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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I've been spreading my wins out. So far I have Shaman done. Warlock is almost done. and all other classes are at 100+

I have 100+ with the other classes, Hunter with 250+ and 30+ with Rogue. This is why I want to finish this grind to 500 because I get bored of playing the same class.

Kripp explains why TGT cards look mediocre right now (and may not end up being so).

Basically the same reasoning for why that Healing Shaman card could be good. It doesn't fit it into any existing Shaman deck but it would be great in a slow, control heavy Shaman deck. Though I would argue that the Healing card is just straight up good because it covers a very important weakness of Shaman which is survivability.

Should also be noted that the healing card actually synergizes really well with the Jousting mechanic because it's a spell card as opposed to being attached to a small minion.

This is what I am excited for. Many cards look mediocre, but we still don't have all the pieces in place to really evaluate. Plus we don't know what changes Blizz will patch in which is why so many people underrated Grim Patron when it was revealed.

I'm looking forward to this expansion the most because of the new mechanics and concepts being introduced. It's going to be fun for a month or so, hopefully longer figuring out what works, what doesn't, and what new decks emerge into the meta until people go back to complaining for nerfs and just hitting for face.

Blizz gets it right on the accessibility. I don't see why this game won't continue to grow as long as they address people's pain points with the game and some functionality.


Can you post or link to the decklist? I love playing Kibler's decks but he always streams when I'm at work now. I still play his Dragon Paladin deck sometimes and it is great.

Frostbolt x2
Explosive Sheep x2
Mad Scientist x2
Arcane Intelect x2
Duplicate x2
Ice Block x1
Illuminator x2
Polymorph x2
Twilight Drake x2
Antique Healbot x1
Azure Drake x2
Blackwing Corruptor x2
Sludge Belcher x2
Emperor Thaurissan
Flamstrike x2
Ren Blackhand

He keeps losing right now.
Shaman card is really good.

I still think reincarnate shaman is the strongest control deck and this makes it even stronger.

If the aggro slows down and the deck becomes actually playable, it fill a big gap.


Shaman card is really good.

I still think reincarnate shaman is the strongest control deck and this makes it even stronger.

If the aggro slows down and the deck becomes actually playable, it fill a big gap.

Do you have a list/primer? I know the deck exists, but I never took it seriously enough to even look at how it really works.
Shaman card is really good.

I still think reincarnate shaman is the strongest control deck and this makes it even stronger.

If the aggro slows down and the deck becomes actually playable, it fill a big gap.

Maybe this is something I'll actually try when TGT releases. Two Healing Waves will pretty much stuff any aggro deck provided you actually draw it.


Literally every high tier deck is broken in multiple ways

Midrange Druid: Let me cheat the game by getting out a Dr Balanced on turn 7. Let me also always have one mana over you because why not. Oh look I have one minion on board, you are now dead on turn 9.

Handlock: Here have a turn 4 8/8 giant or a 4/9 Twilight Drake. Oh you brought my health to 10? Here have 2 8/8s summoned at 0 mana that I taunt up while I heal up with Healbot. Oh you have a full board? I summon my 0 mana minion and wipe your board with Shadowflame.

Hunter: Oh you killed my 2/2 minion? Great now your mid sized minion can't attack or else it gets sapped back to hand for free while I keep attacking your face. Oh you thought this game was going to be long? Nope I finish before turn 9 easy. And yes... that is in fact a 3 mana 4/2 charge Beast minion which will hit you in the face. I ran out of cards? Top dick into Quickshot into another Quickshot top dick into Kill Command top dick for exact lethal. Skill.

Tempo Mage: Here take 20 damage split across from this one minion while I dump my hand full of spells. Oh you survived all my spells and minions? Here's a bull shit minion from Unstable Portal. You survived that? Eat these fireballs I generated from Antonidas. Sometimes I don't even need Antonidas while I kill you with Fireballs and Frostbolt top dicks.

Zoolock: Knife Juggler + Implosion for maximum EEEEEEEEEEEE-SSSSSPPPPPOOORRTTTTTTTS. Oh you killed my 3/4 minion? Here now deal with a 9/7 minion that makes the hero immune or deal with a 5/7 charge minion. Oh you wiped my board? Look again, there's still shit left over!

