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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


I just accidentally made it to rank 5 without even playing much this month. All thanks to Renolock. Usually getting through ranks 8-6 is a pain the ass.


I just accidentally made it to rank 5 without even playing much this month. All thanks to Renolock. Usually getting through ranks 8-6 is a pain the ass.

O_______O currently living there. Just drastic swings in matches from pure aggro to control


Junior Member
I think that's just the state of the game, the top 25% of players (which is what rank 15 represents) have mostly competent netdecks with legendaries in them.

I think the difference between the Top 25% starting at Rank 15 and the Top 2.5% (Rank 5 to Legend) aren't the decks, but the pilots.

edit: and those are old numbers, by now there's probably an even higher percentage of players with competent decks out there
Naw, I don't think so. I am rank 15 each month and use custom decks because I in no way have enough cards for netdecks. I lack all essential legendaries. But I have all adveture cards. You can get rank 15 simply with mage and adventure cards and playing well. Nowadays it's Renolock because hey, an assortment of single good cards suddenly becomes reasonable :p
I also crafted two Death's Bite (common) and can now play a sort of Grim Patron which is fun.

I feel the true difference is, do you pay for the adventures or not? Because so much good and uncraftable is in them and paying for them with gold takes a long long time.

edited: because bullshit is an unnecessarily strong word for differing opinions, sorry


Unconfirmed Member
I have most seasons given up on bothering to get to Rank 5 for that extra dust. I don't have lots of time to play Hearthstone, and I don't want to grind out the games necessary to rank up. Even when I have good win rates with the decks I'm using (New Mech Mage is doing some awesome work this season, Gorillabot MVP), I just don't care to play enough games to reach 5. I generally will hit 10 at some point and then will just play whatever for fun the rest of the season.

I fully believe I could hit 5 or legend if I simply devoted the time to it, but I'd rather play other games instead.
If Blizz really wanted Tavern Brawl to be a fun mode then the construct a deck brawls would allow you to use every card so it wouldnt be impossible for new players
I feel really bad for him, he gets pretty emotional over it. Also what's up with the thumbs downs on the video? Are there a lot of people that disagree that the card is broken or is that just Youtube doing its thing.
If Blizz really wanted Tavern Brawl to be a fun mode then the construct a deck brawls would allow you to use every card so it wouldnt be impossible for new players
I'm sure they understand that it's frustrating for newer players to not be able to enjoy the mode to its full extent but that just means they're more likely to spend money on packs or adventures so they can.


That dude looking real Pinkman right about now:


Agreed though.
Alright I warmed up to the Brawl. But I still don't see anything beating Freeze Mage in this. Stuff like Rhonin, the 1 damage board clears, Antonidas, Flamewaker, Echo, Sorc App, Alex, Malygos is just too good.

I had my best play ever against one of them earlier. I was playing a druid good stuff sort of deck, and Had him down to 1 life and his second ice block. He fireballs me in the face, putting me in the high teens, and then draws some cards. I have a full board, a pretty full hand, but my next hit from fatigue will be 6 damage (he still has 10 cards in his deck). I think to myself, that he wouldn't have fireballed my face if he wasn't going to be able to kill me next turn, so I use a Wrath to kill my own Malorne, and then play a healbot, putting me up to 23.

He plays Malygos, Faceless -> Malygoes #2, hits me in the face with a 13 damage icebolt, then fires a 13 damage arcane missile. He would have had 3 more arcane missiles to throw out if I hadn't silenced his Rhonin earlier. Despite my full board, enough of the missile he did launch hit my face that my card draw would have killed me on the start of my turn... but instead I redrew Malorne and then killed him. That felt pretty sweet.


I feel really bad for him, he gets pretty emotional over it. Also what's up with the thumbs downs on the video? Are there a lot of people that disagree that the card is broken or is that just Youtube doing its thing.
Lol'd at the comment saying it 'broadened the deck types in the game' seeing as how Secret Paladin and Paladin in general are now basically the most prevalent class in the game across every single mode thanks to MC and newer stuff like Keeper of Uldaman.


Secret paladin isn't that bad, at least you can react to it on your turn. Run a garbage minion in to set off the get down and waste the minion res then clean up with your BGH or owl. As mid range paladin I end up telling Dr 6 to follow the rules a lot too.
I'm glad I quickly got my win day 1, the more these brawls go the harder it becomes to get even 1 win if you're not capable of running the top decks. Yeah, there's a ton of basic and adventure cards that are pretty good, but they can't stand up to the Malygos/Alex/etc nonsense.


I feel really bad for him, he gets pretty emotional over it. Also what's up with the thumbs downs on the video? Are there a lot of people that disagree that the card is broken or is that just Youtube doing its thing.

i was with him up until he started calling people who play secretdin homophobic slurs and said the person who designed this should be killed.

thats a little far.
i was with him up until he started calling people who play secretdin homophobic slurs and said the person who designed this should be killed.

thats a little far.
Oh whoops, I closed the video before he said those things, I definitely don't approve of that. To be fair he was extremely frustrated and probably doesn't mean the things he said, but that's no excuse.


