Trump was playing a lot of face paladin last season, watching those should help. He played it from rank 10 or so to legend. He had like 3 different variations and tweaking it a lot. Should be on his twitch archive.
edit: Running a Harrison Jones in the deck is a really good ideal btw, You need it against hunters and warriors. Hunters can stall you bad with their secrets, you must not buff their weapons in any case and this is better to have than Kezan.
Midrange Hunter overall is a very easy match for it, face is coin flip because of explosive trap. For zoo you must keep playing and don't lose board control and kill them in one turn with arcane golems and blessings, Leeroy if you have it. Between truesilver, golems and blessings, you have the capacity to kill the opponent from 17-18 health if you have some board control. Going face isn't the answer every time.