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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I like Emperor Thaurissan but I still find it mind boggling that's a card printed by Blizzard considering they seem to not like combos.
Is there a list of the common save owl for?

For example vs mages do I owl

- secrets (scientist)
- mana wyrm
- Flamewaker

Or something even bigger?

vs Hunter do I save owl for

- stupid spiders w/e it's called
- secrets
- save? For like something big?

vs Patron warriors

- Too many shit to list so what's the most save for?

vs Priest

- Again too many shit

And of course belchers...What class use that the most again Druid's right?
There is no simple answer. Do you run kezan? If so, not much point silencing a scientist, but is the kezan in your hand?

How many owls do you have? What else is in your opponents deck? Do you have a way to kill emperor on turn 5? Are they a slow paladin deck with tirion coming or are you expecting an early kings on a minibot?

Is your deck weak in value or tempo? How are you planning to win? If by combo, save it for a taunt.

The best answer when starting out is to save it as long as you can. Against hunter, you'll want to silence a highmane or at least a shredder. You'll learn pretty quickly what you should have silenced, but it all depends on how you play yourself.
Well I'm playing an aggro paladin deck. So from that perspective. I've think I've tried silencing all different types but I didn't keep tracked of what worked best. LOL. And I'm still making a lot of mistakes so that here and there so I might of made the right silence but then fucked up somewhere else down the line. Which would skew my data on was silencing XXX actually the best move or not.


Is there a list of the common save owl for?

For example vs mages do I owl

- secrets (scientist)
- mana wyrm
- Flamewaker

Or something even bigger?

vs Hunter do I save owl for

- stupid spiders w/e it's called
- secrets
- save? For like something big?

vs Patron warriors

- Too many shit to list so what's the most save for?

vs Priest

- Again too many shit

And of course belchers...What class use that the most again Druid's right?

Shredder and belchers can be good targets for silence in most mid range and control decks. pretty much any deck that is not aggro runs them.

VS hunter, you want it for highmanes actually. Mad Scientits is a good target but highmane is a bigger threat. If you play mage polymorph is obviously had to be saved for highmane.

VS Patron, the only target in Acolyte of Pain and you better do it. For everything else you won't get the chance to silence. One turn emperor is enough for them, you have to kill emperor. Armorsmiths are another possible target but you just kill that, before killing others obviously.

VS priests, dark cultist is one, mostly is better to wait a little for them to dump bunch of spells on one minion then silence it for most value. You should kill clerics on sight, if you can't silence them. Then there is deathlords, killing them might be too slow at times, if they are buffed you have to silence them, you can't kill 16+ health taunt with minions unless you are playing warrior/mage/shaman and can execute/hex/polymorph, generally a silenced deathlord is still dangerous, so kill it to be sure.


Face hunters. Face hunters everywhere.

I don't know if a couple of golden cards can make me endure ranked.

In the EU this is the most varied I've ever known the ladder at the lower ranks (16-19).
While I like the variety most of them seem far to good for their rank and obviously you can't really prepare for them, hell they’re doing things I haven't had to deal with before.

Hopefully the new rank rewards will give the insane decks incentive to get out of the lower ranks earlier .


VS hunter, you want it for highmanes actually. Mad Scientits is a good target but highmane is a bigger threat. If you play mage polymorph is obviously had to be saved for highmane.

VS face hunter, silencing a Mad Scientist is an absolutely acceptable play.


cards like this could ruin patron or any combo decks really,


a premature emperor or warsong commander wasted on field could ruin patron's play. But it's a shaman card so lol.

or maybe the original Illidan.


too late to make a difference though and it could discard rubbish. Neither are fool proof but they help. I know that Blizzard didn't want discard mechanic but they didn't want stupid combo damage either so might as well introduce them back to counter combos instead of killing combo decks. I really like ET, it was a great addition and needs no change. We just need more cards for combo counters.