Aggro Paladin: Oh you left this 1/1 alive... now it's going to hit you in the face for 9 damage while I double Blessing of Kings it. Don't think I have a board? Guess again while I pummel you with Knife Juggler into Muster for Battle? Think I ran out of gas? LOL DIVINE FAVOR! Oh and Arcane Golem top dick + Blessing of Might for lethal because e-sports.

Freeze Mage: You don't get to play. Ever. And when I get to play, I kill you in two turns with Alexstraza into 15 damage from hand that you can't block. Oh you killed me? Nope Ice Block son. Killed me again? NOPE ANOTHER ICE BLOCK!

Mech Shaman: Vomit out my hand with double Mech Warper, then buff up creatures while hitting you in the face with Power Mace. Oh you have Taunt? Nope Earthshock for 1 mana and then continue to hit face. Oh you think I ran out of steam? Here take 12 damage to face from my hand with these cheap ass spells that I buffed with my spell totem that you forgot to kill.
without Harrison Jones, http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/224656-senfglas-1-legend-grim-patron-warrior it's listed as 760 dust.

you get the rest from Blackrock first wing, so that's 700 gold to add. what's from Nax?

Death's Bite is in the Construct Quarter class challenges, so you need four wings of Naxx.

The Warrior challenge is also fairly difficult, though they buffed the player's deck in both that and the Paladin challenge in the final wing when GVG came out.


I was trying to farm some wins with mage in ranked playing a flamewaker deck, but while it crushed hunter, it was pretty weak against both Druid and Warlock. Swapped over to demon zoo, and man, this is just smooth sailing in comparison. Already gone from rank 15 to 6 in a day, didn't think I'd hit rank 5 for the rewards so quickly.


I just faced a Warlock that got a 2 from Implosion. I'm pretty certain it was a hallucination though because Implosion always hits for 4.

well fuck, that's 2800 gold to get Death's Bite. nvm then, there goes another deck I could have made fairly soon.

You should be saving up for Naxx anyway. Too many good cards.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Gotta stop aggro some how.

2 Sludge Belchers
2 Antique Healbots

Tempo Mage: Here take 20 damage split across from this one minion while I dump my hand full of spells. Oh you survived all my spells and minions? Here's a bull shit minion from Unstable Portal. You survived that? Eat these fireballs I generated from Antonidas. Sometimes I don't even need Antonidas while I kill you with Fireballs and Frostbolt top dicks.

Freeze Mage: You don't get to play. Ever. And when I get to play, I kill you in two turns with Alexstraza into 15 damage from hand that you can't block. Oh you killed me? Nope Ice Block son. Killed me again? NOPE ANOTHER ICE BLOCK!

TOOO FUNNY! Grinding my way to 500 mage wins and I've been using those two decks as well as the new Control Mage that Duplicates Dr. Balanced & Emperor Balanced and Sludge Belchers! Gotta love the Mage shenanigans
also, it's correct to assume that there is no other card that could replace Death's Bite in that deck?

Nothing that will give you the weapon and the deathrattle.

For the weapon: Arcanite Reaper (costs 1 more, does 1 more damage, no deathrattle)
For the deathrattle: er, Revenge maybe? That's in BRM though


2x Sunfury 2x Argus is the way to go now. Even aggro decks should run Argus.
Quite powerful against freezing trap, even with the added cost reusing that sunfury takes so much tempo from hunters.

also, it's correct to assume that there is no other card that could replace Death's Bite in that deck?

Death's Bite is like the most important card in the deck, it's removal and combo enabler in one. You armor up with it, you make patrons with it, you OTK with it. Don't play without it.


Overload is so depressing in this game. It's clear that Blizzard knows how to print really strong shaman spells(rockbiter, hex, fire ele, and then probably several TGT cards), but still hasn't gotten overload right at all.

Warlock is in a similar situation, with a bunch of demons who's drawbacks are too steep, but Life Tap finds a way...


