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Hearthstone |OT4| The warsong has ended, please patron other decks

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I bet that will not work. If it does it could make for some great shenanigans.

Ok so i have a question because its been on my brain for a while.

So my opponent had Stallag and Feugen on the board he plays Blackwing and get 2 Thaddeus how does that work? He did not have Rivendare on the board.

If Fuegen and Stallag both die at once then both of their deathrattles trigger and each one gives you a Thaddeus. It's kind of bullshit, but this has been known for a while. Last time I saw it happen was when I fucked up and traded a minion into Fuegen then cleared them both at once with Swipe. Had I done Swipe then attacked with the minion he would've only gotten one Thaddeus which would've been fine since I had BGH ready. But I couldn't do shit about two of them.
If Fuegen and Stallag both die at once then both of their deathrattles trigger and each one gives you a Thaddeus. It's kind of bullshit, but this has been known for a while. Last time I saw it happen was when I fucked up and traded a minion into Fuegen then cleared them both at once with Swipe. Had I done Swipe then attacked with the minion he would've only gotten one Thaddeus which would've been fine since I had BGH ready. But I couldn't do shit about two of them.

I had a taunt wall up and we were in fatique phase so i still won but damn it was pretty scary seeing 34 dmg on the board.


I think Varian is going to be a staple in CW. I mean you already have the slower CW that cuts Alex for Ysera and Varian is just great, at worst it's going to draw you three cards and make the more grindy matchups less grindy.

Furthermore it opens up new possibilities. Some great legendaries so far.
I think both legendaries will see some play, Varian especially. It is actually the most interesting card to date for me, since it is strong, but also needs some thought to use it best.

When you combine this with Justicar ("Fuck tonne of armour warrior"), Warrior has a lot of options about how to construct a deck.

The hunter card is good. Worst case you are trading a 5/5 for a 3/3 and a 1/1 which is fine. Best case is nuts.


Average beast summon by that Hunter card is 3-4 mana which means that on average this card will deliver the value.

So yeah this is basically Hunter's Bane of Doom.

Aka I already hate this card.
Someone on Hearthpwn made a little infographic for Ram Wrangler though it's missing Armored Warhorse.

Sometimes you forget just how many bad/mediocre beasts there are.



Someone on Hearthpwn made a little infographic for Ram Wrangler though it's missing Armored Warhorse.

Sometimes you forget just how many bad/mediocre beasts there are.
You have to look at it "if you get 3 mana worth of value or more then this card got good value". And looking at the stats and all the beasts this is true.

Like Corerager is pretty awful but if you get it off of this card then you are pretty happy with it.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Looking at the mean mana cost or stats is the wrong way to do it. You want to look at the median. Outliers and high costs beasts make the card look better than it is if you look at the mean.


People sure don't waste any time copying streamers decks. Fought Kibler's dragon mage deck he was playing yesterday twice on ladder. Too bad they sucked!


Ram Warngler dream summons.

Play two, one summons Tundra Rhino, second one The Beast, or better Gah'zrilla.

Double King Krush isn't as likely!


I am not sure what the median is going to be on the card. Corerager? Tallstrider? Ironfur? All of those are good if it comes out of the card.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I am not sure what the median is going to be on the card. Corerager? Tallstrider? Ironfur? All of those are good if it comes out of the card.

You have to adjust the values to remove the battlecry. Like Mukla is better than Stampeding Kodo from this guy. Think of the cards sans battlecries and organize them by mana cost. Figure out the median mana cost after that.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
You have to play Beasts to play this card.

It's not going to singlehandedly make Beasts viable again.

Going by the Dragon tribe, you need 30-50% of your deck to be Beasts to consistently activate. And, it's not a Beast itself.


You have to adjust the values to remove the battlecry. Like Mukla is better than Stampeding Kodo from this guy. Think of the cards sans battlecries and organize them by mana cost. Figure out the median mana cost after that.
Even if you do that the stats come out closer to 4 for the minion you get (not including Battlecry but including Deathrattle). It's in that infographic.

There are simply more "3 mana worth of raw stats or more" beasts than they are less than that which means that on average this card will deliver above average value.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Alex from my Brawl pack just when i crafted her 3 weeks ago thx a lot Neogaf for suggesting i should craft her instead of Grom ;)

If you had crafted Grom you would have opened him instead.

