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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I'm playing Oil Rouge this season.
I really like the deck so far.
Since I'm at rank 15 right now, my build is prepared to face many aggro decks.
Just checked in on Applejacked (because I can't watch that garbage for more than few minutes):

The stream is still going, but it's unlisted
His stream is currently titled: Ruining my life - Frodan
He's been dropped from Luminosity gaming
A vast majority of the curious watchers have left, he's back to around 900 viewers
He's still rank 13 like 3 hours later

I just dropped in to see what's up with him and, yeah...

What the fuck is he on now? I thought he was one of the more laid back streamers? Now he's dropping N words and stating that it's cool because he has black friends.


Made a Midrange Hunter for quests, it's so much more fun to play than Face Hunter which is only outclassed by losing to a Mill deck in the ladder of unfun game experiences. There are so many tools for creating pressure and board control, it's a shame most of them are either ignored or purely used for face damage. I'm excited to see what Lock & Load does for Mid Hunter since it already runs a sizeable amount of spells.


I'm starting to realize how many Patron Warriors actually really suck. Won a few easy matches because it seemed like they only cared about pulling the combo off. Never had any challenge for control of the board.
I'm starting to realize how many Patron Warriors actually really suck. Won a few easy matches because it seemed like they only cared about pulling the combo off. Never had any challenge for control of the board.

It's the 12th of the month. All the real Patron players are past legend by now.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
It's the 12th of the month. All the real Patron players are past legend by now.

Speaking of that, when is the best time to play ranked anyway?

edit: to gain ranks, of course.

edit#2: 26-9 so far with mid range hunter. Crazy deck, apparently.


The key is reincarnate (obviously). What you are looking to do is:

* turn 9/10+ play KT and reincarnate. This gives you two KTs which will revive each other. This is obviously a winning play if your opponent can't answer.
* turn 9/10+ play akir and reincarnate for min 12 burst
* turn 7/8 play sylvanas, reincarnate to steal something and also get your slyv back
* turn 3+ reincarnate an egg to get a 4/4 and another egg.
* as an emergency silence

Meanwhile all these options have great synergy with rockbiter and flame tongue. Mix in fire elementals, hex, earth shock to beat handlock and the usual broken shit like doom and you have a good deck.

Except it loses to aggro and I imagine the current paladin decks would destroy it, even with the big heal. Lightning storm just doesn't cut it, and shamans would need something else to clear to compete early.

Sounds like a lot of fun, and KT might be my favorite legendary(I mostly play a secret paladin focused on redemption, and he's a blast there).

What would a good proposed overload change be? Genuinely wondering.

I don't think the mechanic needs to be changed at all. I think the temporary tempo gain isn't offsetting the fact that 2 mana now and 2 mana next turn can often be flat out worse than 4 mana now. I think the important lesson for Blizzard to learn is that the combined mana and overload cost is very close to the effective mana cost of the spell, and overload just often isn't a potential upside.

If overload cards are going to continue to be overcosted, we need more cards that take advantage of overloaded crystals.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Ok so rank 20 to 8 in 5 hours... but now it's back and forth between rank 9 and 8 for an hour or so :p I guess this is where I hope to get on dat winning bonus stars, right?

Can't believe the rank 5 rewards brought me back to the crap that is constructed
Not doubting you at all, just honestly curious: in what ways does high level Magic differ from Hearthstone? I realize that's probably a really, really dumb question, but I know nothing about Magic.

In Magic (at least when I used to play about a decade ago) everything is broken.

The top deck when I was playing was a bullshit combo deck that by turn 2 and 3 at the latest got down it's drawing engine which let him draw a card by paying 1 life and he could draw as much as he wanted.

He would then play alone for like 10 minutes drawing his whole deck, while killing you with a 4 copies of a card that did 5 damage and healed him for 5. The only way to give him some trouble was with direct damage spells at turn 2 to disrupt him combo. I think it was eventually banned, but it lasted years.

And this was Type 2 (restricted to a few current sets of cards) at the time, which was supposed to be slower than the unrestricted stuff, which was truly, truly broken.

