I feel like I'm making all the right plays. Dahbomb has been coaching my Arena play, and I got to an 8 win stream there with his help. I got to 5 Arena wins in a row solo, so I feel like my play decisions are pretty solid.Face deck. Any kind of aggro shit. Hunter/shaman/paladin.
Or just knowing how to play board and learn the cards in other netdecks. On my f2p account I've got to 10 using pretty much all basic/common cards before.
Having better cards help but knowing every card in your opponents deck helps more imo.
Doesn't matter what i have as long as i know every option you have on X turn.
Constantly talk to yourself like on the next turn his best play is "X" what is my best play against that.
I swear, 90% percent of the time my first draw is one of the two secrets in my deck. That's the mad scientist's job goddamit!.
The only golden hero I have is priest. I deserve a medal for that.
Sometimes all that salt pays off.legend NA!
my final boss was a mage that conceded three times to me, win trading legend feels good actually, thanks to him
I played oil rogue almost entirely here, he said he used a 'dark side' deck to get there so he didn't want to gate keep rank 1 players. Sometimes lucky.
On the flip side it's much harder to beat Secret Paladin. You can't always board clear a board that consists of stuff like Creepers, Shredders, Minibot and Secrets. You can't always BGH MC or even remove it. If Secret Paladin has board control right before MC comes down then they pretty much win the game. And it's not hard to get board control when you start games off with Minibot and Muster.
Mate you keep underselling Secredin from the exclusive perspective of a goddamn Midrange Paladin. You're using the same busted tools, building the same type of cancerous board, you're essentially playing the same deck just with different bombs.Turn 1 zombie chow and I can usually stop them getting a foothold, I just keep trading. If I can get to turn 6 with an empty board then I typically beat secret paladin. If they coin MC on turn 6 when they already have a shredder and a juggler on the board and a coghammer equipped then yeah you're going to lose but that's no different to many other decks that get a dream hand (especially aggro shaman recently) and you mulligan a hand of 4 and 5 drops and instead get Dr Boom and Sylvanas in your opening hand.
That said, MC should be a 4-4. Big enough that it can be BGHed if avenge lands on it.
Congrats!legend NA!
my final boss was a mage that conceded three times to me, win trading legend feels good actually, thanks to him
I played oil rogue almost entirely here, he said he used a 'dark side' deck to get there so he didn't want to gate keep rank 1 players. Sometimes lucky.
I've recently played a game in which 4 of my first 8 cards were my secrets and my scientists. So basically half my hand is useless.I swear, 90% percent of the time my first draw is one of the two secrets in my deck. That's the mad scientist's job goddamit!.
Mate you keep underselling Secredin from the exclusive perspective of a goddamn Midrange Paladin. You're using the same busted tools, building the same type of cancerous board, you're essentially playing the same deck just with different bombs.
I know this is gonna sound like a platitude, but you're gonna have to take a lot of losses if you want to step up your game. The important thing is to ensure that you are learning from each loss.
One thing that helped me was taking a class/archetype and sticking with it for a decent chunk of games. Like I wanted to learn lock so I rode Renolock for something like a hundred ladder games (wins *and* losses) straight. I spent a lot of early time losing to aggro just learning when was the appropriate time to heal/tap/put something on the board. Sticking with a deck for an extended period really helped me to identify what matchups I was strong/weak against.
Compare your turns after the opponent has reacted. Did you have another play? If you played X instead of Y would your position have been stronger or worse now? If it would have been even would it have cost more cards or fewer? If an opponent just won was there a card remaining in your deck that could have prevented it? If one of your cards were changed, would it be better or worse in that last matchup?
A loss streak can tilt anyone. But if you can look back and identify a learning moment, it makes it easier.
Oh, and of course, auto-squelch. It helps a lot.
This is excellent advice. Find a deck you enjoy and just keep playing.
This is excellent advice. Find a deck you enjoy and just keep playing.
What has changed?I've played since release and this is easily the worst era of the game. There's just far too much RNG for it to be fun to play and it's a terrible competitive game for those reasons. The game right now doesn't deserve to have big tournaments, it's awful.
Would this change make implosion to be a better designed card overall? I think Thijs suggested this.
if you hit for 4, you get 2 imps.
if you hit for 2, you get 4 imps.
I guess this makes it less esports material but it will help the card be less infuriating for both sides of it. It makes a lot of sense too, right now it's like you roll 2, you lose, you roll 4 you win, that's just awful to have this much RNG variance.
Unless you're like me and your favorite deck is midrange Shaman. Then you give up and sulk a lot.