I'd love a demon that makes it so every time you take damage, so does the opponent. Or maybe a random enemy if that's too powerful. Would make pit lord playable for once.


Got about 1500 gold saved so far but don't think I'm even going to bother using the gold for new packs, nothing so far screams a must need for me or fits well into a existing deck.
Probably just gonna save the gold for future Expansions unless I see interesting decks spawn from the new cards.


Gotta stop aggro some how.

2 Sludge Belchers
2 Antique Healbots
I am telling you guys.


Right now I am playing Handlock with double Belchers, double Mortal Coils, double Dark Bombs, double Senjins (instead of Mountain Giants which are damn useless against aggro).

Ever since I made this change my win rate has been much higher against aggro. Also has allowed me to do better against Grim Patron as well (though that was already a winning match up) as Druids. This has been doing me good in the rank 9-10 range. Once I get into the lower ranks I will sub in the two Mountain Giants to handle the slower meta.

Is it just me or does almost everyone run antique healbot now?
I am not even kidding that in some of my aggro matches today even double Healbots wasn't enough to survive. It always felt like I was within lethal range against those decks despite having taunts up (and I still died because of top dick spells).

I would seriously play a 3rd big heal in a Handlock deck if I had the option too. Stuff like Earthen Farseer isn't enough of a heal.
Overload is so depressing in this game. It's clear that Blizzard knows how to print really strong shaman spells(rockbiter, hex, fire ele, and then probably several TGT cards), but still hasn't gotten overload right at all.

It seems like Blizzard is getting better with stuff like Fireguard Destroyer and Totem Golem but Ancestral Knowledge makes me somewhat unsure. I suspect it's just a case of them being ridiculously scared to give Shamans card draw though.

Now if they'd just give Shaman something better than Lightning Storm to work with then maybe we'd be getting somewhere.

Mr Cola

Brothas With Attitude / The Wrong Brotha to Fuck Wit / Die Brotha Die / Brothas in Paris
wait time for ranked in eu is 15m, something up?
Do you have a list/primer? I know the deck exists, but I never took it seriously enough to even look at how it really works.

The key is reincarnate (obviously). What you are looking to do is:

* turn 9/10+ play KT and reincarnate. This gives you two KTs which will revive each other. This is obviously a winning play if your opponent can't answer.
* turn 9/10+ play akir and reincarnate for min 12 burst
* turn 7/8 play sylvanas, reincarnate to steal something and also get your slyv back
* turn 3+ reincarnate an egg to get a 4/4 and another egg.
* as an emergency silence

Meanwhile all these options have great synergy with rockbiter and flame tongue. Mix in fire elementals, hex, earth shock to beat handlock and the usual broken shit like doom and you have a good deck.

Except it loses to aggro and I imagine the current paladin decks would destroy it, even with the big heal. Lightning storm just doesn't cut it, and shamans would need something else to clear to compete early.

Anybody else think that this week's brawl will be a repeat? I think we're out of datamined chalkboards.

Isn't there some murloc thing due?


Im mostly playing my pirate rogue deck now, so fun. Got lucky I foung a capt.greenskin in one tavern brawl reward pack.
Alright so since I'm still fairly new, I've been seeing a bunch of different styles of play.

A guy I played a few days ago had this deck and he basically made me kill myself. He kept making me draw cards until I died of fatigue. I think he did maybe 3 damage to me and the rest was fatigue. Maybe I could've countered it had I known that's what he was doing.

Is there a term for this style?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Alright so since I'm still fairly new, I've been seeing a bunch of different styles of play.

A guy I played a few days ago had this deck and he basically made me kill myself. He kept making me draw cards until I died of fatigue. I think he did maybe 3 damage to me and the rest was fatigue. Maybe I could've countered it had I known that's what he was doing.

Is there a term for this style?


Overload is so depressing in this game. It's clear that Blizzard knows how to print really strong shaman spells(rockbiter, hex, fire ele, and then probably several TGT cards), but still hasn't gotten overload right at all.

Warlock is in a similar situation, with a bunch of demons who's drawbacks are too steep, but Life Tap finds a way...

What would a good proposed overload change be? Genuinely wondering.
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