VS face hunter, silencing a Mad Scientist is an absolutely acceptable play.

sure, but it's mostly mid range hunters these days and those highmanes win the games for them. I feel it's better against hunter to break their weapons with harrison jones after they are buffed with the secret, Explosive trap is an issue for aggro paladin but even with a silenced mad scientist they might still play it, 2 mana spell isn't much for a face hunter. They run out of card quickly. Better trigger that explosive trap when you don't have much on board.
Well I'm playing an aggro paladin deck. So from that perspective. I've think I've tried silencing all different types but I didn't keep tracked of what worked best. LOL. And I'm still making a lot of mistakes so that here and there so I might of made the right silence but then fucked up somewhere else down the line. Which would skew my data on was silencing XXX actually the best move or not.

If you are playing aggro paladin I'm not going to help you :p

But really you should be saving it for a belcher most of the time (They'll drop it on turn 5/6 to stop the damage and then you can just ignore it and keep pouring it on). The only other good target is denying card draw if you can't kill an acolyte straight out.


Now is patron really broken?

The fastest they can kill you is turn 7, tha't assuming they manage to draw two berserkers, one warsong commander and one patron and play emperor on turn 6. I don't count activators as you usually have those. This is like the fastest patron can kill you and doesn't happen often. If you have lots of rubbish token on the board you will get punished. I'm fine with that because screw imps, muster for battle and deathrattles, if patron is bad, those are even worse.

So in worse case scenario you have 7 turns to kill them, mostly until 9 even.

If zoo has a good hand they kill you before turn 5, you can't do much about that, no matter what you play at that point makes no difference, those voidcaller into doomguards and Mal'Ganis with power overwhelming, you cant' do anything. Just because they don't do it in one turn doesn't make them better. Good face hunter draw is usually the same. You just see that OTK and maybe that hurts more than getting rushed down by some lucky stupid face deck but in fact patron gives you a lot more time to kill them and they're no control warrior in term of armor.

Maybe adding cards to the game that could break armor help, right now armor is a lot better than health with no drawback. When they add Justicar to the game, it's going to be very stupid to fight control warrior late game. They just have to make sure that card isn't usable for aggro decks, it should cost quite a bit.
Patron is OP, but it is far from broken.

The real strength of the deck is that it has multiple win conditions. Each one by itself (Patrons, berserker, Grom) isn't too bad in itself, but putting them together makes the deck really strong.

Of those conditions, berserker seems to be the issue. It is one thing to prevent the opponent flooding the board, but that win condition only takes a single minion to run your whirlwind effects into. Patron (Through battle rage) now makes having the cards at that point extremely likely and emperor does the rest.

You shouldn't really get to a point on turn 10 where you can't play anything at all. That is just too much.


I don't understand the "grind" aspect of Hearthstone. You either play or you don't. There's no really anything else you can do except play matches


You shouldn't really get to a point on turn 10 where you can't play anything at all. That is just too much.

If you play something the main difference is that you give them something to run unstable ghoul into and that gives tons of damage to berserker. Late game you're not going to play something that duplicates patrons, warrior has a lot of activators for that anyway.

So here is an idea, change unstable ghoul, can't attack! buff its stats too so that it's useful against aggro for any other deck, make it a 2/5.


Spent my remaining dust for a few cards for Aggro Paladin. I don't believe I ever ranked this fast though I'm only Rank 17 at the moment.


I hate face hunter, if I would care about ranked and the rewards, even I would play face hunter right now. Easy, fast, effective.


Just went from 19 to 16 in a session then Literally lost every game back to 20. Meeting about 8 face hunters on the way. Some peoples opening hands and draws are ridiculous.
Which decks did he play?

Kolento played - midrange hunter, patron, oil rogue
Lifecoach played - midrange hunter, patron, typical druid

Lifecoach had pretty bad draws through the last three games, especially in the Patron mirror.

Still amazing play by Kolento though. He always shows plays I don't see.


Went from rank 15 to 13 yesterday and then got sent back to 14. The RNG just wasnt on my side - kept getting my bad starter cards replaced with the second copies of those cards lol. Also got Mad Scientists along with the secrets they were supposed to play.