Seriously though. This is why you should always wait to craft cards until you have all the dust necessary to finish a specific deck. If you are just crafting random stuff you might just open it later.
If you had crafted Grom you would have opened him instead.

Seriously though. This is why you should always wait to craft cards until you have all the dust necessary to finish a specific deck. If you are just crafting random stuff you might just open it later.

Nah i love Alex im using her in my Dragon Mage deck it was more tongue and cheek then anything.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
with web spinner, animal companion, UTH, creepers, owl and highmane should be enough to trigger this almost all the time in existing hunter decks.

Webspinner will never live long enough. You will dump it almost immediately unless you save it to activate this. The minion out of Webspinner is more useful though.

Animal Companion, maybe, but they tend to die fast.

You will use UTH at the right time, not on turn 3 or 4 to set this up.

Creepers is one.

You will never use Owl to activate this. It'll be saved for taunts and other dangerous minions like a Velen'd Cultist.

Highmane is another.


Maybe I need to stop playing from my phone because I haven't received anything good from any of these brawls. Another 40 dust, but closer to crafting another legendary once NAXX is out.

People are going to build decks around Varian. There's lots of potential around the card because you have control of when you play it and options of what to include in your deck. At it's worst, you're still drawing 3 cards and play minions for 0 mana along with the 7/7 body.

Rhonin is a solid card. I see it more as a compliment in a tempo deck versus replacing an existing card because it's not completely broken which is what is needed for constructed.

I don't think Ram Wrangler is good enough in constructed for people to put their faith in the RNG gods to run it. I'm sure we'll see the card from Lock N Load, but I don't see people giving up a deck slot to run it when it's 5 mana.

And I guess we are pretty close to the infodump before the patch is datamined with no new cards up for reveal. Can't wait.


People sure don't waste any time copying streamers decks. Fought Kibler's dragon mage deck he was playing yesterday twice on ladder. Too bad they sucked!


Ram Warngler dream summons.

Play two, one summons Tundra Rhino, second one The Beast, or better Gah'zrilla.

Double King Krush isn't as likely!

Haha, one of those may have been me. Kibler's decks are so fun to play. I've climbed from 14 to 9 today with it and I'm still getting better at it. I think it may be able to make legend...the only deck that I'm below 50% against so far is zoo.
My brawl pack had a golden Ancient of War. Since I dust all gold cards, it's 400 to go towards something that I'll need.

Also decided to randomly open a GvG pack. Finally got a Coghammer, which is kinda nice.

Currently sitting on 3800+ dust, 1000+ gold. Need a Harrison, but I feel like there will be something more important from TGT to craft instead. Still missing the last 4 wings of BRM, but I'd rather save my gold for TGT cards and just buy that for $20 when I can.


turn 5, I'm still at 30 health and priest is 10, I'm controlling the board. then he gets so-fucking-lucky combos and suddenly he's controlling it. we got into late game, he draws cards with high stats and I draw shit, pyroblast? Lol.


still I got 8 wins out of the arena as the second time going there so I can't complain too much.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I'm at 2500 dust and 1485 gold right now, only started saving the gold fairly recently so I feel pretty alright with that.

I'm super excited to try a bunch of Druid stuff. I'm gonna probably just craft the new legendary after I open packs to test stuff, though I want to keep enough dust saved if something else becomes the dr. boom of the expansion.


Looking at Rhonin again, I think he's even worse and unplayable.

When you can actually play this? We have amazing cards like Ysera, but how often you can actually play that? you need to be in some level of control and safety to play Ysera or similar slower but good cards.

Now mage has Ice Block, maybe you can create a situation like that that you play this card or behind a belcher but what happens when you don't is that more often than not is going to get ignored by the opponent, not even silenced. If you don't have board advantage opponents just go face. You played a over priced war golem there, the thing is against a zoo deck for example you might not be able to kill your Rhonin by running it into some minion even, he can very often just get stuck there and not giving you your AMs you were expecting for some combo next turn. Sure you can maybe go face, but then you better have a plan B ready for this deck to finish. He's no finisher or even reliable enough to feed Antonidas for a finisher as mentioned earlier.