And people flip their shit because in Hearthstone a deck can do an uninteractive one turn kill combo on Turn 8-9.

I'll reiterate what I said before, I think currently nothing needs nerfing. We'll see when the new set drops, but right now Patron Warrior, Dr. Boom, Mad Scientist are strong, but not broken. Patron Warrior is the top deck, but it doesn't force the whole meta to adapt to it (like the Yawgmoth Bargain MtG deck I mentioned before) and it has some strong counters that also are strong against the rest of the meta (Handlock for example).

The only card that gives me pause is Ironbeak Owl. I think it's too strong (it's a beast, with 2 attack for 2 mana oh and it makes your taunts useless), but remove it and aggro completely dies, which as much as you guys are clamoring for, would be bad for the game. If I could run 4 in my Face Hunter I would.

Edit: In other news my Face Hunter seems to have stalled a little. The night before last I had a real bad session with like 45% winning rate at rank 7 (dropping to 8). Last night on 12 games I had a 62.5% win rate and got back to rank 7. That program to track your stats is really nice. In 22 games I've tracked so far, I've seen 4 Warlocks and have 100% win rate (both Handlock and Zoo), I've also seen 4 Shaman and have only 25% win rate. I'm 50% against Patron Warrior in 4 games as well. I've seen no Rogues and 1 Priest.

I wish I'd known about it sooner.


Ok so rank 20 to 8 in 5 hours... but now it's back and forth between rank 9 and 8 for an hour or so :p I guess this is where I hope to get on dat winning bonus stars, right?

Can't believe the rank 5 rewards brought me back to the crap that is constructed

get ready for that golden eye for an eye!


Been having luck with mid-range hunter, but I'm stuck between ranks 13 and 15, mostly due to my lack of some must-have cards for the deck like Savannah Highmanes or Knife Juggler. Ah well, here's hoping I get a useless golden rare card soon I can trade for them.

It sucks that there's a ton of decks I want to try out and yet I'm always missing some integral irreplaceable card. I guess it's ok this being month 2 of me playing Hearthstone mostly as a F2P player though. I wish there was a website where you could input your collection and it gave you the best-ranked hearthpwn decks you could build with it or were close to being able to build or something.


Lots happening today:

* New brawl
* Double legendary reveal
* Lifecoach reveals a card on his stream in 3 hours. Supposedly better than the Amaz and Trump reveals


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


Gold Member
Been having luck with mid-range hunter, but I'm stuck between ranks 13 and 15, mostly due to my lack of some must-have cards for the deck like Savannah Highmanes or Knife Juggler. Ah well, here's hoping I get a useless golden rare card soon I can trade for them.

It sucks that there's a ton of decks I want to try out and yet I'm always missing some integral irreplaceable card. I guess it's ok this being month 2 of me playing Hearthstone mostly as a F2P player though. I wish there was a website where you could input your collection and it gave you the best-ranked hearthpwn decks you could build with it or were close to being able to build or something.

Sounds like this? That's actually pretty neat, and it can even show you decks you're only a few hundred dust away from (a card or two), so you won't miss a potentially great deck because you're out a single card.

Haven't tried it myself though, but maybe it will help.


Sounds like this? That's actually pretty neat, and it can even show you decks you're only a few hundred dust away from (a card or two), so you won't miss a potentially great deck because you're out a single card.

Haven't tried it myself though, but maybe it will help.

Oh man, yes, thanks. Gonna start adding my cards tonight. I'm thinking even for advice purposes it might come in handy so people know what I have when asking for input on reddit :p


So, uh, ran into this


I have no idea what it was trying to do.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
So, uh, ran into this


I have no idea what it was trying to do.
Stall to 10 mana with a bunch of card draw and then combo with 30 dmg in one turn with arcane golem and buffs. Standard.

Well, not really :3

Servbot #42

Unconfirmed Member
Fuck i took a few days off hearthstone because of the international and now i'm in a horrible losing streak, god dammit this shit fucking sucks. Maybe getting too angry is affecting my play
Holy Knight makes Wrathguard playable. Other than that it's buns.

