I just had a great run from the top of rank 12 to rank 8 all straight wins with Face Hunter. No Warriors though, which I feel are the only deck I'm really unfavored against so that was nice.
Druids are a really easy match-up and I saw lots, Warlocks too, though zoo can get lucky with the draws. Some mid range hunters which are easy fodder, lots of aggro paladins, which is about even, but they tended to overplay the board and get destroyed by unleash the hounds (and if I had knife juggler in my hand as well it was insta win). No mages or warriors which was odd. No priests either (less odd).
Took a little less than an hour. I'm thinking I'm gonna ride Face Hunter all the way to rank 5.
There's only 1 spot in the deck I'm not too sure about. My third secret, I tried missdirection, but it usually backfired on my. I'm trying out freeze trap and it's been useful about 50% of the time. Nice thing about it is that no one expects it and sometimes you can represent an explosive, so your opponent will wait a few turns before attacking with their whole board of 2 health minions, or buff a minion to get around explosive just to find it back in his hand. That's usually pretty hilarious.
Sometimes he attacks with a 1/1 and it's useless, so I've been considering alternatives, but I really don't know what. Snake trap doesn't seem like it would fit the bill and I'm not inclined to craft it just to try it out. Any thoughts? I'm already running 2 Kill Command and 2 Quick Shots.
Edit: What do you guys think of this play: He had a Knife Juggler, Shredder and a 1/1 token. I played Juggler myself and UTH. So the token dies and Shredder end up at 1 life. I also played a worgen infiltrator for the extra ping, figuring it was safe. I had to trade since the juggler was buffed and had 9 attack. So I killed the juggler first in case the Shredder dropped a taunt. The Shredder of course drops Doomsayer killing my Juggler and Infiltrator. If I had killed the Shredder first I could have done 2 more damage to the face, but I think I made the right play. How many 2 mana taunts are there? Annoy-o-tron, Unstable Ghoul, any more? Still, it seems more likely than something like Doomsayer. Still my opponent was pretty pleased with himself thanking me. I was still able to win though.