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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I see. so is it worth it to save gold for those wings right away? Not sure if I can win there with this very basic deck though.




Here are a few guides I turned up for beating Naxx/BRM with basic decks.

Don't let your dreams be dreams.
I find it easy to beat most Naxx/BRM bosses using a basic face hunter. Some you have to get tricky with.

And the Naxx before Packs rule is still true for sure.
It is possible that AC could be included in a deck where it is a benefit and the deck doesn't revolve entirely around using it. Kripp suggested a version where the deck would be broken without using it timely, but I think that will be alarmobot level trash.

The use this card has in the late game is potentially very high though. For 4 mana, you get 10 mana. On turn 10 that means you could have a total of 16 mana to spend (4 on AC). The challenge of course is to figure out how to make use of that 10 mana after the discard.

16 mana is nice, but it would be incredibly hard to use and you only get one shot at it. At that stage of the game, you will get a shitload more value out of aviana + something else big.

Maybe you could do some sort of gadgetzan miracle magic, but that seems pretty unlikely.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
16 mana is nice, but it would be incredibly hard to use and you only get one shot at it. At that stage of the game, you will get a shitload more value out of aviana + something else big.

Maybe you could do some sort of gadgetzan miracle magic, but that seems pretty unlikely.

Wouldn't he draw the card first then get it tossed with everything else? The idea is cool but he seems to have massive antisynergy with it.


Just lost to a midrange Hunter running double healbot.


edit: First and last game of today for me. Really not feeling this game anymore.


Just lost to a midrange Hunter running double healbot.


edit: First and last game of today for me. Really not feeling this game anymore.

Hearthstone is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get.

Out of curiousity, why is that so bad? I see a lot of people get salty over hearthstone, myself included, but mostly it is because of the "netdecks" and "aggro", but when someone steps out of the norm and runs cards you wouldn't expect I think that is what makes this game cool, yet there is always a time when someone gets pissed because a "netdeck" steps out of the bounds of a "netdeck" and does something new.

For example mech mage running flamestrike, a streamer might say "WTF mech mage doesn't run flamestrike, that is bullshit". Meanwhile, we get pissed when losing to "netdecks". I think it is had to avoid being salty in this game because everyone thinks they are supposed to win because they are "better" than the other player, when in reality it is a strange blend of luck, decision making, deck building choices and matchmaking.


Hearthstone is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you are gonna get.

Out of curiousity, why is that so bad? I see a lot of people get salty over hearthstone, myself included, but mostly it is because of the "netdecks" and "aggro", but when someone steps out of the norm and runs cards you wouldn't expect I think that is what makes this game cool, yet there is always a time when someone gets pissed because a "netdeck" steps out of the bounds of a "netdeck" and does something new.

For example mech mage running flamestrike, a streamer might say "WTF mech mage doesn't run flamestrike, that is bullshit". Meanwhile, we get pissed when losing to "netdecks". I think it is had to avoid being salty in this game because everyone thinks they are supposed to win because they are "better" than the other player, when in reality it is a strange blend of luck, decision making, deck building choices and matchmaking.

Totally agreed. It's fucking comical to me when people complain about the 'unexpected' in your opponent's deck. This game is at its best when you're surprised. This game is lame as shit when everyone just uses standard netdecks.


Just to be fair I don't mean to give _Dr. Mario_ a hard time. It just after playing this game for so long, one of the things I"m trying to cope with is how much RNG, other player decisions and my own decisions is a factor. The game is not fun if you take everything that happens to make you lose to heart and the reality is when you start to get evenly matched with opponents RNG and decision making are bigger parts of the outcome of the game.


just got a blingtron in my arena pack, dust or save?

He's on the border of playability; he can show up occasionally if the meta shifts towards it or in specific quirky decks. I would keep him without question -- I would only ever dust "totally unplayable" legendaries, since the return on dust is so poor -- but you may be in dire need of dust.
AC seems geared to enable big Inspire cards. The common argument against Inspire is that it is too slow as the game develops since they are usually bad on curve. Since you'll be topdecking you will almost always have room to Inspire and if the opponent fails to remove the minion it means that next turn you will be getting even more value out of it especially when combined with another potential inspire card.

Also Yeah just pulled Jaraxous!


Too broken?


I'm in a major card-making mood again.

Probably not. You'd need to proc the hero power twice to make it better than the warrior 5 mana 5-2 weapon, and even then you have to pay a lot of mana for it.

Like a really, really bad Gorehowl.

Pretty good card. And your initial attempt was better balanced than your revision.