I'm sure this brawl must be harsh for newer players, but it easily let me clear the Rogue daily I had yesterday with some Dark Iron Skulker. Now that I have my free pack, I want to try some more creative decks out with some of the underused cards instead of just running to the OTK cheese.

It's also annoying that Blizz can easily adjust the stats of these cards each week in these tavern brawls, but somehow it's too confusing to do so for the main game to make the meta less stupid and thinks it's better (at least for them) to solve things by prying more money out of our wallets with new cards.

I hope there's some significant changes on the horizon.


"well i'm at 4 health, i can probably survive one more turn with the taunts i have up....let's tap"


Also lost to a priest as demon reno because they thoughtstealed a doomguard that i didn't account for...



While the homophobic stuff is not cool, yeah it's a frustrating card to play against. It's a 6 mana 6/6 that puts up to 5 mana worth of secrets without having to RNG draw them. It's a super strong card with super strong chaining of secrets. I wouldn't mind if they only let it put up two random secrets from your deck up when played.
Secret Paladin wouldn't be much of problem if Paladin didn't have such a strong 1-2-3 curve. Because it would just be a solo 10-9 (after avenge + competitive spirit) and you can just BGH or whatever other removal your class might have. But if MC gets play while they already have the board then it's just lights out and hit the concede button.

MC is one of those cards where if Paladin is already winning it makes it impossible for you to come back unless you do something like (pyro>equality or equality consec > twisting nether (but too much mana), or a huge gigantic blade fury).

If they are losing then it's a 50/50 swing turn depending on do you have an answer for the 10-9. If you don't then it's a full swing turn and they now have control and if you do then game is pretty much over in your favor.

I played mainly Druid this month and I gotta say it just as bull shit as Secrets but it just a different kind of bull shit.


Naw, I don't think so. I am rank 15 each month and use custom decks because I in no way have enough cards for netdecks. I lack all essential legendaries. But I have all adveture cards. You can get rank 15 simply with mage and adventure cards and playing well. Nowadays it's Renolock because hey, an assortment of single good cards suddenly becomes reasonable :p
I also crafted two Death's Bite (common) and can now play a sort of Grim Patron which is fun.

I feel the true difference is, do you pay for the adventures or not? Because so much good and uncraftable is in them and paying for them with gold takes a long long time.

edited: because bullshit is an unnecessarily strong word for differing opinions, sorry
It's true that you can get to 15 (and higher) without the strongest netdecking, but generally I think it's where I stop encountering the random decks and can "recognise" the opponent's deck list with a good degree of reliability.

I'm proud to say that I'm still F2P on my account (save buying a single pack during the beta :D) and bought all the adventures and expansion cards I own with in-game gold and the dust gotten from duplicates and I'm not an infinite arena player or anything. That said, I have been playing regularly since the beta, so I just paid Blizzard with my time instead of my money. :p I can only imagine how tough it would be to build a sizable collection of cards if you started playing the game at a later date and wanted to stay F2P.

And it's not like I have all the cards, either. I'm still missing plenty of popular epics and only have the most crucial legendaries. Crafted Malygos most recently and Harrison Jones, Tirion Fordring and Bloodmage Thalnost are next on my list. :)


He had no board on turn 6 while the paladin had a taunted shredder, a weapon and a knife juggler before Dr 6 was played and he's upset that he lost?

Getting OTK by patron warrior pre-nerf, having your belcher silenced against face hunter when you finally stabilise and dying to RTH or getting comboed by a druid I can understand the frustration but with secret paladin you can react to Dr 6 on your turn. Just don't let them have board control and don't skimp on tech cards and board clears.

Besides druid and reno lock are way stronger.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I just accidentally made it to rank 5 without even playing much this month. All thanks to Renolock. Usually getting through ranks 8-6 is a pain the ass.

I'm on a winstreak in the middle of 7 and hopefully can wrap it up. Haven't been playing much constructed but I'm also using Renolock.

Should be fine as long as I dodge the druid army anyway. Haaaaate that matchup.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Forgot to get to rank 5 this month. Noticed it just two hours ago.

Secret paladin, from 13 to 5 in 1 ½ hours.

Still a good deck, I see.


One win away from rank 5...and I am against a mage that arcane missiled face turn one.

ladder is really dumb right now, I rarely played ladder this time of month before, I'm rank 1 and I get some really awful opponents. Like this zoo guy that literally donated his entire board to FoK+Blade Flurry with not playing argus on his eggs. lol. I could get legend tonight but I'm just so lazy to play this game.
Sometimes your opponent has literally all the perfect answers, your Flamewaker insists on going face and your flamecannon hits the divine shield of the jouster that won his joust because your Flamewaker refused to hit him in 4 shots.