The most similar card I can think of is actually Tirion. It's a 8 drop like this but it's not a BGH target (actually which of the 8 drop legendary cards are a BGH target? Gruul and?) and on it's death it gives you something cool. The major difference is that opponent can't ignore Tirion cause he has taunt. They have to do something with it, silence or else. That makes it actually way way better than Rhonin. He should have had taunt too for its deathrattle to be useable often. Rhonin might be too slow to give you what you want, way too slow and might not do anything at all to win you any board control for 8 mana. Ysera is way faster than this actually, even one turn of it can give you a game changing card unlike this.

The other similar card is Dr. Boom, that obviously is way way better, no need to even explain there.

So while the deathrattle is quite strong, I don't think you can even get it 50 percent of times you get the opportunity to play it and the times that playing a card like this makes any sense seem rare. The deck must be really slow like grind or freeze mage, this has no place in a tempo mage deck and even in those decks I really don't think this will be favored by many. There are so many necessary big drops there like Alex, even Rag or maybe Malygos are better to me, that is a better fit than this card imo. You're not going to need this.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
Rhonin is kind of like Dr. Boom except you pay more to have 3 spells. So you can activate Mana Wyrm, Flamewaker, or Archmage Antonidas. And having three Arcane Missles is actually really strong. That's basically a 3 mana Avenging Wrath but activates spell triggers three times.. Or if you have Sorcerer's Apprentice, than the Avenging Wrath is basically free.

Some people were putting Toshley into their Tempo Mage decks and Rhonin feels like a more natural inclusion than him. Arcane Missles are more substantial than spare parts and you get three of them.

Edit: Just imagine double flamewaker with triple arcane missiles. That's 21 damage! Your opponent will be a smoldering ruin!


Sure, his deathrattle is good, the point is can you even get his deathrattle to work? unlikely from where I see it.
I think Rohnin will be ran if people only stick to running only one Silence in their decks. If you're using him, you don't care about the body and want him to die for the spells. If people only have access to one Silence, they'll probably use it on something else sooner, especially against Tempo Mage.

However, if things actually do slow down, I feel like people might run more silences to counter big cards like Rohnin and others because they won't need fast cards to counter hyper aggro.

But who really knows, anything can look good/bad on paper and be the exact opposite in actuality.


Rhonin's main weakness is that the effect is a Deathrattle as opposed to a Battlecry.

You could do stuff like Rhonin and then next turn Antonidas and dump your Arcane Missiles. The fact that you get 3 Arcane Missiles makes it a perfect turn 10 play (7 mana + 3 from 3 spells). However since it's not a Battlecry that means that you can't guaranteed getting those 3 spells the turn after.

Damn shame but oh well. It probably was too good as a Battlecry in the internal testing so they made it a Battlecry.

Also if you are using this card then you WANT it to get BGH'd. Well not silenced into BGH of course.

I hate the god damn healbot.
The mark of an aggro face player.


Every time he gets BGH'd it's going to go off. So yeah, why not?

but what if he's not? that's the point, sure they it made like a BGH bait. But it can get freezed for example and completely ignored by the board that turn and you're not getting your missiles. Add obvious silence and morph to that, maybe that's value but that late in the game it might not matter any more.

It is fairly easy to entirely ignore it and not kill it. Let's say you taunt up bunch of imps with Argus and proceed to face with every thing else, you have one war golem right there with no missiles and you're dead, maybe if you BGH it yourself! You play this because your deck needs those missiles and you very likely might not get them.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I just realized how hilarious Eadric would be on a big Varian summon(maybe after they bait equality combos). Paladin is a scary class to play this type of stuff against in general.
Decide to queue up control warrior for some ladder....run into 4x midrange hunter and midrange shaman. FML.

However, I can't wait to craft a golden Varian on release day.


Went from winning every game today to losing four in a row due to the most ridiculous bullshit.

Yeah this game is streaky as hell due to all the RNG and card draw luck.

Won 5 Lost 4 Won 3

My win rate is positive overall, but those 3 losses make you wonder if you have the wrong deck.

I've gone through 20 losses in a row testing out decks in the ladder, so you get used to it LOL
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