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Hearthstone |OT5| Corrupted Deeprock Salt


My Brawl decklist right now. Thinking of building a less try-hard Priest deck after this, but I've had a lot of success with this so far. Refined it a bit from my original which I threw together in two minutes, and dumped a lot of excessive token removal.

Avenge × 1
Competitive Spirit × 1
Noble Sacrifice × 2
Haunted Creeper × 2
Wild Pyromancer × 1
Sword of Justice × 2
Muster for Battle × 2
Seal of Champions × 1
Questing Adventurer × 2
Silent Knight × 2
Blessing of Kings × 2
Consecration × 2
Keeper of Uldaman × 1
Quartermaster × 2
Stormpike Commando × 2
Justicar Trueheart × 1
Mysterious Challenger × 2
Tirion Fordring × 1

Still pretty messy, but it's working out for me. Originally, I'd put in Argent Squires because I thought the format made them amazing, and then I realized that they were still sort of bad compared to everything else with Divine Shield, so I took them out and put in Silent Knight, which has been working out as a consistent target for buffs assuming there's no AoE. Quartermasters are there because Justicar into recruit board flood can get out of hand quickly, and getting two out in the same turn if your opponent can't get rid of them is crazy.

No taunts, since I don't think there's much in my deck worth protecting and Consecration is probably more than adequate for most stuff.

Might actually take out Wild Pyro, though. I don't think I run enough spells and I've found that Paladin buffs don't lend themselves amazingly to the way this works since health is way more valuable than attack, though the Seal of Champions is pretty good for trading up on a buffed minion. And only one Keeper because I don't think Keeper is actually that valuable compared to all the other cards that buff other minions. I might get rid of it entirely, tbh.


chromaggus + arcane intellect combo on turn 4 wtf

all i wanted was the free pack but it looks like im never gonna get it, time for control warrior and praying

EDIT: well im vsing a face hunter atm, so we're doing good

EDIT EDIT: he conceded, thank god

from pack : Feral Spirit, Abomination, Shadowform


This brawl sucks. Turn 1 Boom and Jarraxus. Also getting sick of Brann+Boom flooding the board. Thank god someone screwed up on turn 1 and surrendered so I don't have to play this garbage anymore.


This brawl sucks. Turn 1 Boom and Jarraxus. Also getting sick of Brann+Boom flooding the board. Thank god someone screwed up on turn 1 and surrendered so I don't have to play this garbage anymore.

It is basically abuse Mysterious Challenger the brawl.
that dude's silent druid list on reddit is pretty sweet. its like a mix of handlock and druid combo. think it needs more draw....probably drop mukla and a chow for some wraths or something?

also i put a second divine favor in my secret paladin deck....it feels so dirty but sooooo goood.


So that Archon/Curse tournament: the Curse Trials was just announced for feb. 17.

No classic cards is interesting.

Players participating so far are:


Looking forward to it since we might end up in a meta without classic cards a month later.
Preview of things to come?

Man no classic cards would be curious. No Savage Roar/FoN, no Divine Favor, no Jaraxxus, no Ice Block, no Silence, no BGH etc.

Mad Scientist and MC wouldn't be as effective because we will have less secrets.


Preview of things to come?

Man no classic cards would be curious. No Savage Roar/FoN, no Divine Favor, no Jaraxxus, no Ice Block etc.

Mad Scientist and MC wouldn't be as effective because we will have less secrets.

Savage Roar is a basic card. So you could still play Egg Druid somewhat effectively. Loss of Power of the Wild would kinda suck though.


Savage Roar is a basic card. So you could still play Egg Druid somewhat effectively. Loss of Power of the Wild would kinda suck though.
Oh for some reason I thought Basic cards are included in classic since we got them together at start.

Also this Brawl might be the most broken shit ever.


In my eyes the mark of a good brawl is if you start engaging with your cards in new, interesting ways - in this case I just had a lot of fun designing decks full of cards I regularly pass over.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just had turn one alex, they had turn one alex coin onyxia. I had hogger and ysera, he had cenarius to buff.


Baron Geddon is OP as fuck here btw.



not a bad brawl pack if i do say. and also


something is wrong with that picture.