This is geared for control Warrior, where armoring up is what you'll be doing near every turn anyway. The comparison to Gorehowl is bad, because this can go face repeatedly a nd is not forced to be used on minions. Also, obviously, the attack does not deplete.

Balance comes in multiple factors here. This is really an 8 drop. You're not playing this turn 6, really, cause you won't use it that turn or else it's gone. Leaves yourself open to Acidic Swamp and Jones without getting any use out of it too. So a terrible turn for you, and a huge tempo swing and/or card draw for your opponent. Nope. Turn 8 it is with this thing, so that you can armor up right away and hit something right away.

Arguably "more expensive" than Gorehowl. Arguably more benefit than Gorehowl too.

I really like it.

EDIT: Oh, fuck me. Is it a Paladin weapon? Nvm if so lol.

IMO that should be a legendary Warrior class card. The first legendary weapon. Cause it really IS strong if you stop and think about it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Blingtron is a fun card but I would never really consider him playable. His stats are just too bad for the cost. He should be at least a 5/5. The Harrison combo is too inconsistent to mention.
I don't think Astral Communion is very good- not until they introduce more ways to use mana through your board- but I like that it exists. I love cards like this. They often enable goofy and interesting casual decks and we've already seen some Brawls where you get rewarded for running unusual cards.
I don't think Astral Communion is very good- not until they introduce more ways to use mana through your board- but I like that it exists. I love cards like this. They often enable goofy and interesting casual decks and we've already seen some Brawls where you get rewarded for running unusual cards.

You mean like inspire? And use your hero power as much a you want guy? I'm not saying it'll work, but it's definitely an interesting card.


you guys are gonna hate me

but i'm playing face hunter now after trumps video and i'm doing way better in ladder than i've ever done

wasted all that time and money on those adventure packs getting legendaries and spells and shit for my mage and paladin decks

and then here i can wreck shit and the highest cost card in my deck costs 4 mana lol.


you guys are gonna hate me

but i'm playing face hunter now after trumps video and i'm doing way better in ladder than i've ever done

wasted all that time and money on those adventure packs getting legendaries and spells and shit for my mage and paladin decks

and then here i can wreck shit and the highest cost card in my deck costs 4 mana lol.

Face hunter is a good deck, easy to play. Good to play on the phone while taking a dump. I assume all of my face hunter opponents are shitting.
I actually wish there was more face hunter right now. I'm trying to climb again using my anti Aggro priest deck and rank 10 is full of grindy control decks.


Turn 3 Coin Void Caller
Turn 4 Void Terror to kill Void Caller and Summon a Malganis and buff your other demons on board
I kill the Malganis and almost clear the board some how with a minion on board at 2 health
Turn 5 Bane of Doom my creature, another Malganis pops out

Well I guess that's enough Hearthstone for tonight.


Turn 3 Coin Void Caller
Turn 4 Void Terror to kill Void Caller and Summon a Malganis and buff your other demons on board
I kill the Malganis and almost clear the board some how with a minion on board at 2 health
Turn 5 Bane of Doom my creature, another Malganis pops out

Well I guess that's enough Hearthstone for tonight.

Yeah, as much as people hate Piloted Shredder, at least Piloted Shredder doesn't summon Mal'Ganis or Doomguard.


Right, the deck would be hugely inconsistent. If you "build your deck around it," you're talking about a deck that is ridiculously heavy on giant minions and hopes to draw the Astral Communion in their opening hand. If they draw it, they have a high chance to win; if they don't, they have a very low chance.

That's not consistent, but yes, it could certainly produce some cases where you auto win by turn 5. That's just a different flavor of rush deck, really, where instead of hoping for the right combination of early game cards, you're hoping for one, specific card that enables the rest of your deck.
I'm certainly not saying it will be an overall good deck, just a very very annoying deck with lopsided results in bith directions.
LMAO I just had the luckiest draw ever.

He had me down to lethal on the next turn (so I knew I was dead even did the "well played" button).

He has 4 cards on the board and one being an Unstable Ghoul where he just played. So I am sitting on 10 mana with 1 card (abusive Sergeant) and he's sitting on 5 health. I was like only way I win if I pulled a Divine Favor then pull Arcane Golem + Owl. My turn comes... pulls Divine Favor (he only has 3 cards in his hand so I'm drawing 2 cards). So now I use that I'm at 7 mana.... first card...Arcane Golem.... 2nd card... OWL. Played owl.. dropped me to 5. Got rid of the taunt then drop arcane for 3mana 4 damage, and abusive for +2 for +6 to his 5 health.