You get 10g from winning 3 games and a maximum of 100g each day (30 wins).

It's a max of 100g from the 3-win gold? Ah. Ok. Wow. Yeah, I don't think I've gotten anywhere near that on a single day before, lol.

I thought people had a mistaken idea that you could only earn 100g a day period.


Went from rank 15 to 13 yesterday and then got sent back to 14. The RNG just wasnt on my side - kept getting my bad starter cards replaced with the second copies of those cards lol. Also got Mad Scientists along with the secrets they were supposed to play.

Negative variance sucks. I got my Mal'Ganis sniped by a rag in two games and in both games, my two BGHs were in my last 10 cards T_T


I guess the dream would be Turn 1 Argent Squire/coin Shielded Minibot, Turn 2 that. Otherwise it's just a 3/2 with quasi-charge.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I was hoping to hold off on crafting Harrison until I saw where the meta went, but if Paladins are going to get even more stupid cards I might as well just make it now.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"


Pretty good card. And your initial attempt was better balanced than your revision.

This is geared for control Warrior, where armoring up is what you'll be doing near every turn anyway. The comparison to Gorehowl is bad, because this can go face repeatedly a nd is not forced to be used on minions. Also, obviously, the attack does not deplete.

Balance comes in multiple factors here. This is really an 8 drop. You're not playing this turn 6, really, cause you won't use it that turn or else it's gone. Leaves yourself open to Acidic Swamp and Jones without getting any use out of it too. So a terrible turn for you, and a huge tempo swing and/or card draw for your opponent. Nope. Turn 8 it is with this thing, so that you can armor up right away and hit something right away.

Arguably "more expensive" than Gorehowl. Arguably more benefit than Gorehowl too.

I really like it.

EDIT: Oh, fuck me. Is it a Paladin weapon? Nvm if so lol.

IMO that should be a legendary Warrior class card. The first legendary weapon. Cause it really IS strong if you stop and think about it.
Egruntz I can't tell you how much I enjoyed reading your critique of my custom card. Thanks!

I gotta say I agree with you most points, I considered the 1 durability because it does prevent you from swinging it on turn 6, but then I saw that with the text, like other inspire cards, that it takes multiple turns to get value out of, so I feel a +1 mana Arcanite Reaper makes sense, but keeps the Epic rarity authentic.


I swear MCT actually says "If your opponent has 4 or more minions on the board, take control of their best one"

I've gotten MCT'd twice within the last 24 hours and both times it took the lone giant.
As one of those people who farm rank 20 for easy gold, does the new ranked rewards system go by the highest rank you've reach that season, or the rank you end the season with? If it's the latter, I might as well just wait 2 or 3 days before the season ends to actually try to get to 5.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
As one of those people who farm rank 20 for easy gold, does the new ranked rewards system go by the highest rank you've reach that season, or the rank you end the season with? If it's the latter, I might as well just wait 2 or 3 days before the season ends to actually try to get to 5.
Highest you reach.


Lancebearer seems pretty good. Put that buff on a Minibot and it'll probably damage three things if it attacks that turn. Seems worse for Zoo since you want your eggs to die anyway.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Lancebearer seems pretty good. Put that buff on a Minibot and it'll probably damage three things if it attacks that turn. Seems worse for Zoo since you want your eggs to die anyway.

Yeah a deck that trades a lot like Zoo would probably prefer Abusive Sergent. This card makes more sense when you want the buff to stick around, which makes it better for face stuff.

People were hoping that the Joust mechanic would slow the game down but then they have cards like this and Argent Horserider added to the game. Fast decks ain't going anywhere.


Actually I don't think there has been enough cards so far to slow down the game at all, nothing is going to change.

Aggro always get the better deal, joust cards have ifs and buts attached, these cards don't.

It's about time belchers see retirement, give us new good taunts already. Some neutral heals won't hurt either.
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