Junior Member
This is made for Druid so much. Power of the wild is so excellent here, as is Swipe. Add in some spellpower minions and off you go. Also, this is a "if I have all Legendaries, good luck winning" Brawl. Because yeah, stuff like Alex turn 1? Yikes.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
This is made for Druid so much. Power of the wild is so excellent here, as is Swipe. Add in some spellpower minions and off you go. Also, this is a "if I have all Legendaries, good luck winning" Brawl. Because yeah, stuff like Alex turn 1? Yikes.

Yup, basically just drop big battlecry minions and reaping the rewards. The match I mentioned earlier had turn one alex coin onyxia into turn 2 cenarius buff, which I can't imagine getting beat by anything.

what do u guys think about jungle panther in aggro priest? i feel like the more aggressive i get, the more the deck wins. 8-2 so far today building up to rank 10. of course panther can be taunted next turn which is a disadvantage, i feel like either adding panther would make the deck even more aggressive and even better. it rips secret pally and hunters, beat the gold face warrior i faced today as well. reno is an instaloss but other than that i'm pretty satisfied. not sure where to fit in some extra damage tho

i'm close to ditching boom as the deck is getting so aggressive that almost all of my wins are t6 and t7, but he always has to be dealt with esp if you holy fire the turn before and have decent health, then t8 you can throw a second holy fire and mindblast or 2x mindblast etc burst is very high and no one expects it


You guys really think Paladin is good in this Brawl? I have been wrecking with modified Freeze Mage. Online all I saw were Freeze Mage, Miracle Rogue and some Druid deck.

Though I am never playing this Brawl again. I did like that tokens and Deathrattle minions are also 1/1 which is something they have learned from past Brawls but this Brawl still feels like it wasn't play tested much.


You guys really think Paladin is good in this Brawl? I have been wrecking with modified Freeze Mage. Online all I saw were Freeze Mage, Miracle Rogue and some Druid deck.

Though I am never playing this Brawl again. I did like that tokens and Deathrattle minions are also 1/1 which is something they have learned from past Brawls but this Brawl still feels like it wasn't play tested much.

Shaman is better only because his 1/1 minions also has some ability that could eventualy help


Made a fun demonlock for this brawl. Floating watcher, dreadsteed, kelthuzad, demonwrath are insane.

I need to modify a few things because a lot of card I thought would be awesome were actually terrible because I didn't realize until playing that all summoned creatures were 1/1 so troggzor, sneeds were bad.

Turn 1 Dreadsteed....opponent concedes ROFL


Wow amazing brawl

Ronin+malygos+ arcane missiles, hobgoblins and kel thuzad, also crowd favs like Boom, Rafaam ( 10dmg split or give 10/10 ), ragnaros and some other random shit

easy wins already got 10 in a short timespan lol


This brawl is redic. Enemy priest put out a KT + Temple enforcer buff and spams greetings. North Sea Kraken MVP!

I don't know if I'd want to keep playing this brawl, but if I wanted to rack up wins I think strong pings like fire elementals/kraken + bounce effects would be how I'd do it.

Edit: Oh man just saw that questing adventurer pic, of course!


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
lol miracle with Questing Adventurer is pretty ridiculous here.

Dark Iron Skulker is also crazy good here.


queue up against MC pally, lose
quest up against anyfin pally....

why are there so many tryhard decks in unranked? if i wanted to vs this trash i would wrestle my way down to rank 3

im rank 16 why am i being queued up against legends


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
queue up against MC pally, lose
quest up against anyfin pally....

why are there so many tryhard decks in unranked? if i wanted to vs this trash i would wrestle my way down to rank 3

im rank 16 why am i being queued up against legends

Ranks me squat anymore. It's why they need to introduce tiers like StarCraft like silver gold and platinum in addition to ranks.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
That doesn't stop you from queuing into Legend players while not being Legend yourself.

In theory non ranked is suppose to have a match making system behind the scenes.

If a guy in legends loses way too much, could even play against guys on rank 25

That's any game though, and Blizz needs to take action.

To be fair I'd need to know more of what the poster really meant by being 16 and matched up against legends.


Imma just steal this. I tried doing like 30 legendaries for lulz... didnt work lol.

Have fun with it, I hit the 100 gold cap really fast with it. The last game I played with it turn one I was Alexed to 15 and still won. The sticky minions, heals, buffs, and card draw just kept coming.

Random screen shot from a game during that run. The mage ran his bomb bots into mine both went face and avenge went off on Dr. 1 lol he quit right after that
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