I always liked Zoo, but I feel so vulnerable to removal. Plus, these days it seems to rely on Imp-Losion, which either wins the game singlehandledly or is useless.
I played six games and they were all either Control Priest or Face Hunter. It sapped my will to live. The Hunters I can deal with, it's always been this way, but these Priests. The games take forever. They just play Deathlord, Velen's and then removal until you hit fatigue. I guess I don't really understand what my answer can be to a Deathlord, most of the time. The only reliable way I can think of is Hunter's Mark, but even then you need something on board. Argh!
I'm really on tilt, I think.
Would this change make implosion to be a better designed card overall? I think Thijs suggested this.
if you hit for 4, you get 2 imps.
if you hit for 2, you get 4 imps.
I guess this makes it less esports material but it will help the card be less infuriating for both sides of it. It makes a lot of sense too, right now it's like you roll 2, you lose, you roll 4 you win, that's just awful to have this much RNG variance.
Would this change make implosion to be a better designed card overall? I think Thijs suggested this.
if you hit for 4, you get 2 imps.
if you hit for 2, you get 4 imps.
I guess this makes it less esports material but it will help the card be less infuriating for both sides of it. It makes a lot of sense too, right now it's like you roll 2, you lose, you roll 4 you win, that's just awful to have this much RNG variance.
Right now the randomness makes the card value vary somewhere around 2.5 - 6 mana. That can be a huge swing early on. I don't see how making it consistently worth 4 mana would be more random or annoying.That sounds even more random and annoying
Would this change make implosion to be a better designed card overall? I think Thijs suggested this.
if you hit for 4, you get 2 imps.
if you hit for 2, you get 4 imps.
I guess this makes it less esports material but it will help the card be less infuriating for both sides of it. It makes a lot of sense too, right now it's like you roll 2, you lose, you roll 4 you win, that's just awful to have this much RNG variance.
Just had a Hunter Arena draft with 3 legendaries, 2 unleash, and 2 animal companion. May King Krush, Elise Starseeker, and Arch-Thief Rafam lead me to at least 3 wins lol.
and the last one I got was Lorewalker Cho too. I'm pretty sure I'll never open something top tier from classic set ever at this point.
Record so far, for the past 7-8 months.
3x Lorewalker Cho
4x Nat Pagle
1x Gruul
1x King Mukla
1x Tinkermaster
Missing Millhouse, Nozdormu and The beast, probably my next ones.
Hey all. I just picked this game up a week ago. I'm getting stuck around Rank 18 in ladder. It just seems like everyone is stomping me with with significantly better decks. What's a cheap and effective deck I could use to get to Rank 15 by the this weekend?
Many decks are this way.Rank 7...sooo many freeze mages, but I've teched in Kezan Mystic x2 and I get 2 auto concedes once I stole ice block. Sad that an entire deck revolves around 1 card.
Many decks are this way.
Combo Druid revolves around SR + FoN.
Secret Paladin revolves around Mysterious Challenger
Dreadsteed deck revolves around Dreadsteed
Anyfin revolves around Anyfin
I understand a combination of cards being needed for the win, like Combo druid. But, Anyfin and MC decks can win games without their namesake cards ever being played. The decks' cards have good synergy, which makes it very potent. I've had plenty of games where my MC didn't drop until after I used all my secrets...and I still won because of secretkeeper, blessings, muster, etc.
Conversely, freeze mages spend 6 to 8 turns dropping frost nova, doomsayers, blizzard and card draw. No HP damage. No board presence. Once you mystic their Ice Block, 75% of the time they concede. Even though they have two, the entire hand revolves around that 1 card and the ensuing burst. Moreover, you have an ice block and their deck is setup for a one-time burst. After that, it's a wrap!
I had a lot of issues without the mystics in the deck, but once I finally stopped being stubborn and added them by removing one muster and a creeper, I've been consistently winning. Biggest issue was consistently getting the Kezan in hand, but Divine Favor made it easier since Freeze loves to stockpile cards.
I actually have a lot of fun playing vs freeze mages, probably because they're not so good at it so I win most of them. Either way the games are tense until the last second.
miladesn pls, that's what I've been suggesting since forever! Cutting down on variance and making it a more reliable and balanced card.Would this change make implosion to be a better designed card overall? I think Thijs suggested this.
if you hit for 4, you get 2 imps.
if you hit for 2, you get 4 imps.
I guess this makes it less esports material but it will help the card be less infuriating for both sides of it. It makes a lot of sense too, right now it's like you roll 2, you lose, you roll 4 you win, that's just awful to have this much RNG variance.