Lulz.....A lot of games where I should of won but I screwed goofed. First time where I should have lost but RNG gods blessed me.


I just started playing this again after stopping basically after Naxx and, wow...I am getting fucked up by healbots. Seems like a lot of people are running 2 of them. I even saw a zoo guy running 2 and that seems crazy. All my favorite decks are midrange and I just can't finish the deal a lot because of them. I swapped out my hunter's spiders for leper gnomes and I guess I'll see how that treats me tomorrow. Hopefully I can get past rank 12, seems like I've hit a wall. Man, I played like 40 games today and I just want to play more. Also, what happened to Druids? I fought like 2 today.
They've only just introduced them this month/season. Starting now you'll get foil cards and dust in addition to the card back.

Official post: http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/19817948/the-grand-tournament-at-gamescom-8-5-2015

That's cool that they do the highest rank you reached. Over in League of Legends they do the rank you are at the end so a lot of people just stop in fear of getting demoted. I know that happened to me I got to gold during S4 then stopped playing got decayed down to 0 leauge points, then when iI came back lost a few games and got demoted and never got my reward. RIP....
I just had a great run from the top of rank 12 to rank 8 all straight wins with Face Hunter. No Warriors though, which I feel are the only deck I'm really unfavored against so that was nice.

Druids are a really easy match-up and I saw lots, Warlocks too, though zoo can get lucky with the draws. Some mid range hunters which are easy fodder, lots of aggro paladins, which is about even, but they tended to overplay the board and get destroyed by unleash the hounds (and if I had knife juggler in my hand as well it was insta win). No mages or warriors which was odd. No priests either (less odd).

Took a little less than an hour. I'm thinking I'm gonna ride Face Hunter all the way to rank 5.

There's only 1 spot in the deck I'm not too sure about. My third secret, I tried missdirection, but it usually backfired on my. I'm trying out freeze trap and it's been useful about 50% of the time. Nice thing about it is that no one expects it and sometimes you can represent an explosive, so your opponent will wait a few turns before attacking with their whole board of 2 health minions, or buff a minion to get around explosive just to find it back in his hand. That's usually pretty hilarious.

Sometimes he attacks with a 1/1 and it's useless, so I've been considering alternatives, but I really don't know what. Snake trap doesn't seem like it would fit the bill and I'm not inclined to craft it just to try it out. Any thoughts? I'm already running 2 Kill Command and 2 Quick Shots.

Edit: What do you guys think of this play: He had a Knife Juggler, Shredder and a 1/1 token. I played Juggler myself and UTH. So the token dies and Shredder end up at 1 life. I also played a worgen infiltrator for the extra ping, figuring it was safe. I had to trade since the juggler was buffed and had 9 attack. So I killed the juggler first in case the Shredder dropped a taunt. The Shredder of course drops Doomsayer killing my Juggler and Infiltrator. If I had killed the Shredder first I could have done 2 more damage to the face, but I think I made the right play. How many 2 mana taunts are there? Annoy-o-tron, Unstable Ghoul, any more? Still, it seems more likely than something like Doomsayer. Still my opponent was pretty pleased with himself thanking me. I was still able to win though.


Do any of the cards scream "must haves?" I haven't been extremely impressed with the new cards nothing really catches me eye or seems like a instant include in my deck.
Guess individually their not great will have to see if they combine well into interesting decks.
Do any of the cards scream "must haves?" I haven't been extremely impressed with the new cards nothing really catches me eye or seems like a instant include in my deck.
Guess individually their not great will have to see if they combine well into interesting decks.

The 3/4 legendaries are gonna see a lot of play.


Just had a warrior hit for 36 on one turn what the fuck.

Didn't you know that Patron one turn kills from an empty board even at 30+ health is completely balanced because the deck is 'hard to play'.

Blizzard nerfed leeroy because they didn't like OTK's and no interactivity yet Patron/Beserker is even worse.
Didn't you know that Patron one turn kills from an empty board even at 30+ health is completely balanced because the deck is 'hard to play'.

Blizzard nerfed leeroy because they didn't like OTK's and no interactivity yet Patron/Beserker is even worse.

Cry babies everywhere!


Cry babies everywhere!

A little consistency would be nice is all.

Thaurissan and Card Draw are the real problem. Warriors have so much draw and efficient removal that it can make them hard to kill before they throw up 4 cards on the board and kill you with a 40+ damage combo while you still have half your deck left.
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