Wrathguard really isn't that bad. It's like a Flame Imp where you take some face damage in order to gain an advantage on the board. If played on curve, you're not likely to take much more than 3 face damage from it. It might not be the best card for Zoo or Demonlock, but I don't think it's terrible.


Would anyone be so kind as to help me complete my spectator quest for the free pack?

You'd have my eternal love and gratitude.


My ID is Vin#1883, on NA server.


He isn't dropping the n word, he is dropping the slightly estranged sibling n word -"er" +"a".

So yeah? I guess? I really don't know how twitch handles their policy but if they didn't ban him last night...

I really don't condone it but I'm not about to impose my sense of morality over the use of a word used over the stream that isn't even being used in the context of racism. Just cause someone says a word doesn't make the act racist nor even necessarily hate speech. It is how words are used and it is by far race neutral usage. I choose not to use the word here even just referring to it because I don't want to risk a ban of any sort, but to refer to it wouldn't be a racist act.
lol "sibling word", it's nothing more than the AAVE pronunciation of "nigger"

Some white-ass clown streamer throwing the word around is not okay by any means, "race-neutral usage" what is this shit?


Wrathguard really isn't that bad. It's like a Flame Imp where you take some face damage in order to gain an advantage on the board. If played on curve, you're not likely to take much more than 3 face damage from it. It might not be the best card for Zoo or Demonlock, but I don't think it's terrible.

Jokes aside, I think Wrathguard is going to be good in zoo. You're not going to take more than 3-4 damage in the early game anyway from that card, so you might as well run it and force pressure on your opponent.

I don't think Holy Knight will be good enough now in constructed. Maybe later as more demons are added over time to the game, but there's nothing wrong with having options.


"Silence a demon" might be the most hilariously situational card text in Hearthstone so far.

3 Mana 4/3 is pretty strong, though.


Anti-Voidcaller tech lmao

Unplayable unless the entire ladder is Zoo, at least they gave it decent stats I guess?

Can be used to push past Mal'Ganis, too(and messes up Fel Terror, can break down an Argus'd demon, etc.).

Depending on the meta, I could see this as a 1-of in midrange pally. Also, it's been obvious that Blizzard is scared of silence oversaturation, so this is an interesting solution.
Jokes aside, I think Wrathguard is going to be good in zoo. You're not going to take more than 3-4 damage in the early game anyway from that card, so you might as well run it and force pressure on your opponent.

I don't think Holy Knight will be good enough now in constructed. Maybe later as more demons are added over time to the game, but there's nothing wrong with having options.

It's probably meant to be used on your own demons, like the 4/3 one that does damage to your hero when it takes damage. 2 4/3 at T5 seems decent.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
oh hey look, free pack


It's probably meant to be used on your own demons, like the 4/3 one that does damage to your hero when it takes damage. 2 4/3 at T5 seems decent.
That is so incredibly not worth it, in the early game where you'd play that card Zoo doesn't care about losing life. And if you don't play that specific opener (which isn't even good as modern Zoo prefers a sticky, cancerous board over raw stats) the card becomes unplayable since any other demon you run has beneficial text or might have been Argus'd. Actually the 2cc demon becomes unplayable as well in certain matchups unless you want to get otk shield slammed in the face.

It's an incredibly narrow tech card meant to cover Blizzard's asses for when they introduce even more strong demons. Aside from the aforementioned Zoo meta that's never going to occur it's a nice option to have for a potential deck whose worst matchup is Zoo.


Dont like this week brawl too much.Same as another week and i dont like building my own deck for this type of matches.


Silence a demon? The hell? Why not 'kill a demon'? I guess you might not want to if it's voidcaller or dreadsteed or whatever, but ugh.


actually i think they released the wrong brawl. happend to me 2 brawls ago (was playing a repeat of the boss battle brawl)

Nah, I don't think so. No weird patch issues this time that would cause it. Plus, I think they already know next week's Brawl will be pre-made TGT decks, so they would have to repeat something and repeating the most well-liked build-your-own deck Brawl this week makes sense.
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