having way more bad days than good days in this game now. Lol. I need to watch some vids and get good again.

I made it to Rank 6 once so I'm also not hopeless...

Divine favor is all the deck is about, against aggro decks it's junk. It's tier 1 because it's the best aggro deck against other tier 1 decks, in high levels people don't play other aggros as much. It's really the best aggro deck against combo or control decks.

It's not as fast as face hunter but it's consistent and you last much longer, you just keep pushing big damage and can refill very fast. One good divine favor is all it takes to win as your deck is faster than theirs. It's not like face hunter that you just go face until you run out and then you die and ignore the board, it actually takes some board control to win and you have to protect your buffed minions. Argent protector and annoy-o-tron are quite important. You have to bait them into equality too. It's not as easy to play as other aggro decks. I think I'm going to bring it to legend this season. It needs a lot practice.


I've had people add me after I beat them, but they never say much. Yesterday some guy added me after I beat him in the brawl and he said he was sleepy and I took too long to play my cards lol

Anyway, anyone playing right now? Need to spectate a match for a quest (first time I've gotten this one!)


I don't really see what is so great about aggro Paladin. I just crafted a deck to do some dailies and even at rank 16 I was struggling to get wins. It just doesn't feel very powerful.

If I played it like a rush deck, I invariably would lose steam and then the board. If I played it as more of a tempo deck, I could drag the game out longer but eventually would begin to get out tempoed and still lose the board. I guess the deck requires a delicate balance of rush/tempo and it takes time to master that.

I still feel like face hunter is the much better aggro deck. That hero power just gives you so much reach. I kept losing games as aggro pally with my opponent sitting on 3 or 4 health and me just hoping to topdeck some burn. With Hunter, I don't even need to worry about topdecking at that point. Just hero power and win.


Trump was playing a lot of face paladin last season, watching those should help. He played it from rank 10 or so to legend. He had like 3 different variations and tweaking it a lot. Should be on his twitch archive.

edit: Running a Harrison Jones in the deck is a really good ideal btw, You need it against hunters and warriors. Hunters can stall you bad with their secrets, you must not buff their weapons in any case and this is better to have than Kezan.

Midrange Hunter overall is a very easy match for it, face is coin flip because of explosive trap. For zoo you must keep playing and don't lose board control and kill them in one turn with arcane golems and blessings, Leeroy if you have it. Between truesilver, golems and blessings, you have the capacity to kill the opponent from 17-18 health if you have some board control. Going face isn't the answer every time.


I haven't tried the deck yet, but I've been seeing a lot of it around rank 11. I'm playing mostly fast tempo mage and mid-range paladin, both of which don't have a problem with the aggro paladin. I'll probably try it out once it falls out of favor.

I hope it grows more popular. It's a more fun deck to lose against since it fights for the board. If it can reliably beat face hunter it should stick around.


I don't really see what is so great about aggro Paladin. I just crafted a deck to do some dailies and even at rank 16 I was struggling to get wins. It just doesn't feel very powerful.

If I played it like a rush deck, I invariably would lose steam and then the board. If I played it as more of a tempo deck, I could drag the game out longer but eventually would begin to get out tempoed and still lose the board. I guess the deck requires a delicate balance of rush/tempo and it takes time to master that.

I still feel like face hunter is the much better aggro deck. That hero power just gives you so much reach. I kept losing games as aggro pally with my opponent sitting on 3 or 4 health and me just hoping to topdeck some burn. With Hunter, I don't even need to worry about topdecking at that point. Just hero power and win.
I'm playing it and am around rank 8 at the moment, it's really really good in the meta against midrange hunters. Vs other aggro decks you take good trades early on and get board control before rushing them down. I think I have like a 70% win rate at the moment with it, and it's even pulling out wins against unfavorable matchups like Patron and Priest.


Isn't druid a counter pick for hand lock?

Depends on the kind of Druid in my experience. Those giants can be a very big problem to deal with even with double BGH. Combo Druid has the ability to deny them the moltens and finish the Warlock from even above 15 HP (provided they deal with taunts) but non combo Druid has no such tools.
It is funny how I had zero idea how the rules for this brawl worked and yet I haven't lost a match yet and my opponents have silences and deathrattle synergy up the wazoo. And undertaker too lol... Meanwhile, I'm playing feral spirits thinking it works but apparently it only affects minions played from hand and not summoned into play lol. I didn't even run earthshock since I assumed removal is such low value to not even bother, not knowing that earthshock is actually really useful here.

On the other hand, hex and polymorph are the ultimate removal tools in the match up. And finishers like savage roar and bloodlust are king. I'll probably get a ton of mileage out of rogue as well due to sap, sword oil, and the shear board clear power of blade flurry and fan of knives.


I'm playing it and am around rank 8 at the moment, it's really really good in the meta against midrange hunters. Vs other aggro decks you take good trades early on and get board control before rushing them down. I think I have like a 70% win rate at the moment with it, and it's even pulling out wins against unfavorable matchups like Patron and Priest.

Yeah, I'm sure I'm playing it wrong. Still, it just doesn't feel as powerful an aggro deck as say face hunter, with its reliable reach, or tempo/mech mage, with Antonidas and tons of burn spells to help close out games. I think that was my biggest problem with the deck: the lack of a finisher in the form of consistent reach.


Gold Member
I think now that I started playing Demonlock I can see why Implosion is hated so much... it is so frustrating to spend 4 mana and then go on to lose the game after dealing 2 damage on a 3 health creature. Trash card (when it hits for 2)... I think it's worse than anything in Shaman actually, even crackle, at least that puts the odds in 25% increments not 33%...


I never play Warlock, only just unlocked the first class card but I'm doing really well as him in this Brawl. I feel like I'm using a pretty basic deck but it's working well. I get crushed as Mage which is a deck/class I'm much more experienced with.


I haven't tried the deck yet, but I've been seeing a lot of it around rank 11. I'm playing mostly fast tempo mage and mid-range paladin, both of which don't have a problem with the aggro paladin. I'll probably try it out once it falls out of favor.

I hope it grows more popular. It's a more fun deck to lose against since it fights for the board. If it can reliably beat face hunter it should stick around.
Can I see your fast tempo mage list? It's been my favourite deck to play so far, but I don't have a lot of experience so my list is probably very subpar.


Are there any good Paladin decks which don't use or centered upon Muster for Battle? I've got a Tirion Fordring and want to use him, but don't want to spend dust on a rare which I will eventually get anyway (currently saving for Sylvanas).


Would you guys say having 2 Blade Flurries on a control rogue is better than one Blade Flurry and one Fan of Knives? What about one Blade Flurry and one Tinker's Sharpsword Oil?


Are there any good Paladin decks which don't use or centered upon Muster for Battle? I've got a Tirion Fordring and want to use him, but don't want to spend dust on a rare which I will eventually get anyway (currently saving for Sylvanas).

You could play ye'olde Control Paladin which runs double Equality and Wild Pyromancers, look for Paladin decklists pre-GVG.
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