He frostbolted my manawyrm
He flamecannoned my flamewaker
He fireballed my water elemental
He flamestriked my board when I thought I finally stabilized
He got Ysera awakens when that was the only card that would have gotten him lethal that turn

And then you have to just laugh, except I don't want to laugh, I want to bash my head against the wall. He spammed sorry but I think in this case he was actually seriously sorry for the shitload of luck he had.
The Paladin 10 mana murloc card is a moronic card but its truly bad because of the inclusion of Divine Favor and the fact you can have two of each. Nonsense.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
ladder is really dumb right now, I rarely played ladder this time of month before, I'm rank 1 and I get some really awful opponents. Like this zoo guy that literally donated his entire board to FoK+Blade Flurry with not playing argus on his eggs. lol. I could get legend tonight but I'm just so lazy to play this game.

This was probably the weirdest climb I've had yet.

This mage did turn 1 arcane missile to face, turn 2 mad bomber, turn 3 mad bomber. Then just chucked fireballs and shit at me while dropping stuff like loot hoarders and leper gnomes, and getting an ice block up. We're gonna be rich.

But I've seen a lot of weird shit. Multiple full blown aggro pallies(running leeroy etc), a mishmash of secrets with anyfin, hyper aggro discard zoo, overload dragon shaman(???)...i don't even know.

I'm the same though, usually get to 5 way earlier in the month, never saw how ridiculous it gets the last few days. I got to 5 anyway so...I guess I'd rather see this than normal combo druid. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I have 3 hp with no board, opponent has 8. Only two cards in my hand are both soulfires, prayed to RNGesus when I tapped to draw and managed to toss that one with the first soul fire. So intense!
This was pretty hilarious, thankfully I got a Frostbolt on my draw and was able to equalize the board on the next turn.

Had a question about this though:
I was hesitant on playing everything in my hand this turn, as it'd play into Flamestrike and I'd lose if he had it. On the other hand, if I didn't play everything he'd win on the board and I'd lose anyway. What would be the correct course of action here?

I ended up playing everything(frostbolted the tinkertown) and ended up winning, my logic was that if I played nothing I'd lose no matter what so I gambled it all on the fact that he didn't have flamestrike.

Also does mech mage even carry flamestrikes?
This was pretty hilarious, thankfully I got a Frostbolt on my draw and was able to equalize the board on the next turn.

Had a question about this though:
I was hesitant on playing everything in my hand this turn, as it'd play into Flamestrike and I'd lose if he had it. On the other hand, if I didn't play everything he'd win on the board and I'd lose anyway. What would be the correct course of action here?

I ended up playing everything(frostbolted the tinkertown) and ended up winning, my logic was that if I played nothing I'd lose no matter what so I gambled it all on the fact that he didn't have flamestrike.

Also does mech mage even carry flamestrikes?

Mech mage generally do not run flamestrike. And also mech mage is an aggro deck if you clear the board they will be top decking the rest of the way with no real card draw.

So you shouldn't be worried about playing around Flamestrike.

You can also see in the first picture he's going into turn 4 with 1 card in his hand. That is a sign of agression and that's he all in. Therefore doing everything you can to clear the board is the right move.


I'm glad I quickly got my win day 1, the more these brawls go the harder it becomes to get even 1 win if you're not capable of running the top decks. Yeah, there's a ton of basic and adventure cards that are pretty good, but they can't stand up to the Malygos/Alex/etc nonsense.

I am still running the deck I posted on the last page. I hit my 30 wins in brawl again in no time. I plan to hit the 100g mark each day of this brawl. So I don't get why people think it's getting hard to win. Yeah I have lost some games but not nearly as many as the 62 wins I now have for this brawl.


just like most brawls, mage is the best class.

malygos plus duplicates and faceless is too much. i had 5 malygos' in one game.

then there's the coldarra+maiden of the lake combo, play majordomo, ping it, then DIE INSECT.

oh and on top of that, you have to kill the mage 3 times because of ice block.

edit: dreadsteed rivendare kelthuzad is pretty fun too.


just like most brawls, mage is the best class.

malygos plus duplicates and faceless is too much. i had 5 malygos' in one game.

then there's the coldarra+maiden of the lake combo, play majordomo, ping it, then DIE INSECT.

oh and on top of that, you have to kill the mage 3 times because of ice block.

edit: dreadsteed rivendare kelthuzad is pretty fun too.

FoK, Dark Iron Skulker, Blade Flurry, Van Cleef.. sorry, Rogue is the best class for this one.


A neat illustration of the quality of deck building assistants like heartharena - someone ran constructed decks through it, here are the ratings:


Every single deck would likely eat arena decks for breakfast, yet the algorithm rates all of them as mediocre (just the druid deck is rated as kind of OK).

I am entering my decks on heartharena when I am playing from a phone even though I am not listening much to the suggestions, because the site shows what I picked - and I don't think any of my decks ever scored by their measure below 62-63, certainly never below 60. Yet none of my decks were even close to the constructed ones above.

Sum total: learn to build your own decks, period. The helpful algorithms are of very limited use. (FWIW, I think it is largely the same with various ranking lists.)


I will always be proud that none of my 300 paladin wins are with secret paladin. Ok theres still my golden druid with midrange druid that makes some people sad even if I dont think is on the same level of cancer or is even cancer at all.
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